The Islamic State has poisoned the water stations of Anbar, Iraq, where it also recently burned another 50 people alive in their cages.
According to Tahrir News, several people got very sick though no casualties were reported.
It should be noted that the Islamic State earlier threatened to try to poison the water in the West.
I’ve had enough! I’ve had enough long time ago actually. I call out to You, all Christians in the world, let us unite in a worldwide fast and prayer day against the islamic forces taking over people’s lives and countries! How much longer can we just sit and watch? We can be there with them, fight alongside them, do more than ever imagined if we unite and pray desperately together. Let’s supplicate for the hand of God to move, to show Its might, to twart the plans of the Enemy, to convert to Christianity our worst enemies! You have not because yo ask not. You shall seek me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. I am not going down without a fight! Sheep of the Lord, let’s do it!
I created a FB page, ‘Worldwide fast and prayer’. Please join it, pass this on, it needs to reach the ends of the Earth. China has between 80- 245 million Christians! We need their prayers as well
Time for prayers have gone.
Carpet bombing, unrelenting carpet bombing is the way. Break the IS, break the will of their supporters, totally and utterly, once and for all.
prayer alone is not going to work…..we need to kill them all
It may seem of little or no importance in the light of all that is happening, but whoever is supplying the jumpsuits and the cages for holding for burning slaughter is also guilty. These monsters, agents and servants of satan, will not go unpunished.
Christ will soon come with His holy angels in a flaming fire to bring retribution and tribulation to those who are doing these things (2 Thess.1). No one evil will escape to begin again another day.
Prayer for this to happen, and soon, is the answer.