Saudi Sheikh Adel al-Kalbani, former Imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca and current prayer leader of Muhaisin Mosque in Riyadh, recently issued the following “tweet” on his personal Twitter account: “My beloved nation: It suffices me that you shelter me from hearing church bells ringing in you.”

This is reminiscent of when another top ranking Saudi religious leader, Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah declared in 2012 that it is “necessary to destroy all the churches of the region.”
The similarities don’t end there. No mainstream media in the English language reported the 2012 anecdote till I did. And as of this moment, this anecdote concerning a leading Saudi cleric relishing the fact that no church bells can be heard in his nation is left completely unreported in Western media.
Would that be the case if, say, a top Vatican official declared that he longs for the day when all mosques are banned in Italy?
Perhaps more ironic, the MSM is acquainted with Sheikh Adel al-Kalbani. The New York Times, for instance, has an entire spread about him. The “happy” and “hopeful” theme is how al-Kalbani managed to rise to the top in Saudi Arabia — which is apparently “tolerant” — by becoming the first black Imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca.
As for this business of boasting that, whatever his nation’s shortcomings are, at least it shelters him from hearing those accursed church bells, not a peep anywhere.
Did anyone ever see a picture of thiefs, or evil Charecters? Just look at this ugly mo-fo raghead.
Why do Democrats and the Left (forgive the redundancy) support the delusional notion of Islam being “the religion of peace” when evidence from centuries abound that it is a license to butcher, rape, and conquer?
Why do Democrats and the Left support butchering unborn babies while defending the human rights of committed terrorists?
Why do Democrats and the Left have no tolerance for religious beliefs and practices that teach love of neighbor, yet never protest the latest beheading or child rape or cafe bombing that leaves body parts strewn all over their low-fat soy mocha latte?
Why oh why does the Left work constantly to destroy the most open and free society on the planet, while enabling the enemies of civilization, of women’s rights, of human rights, of gay right, of tolerance, of peace to literally slaughter tens of thousands of people who do not believe completely as they believe?
Couple of sharp sticks to the eardrums, no more hearing of bells.