The following picture stills are from a new propaganda video issued by the Islamic State. It shows several captured Kurdish Peshmerga fighters being humiliated and in cages awaiting their execution by burning — like the Jordanian fighter pilot before them. It should be noted that burning humans alive, while common throughout Islamic history — see this particularly graphic anecdote from almost a century ago — was especially reserved for apostates (see the “burning fatwas“). And to the Islamic State, the Pesherga captives, just like the Jordanian pilot, are seen as apostates from Islam fighting the true caliphate. After all, Kurds are Sunni, and by resisting the Islamic State, they “expose” their apostasy — or so IS logic goes.
Oh God
I’ve had enough! I’ve had enough long time ago actually. I call out to You, all Christians in the world, let us unite in a worldwide fast and prayer day against the islamic forces taking over people’s lives and countries! How much longer can we just sit and watch? We can be there with them, fight alongside them, do more than ever imagined if we unite and pray desperately together. Let’s supplicate for the hand of God to move, to show Its might, to twart the plans of the Enemy, to convert to Christianity our worst enemies! You have not because yo ask not. You shall seek me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. I am not going down without a fight! Sheep of the Lord, let’s do it!
I created a FB page, ‘Worldwide fast and prayer’. Please join it, pass this on, it needs to reach the ends of the Earth
Fasting and praying don’t work.
Who has said this to you, Ernie? Moses changed God’s mind through desperate prayer, as long as Moses’ hands were lifted us to God, they were winning the battle. Maybe you mean it is not enough – but prayer is the most we can do. Prayer, desperate prayer will move the hand of God, open eyes that are blind, change hearts and minds. We must try this, Ernie, standing on God’s promises.
Prayer is
literally the least you can do. It’s right above “doing nothing” on
the list. There’s nothing more narcissistic than being sure that you are built
in the image of an all-powerful Creator-God, and that same God answers your
prayers, knows your name, and has a personal relationship with you.
….then ignores more worthy prayers like raped kids
or hungry people.
What if you believed humans were connected because…they were humans. Do you believe in any supernatural anything in the world? What are your thoughts about the dead? You live you die…period? What would it matter, if that was the case, if you raped, pillaged, and killed? There would be no reason to think about it. Everyone dies, so what difference would it matter how? I believe in prayer, I just want to know, since you seem to have a strong opinion about it, what you believe. Only fair.