According to Saudi novelist and writer, Hani Naqshabandi, “Our [Islamic] religious institutions do not give us room to exercise free thought.” By way of example, he pointed out that “They [Saudi institutions] said that the Christian is an infidel, a denizen of hell, an enemy to Allah and Islam. So we said, ‘Allah’s curse on them.'”

The Saudi thinker made these assertions in an article he wrote for the Arabic language news site, Elaph.
He also admitted the obvious but little known fact that “Christians are in need of protection … What happened to Christians in Iraq and Syria, and further regions like Algeria, does not receive Arabic media coverage that befits human beings, whatever their religion.”
Nor, he may be surprised to learn, does Christian persecution receive Western media coverage that befits humans.
Are these Islamic institutions incidentally not following the Quran?
They follow the Qur’an as far as it suits them. having said that, the Qur’an is such a mish mash of violence and contradictions that it is perfectly possible indeed practically guaranteed that you will find a verse to suit. failing the Qur’an itself we can always delve into the hadiths. there we are absolutely uaranteed to find a saying which goes the way we want. that is what these terror groups are working on. They aren’t misinterpreting the Qur’An or the Hadiths. they re simply hewing to a particular passage of one of them, and ignoring the rest. Take the examples of sex grooming of which I believe we have only seen the tip of the Iceberg among the extreme elements of Islam, of whom we are beginning t realise there are a lot more than we thought. and given that their own women are sacred to them, they must turn to ours. Now the prophet Mohammed (if he was a prophet) was a paedophile by any modern term of the word. He had a 9 year old wife Aisha who at least had a years grace since he married her when she was eight.Yet he is classed by Islam as the perfect man, and as such all Muslim men, or at least the extreme element of them) are required to emulate him. The answer pops out of a slot. Infidel women are more than acceptable, and the younger the better
We may be infidels and the enemy, One thing is absolutely certain without we infidels they wouldn’t be rolling in petrodollars or anything else for that matter. They themselves are incapable of actually doing much more than managing a shop, and taking in the proceeds while Christian enemy infidels do all the .One example which illustrates this beautifully. I used to work for ARAMCO as a craft Instructor. In1983 we were given Saudi Trainee Instructors to eventually take over from us. In 2007 In 1999, In Oman, one of my colleagues had just finished a contract with ARAMCO, he told me that the first of these Trainee instructors had just retired, after 16 years still a trainee instructor. So many more had fallen by the wayside, or opened a business (a shop) that the project had been disbanded. We may be the enemy but we have made them as rich as they are. they repay us by paying for pamphlets and texts to undermine our schools. Now that is an enemy. I only hope I live to see their oil run out.