On April 15, 215 Christian gravestones and crosses in the cemetery of Saint-Roch de Castres (Tarn), France, were damaged and desecrated (see pictures below). Thanks to onsite cameras and information given by a cemetery employee, a man fitting the description was detained and hospitalized on the assumption that he is insane. According to Charlotte Beluet, the prosector:
The suspect, arrested at 12.45 on Thursday, matches the description given by a witness, a cemetery employee, who came across the man dressed in a white djellaba [Arab/Muslim garb], and followed him. We found clothes matching the description in his home, in the same district as the cemetery and the Muslim prayer room….
The man repeats Muslim prayers over and over, he drools and cannot be communicated with: his condition has been declared incompatible with preliminary detention.
So he was hospitalized on the assumption that he is “mentally unbalanced.”
Incidentally, the image of a “drooling” — or foaming at the mouth — man violently destroying crosses brings to mind the following remark made by Winston Churchill:
How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism [Islam] lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia [rabies] in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.
Around the same time this man was desecrating the cemetery in France, the Islamic State published pictures of its members destroying Christian tombstones and crosses in cemeteries under its jurisdiction — and quoted Islamic scriptures justifying its actions.
Pictures of some of the Christian gravestones and crosses destroyed in the cemetery of Saint-Roch de Castres follow:
No. Born into the cesspit of insanity that is Islam.
Satan is the god of this age.
As time comes to a close, demonism will increase
And muslims are such willing hosts for them especialy as their allah admits he is satan, ‘the best of deceivers;.
Don’t cry for France; it rejected Christianity and embraced the nothingness of secularism long ago. Unfortunately all Europe and the West has done the same.
Don’t omit China and Japan and many other non-religious nations…
China and Japan seem fairly free of the scourge of Islam. China certainly knows the drill and deals with their own Muslim population with an iron hand. The same iron hand they’d use on China. Are we paying attention?
The ‘West’ should have taken notice but….
China has its Uighur problem but I note that Islamic terrorists there don’t survive police action.
Japan– In 2014 Japan granted 11 people asylum. 5000 people tried their luck but only 0.2% were given the green light. This is new record and a monumental increase from 2013 when only 6 people were granted asylum.
How long did this take him? And nobody saw/stopped him? He is insane, for islam is a madness.
Why is it that our politicians, police and other authorities are ALWAYS confused about the motives when ever a muslim kills, maims or vandalizes in the name of the sock puppet Allah and his handler Mohammed? Have they really got less common sense than the rest of us?
I think it’s more like they are bought and paid-for to look the other way. This is Satan’s last stand against Christ, and those who put up with this nonsense are gonna pay for their unwillingness to fight it.
In an intensely religious era, insanity is all-too-frequently taken for demonic possession.
In an intensely secular era, demonic possession is all-too-frequently taken for insanity
Said Allah does not love
those who reject Islam.
(Qur’an 30:45, 3:32, 22:38)
Said God loves everyone.
(John 3:16)
“I have been commanded to fight
against people till they testify that there
is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad
is the messenger of Allah”
(Muslim 1:33)
“He who lives by the sword
will die by the sword.”
(Matthew 26:52)
Stoned women for adultery.
(Muslim 4206)
“Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.”
(John 8:7)
Permitted stealing from unbelievers.
(Bukhari 44:668, Ibn Ishaq 764)
“Thou shalt not steal.”
(Matthew 19:18)
Permitted lying.
(Sahih Muslim 6303, Bukhari 49:857)
“Thou shalt not bear false witness.”
(Matthew 19:18)
Owned and traded slaves.
(Sahih Muslim 3901)
Neither owned nor traded slaves.
Beheaded 800 Jewish men and boys.
(Abu Dawud 4390)
Beheaded no one.
Murdered those who insulted him.
(Bukhari 56:369, 4:241)
Preached forgiveness.
(Matthew 18:21-22, 5:38)
“If then anyone transgresses
the prohibition against you,
Transgress ye likewise against him”
(Qur’an 2:194)
“If someone strikes you on the right
cheek, turn to him the other also.”
(Matthew 5:39)
jihad in the way of Allah elevates one’s position in Paradise by a hundred fold.
(Muslim 4645)
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for
they will be called Sons of God”
(Matthew 5:9)
Married 13 wives and kept sex slaves.
(Bukhari 5:268, Qur’an 33:50)
Was celibate.
Slept with a 9-year-old child.
(Sahih Muslim 3309, Bukhari 58:236)
Did not have sex with children.
Ordered the murder of women.
(Ibn Ishaq 819, 995)
Never harmed a woman.
O you who believe! Fight those of the
unbelievers who are near to you
and let them find in you hardness.”
(Qur’an 9:123)
Blessed are the meek, for
they shall inherit the earth.”
(Matthew 5:5)
Ordered 65 military campaigns
and raids in his last 10 years.
(Ibn Ishaq )
Ordered no military campaigns, nor
offered any approval of war or violence.
Killed captives taken in battle.
(Ibn Ishaq 451)
Never took captives.
Never killed anyone.
Encouraged his men to rape enslaved women.
(Abu Dawood 2150, Qur’an 4:24)
Never encouraged rape.
Never enslaved women.
Demanded captured slaves and
a fifth of all other loot taken in war.
(Qur’an 8:41)
“The Son of Man came not
to be served, but to serve.”
(Matthew 20:28)
Was never tortured, but tortured others.
(Muslim 4131, Ibn Ishaq 436, 595, 734, 764)
Suffered torture, but never tortured anyone.
“And fight them until there is no more persecution and religion is only for Allah”
(Qur’an 8:39)
“Love your enemies and pray
for those who persecute you”
(Matthew 5:44)
Blessed the brutal murder of a half-blind man
(al-Tabari 1440)
Healed a blind man
(Mark 8:28)
Ordered a slave to build the very pulpit
from which he preached Islam.
(Bukhari 47:743)
Washed his disciples feet.
(John 13:5)
What are the Greatest Commandments?
“Belief in Allah and Jihad in His cause”
(Muslim 1:149)
What are the Greatest Commandments?
“Love God and love thy neighbor as thyself.”
(Matthew 22:34-40)
Demanded the protection of armed bodyguards, even in a house of worship
(Qur’an 4:102)
Chastised anyone attempting
to defend him with force.
(John 18:10-12)
Advocated crucifying others.
(Qur’an 5:33, Muslim 16:4131)
Was crucified himself.
According to his followers:
Had others give their lives for him.
(Sahih Muslim 4413)
According to his followers:
Gave his life for others.
(John 18:11 and elsewhere)
Brilliant comparison in its simplicity. Thank you for taking the time to share this..
Motive unknown? He is possessed by a demon. Someone call an exorcist.
Yes he is possessed, & if the graveyard keeper who witnessed his actions was a Christian himself, there was techniqually no need for an ‘exorcist’ because Jesus when He gave His followers their commission to, (first on the list) cast out demons, heal the sick, open blind eyes & deaf ears, cleanse the lepor, & YES RAISE THE DEAD, by belief in Him as the Son of God who came as a man yet was the very word & image of God, was crucified, died, was buried, & on the third day arose from the dead by the life giving Spirit of God, & as Christians if one believes that then the very same life giving Spirit of God who raised Jesus NOW lives in us as Christians, & when we believe upon Him & recieve His name, in essence we have received the right to be His vessels thru which His authority OVERCOMES ALL!!! Yes even demoniacs in graveyards, just as Jesus cast out the evil spirits of a possessed man in a graveyard who all others feared & said was crazy, Jesus took authority over the demons (legion meaning we are 1000’s) & cast them out into the pigs who them ran over the edge of a cliff…..so those who truly believe in Christ & know their identity as sons & daughters of God thru the adoption back into right relationship thru Christ, we MUST start standing up in our true identity as followers of Christ who are being conformed into His very image from glory to glory, & taking authority over these spirits, principalities, powers, & unseen evil rulers of darkness in this present age, because WE ALREADY HAVE BEEN GIVEN ALL AUTHORITY OVER THEM IN CHRIST JESUS because He overcame them COMPLETLY ON THE CROSS & THRU HIS RESSURECTION HAS BEEN SEATED HIGH ABOVE ALL SPIRITS PRINCIPALITIES POWERS ETC & Gods word tells us clearly that “AS JESUS IS, SO ARE WE IN THIS WORLD” therefore we too have been given all authority in Christ & do not need to call an exorcist because in Christ we ALL as believers simply claim authority over the spirits of evil & cast them out in Christs name to be bound in the pit……”for whatever you loose on earth must have been loosed in heaven, & whatever you bind on earth must be bound in heaven” YOU SEE THE ENEMY IS ALREADY DEFEATED & HAS BEEN BOUND Out of HEAVENLY realms so therefore we have authority too loose someone from its grips & bind it because its already BEEN FINISHED IN HEAVEN!!!! Church we must rise up & claim the authority that’s been given to us & further Gods Kingdom here on earth THAT IS OUR COMMISION not to stand by helplessly watching evil unfold but to Be GODS GOVERNMENT HERE ON THIS EARTH WE ARE CHRISTS REPRESENITIVES & ITS TIME WE FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT WITH FAITH INSTEAD OF HATE & WAR!!!!