CDN, by Bob Taylor
CHARLOTTE, NC, November 16, 2015 – When you read the words of writers like Ben Norton of Salon, you have to wonder if the world is ever going to sane, or at the very least, reasonable again.

Norton claims, “Our terrorism double standard: After Paris, let’s stop blaming Muslims and take a hard look at ourselves.
“Any time there is an attack on civilians in the post-9/11 West, demagogues immediately blame it on Muslims. They frequently lack evidence, but depend on the blunt force of anti-Muslim bigotry to bolster their accusations.”
Norton’s premise is so blatantly stupid it should not even merit comment.
So the French went to their sidewalk cafes and to the theater and just happened to inconveniently interrupt a terrorist attack by Islamists screaming “Allahu Akbar” and somehow the Parisians are at fault.
Who else screams “Allahu Akbar” Mr. Norton? Maybe it was a bunch of Buddhists disguising themselves as Muslims because they wanted to blame Islam.
Norton’s idea is supposedly based on “Actual evidence that shows that less than 2 percent of terrorist attacks from 2009 to 2013 in the E.U. were religiously motivated. In 2013, just one percent of the 152 terrorist attacks were religious in nature; in 2012, less than 3 percent of the 219 terrorist attacks were inspired by religion.”
Assuming Norton’s numbers are accurate, which is highly debatable, it is a sure bet that 100% of the terrorists attacks by Islamists were religiously motivated.
Raymond Ibrahim writes that “one of the most surprising aspects of the terrorist attacks in Paris is how ‘deeply shocked’ members of the European political establishment appeared to be.”
Even Ibrahim is “surprised” by the reaction of the political elites, but that is because we are always “shocked” when they incidents happen. “Shocked and awed” and yet the West does everything it can to appease, cajole and perpetuate the situation either through foolhardy negotiations or misguided beliefs that we can solve global terrorism by playing nice.
President Barack Obama went to his filing cabinet and pulled out his Charlie Hebdo response. “We stand with the people of (fill in the blank) and we will not rest until these people have been brought to justice.”
Mr. Obama doesn’t even need his teleprompter for this one, he has it memorized.
Obama, much like O.J. Simpson before him, has been avidly looking for the killers in Benghazi on every golf course in the country. But in keeping his promise, he has not rested.
Raymond Ibrahim goes on to clarify his statement about the surprise of European leaders by saying, “What is truly shocking is that so many are still shocked. When someone is shocked they are essentially saying they have no idea how a specific event came to pass.”
Check with Ben Norton, Raymond. This was just a bunch of fun-loving Muslims who decided to go on a killing spree because Parisians were going about their daily routines and that made the Muslims angry.
Writes Norton, “There are many layers of hypocrisy in the public reaction to the tragedy that must be sorted through in order to understand the larger context in which these horrific attacks are situated – and, ultimately, to prevent such attacks from happening in the future.”
But here’s the dirty little secret: There will be more attacks in the future and they will likely occur on American soil as well.
If Ben Norton wants a “greater understanding of the larger context” he need go only as far as his local book store and pick up a copy of the Koran. All the answers are in there.
Ibrahim’s response to Norton is “that all the factors that led up to such terrorist attacks – from an already large Muslim presence further engorged with more Muslim migrants, to an inability to speak honestly about Islam’s supremacist and violent teachings – will continue unabated.”
THAT is your bigger picture Mr. Norton. Sadly you cannot see it because you are blinded by liberal political correctness.
To which Ibrahim again replies, “And that means many more such attacks and worse will continue. Count on it.”
Hi Raymond,
People like Ben Norton are very sane, they are paid a lot of money by the house of saud. All the buck stops there.
Politicians journalists human rights groups are extremely well paid to keep saying Islam is not terror.
I am from India and one of a very well known reporters here whose always been pro muslim has got funding from abroad and lives in a 10 million dollar bungalow despite having a small salary.
It’s an entire pr campaign out there. Even knowing about the Muslim danger they still kept bringing migrants.
This time hollande has not said Islam is not terror because if he does he knows he will lose election.
There is something wrong with that man. I suspect a lot of smoking, toking, and drinking is behind those statements(?) Ignore him. Before too long what’s left of his brains will fall out and we will be free of his dubious opinions.