Ben Carson recently created controversy by warning against the Muslim doctrine of taqiyya, which allows Muslims to deceive non-Muslims. I already addressed the accuracy of Carson’s statements here, and the media’s attempts to discredit him here.
Soon thereafter, Daniel Pipes, the president of the Middle East Forum, brought an interesting anecdote to my attention.
Back in the 1980s, Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, the president of Pakistan, explained to Ronald Reagan how it was no problem for the Pakistanis to sign the Geneva agreements and yet continue supplying weapons to the Afghan jihadis (“freedom fighters”) combating the Soviet Union.
Why wasn’t it a problem? According to Zia, “We’ll just lie about it. That’s what we’ve been doing for eight years.” He added, “Muslims have the right to lie in a good cause.” (From the Cold War to a New Era: The United States and the Soviet Union, 1983-1991, p.280. Image below)
Compare this casual statement from the president of a Muslim nation with the claims of UCLA’s Abou El Fadl, whom the Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler quoted at length in an effort to prove Carson wrong about taqiyya. According to the Muslim professor, “there is no concept that would encourage a Muslim to lie to pursue a goal. That is a complete invention.”
So which Muslim do you believe? The strong and secure Muslim who said that “Muslims have the right to lie in a good cause” — in this case, jihad against “infidels.” Or the Muslim minority surrounded by American “infidels” who claims that there is “no concept that would encourage a Muslim to lie to pursue a goal”?
Apparently it never occurred to the WaPo’s Kessler that El Fadl himself may have been exercising, in Zia’s words, his Muslim “right to lie in a good cause” — in this case, to prevent Americans from ever being suspicious of Muslim individuals and organizations in the U.S.
Dear Raymond Ibrahim, Thank so very much for sharing the world with so much information concerning the persecution of Christians in the islamic world. Eespecially,
your article two days ago entitled “Russia Declares ‘Holy War’ on Islamic State” was amazing and heartwarming to many readers. Keep up the good work!
Reagan was an Honest man, I’m surprised he went along with this charade. I’m sure everyone knew anyway…..
Dear friends, for Christ’s sake, let us unite in one important prayer together.
Let us pray for the complete defeat of the barbaric and genocidal
Syrian islamic jihadists and their American backers in Syria. Please
pray for this objective in the next three weeks. Remember, as you pray
for this objective, you could be saving the lives of millions of
innocent Syrian Christians through your simple prayer. Please share this
prayer request with others who are willing to pray for the fulfillment
of this noble objective. Thank you.
Is that why Hussain Obama LIES so much??? Now we run guns to Mexican cartels and Syrian terrorists. Weapons from Libya poured into Syria via Turky for the “Rebellion”…..with the help of CIA of course. It cost Ambassador Stevens and his Security Detail their Lives!
Yes, it is why he lies and it is sad that many people still believe he would not lie about his faith. He is allowed to lie to further the spread of islam, as a muslim.
And liberal racists give him a pass as to them blacks are stupid, not evil.
Islam Permits Lying to Deceive Unbelievers and Bring World Domination!
al-Taqiyya: deception; the islamic word for concealing or disguising one’s
beliefs, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions, and/or strategies.
No. They do not. Nothing is good about lies. They are of their father satan.
Who determines a good cause? GOD.
Do it in court and go to prison. It is called perjury
In the most authoritative sharia “law” (crime) manuals, the muslims are actually encouraged to lie to their own judges – “He who lies to free a criminal by covering up his crimes, will have allah lie to cover up his own crimes on Judgment Day”)!
just proves.. allah = satan.
Allah is indeed the greatest deceiver, as Moe himself put it!
Funny how muslims are so keen on amputating the applicable limbs for all the lesser forms of theft (but not actual robbery, as might makes right to them) yet not only do they not demand people have their tongues amputated for lying, but they actually encourage it all the time!
And yet lying is the most basic form of theft – it’s the (at least, attempted) theft of the Truth. Since all crimes are forms of theft, lying (“fraud” and slander) is a crime, and most liars (except those who lie to defend them selves and innocent others from criminals) are criminals.
Here’s what I usually tell liberals:
Dear Liberal quisling traitors and willing accessory enablers of the global islamic crime-gang:
You know all those open, innocent-seeming, relieved, “Thank allah this ONE person isn’t denigrating my religion and seems to be genuinely open to reason about it!” looks you MUST be getting from your “muslim friends,” – and which you so-obviously crave?
(Because of course that would make you “unique” amongst all the rest of us hater/ racist/ bigots here in the West, wouldn’t it?)
Well… Guess What! Those earnest looks AREN’T based on their being some poor, misunderstood and oppressed minority!
NOR are they based on their being happy to save your soul by telling you their religious “truths” either! (Despite what most Westerners might commonly have come to expect from most of those puppy-like, innocently naive, more local religious folks around here)!
NO, those looks of relief are ONLY based on the muslims’ own, personal relief that, if you fall for their LIES, then they won’t personally eventually have to kill you for allah (which would be onerous, messy, and distasteful, even to them)!
So what you saw were the exact same looks as you’d get from, say, the delusively innocent Jehovah’s Witlesses, but were motivated by entirely different background reasons!
The Qur’an is more than just another flawed book of confusing, contradictory superstitious nonsense, it’s evil. The reason the early muslims didn’t just walk away from it is threefold: 1). If they even think about trying to leave islam, the others MUST kill them for it! (Sura 4:89); and: 2) by far, most muslims have always been illiterate, and so, because: 3) the Qur’an and sahih ahadith tell muslims to lie ALL the time, to EVERYONE (to their OWN families and friends, and of course to their “infidel enemies”) whenever they ask their Imams if it “really” says they are so superior to all the non-muslims in the world that it’s not only their right, but also their holy duty to their god, to extort, enslave, and murder all the non-muslims in the world simply for the “crime” of not bein muslims, those imams will often LIE to THEM about it, too!
Just as they’ve obviously done to YOU, because you asked them first, simply because were too lazy to actually read the “clear” words in your own local library’s copy of the Qur’an first!
Islam’s OWN history declares it has murdered over 270 million people (that’s over a quarter BILLION innocents sacrificed to allah – so far)! And that’s more than EVERYONE else (all non-muslims, both secular AND religious creeds) COMBINED, too!
So you’re now trying to use a mere anecdote – that:
“But I have a Good Muslim Friend!” trope, to somehow subjectively try to “disprove” the objective FACT that islam is in fact inherently evil?!
Back in the day, would you have tried to convince everyone else that National Socialism also wasn’t evil, simply because YOU could claim you had a “Good Nazi Friend!”?
All muslims are liars. Their creed informs them their god wants them to lie all the time, to everyone* – to their own families and friends (“to keep the peace”) and of course to their infidel enemies (“to keep the peace until you are in a position of strength and able to successfully attack them again”). Obviously, since islam is only an extortion racket CRIME syndicate, they have to lie to them selves, too, in order to pretend it’s a “religion” in any way; i.e:
“God told us to commit these crimes!”
*(Narrated in al-Bukhari, 2546; Muslim, 2605)
It was narrated that Asma’ Bint Yazeed said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: ‘It is not permissible to tell lies except in three (cases): when a man speaks to his wife in a way to please her; lying in war; and lying in order to reconcile between people.’”
Muslims are told by allah to LIE TO EVERYONE, ALL THE TIME: (and all “to keep the peace!”) to their own families and friends, and of course to their “infidel enemies.”
Similarly, one of Mohammed’s own daughters, Umm Kalthoum, testified that she had never heard the Apostle of Allah condone lying, except in these three situations:
1.) For reconciliation among people.
2.) In war.
3.) Amongst spouses, to keep peace in the family.
In other words, “allah wants you to lie to everyone, all the time!”
And, while they amputate the appropriate limbs for theft, not only do they not cut out their own tongues for lying, but they actively encourage it…yet lying is only the most basic form of theft – it’s the theft of the Truth. And theft IS crime.
So “allah” is only an immoral thief, just like his creator, Muhammad was.
PS: The ends don’t justify the means – they only ever really DEFINE the end results: If you lie, murder and steal to get your way, in the end, you’re NOT “a great success” – you’re still really only a lying, murdering THIEF!
“If that is beyond your means, fast for three days. That is the expiation for the oaths ye have sworn. But keep to your oaths (to each other, not to infidels). Thus doth Allah make clear to you His signs, that ye may be grateful.” Surah 5:89 (In other words, if you feel guilty about lying, just go on a diet for three days and allah will forgive you).
“Allah will not call you to account for thoughtlessness (vain) in your oaths, but for the intention in your hearts; and He is Oft-forgiving, Most Forbearing.” Surah 2:225
“Any one who, after accepting faith in Allah, utters Unbelief, except under compulsion, his heart remaining firm in Faith – but such as open their breast to Unbelief, on them is Wrath from Allah, and theirs will be a dreadful Penalty.” Surah 16: 106
The noted Islamic commentator, Al-Tabari explained Surah 16:106 as a verse that had been revealed to Mohammed after he learned that Ammar Ibn Yasser was forced to deny his faith in Mohammed when kidnapped by the Banu Moghera tribe. Mohammed consoled Ammar by telling him, “If they turned, you turn.” (Meaning: if they again capture you, you are allowed to deny me again.)
3:28 [http://www.islam-universe.com/tafsir//3.8052.html], 3:118, 4:89, 4:139, 4:144, 5:51, 9:23, 9:33, 60:1, 60:13
3:28. Let not the believers take the disbelievers as Auliyâ (supporters, helpers, etc.) instead of the believers, and whoever does that will never be helped by Allâh in any way, except if you indeed fear a danger from them. And Allâh warns you against Himself (His Punishment), and to Allâh is the final return.
And why would muslims “fear a danger from unbelievers”? Maybe because the muslims have been told they are so superior to all the non-muslims in the world, that it’s not only their right, but also their holy responsibility to their god to extort, enslave, and murder them all for their ‘crime’ of not being muslims? That might upset their victims, so of course they’re supposed to lie in order to be able to ‘defend’ their holy right to continue to commit their crimes against their victims!
Ibn Kathir quotes ahadith which are not included in Khan’s translation but are included in Aisha Bewley’s, in his explanation of 3:28.
… meaning, except those believers who in some areas or times fear for their safety from the disbelievers. In this case, such believers are allowed to show friendship to the disbelievers outwardly, but never inwardly. For instance, Al-Bukhari recorded that Abu Ad-Darda’ said,
“We smile in the face of some people although our hearts curse them.”
Al-Bukhari said that Al-Hasan said, “The Taqiyah (holy deception and lying to infidels to promote the islamic crime-gang) is allowed until the Day of Resurrection.” (i.e: forever and always).
Qur’an 9:3 “Allah and His Messenger dissolve obligations.”
Qur’an 66:2 “Allah has already sanctioned for you the dissolution of your vows.”
Islam elevates lies and deception to the level of a sacrament.
So don’t ask a muslim about islam, because it’s inevitable that they will lie to you about it, as they lie to themselves about it. Read their stuff, secure in the knowledge that it is immutable and will never change.
The difference (right now, at least) between lying patterns in the West and long-oppressed East: here in the West, kids are being told they – and everyone else – are too stupid to learn, “so” all facts are really only opinions. So their responses to facts which don’t suit their preferred fact-free opinions are met with rude hostility and lies – as in: “NO it isn’t! NO IT DOESN’T!” in stead of with a more polite version of our instinctive denial (“Really? I find that hard to believe so: please, prove it!?”). But that will change to the full-blown, wholly unnatural cultural indoctrination programming of the Eastern Stockholm-Syndrome-like muslim response, once islam finally takes over:
In the East, (and it is this culturally ingrained habitual reaction which is so-easily able, right now, to co-opt liberal stooges, already prone to racism, to pander to and indulge in their narratives of the poor oppressed noble savages ideal) the muslim liar acts in a way which is completely unnatural: Their first-reactions to new ideas isn’t the human one of denial, but the exact opposite: automatic acceptance! This flatters the liberal bigot into thinking that it has finally met with an enlightened being who is emotively sympathetic to its nonsense, in stead of automatically contentious, as all liberals have been trained to expect from, first, other liberals, pretty-much eternally, and then all others as well. Thanks to islamic extortion, muslims will automatically grin and nod at new ideas, and say “Yes, yes, of course my very good friend! Yes, you are so right! Yes, I agree! I will do it!” (having of course no intention of ever following through on their easy promises later).
(Naturally, the older and more experienced-in-lying liberals, resemble the muslims).
Further, Westerners presume that muslims have been taught from birth, (like said Westerners have,) that facts, logic and science actually matter.
But muslims have been taught from birth that the will of “allah” trumps any and all logic or principles any mere stupid humans could come up with. The Qur’an repeats: “Only allah knows; you do not know!”
So, their inculcated, indoctrinated set-point response is always: “Screw logic! If Moe said Gebril said “allah” said do something, then that alone is what they have to do and obey – or else! CAPISCE?!”
Further, muslims have also all been trained and socially conditioned by their crime-culture, inculcated and indoctrinated from birth to believe that God Himself wants and expects them all to lie: all the time, and to everyone, and in any and all situations. This is something Westerners simply cannot believe, yet it’s true.
Now, we may realize that it’s the perfectly natural human default position of everybody to initially deny anything new, but while most civilized people would say, politely: “What do you mean?” (to stall for time) or “I find that hard to believe; please prove it!” today’s feral trolls have been abused with the false notion that being offended or having their feelings hurt, or just being surprised by something, is an illegal attack on them, so they usually respond with a shallow lie; (their denial is expressed as a war of equally valid opinions) as: “Not it isn’t!” and/or “No it doesn’t!” and then they double-down on their initial lying reaction, and make them selves look proudly stupid.
And then there’s the muslims liars, who actually go out of their way to make something nonsensical up from the beginning – which usually involves greeting all new ideas with false enthusiasm, and endorsing them with lavish promises of compliance – which are, of course, immediately forgotten and abandoned. Because human desires don’t count, inshallah.
And leftists love muslim lies because they are exactly the same as the liberals’ ones: criminal extortion.
People naturally ALWAYS react to new information first by rejecting and denying it.
Again: they can do this politely (“I find that hard to believe; please prove it?”) or rudely, as do most feral liberal trolls: “No it isn’t! No it doesn’t!” and then double-down on their lies, but their most insidious response is the slanderously pre-planned one of automatic Submission – where a muslim or liberal will grin and nod and agree with everything anyone says to them, enthusiastically making exorbitant promises they will never keep!
Over a thousand years of pretending the violent mass-murdering bandit-king Muhammad was always right has created their “culture” of automatic lies and presenting a pleasant facade and image of peace over the truth of any doubts they ever have. They live in a state of automatic Submission to terror and lies.
“Yes, yes, of course, my very good friend! Whatever you say, I agree with it! Yes!”
Anyone who’s ever had interactions with Arabs or has liberal relatives knows it, too.
(And yes I include those poor Coptic Christian Arabs imprisoned in muslim areas)!
Thanks Raymond for your excellent article.
So which Muslim do you believe?
Both of course, because both will act upon their beliefs!
What a stupid question!
The question is: which one should we react to??
Again! Obvious!
The one which affects us!