Catalonia, Spain. To screams of “Allahu Akbar!” and “You will all die!”—an unruly and violent young Moroccan man resisted arrest and tried to steal a police officer’s weapon.

On January 9, the Regional Police ‘Mossos d’Esquadra’ arrested Moroccan-born 18-year-old Omar S. in Manresa.
According to Cadena Ser, who had access to the police report, the man was yelling jihadi slogans such as “Allahu Akbar!” and “You will all die!” The detainee further attempted to snatch the gun of the policeman trying to apprehend him and smashed to pieces the windows of the police car.
The incident occurred on Friday afternoon when the young man violently broke into a grocery shop on Barrera Manresa Street, where he tried to acquire a knife. The owners threw him out and alerted the police.
By the time Mossos patrol identified the man, he was walking up and down the street screaming in Spanish: “I am a Muslim and Allah is great!”
According to the police report, the Muslim man tried to escape by pushing the two auxiliary agents, but they intercepted him a few meters down the road. When they tried to immobilize him, the man began shouting more Islamic slogans.
Then he put his hand on the pistol grip of one of the Mossos and forcefully struggled to get it out of the safety sheath, according to the police report. The officer hit him on the wrist to get his hand off and managed to handcuff him.
According to the same story accessed by SER Catalonia, during his transfer, the man smashed the side and rear windows of the patrol car. Police ended up tying him with tape and moving him to another patrol car to transfer him to the General Hospital of Manresa, where he was sedated.
During the transfer, he kept shouting things like, “You killed my brothers in Paris. I’m going to kill everyone. Christians, you will die!”
Later, he was administered comprehensive tests to ascertain if he was under the influence of drugs or suffered from a mental illness. Before this incident, he was in the Juvenile Facility Estribos de Sant Salvador de Guardiola, where he had tried to propagate ideas of holy war and jihad among other youths of North African origin, explained the Mossos.
“You killed my brothers in Paris. I’m going to kill everyone. Christians, you will die!”
This comes directly from their holy book, if you kill one it is as if you kill them all.
Great, then kill them all, it worked in Argentina…..
What I find ironic is, if we kill one of theirs, they kill us. They kill one of theirs, or they kill themselves, they don’t care. They don’t care about their own people, just themselves, and hating on the Western Civilized world
Islam has not exited out of the dark ages yet or perhaps it never will!
yes and a “trickster”.
This is why I believe that Islam, will be the majority and ruling the world right before the Second Coming of Christ because Allah is Satan, and the Quran is Satan’s brainwashing material to kill God’s chosen people, the Jews, and those who accepted God’s Son, Christians.” It makes sense.
All the scripts in this video were translated wrong from Arabic. If you really want to criticize Quran, then you have to learn Arabic. I learned Aramaic to read the old scripts of the Bible, when I discovered it was totally diverted after translated it to Latin.
The poor Moroccan might be mentally unstable: it seems an unfortunate by-product of first-cousin marriages. But all the mental instability tends in the selfsame direction: kill the Jews, kill the Christians. And it must be very expensive to run all those special schools & prison facilities with Qur’ans, prayer mats & halal food supplied.
Hey! If you lived seven to eight hundred miles from any other family, and had only one camel, you’d do your sister too!
that poor camel…
And all those miles just sand … hmmm, yes, & the poor camel, Uppity … it would serve along the way …
Yeah, he was under the influence of the mental illness known as Islam.
These morons are so stupid, that they do things like this and get themselves arrested and off the street. They blow themselves up and reduce their army by one every time. They kill and maim their own people out of stupid religious “laws.” On top of all this, they are making enemies of the entire world. I have the feeling their days are numbered.
Another muslims violent and dangerous to Western World. Just forbid Islam everywhere, a total repatriation is the only solution. Without a total repatriation, we will always face scenarios like Paris, Madrid, London 7/7, among more.
In a few decades we could face the fate of Christians and Yesidis in Iraq under the DAIISH (also known as ISIS). That’s right genocide, religious cleansing. After another 500 years the “European” Muslims will claim Islam spread in Europe peacefully. By then, who would argue otherwise, would be blasphemous, islamophob and will receive the just punishment of beheading.
So is the religion of peace.
Muslims also said that they were attacked during the Crusades. Nope. They fail to acknowledge that the Crusades were a defensive war. Christian soldiers, Knights Templars, were sent to the Middle East to protect Christian Pilgrims from crazy Muslims who were slaughtering them, because Israel “was their rightful land.”
Later, he was administered comprehensive tests to ascertain if he was
under the influence of drugs or suffered from a mental illness.
Is there any chance they might test his genitals to see if they run on mains electricity?
Of course, the Spanish leftists will accuse the police of “Islamophobia.”
No need to test for mental illness, he already admitted to being a Muslim, which is the equivalent of admitting you have a serious psychological issues.