The above 6-minute video is a must-see. It offers an up close and personal account of what Christian minorities are experiencing at the hands of jihadis and other Muslim “rebels” being supported in the Mideast by the Obama administration.
A Christian family from Iraq narrates how their young children were killed and burned alive, “simply for wearing the cross.” One of the remaining and traumatized children uses toy figures to show people how his siblings were slaughtered.
This family is identical to the other Christian refugees who fled the Islamic State in Iraq and came to America—only to be imprisoned and then thrown back to the lions by the Obama government.
Listen especially to the mother’s words starting around the 2:50 minute mark. She talks about how the “ISIS” that attacked and killed her children were their own Muslim neighbors, whom they ate with, laughed with, and even provided educational and medical service to.
For more on this theme, read When Muslims Betray Non-Muslim Friends and Neighbors.
And instead of supporting these middle eastern Christians America and the West are fully backing their barbaric islamic jihadist allies to murder Christians and the so-called American Christians and their Anti-Christ governments don’t care. May God’s fiery judgment fell on America and the West for their evil hatred of Christians and for their continuous support of the evil and barbaric islamic jihadist murderers.
Americans want to rescue the persecuted Christians, but our administration has gone the way of the devil. We are in shock that we are not seeing our government airlift them out and bring them over here. We have an evil president who holds this country by the throat and destroys us from within. Many of us give money to the charity missions that are trying to help them, but for now, this is all we can do until we (hopefully) get the lying poser-in-chief and his unholy minions out of office. The people of America do not support the murderous jihadists and the barbaric governments!
People in America are an accessory to the murder of tens of Christians in the M.E and in the islamic as long as they are paying taxes and are voting for a profoundly Anti-Christian administrations in America. It is not only Obama but even long before Obama came America was always favoring muslims and other groups and even so-called “Christians” in America are being persecuted and discriminated against and even are being murdered right inside America and Christianity is being destroyed right inside America by the moral relativist homosexual fascists that are running your country and this Anti-Christian policies will eventually completely will destroy America.
Prtro.$ plays a role in this favoring of Muslims.
America’s Christians want Christian immigrants not Muslims. Direct your anger and judgments toward the Obama Administration and it’s subservient lapdogs in the press.
America is always inside the ass of muslim jihadists. For example, three
decades ago, in Afghanistan, America supported and armed the Taliban, Bin-Laden and Alqa’ida and paid them fight against Russia. In the Balkans, America bombed Christian Serbia and formed two islamic
states (Bosnia & Kosovo) in the heart of Europe. In Libya, America supported and fought on the side of the barbaric islamic jihadists who deposed Qaddafi. In Egypt, America backed Muslim Brotherhood and turned their backs on Gen. Mubarak, their long time ally. In Syria, America is currently allied with the evil Saudi Arabia, with Turkey and with other barbaric Arab states that are backing ISIS, the ‘free Syrian army’ and many other barbaric jihadists that are fighting Assad. I could go on and on…but all these situations tell us that America is nothing but an anti-Christian islamo-phylic hellhole run by homosexual fascists.
Your mind is closed so your a waste of ALL our time.
It is rather YOU whose mind is closed to the Truth because every item I mentioned above is an irrefutable truth.
Yes I agree with you as well, One word for this is “Jews”.
This is what Julian Assange wanted to expose to the world.
I totally disagree and I smell some ugly anti-semitism in your writing! The Jews people in Israel and in Western Europe are constantly threatened by their muslim and Arab neighboring peoples and states for decades and have been fighting for their very existence for the past 70 years and they deserve our prayers and support. In this week alone, many innocent Jewish persons were murdered by islamic terrorists, including a young couple who were murdered in front of their four kids. My heart goes out for my Jewish brothers and sisters and may God give them victory over the genocidal islam that wants us all dead.
Now don’t forget not everything that the media says is truth. there are many things around the world that aren’t being exposed. I for one am not hostile towards Jews. What I am trying to say is that the World is run by Jewish people, for example most major banks are owned by Jewish people.
If you think about it, the whole world has gone through persecution.
now going back to Israel, The Jewish are the ones who stole the land from Palestinians. And for many many years Palestinians have been murdered by Jews in Israel.
Israel = the Promised Land.
Either way my point is no matter what religion a person is there are good and bad everywhere.
I hope that one day there will be world peace and hope everyone gets along.
I disagree. Please note: There are 21 Arab countries in the M.E and North Africa and 57 muslim countries in the world. Are u telling me, the Jewish people don’t deserve to have their own tiny state in their ancient corner of the world? Is that really fair to you? Arabs have one aim and it is NOT about land. Their aim is to destroy the Jewish people and that is what their allah and mohamed told them to do. Please read Genesis 16.
No that is not what I am stating. clearly you have missed my point. Perhaps you need to do more traveling and stop listening to what the media tells you. Not all of them are like that. like I said there are good and bad no matter where you go in the world.
Natalie, my advice for you is love the Jewish people and understand that they deserve to have their own state in their ancient homeland and also understand that Arabs and muslims
and white supremacist Neo-Nazis hate the Jewish people for who they are. You said, I did not travel, how do u know? Do u know I am from this same region?
Sir, I do not hate anybody. and No sir, I do not know you.
I do not know where you come from.
But I live in a multicultural society, migrated from a war torn country caused by the effects of World War II.
I sir have gone to school and have friends from all sorts of cultures, including Arabs, Muslims and still am friends with til today.
Everybody deserves to have their own state, but not at the expense where everybody wants to kill each other.
I learned in life that there are two sides of each story, and when I was a child we could play outside safely without anybody to touch us or try and take us. But now days we don’t even know our neighbors that live next door to my family, children cannot be left unsupervised playing outside because it is becoming more and more common where children are getting abducted.
To me there is nothing more worse than Pedophiles and rapists, and of course murderers.
Good point Natalie, please understand that Arabs and muslims and white supremacists hate the Jewish people for who they are and it is called “anti-semitism” and its Satanic hate.But real Christians should love the Jewish people and bless them in any way they can. God bless you!
Nata-lie, The Turkish empire was destroyed with Western blood. The Slaves of Islam were freed after hundreds or even a thousand years of retardation. The Jews were returned home. The land militarily returned to recreate israel constituted half of one percent of the old Turkish caliphate. The Jewish legion helped fight to regain Jerusalem and Israel. Their military colours are in the main Jerusalem synagogue. The peoples of the middle east who were forcible converted to Islam had not the will,intelligence or energy to replace Islam with something else, so they remain Muslim,retarded,lazy,useless parasites . Why parasites ?? because they flock to western countries which are more civilised rather than build their own counties to western levels. I view the Muslim, all Muslims, as an embarrassment to the human race. Islam MUST never be allowed to infect the Universe when man eventually seeds the stars.
When Timor was getting independence from Portugal, , East Timor with a majority Christian population, was handed over to Indonesia by Kissinger. Indonesia then set about doing what Muslims do best – the genocide of Christians in East Timor.
There will be God’s justice on America, and no amount of nukes will help it.
Very true indeed! May God bless for speaking these truths.
Now, for Christ’s sake, let us unite in one important prayer together. Let us pray for the complete defeat of the barbaric and genocidal Syrian islamic jihadists and their American backers in Syria. Please pray for this objective in the next three weeks. Remember, as you pray for this objective, you could be saving the lives of millions of innocent Syrian Christians through your simple prayer. Please share this prayer request with others who are willing to pray for the fulfillment of this noble objective. Thank you.
To christianblood: Don’t “throw Am. Christians under the bus” or to “fiery judgment” [sic] as you posted: It is not us but our anti-Christian govt. that is throwing M.E. Christians to the lions. We are sick about the (to quote your words): “evil and barbaric islamic jihadist murderers.” The uneducated leftwing liberals voted a mulsim-raised president into power. Read this >
If American Christians are opposed to this evil that is happening to Christians in the M.E. why not demonstrate against it in American streets? Why be silent in the face of this evil? Why not bring down your evil Anti-Christ governments who are backing islamic jihadists worldwide from Aghanistan, to Bosnia and Kosovo and now in the middle east? It not is Obama alone, but it is a long-standing American policy to hate Christians and back islamic jihadists worldwide. It was not Obama who backed the Taliban, Al-qaida and Osama Bin-Laden to fight the Russians in the 80s . It was not Obama who bombed Serbia, a Christian nation and established two islamic states (Bosnia & Kosovo) in the hear of Europe. Give me a break because I know my facts. America is an islamo-phylic hellhole controlled by homosexual fascists!
christianblood: you ask “If American Christians are opposed to this evil that is happening to Christians in the M.E. why not demonstrate against it in American streets? Why be silent in the face of this evil?”
My question to you is why didn’t Russians “demonstrate in the streets” when Stalin was starving 20 millions Ukrainians to death after taking their grain and livestock for his Communist plan? Russians in “Stalinberg” were afraid to let their children go out for fear someone would kill and eat them for food. FYI, Russia invaded Afghanistan! Duh! Your govt pure agression into a poor, third world country.
It’s obvious you are brainwashed with rhetoric against The West and America for what wars were fought. Your insult that “America is an islamo-phylic hellhole controlled by homosexual fascists!” is actually amusing. You are a ranting propaganda yenta to whom no one listens.
p.s. If you are “christianblood,” then you need a transfusion.
The reality is that Americans and other Westerners would spend their time in watching Bruce Jener ‘transgendering’ into a female than caring the genocidal religious persecution that Christians in the islamic world are going through. As I said, America have been supporting, arming and funding barbaric islamic jihadists who are murdering tens of thousands of Christians all across the world and it will continue collaborating with its barbaric genocidal islamic jihadists allies worldwide and yes America is nothing but an Anti-Christ, islamo-phylic hellhole controlled by homosexual fascists. SHAME ON YOU!
Don’t presume to know what Americans think about Bruce Jenner. There are actually millions of us who have not watched one minute of main stream media BS about Mr. Or Ms. Jenner, whatever he/she is. And millions of us hate what our government does. Our problem is there are too many brainless people who voted for the color of someone’s skin not ince, but twice.
So then these Christians in the middle east would do good and heed the commandment of Jesus Christ when He told his disciples to go into another town .
Do these Christians in the middle east even read their bibles ? Do they have bibles ? Why doesn’t Russia open up its doors to anyone confessing Jesus Christ ?
you are nothing but a big mouthed ill-educated fool…a typical american liberal in fact!
Liamjq, how old are you, 12? You have resorted to name calling because you can’t come up with an reasonable argument. You and the so-called “christianblood” just rant hate. Neither of you clearly do not practice Christ’s teachings. I will pray for you both.
FYI, I’m a conservative Republican who will not tolerate a nonperson’s comments that condemns American Christians to “a fiery hell” and calls America “a hellhole controlled by homosexual fascists.” FYI I have a masters degree from University of California. What is your education status? Jr. High? You wouldn’t know “a typical american”
your kissinger et al destabilised the government so much the soviets had to intervene…since the Dulles brothers after WW2 your poisonous country has sewn destruction all over the world and now with a muslim marxist lunatic in charge you are turning in on yourself…. that racist bigot Rev Wright was right about one thing..”god damn america”… and as for “I’m clever ..I’ve a masters in god knows what..from University of California”…so f**king what?…
It’s clear that you’re a limey, thought you were with Ruskie with all your praise of Putin. The issue here is that you hate America, which is your perogative, but please spew your aspersions to the politicians and government who have made the decisions, not all the people. You pose high and mighty but look what your governing parliament has done to G.B. The capital now is Londanistan. At least we aren’t half muslim.
And the ones who are here are more assimilated than yours in their self proclaimed “Sharia law” zones.
I did not vote for the POTUS in power now and pray to God a Republican becomes the next president or it’s downhill from there.
you called me uneducated, so I merely stated my alma mater. I’m not so clever or I wouldn’t be replying to your insulting verbiage.
Take care,
Btw my surname is Celtic heritage.
Thank you I am Scots Irish and have liked all the Americans I ever net though they tended to be mostly oilmen or problem with the “higher educated” ones is that have spent more time drinking the koolade thats replaced culture ovethere ..I l hope the lord spares us all during the last months of that treasonous moor bastards reign…Allen West for POTUS..:)
Glad to hear you liked the down to earth, real Americans who fight for democracy (a harem concept in M.E. cult). I attend the annual Restoration Weekend in Palm Beach. Fl. (look it up) a RW org where I met the wonderful Raymond Ibrahim and Col. Allen West (4x). I have pics of Raymond and Col. if you want to see. They give talks all around America to wake up the sheep. I, too, anticipate “the Apocalypse’ – one term for the loose cannon going on over there.
Again I apologize for being overtly rude ..tell both Allen West and Raymond Ibrahim if and when you see them again that there is at least one person in UK that knows who they are..:)
I asked Ray why do you hide that handsome face of yours with a mujudien beard? Anyway he shaved it for his wife. 🙂
Col Allen West is a hero. He will get a post in the Republican new govt in 2016.
All of that education, and you haven’t learned a damn thing. First, christianblood isn’t ranting hate. He is questioning the foreign policy of your government, which always demonstrates a preference towards the gays, and jihadi savages. So much so, it has operated this outreach program to import the savages from some of the worst cess-pools on the planet. Maybe not you personally, put a significant number of your country men are infatuated with such useless mediocrity like jenner, porn filth, gladiatorial, and dumbed down entertainment to pay attention to the how the global impact of your military machine. Russia didn’t actually invade Afghanistan out of pure aggression. Clearly, your education hasn’t taught you anything about history. Specifically the relationship between the two countries, and the impact that the US had in their support of the mujahideen. To the other guy, the Taliban came later.
To S.T., I cannot dispute your post re: the dumb American Popular Culture. Many are entertained with the crap you list. It’s pure escapism along with their mind-numbing booze & drugs. Our liberal govt loves these unaware minds to control them, e.g., give free “foodstamps,”Obamacare, to get their votes to stay in power. it’s disturbing see the uneducated masses who vote Democrat under the illusion they are for “the working man.”
Thanks for info on Afghanistan. I will read more about what happened. They used to be good to women: see pics of Afghan Airlines stewardesses in the 1960s before the Taliban put them back in their houses and in bee-keeper suits and hajibs if they dare go out in public.
God Bless.
Dear brother/sister Jules, I do appreciate your prayers and I can see you are a good person who is concerned about the evils of islamic jihadism and we are in the same boat. Please forgive my words, because I am really, really frustrated with America and the West and my criticism of America and the West can be very harsh at times. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and may God bless you.
Dear sister/brother christianblood, Thank you for your kind words. Liamjq wrote me a nice note too. Sorry we started off on the wrong track because we are, as you say, “in the same boat.” I also am frustrated and sad to hear about the relentless murders of so many M.E. Christians. The govt running our once great nation is slowly but surely destroying it. Perhaps POTUS had “good intentions” but as the old maxim goes. “Good intentions lead the road to hell.” Republicans we voted into Congress are trying the best to stop this liberal LW regim.
God Bless You.
Your sister in America.
Thanks sister Jules and God bless you.
Please know that many Americans are disgusted with our government and the filth of our “pop culture.” We have been protesting in the streets but our corrupt, leftist media doesn’t report it. Our country is rotting from the inside out and many feel we are on the brink of civil war because light and darkness can’t coexist. There is a portion of American Christians “asleep in the light.” We are trying desperately to wake them up. We need everyone in this battle against spiritual darkness. There still are many good, moral Americans that detest what is going on in and by our country. Please let’s pray for each other and especially for our brothers and sisters that are being martyred in the middle east.
Thanks David and I agree with your assessment. I also believe Christian churches and Christian leadership in America are divided through denominational lines and every group is pursuing its own little agenda and no one is focusing on the big problem and on the big picture. First there should be unity among the real Christians and there should be mobilization and organization of the community around the goals and plans.
For example, there is no a single country that has legalized “gay” marriage in Eastern Orthodox countries because the clergy and the society are united and are mobilized and they will not allow it.
That is why it is very important to mobilize in unity and in vision
and may be you need some para Church organization that can lead in this.
How true: this country’s media is controlled by people who do not report the truth. Some of us (who find alternative media sources) are shouting from the rooftops, trying to wake up the sheeple. Most Christians are too comfortable here in America, but yet there are many who are concerned about the plight of Christians suffering in the Middle East.
Trust me and others who are saying We are Not our government! We hate that obama is allowing the persecution on Christians and arming ISIS. We Americans are trying our hardest to inform anyone who will listen. Please friend me on Facebook and I will show you that our Citizens are doing a lot behind the scene to help save Christians in Syria and Iraq and also I will show you that there are millions of good Patriots who are exposing obama and his muslim brotherhood connections. We are fighting back and our gov’t knows that if they push us to far we will push back. They are called the 3%ers or the America Militia…
The problem is not only the evil islamic fascism but also the radical liberal moral relativism ideology which is destroying America and the Western world from within. My question is why being silent over this liberal moral relativist fascism onslaught? Why are the good people in America who have faith in Christ silent when their country (media/academia/clergy) are being taken over by a punch of homosexual fascists and their moral relativist backers?
Brother, I’ve read what you wrote and the same for Jules C. Both of you brought some good points. I’m not American nor Russian but I’m from Canada and I see quite clear what’s happening in this wicked world today. In Canada, people have elected the worst of the worst, an immature radical Liberal Politically Correct Secret Muslim Justin Trudeau. Like Obama in the US, they’re both traitors and sympathizers of Muslims!
About the Christians in the Middle-East & Africa, +7000 of them were martyred last year 2015 alone! I’m also disgusted & frustrated of my Goverment and to see the persecution of Christians, I feel quite helpless! I wish our country would take Christian Refugees instead of Muslims who might become or are already Jihadist (Mujahideen). It’s delusional how the system deals with Muslims, when there’s a terrorist attack, even if the Muslim clearly said I did this for the sake of Allah due the US Involvement in Syria, the Medias will Never say Islam or Radial Muslim but instead “Work Place Violence” They do Not represent Islam, lies, more lies & deception! Never in History that our countries are being Islamize at this rate But Islam is not our biggest threat, Political Correctness is a Worst Threat! God bless You brother! 🙂
A Russian knows his facts! That has to be the most ridiculous post here, beating by far, even the most stupid comment from the dumbest American imaginable! Russia – since ever, a country of serfs and savages and unwashed Orthodox ignorance (think Rasputin), living perennially on the fringes of Europe and with a Mount Everest sized chip on its shoulders due to the same! Whether under the thumb of the Czars, Stalin, Brezhnev, the drunkard Yeltsin; or the present ex-KGB thug, Putin – politically, your country is and almost always has been a revoltingly corrupt, bullying, but nevertheless, secpnd rate power – outshining by far, the very worst of any banana dictatorship on the planet! Sticking solely with the 20th Century, think the 1905 massacre; the murder of the Romanovs and the White Russians; the assassination of Trotsky; Stalin’s unspeakable crimes and his evil pact with Hitler; (pray spare me the usual Russian shit about that being a temporary strategic move!)… Move on to the subjugation of Eastern Europe; Russian tanks in Hungry ’56; same tanks in Prague ’68; the shooting down of the Korean Airlines flight 007 in ’83…. I could go on and on and on, but suffice to say, your country stinks on every possible political and moral level – therefore having absurd little cardboard cutout Putins like yourself shouting the word ‘Fascist’, truly turns one’s stomach!
NO mistake, we agree that islamo-fascism is pure evil barbarity that has to be fought and destroyed. But we also have to ACKNOWLEDGE the FACT that in the Western world today, America included, a traditional married family with many kids is the same as a “married gay” couple, a worship of the True God of the Bible is the same as the worship of Satan, the God-created original female and male genders are considered equal with six other man-invented “genders”, the hateful doctrines of a destructive cult of death and hate have the same values of the NOBLE teachings of Love, Peace & Spirituality revealed to the mankind in
the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Please watch the video clip below, as President Putin rightly criticizes the Western world over its hatred for traditional Christian morality and its decadent moral relativist political system:
Tosser – keep your stupid god nonsense out of the public space and reserve it for inside churches/temples/mosques or wherever, to share with insecure, uneducatd dimwits such as yourself – the rest of us are NOT interested!
Who has owned “American” foreign policy since “WWI”? Considering WWI , WWII were against Christianity , why is there doubt in your heads who benefits with the demise of the Christian church in the west ?
At that time US was helped by the British.Germany and France refused at the dismay of that time US government.
You are proof, if any were needed, that the most ignorant, deeply stupid people in the Western world all live in America! If you had as much as 2 working brain cells in that thick American scull of yours, I would attempt to explain to you how that bastard born again christian war criminal GW Bush, was and is the principal cause of all the present horror happening in the Middle East. Ask any Iraqi or Syrian Christian and see if they disagree with me…( I would add Shias and others minorities to that number, but judging from your inane comment, wouldn’t imagine they matter to you in the slightest). And you imbeciles point a finger at Obama!
First of all, Al-ASStair, This thread discussion is about why wont US help or rescue M.E. Christianis and you’re trying to make it about who did what & when in the M.E. Knock off your insults & biased info. You are drinking the koolade dispersed from limited sources. No wonder you are prejudiced.
The 2500++ Shias in my town had a parade when Sadaam was deposed. The men had defected from his army in Desert Storrn and & families brought here via political sanction. I met “Hassein, Ali,” etc, in their downtown Halal store. Shias under Sadaam were tortured in Abu Ghraib prison* & Sadaam’s infamous “wood chipper” ( no one came out alive). Shias were repressed during Sadaam’s entire 25 year reign. The Iraq war was brought on by Sadaam himself by not complying with nuclear inspections required by the UN. It was the UN that approved USA, UK, etc, etc. to go into Baghdad and take out dictator. Easy to blame it all on Bush now.
“Before the American invasion in 2004, the Iraqi penal system was dominated by the now notorious central prison at Abu Ghraib near Baghdad. Under the regime of Saddam Hussein thousands of individuals were detained in Abu Ghraib…” –
Because most American “Christians” support the antichrist state of false Israel
1Jn 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
1Jn 4:2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:
Any government that supports that state is it not under the same curse as those under the Divine law and disobey one law even in heart ?
For 20 years I have never trusted a Muslim but I have never killed or persecuted them. I don’t know if they understand just what hatred they are sowing against themselves from just about everywhere that is non Muslim.
Christians are not easy meat, nor are Buddhists or Hindus or other faiths but they had better realise this because if the Muslims continue on their Jihad they will see the utter destruction of them.
My heart goes out to this family and to all the others who suffer under this cult.
And yes I do give money to Christian charities to try to assist;
A great deal in fact.
I disagree with you. I think that Christians, in general, are ‘easy meat’. Largely they are peaceable people, going about their daily lives, when the evil strikes. Pakistani Christians are easy meat, Iraqi Christians, Syrian Christians the same. These lovely people, are generally at the islamists mercy. Seeing as the islamist barely comprehends mercy, we all know how things turn out. I am gald to read that you donate, I too, do what I can. Lord Jesus, intervene on behalf of the persecuted.
Sorry to say it but religion and belief in god isn’t going to save them from this one. It’s time to let these barbarians know that the world has had enough of their cult. Persecuted? they don’t even know the meaning of the word but sure as hell, they will.
Your blood must be spilled
When the civilized world fights back against muslim tyranny, it is labeled as crusading and persecution of muslims. They spin and lie and make themselves victims when the tide is turned on them. The world united to fight them back before. It’s time for new a Crusade!!
You trusted a muslim and expected something else? Not the way I would wish anyone to learn it but you’ve been taught a harsh lesson about trusting islam.
I’ve known talked to Iraqis who hated Saddam Hussein which for me was a real eye opener..
And you open the video and the first comment is some retard saying that “christians shouldn’t be in the region” and are only there because of “imperialism”;
People like that guy are even more of a problem for the West than the jihadists.
American liberal, socialist, communist, facist and Islamic apologists :
John Kerry, Diane Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, Richard J. Durbin, Patty Murray, Mazie K. Hirono, Amy Klobuchar, Jeanne Shaheen, Al Franken, Patrick Leahy, Sheldon Whitehouse, Sherrod Brown, Tim Kaine, Christopher A. Coons, Robert Menendez, Edward J. Markey, **Valerie Jarrett.
These are the Americans who are pushing, without our consent, for well over 65, 000 muslims to be ”rescued’ and brought to the USA with no justification for this security breach of action.
Terrorist Americans.
And most of us do not want them here
and in the meantime our govt continues to support moslems who commit inhumane atrocities against all non-moslems….for what!? this has been going on for decades and “We The People” have been and continue to be lied to!!
WE AMERICANS Did not do this..
Obama was elected and backed by Communists who call themselves “Progressives”
They are a very Angry, Vengeful People. Most of them are broken, and Misfits in the Community.
Some are Radicals and were Raised that way by their Mentally Ill Parents or Mentors.
Just look at those who Support Obama and the Hillary’s of the World…Most of them Hate their Parents, they hate their schoolmates, work mates, they call themselves Victims of Society. But in fact they have brought this onto themselves.
They refuse to work with others, they always create problems where ever they go. Always looking for pity.
They in their own lives enjoy playing “Divide and Conquer”, they gossip a lot.
Like I said, most are very mentally ill……They created this….And this is what they wanted…
It is wrong to think you can have Muslim friends. They are taught to feign friendship until they see the right moment to kill you. They speak openly of overtaking us in jihad!
Blood on the hands of Soros, Obama, Erdogan, Hillary, Bush and the rest of the creators and funders of ISIS, al Qaida, and all the other different names for Taliban… . The evil greed for their money and power to murder innocent lives when the least of these martyrs is worth more than they will ever gain will come back to haunt them and send them to hell.
Still Obama waits
Folks, for Christ’s sake, let us unite in one important prayer together.
Let us pray for the complete defeat of the barbaric and genocidal
Syrian islamic jihadists and their American backers in Syria. Please
pray for this objective in the next three weeks. Remember, as you pray
for this objective, you could be saving the lives of millions of
innocent Syrian Christians through your simple prayer. Please share this
prayer request with others who are willing to pray for the fulfillment
of this noble objective.
Thank you.
Amen, I’m in Agreement with your prayer brother! I also pray often about the persecution of our brothers and sisters in the Middle-East because the World is silent about them although like you, I believe in the power of prayers! Our Lord Jesus told us that when two or three are gathered together in His name, there He is in the midst of us. Matt 18:20 Shalom!
One day men will be judged for this behavior.
German Christians did the same in Nazi Germany and the same happened in Bosnia. Christians and Muslims who lived together and were friends killed each other. Rowanda also did the same thing. Indoctrinated human beings can to horrific things.
In conclusion: The Bottom Line here is that We as Saints [Need],and I cannot place More emphasis on the NEED to be Prayerful that we Realize that we be prepared to Live or Die according to our True Faith: That e fear Not him who can kill our body, but cannot kill our Soul But rather, Fear Him Whom cannot only Kill or body; but Also cast our Souls into Hell!
In conclusion: The Bottom Line here is that We as Saints [Need],and I cannot place More emphasis on the NEED to be Prayerful that we Realize that we be prepared to Live or Die according to our True Faith: That e fear Not him who can kill our body, but cannot kill our Soul But rather, Fear Him Whom cannot only Kill or body; but Also cast our Souls into Hell!
In conclusion: The Bottom Line here is that We as Saints [Need],and I cannot place More emphasis on the NEED to be Prayerful that we Realize that we be prepared to Live or Die according to our True Faith: That e fear Not him who can kill our body, but cannot kill our Soul But rather, Fear Him Whom cannot only Kill or body; but Also cast our Souls into Hell!
How can we support this family??????
I dispute this story. Firstly, ISIS are not Muslims. Secondly, Muslims don’t kill children. What a load of crock!
No disrespect Anniyah but you’re so wrong about ISIS.
#1) The name ISIS means: “Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant”
#2) The Leader of this Islamic Militant Group is: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who is a Sunni-Muslim.
#3) The Leader including the members of ISIS claim to be Muslims, holds a Qur’an in their hands, often scream Allahu Akbar (Glory to Allah or God in Arabic), have long beard following the sunnah (saying, deeds and traditions of the prophet).
#4) Here’s a quote from a member of ISIS Muslim Group often called Mujahideen (Fight Jihad against the unbelievers or kafirs for the sake of Allah):
“We fear not the swarms of planes, nor ballistic missiles, nor drones, nor satellites, nor battleships, nor weapons of mass destruction. How could we fear them, while Allah the Exalted has said, ‘If Allah should aid you, no one can overcome you.’”
#5) Lastly, when you read the Quran, it is clear that ISIS Islamic Group are acting upon the sword verses by their prophet Muhammad who commanded is followers Fight the people till they testified that there is only one god but Allah and Muhammad his is messenger!
Yankie: ISIS are not Muslims. They can claim what they wish but they do not follow the Quran. Therefore, they are not Muslims.
Anniyah, again your claim that they (Islamic State) do not “Follow” the Quran is completely False.
– What book do you see this Sunni Muslim member of the Islamic state holding? Plz, Be Honest Anniyah!
#1) I just show You evidence that they DO Follow the Quran.
#2) Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is A Devout Sunni Muslim & The Leader Of The (Islamic State).
#3) When they Speak to Medias, they Quote from the Quran And Here’s A Clear Example (Below) Of A Muslim Member Of The Islamic State Saying, I Quote:
“We fear not the swarms of planes, nor ballistic missiles, nor drones, nor satellites, nor battleships, nor weapons of mass destruction. How could we fear them, while Allah the Exalted has said, “If Allah should aid you, no one can overcome you.’”
Anniyah, The last portion of this quote is an excerpt of Quranic 3:160 (A Proof They Read The Quran).
#4) The Muslims who joins the Islamic State Claims to Fight Those Who Are Infidels Or Unbelievers (Quote Below) And It Is Not A Coincidence That In The Qur’an, Muhammad Claimed The Exact Same E.g: (Quran Surah 9:29 Below)
QUOTE: “It’s A Religious War With Those Who Are Unbelievers In The Mission Of Muhammad… Especially For The Purpose Of Advancing Islam and Repelling Evil From Muslims.”
SOURCE: – ISIS spokesman Abu Mohammed al-Adnani this week praised the recent terror attacks in Australia, Belgium and France.
Muhammad Said: “FIGHT AGAINST Those Who BELIEVE NOT IN ALLAH, nor in the Last Day, nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger and FIGHT THOSE WHO ACKNOWLEDGE NOT THE RELIGION OF TRUTH (I.E. ISLAM) Among The People Of The Scripture (Jews and Christians), Until they pay the Jizyah (High Tax) with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.” Quran 9:29
#5) ISIS Or (The Islamic State Of Syria And Iraq). The Islamic Group Operate In Syria & Iraq Which Are BOTH Muslim Countries. The Iraq Population Is 98% Muslims.
– It Cannot Be More “Clear” That The Islamic State Members Are Muslims. Don’t be in denial but instead apply common sense.
– I could Show You many verse where Muhammad commands in Followers to Fight the Infidels for the Sake Of Allah which groups like Al-Shabaab, Boko Haram, Others Uses To Justified Their Attacks. E.g. Jihad Surahs: (47:4; 66:9; 4:89; 9:73; 2:191)
QUOTE: “We repeat our call to Muslims in Europe, the infidel West, and everywhere to target the Crusaders in their home countries and wherever they find them,” he said.
SOURCE: An ISIS Smuggler in his 30s with a neatly trimmed black beard, revealed to BuzzFeed that the ongoing clandestine operation has been a “complete success.”
[Remember] when your Lord inspired to the angels, “I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I WILL CAST TERROR INTO THE HEARTS OF THOSE WHO DISBELIEVED SO STRIKE [THEM] UPON THE NECKS (BEHEAD) AND STRIKE FROM THEM EVERY FINGERTIP.” Quran 8:12
How can you believe in a prophet who commands to fight those who don’t believe in your god (Allah), who commands to strike upon the neck which is beheading (Surah Above) from the Quran, Muhammad’s words while we have seen many Muslims doing so in the Middle-East, UK, Africa, Etc?
Anniyah, I have nothing against you although I must tell you the truth! I expect that you will probably not read what I wrote and respond with a few words saying it’s not true even thought provided all sources, evidence, Quranic scriptures, etc.
Here Are Other Muslim Groups (Below) – Notice They All Follow The Quran:
Probably “Penthouse”.
DAESH are definitely not Muslims. They break all the commandments. “Thou shalt not kill” is one commandment which they regularly break.
Allah is not “my God”. Allah is the same God for all three Abrahamic religions: Christians, Jews and Muslims.
The Arabic word Allāh (Allah) means the God although it is mainly use by Muslims to refer to the God of Islam
Again, No the God of Islam is not the “Same” as the God of Christianity. In Christianity God is a Trinity, but in Islam God is not a Trinity. It is not possible to have God be a Trinity and also not a Trinity at the same time. Furthermore, because Islam denies the Trinity (that there is one God who is comprised of three distinct persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), it means that Jesus is not the incarnation of the second person of the Trinity.
– Quran, 5:73 “They do blaspheme who say: Allah is one of three in a Trinity: for there is no god except One Allah. If they desist not from their word (of blasphemy), verily a grievous penalty will befall the blasphemers among them.”
– So it is clear that the Quran clearly denies one of the essential Christian Doctrines about God’s nature. The God of Islam and the God of Christianity are Not the Same.
– Also, in Islam Jesus is not God in flesh (Surah 4:172, 5:73, 9:30) where in Christianity He is (John 1:1, 14, Col. 2:9). In Christianity Jesus was crucified, but in Islam He was not (Surah 4:158). This is Another Irreconcilable Difference between Islam and Christianity regarding God and who Christ is. In addition, Islam says that the Helper (paraclete in Greek) is Muhammad where the Bible says that the Helper is the Holy Spirit (John 14:26). So, the God of Islam and the God of Christianity are Not the Same.
There are some very important Differences between the God of the Bible (Yahweh) and the God of Muslims (Allah):
► God’s Only begotten Son is Jesus. Allah has No begotten son.
► God made salvation available by sacrificing His Son and promises salvation by grace to those who believe. Allah sacrificed nothing, and only saves if sufficient works are done.
► God has a payment for sins—Jesus Christ. Allah has no payment for sins.
► God’s Christ paid for the sins of mankind. Allah paid for nothing, and all men pay for their own sins.
► God’s salvation is through Christ’s work. Allah’s salvation is through people’s works.
► God’s saving work is, “Come to Christ.” The major part of Moslem salvation is to believe Mohammed was the sum and seal of the prophets.
► God’s book is very different from Allah’s book. They contradict each other, so they cannot both be true. For example, the Bible says Christ was resurrected from the dead. The Moslems reject that as a lie.
► God says his Son is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Allah says Christ is “only a messenger” (Chap. 5, “The Food” sect. 10, par. 75).
► God treats men and women equally. Allah does not.
► God says marriages today (Christian) are to be monogamous. Allah allows more than one wife.
► There is no marriage in God’s Paradise. Faithful men get many virgins in Allah’s.
► God says it is not necessary to have special days. Allah does: for example, Ramadan, the Moslem holy month during which Moslems fast during the day.
► This list could be multiplied many times over, but there is no point. We have a saying, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it is a duck. God and Allah do not walk alike or quack alike. They are not the same and anyone who tries to say they are is blind to these obvious differences. Most Muslims do not say that Allah and the God of the Jews and Christians are the same being, which is a major reason Muslims count Christians as “infidels.” Why would they say that if they really believed they were worshiping the true God? Why Muslims don’t go to church if they worship the same God? The obvious reason is because we clearly don’t the Same God!
Jesus Christ (Bible) And Muhammad Teachings (Quran) Are So Opposite And Hear’s WHY:
► Jesus’ Teaching His Followers On How To Treat Their Enemies:
Resist not evil (Matthew 5:39)
If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to them the other (Matthew 5:39)
If someone takes your coat, give them your shirt (Matthew 5:40)
Forgive and you shall be forgiven (Matthew 6:14)
But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you. (Luke 6:27)
Bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. (Luke 6:28)
If someone make you carry something one mile, carry it two (Matthew 5:41)
Judge not, that ye be not judged (Matthew 7:1)
Blessed are the peacemakers (Matthew 5:9)
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy (Matthew 5:7)
Ye have heard that it was said, Thou shalt not kill, but I say whoever is angry with his brother is in danger of the judgment (Matthew 5:21-22)
► Muhammad’s Teaching His Followers On How To Treat Their Enemies:
Infidels are your sworn enemies (Sura 4:101)
Be ruthless to the infidels (Sura 48:29)
Make war on the infidels who dwell around you (Sura 9:123, 66:9)
Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day (Sura 9:29)
Strike off the heads [Behead] of infidels in battle (Sura 47:4)
If someone stops believing in Allah, kill him (Sahih al-Bukhari 9:84:57)
Kill the disbelievers wherever we find them (Sura 2:191)
No Muslim should be killed for killing an infidel (al-Bukhari 1:3:111)
The only reward of those who make war upon Allah and His messenger will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet cut off (…) (Sura 5:33)
[…] “I will Cast Terror into the Hearts of those who Disbelieved (Jews & Christians) So Strike Them] Upon The Necks [Behead] and strike from them every Fingertip.” (Surah 8:12)
A Message Of Peace And Forgiveness Or Revenge:
JESUS was a religious leader
MUHAMMAD was a religious leader and a Military leader
JESUS Never killed Anyone (Sinless)
MUHAMMAD killed an estimated 3,000 people, including beheading 700 Jews of the Banu Qurayza tribe in Medina
JESUS Never forced followers to continue believing
MUHAMMAD forced follower to continue believing, “Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him”
JESUS taught “forgive those who trespass against you”
MUHAMMAD taught to avenge trespasses against your honor, family or religion
Jesus And Muhammad Behavior Toward Unbelievers:
– JESUS never tortured anyone
– MUHAMMAD tortured the chief of a Jewish tribe
– JESUS religion is known for forgiveness and love
– MUHAMMAD’S religion is known for obedience and fear
– NONE of JESUS’ Apostles Led Armies
– ALL Of The Caliphs Who Followed MUHAMMAD Led Armies To Fight Jihad (Conquer Lands) For The Sake Of God (Allah):
● Conquest of Persia and Iraq: 633—651A.D.
● Conquest of Transoxiana: 662–751
● Conquest of Sindh: 664–712
● Conquest of Hispania 711–718 and Septimania 719–720
● Conquest of the Caucasus: 711–750
● End of the Umayyad conquests: 718–750
● Conquest of Nubia: 700–1606
● Incursions into southern Italy: 831–902
● Conquest of Anatolia: 1060–1360
● Byzantine-Ottoman Wars: 1299–1453
● Further conquests: 1200–1800
● Decline and collapse: 1800—1924
● Modern Jihad: 1948—2015 (Refer Below):
► MUSLIM (JIHADIST) GROUPS LIKE: Al-Shabaab, Boko Haram, Hizbollah, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Hamas, Pakistan Taliban, Egypt Islamic Jihad, Palestinian Islamic Jihad & More Who Follows The Teaching Of Muhammad By Carrying Since 2001, Over 26,879 Islamic Terror Attacks In The World.
Jesus Loves Unbelievers But Muhammad Hate Unbelievers:
JESUS SAYS: Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick, whatever you do to the very least you have done unto me (Matthew 25:40).
MUHAMMAD SAYS: Never be a helper to the disbelievers (Sura 28:86).
JESUS SAYS: Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy (Matthew 5:7).
MUHAMMAD SAYS: Take neither the Jews nor the Christians for your friends (Sura 5:51, 60:13).
JESUS SAYS: Blessed are the peacemakers (Matthew 5:9).
MUHAMMAD SAYS: No Muslim should be killed for killing an infidel (Sahih al-Bukhari 1:3:111).
Jesus Christ And Muhammad Morality:
JESUS never owned slaves
MUHAMMAD received a fifth of the prisoners taken in battle, including women. Ex: (Sura 8:41)
JESUS never married
MUHAMMAD, a polygamist, had many wives
JESUS taught God was our Father
MUHAMMAD taught it was blasphemy to call Allah your father
JESUS did not retaliate when violence was committed against him, saying “Father, forgive them.”
MUHAMMAD retaliated when violence was committed against him, ordering the death of his enemies and even those who mocked him through poems.
Islam And Christianity Martyrdom:
– Following JESUS was voluntary, from the inside out!
– Following MUHAMMAD could be coerced, from the outside in!
– A MARTYR IN CHRISTIANITY and Jewish thought is one who dies for his faith. EX: On June the 8th, 2012, in Maiduguri, Nigeria a church pastor is shot to death in his home by two Islamists.
– A MARTYR IN ISLAM thought is one who dies for his faith while killing infidels. EX: Suicide Bombers every day in the Middle-East, the event of 911.
– CHRISTIANITY: Teaches God wants a personal relationship with each individual.
– ISLAM: Teaches individuals cannot have a personal relationship with Allah, as he is transcendent and unknowable.
A Prophet And/Or A Military Leader:
FIGHTING Was/Is Inconsistent With JESUS Example But Not MUHAMMAD, As The Sirat Rasul Allah Records Muhammad Personally Led 27 Raids, Including:
The “Battle of Badr, 624 AD; The Battle of Uhud 625 AD and The *Expulsion of Banu Nadir, 625 AD; The Attack on Banu Mustaliq, 626 AD; The Battle of the Trench 627 AD and The Killing Banu Qurayza, 627 AD; The Battle of Khaybar, 628 AD”, The Invasion of Waddan, 623 AD, The Invasion of Buwat 623 AD, The Invasion of Dul 623 AD, The Ashir Invasion of Safwan 623 AD, The Invasion of Sawiq 624 AD, The Invasion of Banu Qaynuqa 624 AD, The Al Kudr Invasion 624 AD, The Invasion of Thi Amr 624 AD, The Invasion of Bahran 624 AD, The Invasion of Hamra al-Asad 625 AD, The Expedition of Dhat al-Riqa 627 AD, The Invasion of Badr 626 AD, The Invasion of Dumatul Jandal 626 AD, The Invasion of Banu Lahyan 627 AD, The Treaty of Hudaybiyyah 628 AD, The Conquest of Fidak 628 AD, The Third Expedition of Wadi al Qura 628 AD, The Battle of Hunayn 630 AD, The Battle of Autas 630 AD, The Siege of Ta’if 630 AD AND The Battle of Tabouk 630 AD.
Walid Shoebat moderates his page and does not appreciate decent. Guess he thinks I am an Evangelical. Regardless, his site, his rules, his way. I will not miss out on anything. 🙂 Anyway, good post above. Peace and Blessings
You’re so right about that! Wallid and Theodore Shoebat, his son are both Catholics and they constantly attack & mock bible believing Born-Again Christians labeled as Protestants or Evangelical or Charismatic! They also stated that gays should have death penalty just as rapists and he even had the absurdity to say that Jesus would do the same which is blasphemy! By the way, Thank You for your comment dear Friend in Christ! 🙂 Shalom from Canada! God bless!
Allah and the Christian God are the same God. Pope Francis believe this.
I’m sorry to say Anniyah, the God of Muslims (Allah) and the God of Christians (Yahweh) are definitely Not the Same! You have not shown me any proof! Let’s look at several difference:
Note: I’m not a Catholic so I don’t follow a heretic Pope!
► The God of Muslims (Allah):
The Qur’an teaches that Allah is the transcendent creator, all-powerful and all-knowing. He knows who you are; in fact, many Muslims believe he has fatalistically determined your thoughts, words and deeds – good and evil – and even your eternal destiny, which is why Muslims so often say, “If Allah wills it.” So, Allah does indeed know you.
But Allah is not truly personal, knowable, or approachable. The Qur’an depicts him more judgmental than gracious. He exists as a singular unity who has no “partners.” In fact, to call Jesus the Son of God is to commit the unpardonable sin, or shirk. Of the 99 names for God in the Qur’an, Father is not one of them. In Islam, it is considered blasphemous to “presume” that one can know God or claim any sort of close, personal fellowship with Allah. He reveals his will, not himself.
► The God Of Christians (Yahweh):
The Bible also claims that the God of Christians is the transcendent Creator. He is all-knowing, all-powerful, and everywhere present. He knows us; But More than that, He is knowable and approachable. He created us in His image – with personality, thought, and will – for the purpose of enjoying an everlasting, unbreakable, intimate relationship with Him. He exists as a Trinity in eternal relationship as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In fact, God is so knowable, He came in the flesh as Jesus of Nazareth.
On the opposite, the Quran, 5:73 (Yusuf Ali), Says: “They do blaspheme who say: Allah is one of three in a Trinity: for there is no god except One Allah. If they desist not from their word (of blasphemy), verily a grievous penalty will befall the blasphemers among them.”
The Bible Said About God (Yahweh):
Jer. 24:7 — I will give them a heart to know Me, that I am the Lord. They will be My people, and I will be their God because they will return to Me with all their heart.
Jer. 31:34 — No longer will one teach his neighbor or his brother, saying: Know the Lord, for they will all know Me, from the least to the greatest of them”-the Lord’s declaration. “For I will forgive their wrongdoing and never again remember their sin.”
John 7:28-9 — As He was teaching in the temple complex, Jesus cried out, “You know Me and you know where I am from. Yet I have not come on My own, but the One who sent Me is true. You don’t know Him; I know Him because I am from Him, and He sent Me.”
Heb. 8:11 — And each person will not teach his fellow citizen,and each his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ because they will all know Me, from the least to the greatest of them.
John 1:1-3, 14 — In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. All things were created through Him, and apart from Him not one thing was created that has been created….The Word became flesh and took up residence among us. We observed His glory, the glory as the One and Only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
John 8:19 — Then they asked Him, “Where is Your Father?” “You know neither Me nor My Father,” Jesus answered. “If you knew Me, you would also know My Father.”
John 17:3 — This is eternal life: that they may know You, the only true God, and the One You have sent-Jesus Christ.
– Abraham was called “the friend of God.”
“So it is clear that the Quran clearly denies one of the essential Christian doctrines about God’s nature.”
► In Islam Jesus is not God in flesh (Surah 4:172, 5:73, 9:30) where in Christianity He is (John 1:1, 14, Col. 2:9).
► In Christianity Jesus was crucified, but in Islam He was not (Surah 4:158). This is another irreconcilable difference between Islam and Christianity regarding God and who Christ is.
► In addition, Islam says that the Helper (paraclete in Greek) is Muhammed where the Bible says that the Helper is the Holy Spirit (John 14:26). So, the God of Islam and the God of Christianity are not the same.
Yankie: Thank you for your explanation. You are saying that you believe there is more than one God. Good luck at the gates of hell.
STFU you disgusting bag-headed bimbo. Daesh are practising exactly the true kind of Islam you fílthy evil prophet preached.
DAESH can call themselves what they like, but they are not Muslims. DAESH are condemned and despised by Muslims around the world.
Your evil so called “religion”, which is nothing more than a violent death-and sex cult, is despised by everyone in the civilized world. Very soon humanity will unite to relegate it to the trash heap of history where it belongs together with the rest of evil fascistoid ideologies that have plagued mankind.
No disrespect Yankie but I heard ISIS stands for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service?
Anniyah, are you serious? Who fed you this lie, a Muslim? Only someone who hate Israel and/or Jewish people would spread such a deception because it’s not true!
Just because they have the same acronym, it doesn’t mean they are the Same! For Example, “The Institute for Science and International Security”: a non-profit institution which has used the acronym ISIS since 1993.
“International Species Information System”: an international non-profit organization serving more than 800 zoos and aquariums in 80 countries uses the Same Acronym Isis! Are they involve in violence & terrorism due to their Isis acronym? Of course Not! Those of hate the existence of Israel and/or Jews will spread Propaganda in order to vilify them! They will blame everything on them!
► Companies, Organizations & Groups urges Medias to use an alternative name for the Islamic Terrorist Group “ISIS” like Daesh because it plagues them! Again, they also uses the SAME Acronym even though they have no ties with Terrorism Nor Islam Like:
Isis, a journal focusing on the history of science, medicine and technology,
Isis magazine, a student magazine at Oxford University,
Isis (HM Prison), a young offenders institution located in London, England,
Hurricane Isis, several tropical cyclones,
Isis or double copula, an English sentence with the word is twice in succession,
Isis, the Oxford University reserve rowing crew at the Boat Race
► In the Photo (below), here’s a member of the Islamic State called Abu Abdullah, he is a Sunni Muslim and also an executioner!
Abu Abdullah Said, I Quote: “We thank Allah, may he be glorified, that he enable us to set foot on the land of al-Sham (the Levant), the land of Jihad (Fight the infidels/kafirs for the sake of Allah”
► In a nutshell, the Islamic State is an offshoot of al-Qaida. In fact, the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaida rejected the Islamic State in part because of ideological differences and disputes over authority.
► ISIS Leadership Are All Sunni Muslims:
Islamic State Deputy leader in Syria: Abu Ali al-Anbari, a Sunni Muslim.
Deputy leader in Iraq: Abu Muslim al-Turkmani, a Sunni Muslim.
Military chief: Abu Suleiman al-Naser, a Sunni Muslim.
Head of the Shura Council: Abu Arkan al-Ameri, a Sunni Muslim.
Chief spokesperson: Abu Mohammad al-Adnani, a Sunni Muslim.
Chief of Syrian military operations: Abu Omar al-Shishani, a Sunni Muslim.
► ISIS Group Members, Being Sunni Muslim Follows (Words For Words) Their Prophet Muhammad In The Qur’an Who Commands Them To:
“FIGHT AGAINST THOSE WHO BELIEVE NOT IN ALLAH, nor in the Last Day, nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger and FIGHT THOSE WHO ACKNOWLEDGE NOT THE RELIGION OF TRUTH (I.E. ISLAM) among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizyah (High Tax) with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.” Quran 9:29
NOTE: Narrated Ibn ‘Umar that the Prophet (SA) said, “My livelihood is under the shade of my spear, and he who disobeys my orders will be humiliated by paying Jizyah” (Sahih Bukhari 56 88)
Footnote: “Under the shade of my spear” means “from war booty”.
“Fighting is prescribed for you (Muslims), and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not.” Quran 2:216
NOTE: Not only does this verse establish that violence can be virtuous, but it also contradicts the myth that fighting is intended only in self-defense, since the audience was obviously not under attack at the time. From the Hadith, we know that this verse was narrated at a time that Muhammad was actually trying to motivate his people into raiding merchant caravans for loot.
[Remember] when your Lord inspired to the angels, “I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I WILL CAST TERROR INTO THE HEARTS OF THOSE WHO DISBELIEVED SO STRIKE [THEM] UPON THE NECKS (BEHEAD) AND STRIKE FROM THEM EVERY FINGERTIP.” Quran 8:12
“WHEN YOU MEET THE UNBELIEVERS, SMITE THEIR NECKS [BEHEAD], then when you have made wide slaughter among them, tie fast the bonds, then set them free, either by grace or ransom, until the war lays down its burdens”. Quran: 47:4
“Prophet! Make war on the unbelievers [Non-Muslims] and the hypocrites and deal sternly with them. Hell shall be their home, evil their fate”. Quran 66:9
“NOT EQUAL are those believers WHO SIT (AT HOME) and RECEIVE NO HURT, and those who STRIVE and FIGHT in the CAUSE OF ALLAH with their goods and their persons. Allah hath granted a grade higher to those who STRIVE and FIGHT with their goods and persons than to those who sit (at home). Unto all (in Faith) Hath Allah promised good: But those who STRIVE and FIGHT Hath He distinguished above those who sit (at home) by a special reward.” Qur’an 4:95
►You can believe what ever you want Anniyah but I spoke the truth using the Islamic book and the Sunnah, which is the saying and teachings of Muhammad!
Please Remember, These words are from Muhammad, the prophet of Islam not mine! I’ve made sure to write all the sources!
Thank you for spending so much time on your answer.
For the sake of Allah, do not call DAESH Muslims because Muslims they are not. Do not insult Islam by saying that. And also do not insult Prophet Muhammad and Sunnis by associating them in any way with DAESH.
Their physical appearance is that of Europeans. They are tall and well fed. They have the morals and ethics of sewer rats.
I know you probably want to defend Islam and put the blame on Israel but its false! ISIS Clearly Means: (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) The Group Are Muslim Jihadist Militants who practices a Strict interpretation of Sunni Islam. The group is known in Arabic as ad-Dawlah al-Islāmiyah fī ‘l-ʿIrāq wa-sh-Shām, leading to the acronym Da’ish or Daesh. Its Goal is to establish a Caliphate, an Islamic state obedient to its Leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, a Sunni Muslim. Bio:
In a nutshell, the Islamic State is an offshoot of al-Qaida. In fact, the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaida rejected the Islamic State in part because of ideological differences and disputes over authority.
ISIS’ roots lie in a Sunni Islamist militant group founded by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who pledged allegiance to Osama bin Laden in 2005 and named his group al-Qaeda in Iraq. Their relationship was sometimes tense, and the groups developed different tactics, goals and styles of leadership.
You said that Isis kills Muslim as well. Yes because Islamic State Group members are Sunni Muslims and they kill Shia or Shiite Muslims as they’re Kafirs (Infidel) to them.
After al-Zarqawi was killed in a U.S. strike in 2006, the Islamic group took the new name the Islamic State in Iraq. The group’s current leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, decided to expand into Syria after the country’s civil war broke out in 2011. In April 2013, al-Baghdadi proclaimed his group’s merger with al-Qaeda’s branch in Syria, the Nusra Front, calling the new venture the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS. But the al-Qaeda group denied the alliance, and when al-Baghdadi refused orders to focus on Iraq, al-Qaeda’s top leadership cut ties with ISIS.
ISIS Leadership Are All Sunni Muslims:
Islamic State Deputy leader in Syria: Abu Ali al-Anbari, a Sunni Muslim.
Deputy leader in Iraq: Abu Muslim al-Turkmani, a Sunni Muslim.
Military chief: Abu Suleiman al-Naser, a Sunni Muslim.
Head of the Shura Council: Abu Arkan al-Ameri, a Sunni Muslim.
Chief spokesperson: Abu Mohammad al-Adnani, a Sunni Muslim.
Chief of Syrian military operations: Abu Omar al-Shishani, a Sunni Muslim.
11 ISIS Sunni Muslim Militant TOP Leaders Killed in Syria and Iraq in 2016-2017:
Junaid Hussein
Salah Gourmat
Omar Al-Shishani
Mohamed Emwazi
Fadhil Ahmad Al-Hayali
Abu Mohammad Al-Adnant
Sammy Djedoil
Abd Al-Rahman
Boubaker Hakim
Walid Hamam
Abu Jandal Al-Kuwaiti
50,000 ISIS Sunni Muslim Group Members Have Been Killed Since Its Creation By Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi.
► If You Noticed, Every ISIS Members Have Things In Common:
They All read and carry a Quran.
They All express their love for Allah by praying on their knees.
They All express their devotion by following the Sunnah, the (example), the teachings and the deeds & saying of Muhammad (Imitating his sinful actions in his 7th century life).
They All interpret the Quran the same way non-Muslims “warns” you (Muslims) not to follow the same steps!
They All shout Allahu Akbar (glory to Allah) when they’re happy and it’s usually because they just killed a Kafir (infidel) or Jew or Christian or Shia, Etc).
They All express who & why they’re Fighting for and it’s for the sake of Allah.
They All want to spread Islam worldwide, a Caliphate.
(Example Photo Below)
ISLAMIC STATE QUOTE: “We repeat our call to Muslims in Europe, the infidel West, and everywhere to target the Crusaders in their home countries and wherever they find them,” he said.
QUOTE: “We will be enemies, in front of God, to any Muslim who can’t shed a drop of blood of a Crusader and abstains from doing that with a bomb, bullet, knife, car, rock or even a kick or a punch.”
SOURCE: ISIS spokesman Abu Mohammed al-Adnani this week praised the recent terror attacks in Australia, Belgium and France.
So how the hell does the world come to embrace this ?
Yeah; I’m shocked, but not surprised…
DAESH are not Muslims. True Muslims have a mandate to protect Christians.
You taqiyya will get you nowhere you smelly bipedal bin bag!
Sunni Muslims do not practise taqiyya you ignorant piece of shit!
Go humo your prayer rug you ugly, smelly bag-headed bimbo!
Wrong! All quranimals lie in order to advance their fílthy sect. Go hump your prayer rug you ugly, smelly bag-headed bimbo!
vote in Trump, get some balls America , The West DOES need a strong U.S.A. flush away that Muslim interloping liar Obama.