True to the medieval teachings of Islam—in this case, that an “infidel” Christian’s testimony against a Muslim is null and void in (a Sharia) court—the following letter was recently published on Arabic media demonstrating that little has changed in Egypt:
Yesterday I suffered an extremely harsh and psychological shock. I went to court with one of my neighbors, a widow, to serve as witness in an inheritance case. Another neighbor and witness accompanying us was a young Christian. We had all been living as one family. Imagine my shock, then, at the judge who very rudely and with incomprehensible disapproval rejected the testimony of the [Christian] youth [saying]: “It is unacceptable for a Christian to testify against a Muslim.”
Coming to American jurisprudence soon with full support of the left.
They’ll first have to eliminate the 1st amendment to the Constitution and the 2nd. They’re might even be others they have to eliminate (after all, isn’t slavery allowed under Sharia?). It’s funny how all senators, congresspersons and our Caliph-in-Chief swore to uphold the US Constitution, yet a majority of them don’t seem to want to do so at all (at least among the Demorats).
Unfortunately I think you are right.
Unacceptable for a sensible Christian to testify against a 6th century- ideology Muslim? The arrogance/hypocrisy/nonsense and backwardness is worth slamming the door on Islam, just for this statement alone.
This is neither new nor surprising, just sharia.
Thank G-d Egypt’s Jewish population abandoned the islamic hellhole called Egypt decades ago. It’s long past time for Egypt’s Coptic Christian population to leave, because despite all islamic lies to the contrary things are never going to be getting better for them there.
Are you serious? over there in … Egypt? Could you please snap the f*ck out of it and realize that Islam is a bit iffy? (to be kind)
There is, undeniably, a faction of this religion that is totally totalitarian/absolute and we would really REALLY like to know if this is a part of all the muslims we see on our streets and homes.
Keeping in mind the daily news of atrocities we see being committed in the name of Islam.
Answers requested.
The Most dangerous thing in the western society today is the growing Muslims population. They are all supporting jihadist and terrorism now or later on, by their hands or by their mind and heart. Get rid of them today, we will save the big war inside our countires for tomorrow. NO MUSLIM SHALL BE ALLOW
In a related the story it was found that the left feels the same way about the right whenever anyone from the right disputes and proves wrong anything about their out of control nonsensical and irrational defense of the indefensible.
The headline could just as easily read, “Liberals portend: ‘Unacceptable for right wingers to Testify Against left wingers’
And make no mistake they’d make it a law to prove they are right all the time.