In an article I wrote nearly four months ago titled “Does Obama Need ‘Time to Defeat or Forget ISIS?” I argued that, based on precedent, the Obama administration will do everything to stall a decisive confrontation with the Islamic State, and concluded by saying: “Obama’s call for ‘time’ appears to be less about a true need and more about getting Americans to forget about the Islamic State, at least until he is out of office.”
And now this:
President Obama unveiled a national security strategy on Friday [Feb. 6] that called for “strategic patience” and warned against American “overreach” — an approach that drew criticism as some lawmakers say the rising threat from the Islamic State demands a more urgent response.
The 29-page document is meant to serve as a blueprint for Obama’s final two years in office…
Yet the long-awaited security agenda included no major course changes in the military campaign against Islamic State militants or in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The document acknowledged serious threats abroad – and reiterated that, for the Islamic State, the goal is to “ultimately defeat” the terror group – but was imbued with a sense of restraint.
“The challenges we face require strategic patience and persistence,” the document said.
That line drew a rebuke from Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., who suggested the approach will only embolden America’s rivals.
“I doubt ISIL, the Iranian mullahs, or Vladmir Putin will be intimidated by President Obama’s strategy of ‘strategic patience.’ From their point of view, the more ‘patience’ President Obama practices the stronger they become,” he said in a statement. “The Obama Doctrine, or ‘strategic patience,’ has led to a world in chaos. … Applying more ‘patience’ to President Obama’s failed foreign policy just prolongs failure.”
The National Security Strategy was released a day after Obama made controversial remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast appearing to draw comparisons between Islamic State atrocities and bloody acts committed by Christians – hundreds of years ago.
clearly Obama will do nothing about the ISIS threat even though he is responsible for creating ISIS by deserting Iraq prematurely before U.S had finished their work
Obama is a Fucken Pussy an his mother is tainted,nasty Bitch.