Another Coptic female was kidnapped by Muslims in Egypt earlier this week.
The 20-year-old Christian youth was on her way to St. George Church in Sohag governate during the early morning but never returned, according to her brother during a video interview.
The family later received a phone call from a certain “Muhammad” who said that if they wanted to see the girl again they’d have to ransom her for 250,000 Egyptian pounds.
When her brother went to the authorities, the head captain told him, “So what, one Coptic girl missing? Look at how many millions of Muslims are dying in Palestine. Who would’ve thought so many millions of Muslims would die in Syria? And you’re bothering us about one girl?”
When her brother said “That’s not our issue, these are different countries, we are here to find our missing sister,” the captain, somewhat sarcastically responded, “Sure, go right ahead, look on.”
The family went to another police department but they responded in the same way—again mentioning how Muslims are dying, so how can they worry about one missing Christian girl?
According to her brother, not one person in authority did a single thing; nor did they even pretend that they would.
He concluded by saying that, word among people in the street is that there is a certain sheikh, living in a certain street, who has many kidnapped girls. The police know exactly about him, and yet no one is doing anything about it.
“…millions of Muslims are dying in Palestine”. Typical.
In Syria they’re dying at the hands of other Muslims. In Palestine they’re dying at the hands of Jews. Yet it’s all Copts’ fault.
And they always say “millions” or “thousands every day”. It’s so funny how ignorant Islamists are and how huge their victimhood complex is.
Hey, Islamists, next time you’re mad about one Muslim suffering “discrimination” or whatever in the West, don’t expect justice, because of those “millions” (in reality 100,000-400,000, but whatever) of Christians in West Papua dying (at the hands of Muslims, even!). And you care about one Muslim?!
(God, I feel so bad that Muslims have to deal with these stupid Islamists and their bullshit. Reformist Muslims are literally the bravest people I can think of…)