As Orthodox Easter approaches — Orthodoxy being the most native form of Christianity practiced by the indigenous Christians of the Middle East — it is well to reflect on the status of post “Arab Spring” Christianity. A sampling of the many ruined and destroyed churches follow:

The most frightening thing about these pictures is that Christians in these churches cannot defend themselves. They must depend on Muslims to defend themselves from Muslims. The Mohammadans in the US long to have the ‘strength’ to do the same thing here. It makes them feel like they have a manly and superior religion because it screws over other religions. I thank God that we can still shoot back and I pray “Come quickly” for the sake of the Middle Eastern Christians.
It would be interesting to see the amount of mosques destroyed in Syria I am told it’s an equal amount or greater. You must remember in Syria its a genocide against the Syrian people, whether Assad was there or not is irrelevant.
And Mr. Ibrahim is one of a very, very few people who is willing and working to make these things known, Back in the last century, not so long ago, there were churches being burned in the Southern U.S. Those setting the churches on fire were attempting to cause racial problems by blaming the fires on white people. The news accounts were in every paper, on every channel with photos plastered.
Because we are now living in the final few hours of the time of the end, and it’s the devil’s beast of islam motivating muslims to destroy the churches, and what is worse, the people who believe in Jesus Christ and His Father, there is hardly a peep from the media. Christians, recalling what Christ said about being hated and persecuted, should not be surprised, but should keep expecting, hoping and praying for relief.