What relationship does the Islamic State have to Islam?
“Absolutely nothing” is the answer almost every Western politician gives. For example, U.S. President Obama adamantly stated in a televised speech that the Islamic State “is not Islamic.”
This begs the question: How does one determine what is—and is not—Islamic?
The traditional answer, the Islamic answer, has been as follows:
What do the core texts and scriptures of Islam say about the thing in question, call it “X”? Does the Koran, believed by Muslims to contain the literal commands of Allah, call for or justify X? Do the hadith and sira texts—which purport to record the sayings and deeds of Allah’s prophet, whom the Koran (e.g., 33:21) exhorts Muslims to emulate in all ways—call for or justify X?
If any ambiguity still remains concerning X, the next question becomes: what is the consensus (ijma‘) of the Islamic world’s leading authorities concerning X? Here one must often turn to the tafsirs, or exegeses of Islam’s most learned men—the ulema—and consider their conclusions. Muhammad himself reportedly said that “My umma [Islamic nation] will never be in agreement over an error.”
For example, the Koran commands believers to uphold prayers; accordingly, all are agreed that Muslims need to pray. Yet the Koran does not specify how many times. In the hadith and sira, however, Muhammad makes clear believers should pray five times. And the ulema, having considered all these texts, are agreed that Muslims are to pray five times a day.
Thus, it is most certainly Islamic for Muslims to pray five times a day.
But while both Western politicians and Islamic apologists readily accept such methodology to determining what is Islamic—prayer is in the Koran, Muhammad clarified its implementation in the hadith, and the ulema are agreed to it—whenever the thing in question deals with anything that makes Islam “look bad,” then the aforementioned standard approach to ascertaining what is Islamic is wholly ignored.
Let us consider some of the most extreme acts committed by the Islamic State—beheadings, crucifixions, enslavements, sexual predations, massacres, and the persecution of religious minorities—and put them to the test, see if they fill the same criteria, see if they are Islamic or not, especially in the context of jihad, which has its own set of rules.
The Islamic State beheads “infidels,” including women and children. This aspect of the Islamic State has provoked horror around the world.
Is it Islamic?
The Koran calls for the beheading of Islam’s enemies, especially in the context of war, or jihad: “When you encounter infidels on the battlefield, strike off their heads until you have crushed them completely” (47:4). Another verse states: “I will cast terror into the hearts of infidels—so strike off their heads and strike off all of their fingertips [i.e., mutilate them]” (8:12).
As for the other criteria—the example or Sunna of the prophet and the consensus of the umma—Timothy Furnish, author of the 2005 essay, “Beheading in the Name of Islam,” writes:
The practice of beheading non-Muslim captives extends back to the Prophet himself. Ibn Ishaq (d. 768 C.E.), the earliest biographer of Muhammad, is recorded as saying that the Prophet ordered the execution by decapitation of 700 men of the Jewish Banu Qurayza tribe in Medina for allegedly plotting against him. Islamic leaders from Muhammad’s time until today have followed his model. Examples of decapitation, of both the living and the dead, in Islamic history are myriad…. For centuries, leading Islamic scholars have interpreted this verse [decapitation verse, 47:4] literally…. Many recent interpretations remain consistent with those of a millennium ago.
As for crucifying people, which the Islamic State has been doing regularly, Koran 5:33 asserts that “the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land.”
Accordingly, crucifixions are common throughout Islamic history. After Islam’s prophet died in 632, many Arabs were accused of apostasy. The first caliph, Abu Bakr, launched a jihad campaign on them, and many “apostates” were crucified as an example to the rest. In the book Witnesses For Christ: Orthodox Christian Neomartyrs of the Ottoman Period 1437-1860, crucifixion is listed as one of the many forms thousands of Christians were executed by the Muslim Turks.
More dramatically, in her memoir, Ravished Armenia, Aurora Mardiganian described how in the early twentieth century she saw 16 girls crucified, vultures eating their corpses: “Each girl had been nailed alive upon her cross, spikes through her feet and hands,” wrote the Armenian survivor. “Only their hair blown by the wind covered their bodies.”
More recently, people (including children) have been crucified by self-proclaimed jihadis in the name of Islam in countries as diverse as the Ivory Coast and Yemen.
Slavery and Rape
What of slavery—especially the enslavement of non-Muslim women for sexual purposes—which the Islamic State has been engaged in?
Again, from the highest scriptural authority in Islam—the Koran—to the greatest role model for Muslims—Muhammad; from Islamic history to current events, the sexual enslavement of “infidel” women is a canonical aspect of Islamic civilization.
Koran 4:3 permits men to have sex with “what your right hands possess,” a term categorically defined by the ulema as “infidel” women captured during the jihad.
The prophet of Islam himself kept and copulated with concubines conquered during the jihad. One captured Jewish woman, Safiya bint Huyay, was “married” to Muhammad right after the prophet had tortured her husband to death to reveal hidden treasure.
And before this, Muhammad’s jihadis had slaughtered Safiya’s father and brothers.
Unsurprisingly, she later confessed that “Of all men, I hated the prophet the most—for he killed my husband, my brother, and my father,” right before marrying (or, less euphemistically, raping) her.
Khalid bin Walid—the “Sword of Allah” and hero for aspiring jihadis around the world—raped another woman renowned for her beauty, Layla, on the battlefield—right after he severed her “apostate” husband’s head, lit it on fire, and cooked his dinner on it.
What of wide-scale massacres? In this video, for example, the Islamic State appears herding, humiliating, and marching off hundreds of male hostages (the number often given is 1,400) to their trenches, where Islamic State members proceed to shoot them in the head—all while the black flag of Islam waves.
In fact, the prophet himself ordered merciless massacres of “infidels.” After the battle of Badr, where Muhammad and the first Muslims prevailed over their enemies, Muhammad ordered the execution of a number of hostages. When one of the hostages, ‘Uqba, implored the prophet to spare him, saying “But who will look after my children, O Muhammad?” the latter responded, “Hell.”
More famously, Muhammad ordered the execution of approximately 700 Jewish men from the Banu Qurayza tribe. According to the sira account, after the Jewish tribe surrendered to his siege, Muhammad had all the men marched off to where ditches were dug and promptly executed by beheading—just like the Islamic State marched off and executed its victims near trenches in the video.
The Islamic State is even responsible for resurrecting a distinctly Islamic institution that was banned in the 19th century thanks to the intervention of colonial powers: “dhimmitude,” that is, exacting tribute (jizya) from conquered Christians and Jews and subjecting them to live as third-class citizens who must embrace a host of debilitating and humiliating measures, including not to build or repair churches, not to ring church bells or worship loudly, not to display crosses, not to bury their dead near Muslims, etc.
These measures are also derived from the core texts of Islam. Koran 9:29 calls on Muslims to fight the “People of the Book” (interpreted as Christians and Jews) “until they pay the jizya with willing submission and feel themselves subdued.” And the Conditions of Omar—named after one of the “righteous caliphs”—explains how they are to “feel themselves subdued,” that is, the exact way the Islamic State decreed.
Past and present ulema are confirmed that Koran 9:29 and the Conditions of Omar mean what they plainly say. Thus, according to Saudi Sheikh Marzouk Salem al-Ghamdi speaking during a Friday mosque sermon:
If the infidels live among the Muslims, in accordance with the conditions set out by the Prophet—there is nothing wrong with it provided they pay Jizya to the Islamic treasury. Other conditions [reference to Conditions of Omar] are … that they do not renovate a church or a monastery, do not rebuild ones that were destroyed … that they rise when a Muslim wishes to sit… do not show the cross, do not ring church bells, do not raise their voices during prayer …. If they violate these conditions, they have no protection.
Based on the above exposition, it is false to say, as President Obama does, that the Islamic State “is not Islamic.” Indeed, even in the most savage of details—including triumphing over the mutilated corpses of “infidels” and laughing while posing with their decapitated heads—the Islamic State finds support in the Koran and stories of the prophet.
It is dishonest to accept the methodology of Islamic jurisprudence—is X part of the Koran, hadith, sira, and does it have consensus among the ulema?—but then to reject this same methodology whenever X is something that makes Islam look “bad.”
In the context of jihad, all that the Islamic State is doing—beheadings, crucifixions, massacres, sexual enslavements, and the subjugation of religious minorities—is Islamic.
oh boy, it clear as day to me; of course, there is a close relationship between ISIS and Islam. Why are so many putting their heads in the sand, to live in denial is not helping the situation.
The inability or refusal by western “leaders” to ascribe such behavior as islamic is, in and of itself, submission to Islam. It is in complete accord with the Islamic concept and definition of slander and libel. In the West, the ultimate defense against a charge of slander and libel is the truth. If what you say or write about someone is true, it is neither slander nor libel, regardless of the consequences to that person or group. In Islam, slander and libel is defined as saying or writing something about someone else which that person would rather others not know and which would portray them in a bad light. In refusing to speak the truth, western leaders are being Islamic and in complete accord with the sharia. Whether or not they are aware of this is entirely another matter.
I am sure that Obama is very aware of it, as he grew up under Islam for at least part of his childhood.
President Barack Hussein Obama is, at best, an apologist for Mohammedanism and is, I suspect, a Mohammedan manqué.
pronounced ‘Mohammedan monkey’ ?
Barry Soetoro-aka Obama (or whatever other alias this man used in his climb to power) is a CHIEF community organizzer of Muslim Brotherhood inspired jihad against America. Their stated goal is “to infiltrate America and destroy Western civilziation from within, to establish the only true religion of ISlam to rule over all others.” They are already in the Whtie house ;-)!
He needs to be impeached and tried for treason…before he destroys not only US but the entire Western civilization. You may have to buy burkhas and put your but in the air 5 times/day, id Obama’s open gates to Muslilms continues.
weird thing is, he is going on unabated.
20 years ago no on e would dare to argue that hussein is not a muslim…what happened to common sense…
Egyptian media reported a year ago that they have doccuments proving that Obama is a MEMBER of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is again banned in Egypt but still legal in USA. USA is very tolerant of the OTHER, which is dangerous when this OTHER (MUSLIMS) want to conwquer America and subdue all other people, just as ISIS does.
Obama may have joined MB, either in Los Angeles in 1979-1981 when he was a student at the Occidental college(probably as a foreign Indonesian citizen getting a scholarship), where also Mohamed Morsi joined while doing his PhD in engineering at the USCLA. It would be good if CIA, FBI and INS investigates his whereabouts from 19079-1983…especially when from 1981-1983 he supposedly was at the Columbia university but nobody except his “roomate” ever saw him there.
Barry Soetoro may have been getting ready for the jihad against the Western civilizaiton with his Saudi King, to whom he bowed a couple of years ago, and cut short his trip ti Indin on February 27 when all good people were commemorating leberation of Auschwitz. Obama was bowhing to the new master, new Saudi king who already followed the family tradition of Mohame in beheading.
Barry Soetoro Aka Barack Insane Obama is a Muslim Liar and Deceiver! On his speech about ISIS, HE CLEARLY LIED WHEN HE SAID ISIS WAS NOT ISLAMIC! He’s Truly A Dangerous Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing! On over 196 countries in the world, who do you think Obastard just gave $212 Millions? Hint: a hell whole! Palestine! Where do you think the American Tax payer’s money will end up like usual? Yes, HAMAS to purchase More Rockets to fire in Israel!
Barry’s father was a muslim, which makes him one also.
that kenian looser is not his father…I also doubt story about his “mother”
Great article, Thank you.
Western leaders are showing that they are submissive to islam in failing to accept that islam was founded on terror.
It is not just western politicians, but also people of America and Europe were bamboozled by taqiyya and kitman-Islamic principles of lying to promote Islam. Just look at Barack hussein OBama who invents non-existant “contributions” of Islam to American society and hides the fact that pirates of Berberi coast (Muslims) were responsible for Jefferson getting US Navy to deal with those followers of Mohamed.
Thomas Jefferson obtained Koran (whcih Obama falsely praised as evidence of Jefferson’s “respect for Islam”), to underssand what kind of asinine “religion” teaches that stealing, and looting is a “duty” of a good Muslim, just as now we see beheadings of ISIS, which are only following the family tradition of Mohamed who in 627 AD beheaded 900 Jewish men from Medina, looted their property and took their women and children into slavery which iw widely poracticed even today (mostly abducging young girls for sex slavery).
Muslims raiders in Africa cought black men and sold them to ship captains to be taken to America, but their main “cutormers” were slave markets in Istambul, Jida and others, and such markets are stiull in existence in most of thsoe countries, but hidden from media. Check it out! That is the TRUE NATURE OF ISLAM, which is NOT COMPATIBLE with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights but the Muslims had learneed how to lie about it! Jihad is now conducted in our mkidest where Muslims were allowed to invade and create no-go zones which follow sharia, which is drastic Islamic “justice” not suitable for human consumption.
You are pulling verses out of context. Every society has to go to war, otherwise that society perishes. Yet there must be rules for war and warfare. These are the rules according to the Quran.
190. And fight in the cause of God those who fight you, but do not commit aggression; God does not love the aggressors.
191. And kill them wherever you overtake them, and expel them from where they had expelled you. Oppression is more serious than murder. But do not fight them at the Sacred Mosque, unless they fight you there. If they fight you, then kill them. Such is the retribution of the disbelievers.
192. But if they cease, then God is Forgiving and Merciful.
193. And fight them until there is no oppression, and worship becomes devoted to God alone. But if they cease, then let there be no hostility except against the oppressors.
source: http://www.clearquran.com/002.html
that is true…every society has to go to war…and our society has every right to beat muslims down to a pulp
Only traitors would let muslims stay in their countries . THEY will out breed the local population and eventually conquer that country. The atrocities by muhamed should be taught in schools. THIS is not a religion , it is a evil cult .