Less than 24 hours after the Islamic State stoned a woman to death on the charge of adultery in the town of Tabaqa, in Raqa province, news comes out again that the new “caliphate” has stoned to death yet another woman on the same charge in Raqa.
A source said that the Islamic State announced that they would be stoning the second woman in public, but few of the locals — who were earlier described as being “in a state of terror” — appeared to participate, so IS had its own jihadis do the actual stoning.
Some Arabic media post the above picture, saying it is from this latest stoning.
jesus said something about casting stones
He also said he came not to bring peace (interesting that the pedophile limb-choppers bring ‘peace’) but a sword. What do you think he was warning his followers about and why do you think he armed them?
The Quran, Sura 4, vs 16 – States both the man and woman are to be punished – by confinement to their homes unless they repent and promise not to sin again in which case nothing is to be done because Allah want repentance
Don’t simplify (“Stoning has nothing to do with Islam”? Really?)
Mainstream Islam (represented by the Sunni law schools) does not only follow the Quran, but also the Sunna and Sira. Deriving concrete punishments for sins like adultery / fornication, is based on a complicated synopsis of verses from Quran and Hadith. The Hadith know of many examples where Muhammad, the perfect man and example for all Muslims, himself ordered to stone a woman for adultery. See examples in http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/Quran/001-adultery_punishment.htm
Yet Muhammad had more than 1 wife and a football team of children by many DIFFERENT women…….. <<<<Who is he to judge or sentence to death when his "WAY OF LIFE" don't line up with Islamic law????? <<<I'm baffled!!!
That was abrogated by the following verse, revealed later to Muhammad, changing the previous sentence for the crime.
Quran:024.002: “The woman and the man guilty of adultery or
fornication, flog each of them with a hundred stripes: Let not
compassion move you in their case, in a matter prescribed by God, if ye
believe in God and the Last Day: and let a party of the Believers
witness their punishment.”
Stoning for the Married person was instituted later by God’s Messenger, based on the command of Allah, as he said “whatever opinion i have of everyday (non religious matters), I may be right or I may be wrong, but what I give you from Allah (things pertaining to religion, Sharia, etc) take it. (Paraphrased correct meaning)
It seems the stoning is more cultural than Islamic
wrong it’s an islamic thing
You are correct. There are too many apologists out there, so from the horses mouth, so to speak, all Muslims who are in any way connected to the Sunnah of the Prophet believe in Stoning for the Adulterer. The issue is whether it can be carried out without there being a legitimate Islamic State, (no), and are there presently any true Islamic states in existence (Jury’s still out).
Some judicial stoning or amputation is the first thing they do when they come to power. The obvious purpose is to terrorize the population. If you haven’t noticed this before then you are either naive or wilfully blind.
Yeah, thats the whole point, it’s a deterrent, to help solidify and protect the society’s foundation ie; the family, which is much more important than the “human rights” of one criminal. Just think of us like Vulcans: ”The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.”
Oh pulleese, do you think the vermin who stone women, hack off peoples fingers, hands, feet, genitals and heads have the least interest in justice? The pedophile cult of Mohammed obliterated entire civilisations and reduced them all to destitution, savagery and idiocy. It is not righteous men who have sex with children. It is not righteous men who make their living by raiding, robbing and enslaving people. The vermin cult of Mohammed is entirely destructive. Facts are against you and that is why Islam has abolished the truth.
Let these vermin go one-on-one against a company of Marines.
Study the Sirah (biography of The Prophet) if you truly want to know about it. There is a wonderful version that reads very easily called “The Sealed Nectar”. It won several awards and will serve you well if you truly care to learn about what you are attempting to speak on.
Are you denying that dirty mo was a child rapist who made his living as a slaver? You will find it is pretty clear from his pedophile snuff manifesto, the Quran. Aside from being a chaotic, simple-minded, one-dimensional diatribe of psychotic threats and lewd promises, it’s pretty clear. Even imbeciles and criminals manage to grasp what the dirty pedo limb-chopping cult of Islam is all about.
Amen Amen Amen!!!
It’s called murder.
“Anyone who knows about Islam knows that stoning is Islamic law. There are people who call it inhuman, but in doing so, they insult the prophet”
Marisol Seibold
It Takes really brave pig-men to stone women. I guess only male Muslims qualify for that rank.
This is so sad a slow, painful death..
I think it’s likely more painful to the observer, speaking as a person who has actually had several good sized stones thrown at me, more of a really bad neighborhood thing than a religious one, I can say that the first one to hit you in the head knocks you out cold, you don’t feel shit after that.
Oh geesh!!!! Sorry to hear that!! I grew up in a rough hood too!!!