Islamic aspirations to dominate the world are set to happen—if not through might of arms, then apparently through sheer numbers.
In 1900, the Muslim population of the world was less than 200 million. Conversely, the Christian population of the world was almost 560 million—almost three times the number of Muslims.
Times have changed. According to the findings of a Pew Research Center in America:
The number of Muslims will increase at more than double the rate of the world’s population, which is expected to rise by 35 per cent in the next four decades.
There will be more Muslims than Christians in the world in less than sixty years, new research revealed.
The [Islamic] religion’s share of the world’s population will equal the Christian share – at roughly 32 per cent each – in 2070, analysis by the Pew Research Center showed.
By 2050 Muslims will make up around ten per cent of Europe’s population.
For a better idea of what is in store for Europe, simply look to the UK’s “Londonistan”—the apt name for London and other regions with a notable Islamic presence: Already with a 10 percent Muslim population, Londonistan is a reflection of Europe 35 years from now when it too is projected to be ten percent Muslim (and by which time the UK will likely have an even much larger Muslim population).
The same sorts of anti-infidel violence and sexual abuse that is a daily fixture in Muslim majority nations is already a normal feature of Londonistan with its mere 10 percent Muslim minority.
Put differently, if “ISIS” and other Islamic groups regularly behead “infidel” men and sexually enslave “infidel” women in the Middle East—so are “average” Muslims doing so in the UK:
Recall how in 2013, two Muslim men shouting “Allahu Akbar” beheaded a British soldier with a cleaver—in a busy intersection and in broad daylight no less. They even boasted in front of passersby and asked to be videotaped.
Or recall how Muslims were recently busted for running a sex ring in Rotherham, England: 1,400 British children as young as 11 were plied with drugs before being passed around and sexually abused in cabs and kabob shops.
It was at least at least the fifth sex abuse ring led by Muslims to be uncovered in England—Muslims who only make 10 percent.
During the trial of an earlier Muslim-run sex ring “Several of the men on trial in Liverpool apparently told their victims that it was all right for them to be passed around for sex with dozens of men ‘because it’s what we do in our country.’”
In fact, when a Muslim man savagely raped a nine-year-old Christian girl in Pakistan, he told her “not to worry because he had done the same service to other young Christian girls.” Commenting on this case, local human rights activists said, “It is shameful. Such incidents occur frequently. Christian girls are considered goods to be damaged at leisure. Abusing them is a right. According to the community’s mentality it is not even a crime. Muslims regard them as spoils of war.”
Seemingly not a day goes by without Christian girls in Egypt, Pakistan, Nigeria, Iraq, Syria, and any number of other Muslim majority nations being abducted, enslaved, raped, and/forced to convert (See Crucified Again, pgs. 186-199 for a sampling, plus the doctrinal justification.)
Indeed, there is no end of patterns of abuse against Christian minorities in the Muslim world that are now occurring in the West. While many are now aware that “ISIS” destroys churches and Christian cemeteries, few realize that Muslims—not “ISIS,” just average Muslims—are doing the same thing in the West.
Days ago in Canada, which has a small Muslim minority, a Muslim man vandalized and desecrated a church on several different occasions. Among other things, he covered the Christ statue in front of the church with black paint and broke its fingers and tore up Christian books inside the church.
Weeks earlier in France, 215 Christian gravestones and crosses in the cemetery of Saint-Roch de Castres (Tarn) were damaged and desecrated by a Muslim man who “repeats Muslim prayers over and over, he drools and cannot be communicated with.”
And last March in Germany, a potential jihadi attack on the cathedral and synagogue in Bremen was averted following action by police.
In short, along with all the other forms of jihad to be wary of—the sword jihad (“terrorism”), the tongue jihad (deceit/propaganda), the money jihad (financial support to jihadis)—the West should also be aware of the baby jihad.
If the same sorts of crimes being committed against Christian minorities in Muslim majority nations are already being committed in Europe and North America—despite the fact that Muslims are currently minorities—how then when, as projected, Islam becomes the most adhered to religion in the world?
The Abomination Barack Hussein Obama supports all muslim brotherhoods, and he created the ISIS by funding for supporting the Syrian Rebels aka ISIS!!
The FALSE PAGANISM OCCULT-IDEOLOGY of islam is NOT a religion!! The FALSE prophet muhammad is NOT a prophet!! The FALSE PAGAN moon god allah-satan is NOT a god, it is just one of over 350 FALSE PAGANISM OCCULT-IDEOLOGY gods that came out of the middle east, Arab nations!!
The FALSE PAGAN moon god allah-satan is NOT the same as our True GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!!
Only JUDAISM and CHRISTIANITY is RIGHT as we have the same GOD who art in HEAVEN!!
Please PRAY for our Judeo-Christian Nation United States of America and Israel-Yisrael Everyday Everyone!!
Am Yisrael Chai FOREVERMORE!! Happy Shavua Tov Everyone!!
Love and Shalom Everyone,
Amen. I believe that most of the nearly 3 billions of people who will die in the next war will be islamic. This is the good news. Happy shavua tov, Kristi, and God bless you. Shalom.
It’s progressed to the point where only the citizenry of these non-muslim dominated nations can do anything about this problem, especially in the U.S. America is the most armed nation in the world and things are getting to that point, with the people having had enough. Even in Oklahoma, an ultra-Conservative state, people have been beheaded by islamic savages. The Left will say that it’s only a small percentage of muslims who are extremists, but we know from experience that every single muslim community, once it increases in number, starts the same old inflammatory rhetoric and demanding special rights. They create these no-go zones where police are not allowed to enter; they instill sharia law and diminish women’s rights; they physically attack homosexuals, often killing them; and they commit so-called “honor” killings on their own female children, killing them for supposedly shaming their families over nothing at all. We know all these happen in allegedly “moderate” muslim neighborhoods with small numbers of muslims, so we expect much worse as their numbers grow. We will have to be the ones who put a stop to their destructive ways, our government is only interested in caving in to their demands.
One more thing; thank you Raymond for all your work in bringing things to our attention. Keep spreading the word about what is happening.
It’s much like roaches. Each infestation begins with one or two. They hide, run when approached and when not eating or looking for food…they breed. Before long, there are hundreds, thousands…untold numbers, and they don’t run and hide as much as before, but boldly come out even during the daylight. Whatever their numbers, low or high, they remain roaches.
It’s the same with this beast that tells its followers that they are free to rape, steal, and kill at will. When numbers are low, they keep a low profile and may not openly engage in rape, theft and murder, but try keep it hidden. When the numbers increase, they grow bolder, gaining in arrogance and allowing their true nature to exert itself in broad daylight.
We must continue to pray as Christ said in Matthew, for God to make the world population hold Him in the elevated position He so rightly deserves…”Sanctify His Name”….bring His Kingdom to the earth…which will bring back what was in the beginning before satan set up his system…and to do His Will here as He does in Heaven…what a wonderful thing that will be. He will do away with the evil that is islam..
The seemingly ever growing tree and roots of Islam has got wood worm. It is being eaten from inside. There is an imminent collapse of moderates adherents belief in Islam. God is in control of IS and along with revelations through dreams causing Muslims to find the true and living God. Be bold, Islam is petrified of Christianity and its power of transformation this is why it suppresses bible distribution and bashes down crosses. Ordinary Muslims and seriously challenged when they see Christians facing beheading not renouncing their faith. Show love to your Muslim neighbour but be wise as a serpent about the ideology of Islam. Keep praying we are on the winning side
Islam can go to hell. Along with it’s mad prophet. YHWH will defeat you!!!
Multi culti idiots, the Marxists, the Gaia fascists, the Quackademics, and the pilfering politicians will scream that all of these episodes and facts of violence, jihad, sex slavery, hate and child sex abuse, proves that Islam is indeed peace and love.
‘Scientific’ Phd [pretty happy dudes] study to follow…..
so are “average” Muslims doing so in the UK
It was at least at least the fifth sex abuse ring
and/forced to convert
The reason they can get away with all of this is because people are terrified of being labeled ‘Islamaphobes’. Why have we allowed ourselves to be disarmed by what amounts to grade school namecalling and schoolyard bullying?