Boko Haram leader Abubakr Shekau appears in the following video mocking America and others for being “so concerned about those girls,” a reference to the 276 Nigerian girls that Boko Haram kidnapped last April.
Shekau was probably puzzled why, of all of his Islamic organization’s acts of terror targeting Christians, this particular kidnapping gained so much mainstream media attention in the West. The reason, it seems, is that the MSM, which often ignores Muslim attacks on Christians, believed that these girls were Muslim, and so reported the kidnapping as it fit their narrative, namely that Boko Haram terror does not discriminate between Christians and Muslims.
In fact, the girls were overwhelmingly Christian. It was just another Boko Haram attack targeting Christians — very minor compared to other attacks (hence Shekau’s bewilderment at Western media concern). After the kidnapping, Shekau declared on video, “I abducted your girls. I will sell them on the market, by Allah….There is a market for selling humans. Allah says I should sell.”
Raymond, why do they win every time? It hurts me