On June 11, I delivered a lecture on Capitol Hill, Washington D.C. It was part of Coptic Solidarity’s sixth annual conference. My topic was the failures and cover ups of the Western establishment—academia, government, and mainstream media—concerning the rampant persecution of Christians in the Middle East. The 15-minute video of the talk follows:
islam pisslam
Just heard one of Canadian Broadcasting Corporation “reporters” in a telling slip: ” (as we discussed) in our Story Meeting…” A de facto admission that media routinely massage world events.
Thank you as always Raymond for your clear explanation on how the media white washes virtually every story line to confuse the masses that don’t fallow whats really going on a daily basis as you and a handful of others who provide the truth and again thank you for all you do Raymond God bless.
What these Muslim Brotherhood stooges inside the USA media are doing, is specifically and very carefully not reporting the news. They are writing in such a deliberately obfuscatory manner that no one can learn anything from reading these articles. These people need to be exposed as the enemy propagandists they are. They need to be rounded up and placed in prison or deported back to their desert homelands. This is clearly enemy propaganda techniques being used to promote and protect the development of Islamofascism within the USA by keeping us all dumbed down. But this dumbing down is being done as an enemy propaganda ploy, clearly; there is no other explanation for it. If useful, informative journalism was the goal, we would get some sort of understanding of the situation. We do not; this is deliberate; and so, these typical disinformation articles are written by enemy propagandists of the Muslim Brotherhood who have infiltrated and subverted our own mass media to destroy us from within. There really is no other possible interpretation of this abysmal level of journalism. Thank you for your speech on this important topic.
Thanks Raymond. Very well-said!
I am very angry at the America and the West for their support of Islamic jihadists and for their ignoring of the persecution of Christians by muslims worldwide. May God destroy America and the West for this evil. I wish an steroid hits the West!
So objective and thank you for this. I like your audience have been aware for some about what is going in the Middle East. At school I listened to my eloquent History tutors.