Federico Gaon, a journalist for Infobae, an Argentine news website, recently asked me a number of questions which were translated and published here.
A year ends and another begins, and the Middle East long could occur from year to year. So much so, that four years into the “Arab Spring”, the expected wave of democratization among Muslim countries was swept by civil war and a strong Islamist resurgence. Since then, many questions surround the issues related to this controversial area. To try to clarify the picture, Infobae consulted several experts to briefly share their views on the current situation and forecasts for 2015.
American specialist in Islam and the Middle East
1. In your view, what are the prospects facing the Middle East in 2015? (Likely scenarios)
2. In general terms, how would you assess the situation of the religious minorities in the Middle East. Will it improve or worsen in 2015?
3. Looking back, how do you assess the “Arab Spring” ? Can we expect positive outcomes in 2015? Do you think ISIS will be defeated?
This war is about breaking an idea – the idea of Islam. It is not about breaking people and things or about acquiring or denying territory. Raymond Ibrahim is right. ISIS and Al Qaeda are merely units in the Jihad. Many others will spring up to carry out the mission. Others that, like ISIS, won’t care about our rules of warfare.