Raymond Ibrahim on Islamic State’s Bloodlust for Christians 03/05/2015 by Raymond Ibrahim 2 Comments On March 2, I was interviewed on Issues, Etc., with Todd Wilken. Topics included why the Islamic State hates Christians so, the doctrinal roots of this animus, its appeal, and more. Click here to listen to the 20-minute interview. Share this:PrintTelegramFacebookTwitterPinterestLike this:Like Loading...
billobillo54 says 03/09/2015 at 6:28 PM Thanks for the interview. Informative, as we’ve come to expect. Loading... Reply
billobillo54 says 03/09/2015 at 9:28 PM Thanks for the interview. Informative, as we’ve come to expect. Loading... Reply
Thanks for the interview. Informative, as we’ve come to expect.
Thanks for the interview. Informative, as we’ve come to expect.