In a CNN interview this week, presidential candidate Jeb Bush said that only Middle East Christians should be granted refugee status in the U.S. (a point I argued for two months prior to the Paris terrorist attacks which prompted Bush’s statement). In the midst of an otherwise good interview, however, Bush made a bizarre assertion:
There are a lot of Christians in Syria that have no place now. They’ll be either executed or imprisoned, either by Assad or by ISIS.
“Executed or imprisoned” by Assad? This is an absurd and patently false assertion.

Not only have Christian minorities long been protected under the secular regime of Assad — himself a member of a religious minority — but many Christian refugees who fled the jihad in Iraq (which Jeb’s brother George uncorked) fled to Assad’s Syria for sanctuary. As Russian President Vladimir Putin once correctly opined: “People are running away not from the regime of Bashar Assad, but from Islamic State, which seized large areas in Syria and Iraq, and are committing atrocities there. That is what they are escaping from.”
This is not the first time that Jeb Bush, in the midst of making sound comments, revealed his true views on the Middle East. A few weeks earlier, he said: “We need to be part of the strategy to deal with taking Assad out and taking ISIS out.”
Note the consistent order: Bush always mentions Assad before ISIS, perhaps suggesting that he sees the secular Syrian president as a greater evil than the Islamic State. Yet it is the latter that has committed the worst atrocities of the 21st century, including raping and slaughtering Christians who refuse to renounce Christ for Islam.
Look to what Syrian Christians themselves say regarding who is persecuting them. Head of the Syrian church, Patriarch Ignatius Aphrem II — who has personally witnessed the slaughter, crucifixion, and rape of his flock — said:
If the West wants to do something about the present crisis, the most effective thing would be to support local governments [Assad and allies], which need sufficient armies and forces to maintain security and defend respective populations [such as Christians] against attacks. State institutions need to be strengthened and stabilized. Instead, what we see is their forced dismemberment being fueled from the outside.
As far back as 2011, when war came to Syria, Christians said they were supportive of the Assad regime because “Christian service has flourished remarkably in Syria. We regard Syria as a model Arab country when it comes to freedom of worship … Syrian Christians are very aware of what happened to Christians in Iraq, including the estimated 500,000 Christian refugees who fled to Syria during the Iraq war.”
Even Obama once admitted that “We know that President Bashar al-Assad protected Christians in Syria.”
Yet here is Jeb Bush, justifying war in Syria by claiming that Assad is “executing” Christians. This is eerily reminiscent of another Bush’s characterizations of another Arab autocrat. George portrayed Saddam Hussein, a dictator who was in fact a protector of Christian minorities, as Satan incarnate. We saw how that ended: with the loss of American blood and treasure and the birth of ISIS.
In short, it’s clear that Jeb Bush’s foreign policy will be a repeat of George W. Bush’s: overthrowing secular Arab regimes in order to bring “freedom” and “democracy” to the Middle East, even though this is the one policy that has done more than anything to give rise to the Islamic State. Where secular Arab dictators go, brutal Islamic jihadis fill the vacuum.
Again, for more sober foreign policies, one must turn to leaders like Putin. While addressing those nations that, under the guise of the “Arab Spring,” supported “rebels” that were actually jihadi terrorists, the Russian president declared before the United Nations:
Instead of the triumph of democracy and progress, we got violence, poverty and social disaster — and nobody cares a bit about human rights, including the right to life. I cannot help asking those who have forced that situation: Do you realize what you have done?
Whether he realizes it or not, it’s clear that Jeb Bush plans on continuing to “force the situation” that led to the rise of ISIS and some of the worst atrocities of modern history — especially against Christians, whom the presidential candidate says he wants to help.
Like father, like son, like grandfather. Lying is a legacy from political “families.”
To be clear, you are referring to Jeb?
To be clear… the entire family since before Prescott is a gaggle of lying, treasonous, vile swine.
prescott supported Hitler well before and some say during the war until we got involved.
So did Henry Ford and Joe Kennedy…
True, and Bush Sr was in the pockets of the big defense corporations… so he went into Iraq purely for PROFIT. His moron son finished the job and look at the disaster THAT caused. they both should be in prison.
The Truth is in such short supply, it is being rationed by the majority of those who have a platform upon which to speak.
Thank you, Mr. Ibrahim, for using your platform here to tell the truth.
Oh look, another war monger for “Christ” trying to use a secular nation to bring down a secular nation
Try not to speak, moron.
Hey, calling Jeb Bush for what he is.
Wish I knew for sure what the truth is. That Obama wants Assad out tells me Assad is probably a good guy. But, he’s used chemical weapons on his people, that’s not good at all. Hard to know what the truth is these days. Syria is key to the ISIS caliphate. Something Obama wants to happen.
ISIS’s Lineage of Terror
There is no conclusive evidence Assad used Chem weapons. THERE is proof ISIS used Chem weapons. IT is possible Isis used chemail weapons and blamed Assad –
Raymond Ibrahim, thanks again for sharing this. I was actually watching it
when Jeb Bush said that and couldn’t believe it. Don’t know if it was
because of his cluelessness or because of stupidity. may be it is both.
There is another US congress man named Tom Cotton and he said exactly
the same thing last week on the CNN. These American leaders and their
government are providing huge amounts of funding and weaponry to their
islamic jihadist allies that are murdering Christians in the M.E. and
yet they accuse the only leader who is protecting millions of Christians
in Syria with crazy and ridiculously fabricated lies. Shame on them:
One can watch Syrian jihadists using American-supplied anti-tank guided
missiles against Assad tanks on the link below:
Bush obama Clinton rubio cruz as ll say we need a no fly zone- only Trump had the leadership to say when did ISIS get an air force? The rest want destabalization
Jeb! is going down.
The Saudis own the American academics and political leadership.
Saudi Arabia, an ISIS That Has Made It
Fabulous piece. A must read. Thank you for sharing and I will look for your contributions, so PLEASE keep them coming. With so much info, it’s hard to read everything everyday.
Thank you. We’ve been trying to awaken people via the Internet since the late 1990’s.
I’m going to read through your articles when I have time. We are all trying to do the same thing. Does Raymond know your group?
Saudi Arabia is a voice of reason in the Middle East. The counterweight to the ‘moderate’ Iran.
Now, I’ve heard everything. The Wahhabi clerics are the voice of reason in the Middle East. lol Thanks for the best laugh of the day and possibly the year.
Well, when you compare them to the ayatollahs in Iran, all those ‘Wahhabi’ clerics start looking very, very moderate…
No comparison and I’ll tell you why.Well, actually, I don’t have to.
Go to the link provided by “Skip”, “SA, and ISIS That Has Made It”. The author states his case very well. The REAL problem is in perception and ally positioning. THAT is the scary part. If I’m not mistaken, worldwide terror is funded by the SAUDIS, not the Persians.
Only one little detail: Republicans and Democrats agree — Iran is the world’s preeminent sponsor of terror.
SURE they are. The PERSIANS are disseminating hate literature globally, through the mosques. HOW could I have forgotten.
The US CONGRESS?? Are you using them as an example? lol
Listen, you’re full of crap. Take your propaganda to some Leftie site where folks might buy into your bs.
What exactly is the ‘bs’? The fact that Iran is radical, fanatical, apocalyptic, genocidal, barbaric terrorist state? And so is Russia
Right out of the Alinsky playbook. Go troll somewhere else. Your presence here is pollution.
Are you talking about ‘Rules for Radicals’? I haven’t read that one yet.
I am a citizen of Israel. Many of us know that the ongoing goal of the Obama administration (and their Republican Guard) is to destroy and eliminate every secular society in the Middle-East and North Africa (including Syria, Lebanon & Israel) to be replaced by CIA-Saudi compliant theocracies.
I cannot understand the American people’s denial of the obvious.
Brother, it’s because Americans are either brainwashed or don’t care. Here, in the USA, politicians a semi-gods!
In the US, around 50% of the voters are either on welfare, food stamps, illegal, muslim, gay or all of the above. THAT is the problem, and the liberals and mega-corrupt corporate.banker tools take full advantage of these SHEEP. How else could an inept, drug-addled mulatto clown be elected and re-elected? And now get ready for an even MORE despicable maggot… HillaRoid.
Illegals can’t vote, and 68% of the people on some form of welfare describe themselves as conservatives. You need to change your name to “Lack of Facts”.
Like most liberals… you are a stone LIAR. So… illegals don’t vote? BS!! Why do you libturds keep fighting reasonable Voter ID laws, roachpaste? And that 68% number is total pigflop… blacks alone account for over 40% of welfare, let alone illegals and “refugees”, which makes you a POS bullcrapper.
Change your name to moron bonesmoker, fool. 40% of welfare goes to blacks… think any of those parasites are conservatives? You lie just like your idol, Bath House Obonzo.
And black conservatives don’t exist? Why would you assume that? Could it be that conservatism screws over black people so they don’t expect any non-Carson African Americans to support them?
The fact is, African Americans are very spiritual and in this country that leads them to Christianity, which is very much connected to American conservatism. So yeah, I’d say those “parasites” as you call them are conservatives. And remember, he said 68% of welfare, while you claim 40%. Even if we assume no overlap, you still have over 1/4 of the welfare recipients identifying as conservative and therefore voting for conservatives. So 1/4 idiots who would vote in those who seek to screw them over.
No, fool, conservatism does not screw over blacks… look at all that Obongo has done for you clowns… nothing. They fire you up to march and vote, maybe get $15/hour, when half of you idiots will be fired at that rate… but then leave you morons high and dry. JOBS will help, which Obongo has been a disaster on… but your people vote for more welfare and freebies, period.
Aw, did you respond assuming I’m black? That’s very telling. As for Obama and jobs, he is STILL cleaning up George’s mess in our economy.
No, I thought you were a trained baboon with a flatulence issue. Obongo and you moron sheep are still blaming Bush??? LOL!!!!! Insects! Still raising your hands and saying “hands up, don’t shoot” too, I’ll bet, and demanding $15/hour to clean toilets… ah, the life of a lowlife loser… take a bath, buy some floss, call back in a year or two.
Someone must be pretty privileged if he thinks there’s no reason a full time worker should make enough to support themselves.
You want stagnant wages while inflation runs rampant, yet you also want people off welfare? Sorry, it doesn’t work that way. Unless you want to take responsibility for the people who, under such a system, are having to choose between food and shelter while still working 40 hours a week, and often a second job
No, someone must have half a brain (non-democrat). The wage depends on the job, you insipid fool, and business people will not pay $31,000/year to some uneducated schlub to clean toilets… so, genius, many jobs will be lost if you imbeciles get the $ mandatory.
‘Inflation runs rampant’?? Your own idol, Lord Obunghole says inflation is 2%… is he lying? And you do not solve stagnant wages by artificially increasing wages to burger-flippers.
Yes, I will take responsibility for the welfare drones… they will be placed in forced labor camps, located in Fukishima, Japan, and given food and shelter in return.
Well say hello to the new Hitler, but instead of race he’ll put the poor in camps. Screw doing anything to help the poor, you’d rather just punish them for being poor.
Your idea of “helping the poor” is to give them all free everything, in return for voting for the most vile POS criminal liars in our nations history, while bankrupting the country. You Dummy Dems also want to import all sorts of filth, including radical islamists, to show what great people you are. MY idea is to form a new CCC and if the poor want to work hard for room and board, maybe get a little self-respect in the bargain, maybe learn a trade, they can sign up. Only the provably sick and incapable are exempt, others… tough chit. Also, I vote we enforce our laws ( weird, eh?)… that means mass deportations of ILLEGALS (look up the definition). Let their home countries deal with the bums. How many Syrians are living at YOUR house and being paid welfare and given food by YOU?
Look at all the non sequiturs responding to shit I didn’t say. I’ll applaud you for attempting to make a non-insulting point for once in your life.
But no, my idea for helping the poor is improving their opportunity without ridiculously unAmerican policies like forces labor. Your method would drain tax dollars to support people even more than welfare does, while providing likely prison-quality living for people whose only crime was not making enough money.
Also, 2% inflation? Yeah, may be this year. But look how little wages have changed in DECADES. We raised it a dollar a few years ago but before that it hardly moved from the 50s. $20 once bought a cart of groceries to feed a family for a month. Now from personal experience it can feed a house of 3 for maybe a week.
You can bitch about what should and shouldn’t be, but you can’t change reality. If wages had kept up with inflation we’d already be to at least $10 and you wouldn’t be bitching so much.
40-60 hours a week and often 2 jobs. I don’t care how menial, anyone who works that deserves a roof over their head, and food on the table. Since they can’t currently guarantee that either prices must go down or wages must go up to clear the gap. Pick one, but with wages fewer changes have to be made.
Stop living in fantasy land where everyone affords secondary education or can survive right out of high school. It doesn’t currently work that way and the current system doesn’t let it.
Your idea… of helping the poor without forced labor is translated to FREEBIES… and they cost much more than requiring work for welfare (“forced labor”)… because this labor provides BENEFITS to the country, whereas welfare under the traitor clown Obunghole derives zero benefit to the country, only to the parasite schlubs sitting on their smelly buttocks. Inflation? Blame your hero Odumbo, HE says it is 2%, not me. You still don’t get it, this is capitalism, and work is rewarded based mostly on skills and drive and appearance and intellect. You can’t force it, a la $15/hr, real businesses will not stand for it. Blacks that are uneducated, wear clown clothes and say ‘Wazzzzup” at an interview are toast. You libtards want to FORCE this anti-free market crappola like ObongoCare and minimum wages… that is why you clowns sow disasters everywhere, including the TPP and the Iran deal and the NDAA and the Ukraine false flags. They are artificial and deeply flawed… disasters. That is why the cretin swine Obongo has to try so much unconstitutional action… the PEOPLE despise him and refuse to go along with his country-destroying insanity.
Sure people who work 60-80 hours/week deserve a sustenance-level income (not 40 hours, fool), and at current minimum wage levels, they DO receive one… is the living great? Nope and it shouldn’t be, for uneducated folks working menial jobs. What the laughable BLM dullards want is high-end living for menial labor. Sorry, the answer will always be NO.
Secondary education is NOT a right… who the hell do you think should pay for it… ah yes, the “rich”… people who got an education and then worked heard to be successful… then you libs think they should hand over 80% of their income so fat blacks and white trash can buy new cars and high-quality dope. Tell it to ripoff artists like Sharpton, Jackson and the entire group of corrupt pigs of the congressional black caucus.
The current system is capitalism… not socialism… maybe you and your brothers should consider relocating? Please?
60-80? So in that scenario, they basically work and sleep. No time to improve themselves, to attempt that secondary education. Add in some companies who refuse to let you work past 40 to avoid overtime (i have been forced to clock out and skip a day because I worked a double), and you have an impossible system for those without a silver spoon.
Why are you so fixated on black people? Poor white people exist too and I don’t just mean rednecks.
I mentioned inflation over decades, why are you stuck on Obama who’s been president only 7 years?
Freebies? No, I mean opportunity. You wanna know where we can get the money for secondary education? Well for starters Congress can drop voting rlto raise their own salaries. We could always cut back military spending to pure self defense rather than getting involved with every country in the Middle East. That could save millions, if not more.
As for forced labor:
What will they do?
What opportunity will they have to get a better job?
What of their kids?
What about when sick or injured?
How will you pay for the camp?
How will you pay electric, water, technology, and other Bill’s?
How will you feed them?
When they do get to work towards a better job, will you continue to house them even as they cease to do camp labor?
Will you house them when they get the new job on a temporary basis?
If yes to previous, will they stay in camp that time while contributing nothing to it or will you pay for an apartment to start them up?
How will you get them there in the first place? At what point will they be required to go?
Minimum age? As soon as they finish High School if not heading to college? What if they wish to pursue college in camp later?
Are you aware of how many working Americans still hit the poverty levels? What will you tell employers as you take away their workers, leaving them under staffed or forcing them to hire new people?
How will the economy handle the loss of most of its low-level workforce without which no company survives?
This is INFINITESIMAL compared to the rest of the questions your nonsense plan has to figure out just for logistics, let alone legality and public opinion.
You can’t see the forest for the trees. Typical conservative. You have no view of a big picture. You see “higher costs means layoffs” as if the company is in a vacuum. As if the effect on employers in other companies is somehow anything other than money they may spend elsewhere, increasing sales to make up for lost profits.
Maybe when you have more than a day of economics education you can talk again. Maybe when you learn what nuance is rather than stereotype, you can talk. Till then, keep your uneducated racist mouth shut.
From: A middle class (not poor) white straight cis-gendered male liberal.
What, you were expecting me to be part of some minority? You seem to like picking on them
Your rant is typical of the uneducated black… you will not admit that you are black… or a mulatto… so I assume you are deeply ashamed of your race.
yes, I had quite a bit of econ in college… did you ever complete high school? Hey, I am fine with you supporting the poor (out of your own pocket, not mine), and I respect those that work hard… my issue is the parasites who CHOOSE welfare over work… and blacks, being 12% of the population, absorb over 45% of welfare… and account for 75%+ of all violent crime… so, little darkie, YOU shut your moron pie-hole until you get your Masters…
Looks like a certain little racist can’t admit when he’s wrong. It’s ok by me if you want to look stupider.
LOL!!! You might learn to speak English, instead if Niggerish, you fat sow, before you try to insult a white man with “…if you want to look stupider.” Hahahahaha!! MORON!!
You know, I won’t bother. You already prove my point with every word you type.
Uneducated, intolerant, undeservingly condescending, naive, and incapable of learning the term “nuance”.
All you know is hate and stereotype while you claim knowledge in economics and cultural evolution while demonstrating to us all that you have none.
You might just be proof there is no god. I’ll be sure to show you to creationists so they can see what conservatism looks like at its worst.
Now that I have stooped to your level, have a nice life.
I agree, you are uneducated, intolerant, unnecessarily condescending, naive, and incapable of learning the term “nuance”. Or did you mean me? No, I am quite educated, somewhat tolerant (but I do not suffer fools or liars or con-artists well), certainly not naive and who needs nuance when the facts are clear?
But I forgive you, as you come from a race that is still learning… still evolving… still trying to be the equal of Caucasians… it will, however, take several hundred years for you to catch up. No “god”?? Certainly not the gods of Africa, or the gods of sloth, ignorance and falsehoods that your people worship… Perhaps the god of welfare is your deity?
Conservatism at it’s worst? Look at what benefits YOUR race and political philosophy have brought to the world… chaos, destruction, wars… and soon… collapse.
What have blacks ever built as a race? Look at all the countries in Africa that used to be governed by whites, now by blacks… corruption and civil war, tribal grudges, a destruction of an entire continent. Similar occurrences almost invariably are found when your people get into power in a city, witness Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, DC, etc, etc, etc…
…and what have you accomplished here in the US? Discord, and friction, sloth and ignorance, no matter how much money and benefits that the whites have heaped upon you… free education, but it is ignored and refused. You dress like clowns, speak like retards, murder each other and others in their hundreds, march, riot, loot, burn. Now your idols, the Bill, Barry, Hilla-roach, Sharpton, Jackson, Holder, Lynch… all demonstrably disgusting deviant, corrupt swine. The congressional black caucus a massively corrupt group of craven, lying fools.
I am not your enemy, Missy… your brothers and sisters are… they are what is holding 95% of your people at the level of low animals. They want what whites (and Asians and others) have… but want it GIVEN to them, never earned…
You too have a good life, coming down from that fake cross would be a start.
Final comment, as the rest is even worse garbage and deserves no response: No fake cross, hell no real cross. Crosses are ridiculous, since some stupid religion decided to take a roman torture tool used on many as a symbol because it was used on their magic carpenter.
But just to prove to you, once and for all that you’re full of shit: Attached is a picture of me on XMAS. No identity, nothing you could use to determine who or where I am, but no. You’ve been showing your blatant racism to another white guy who knows better than you.
LOL!!! Couldn’t help but to keep that cockholster you call a mouth running…eh? So… you are a gay Pansy white who loves to gnaw on big black ones? I couldn’t tell your sex from that pic… (nice douchebag smirk) no offense… no wonder you are so bitter… are you a transgender by any chance?
my last was garbage? what did I say that was not true?
“Back in”? You look like you prefer it “In the Back”.
Cry me another river, will ya?
Sorry, final comment was already given on the subject. I already addressed my race, gender, and sexuality in previous posts. Not my problem if you don’t pay attention as usual. Go ahead with the ad homs and non-sequiturs, you’re just looking stupider.
And yes, I’m aware even this comment is bait for your childish tactics, but every other slur you throw at me in your typical style has already been addressed.
I am “just looking stupider”?? Did you mean to say “looking more stupid”??
I rest my case… you are a laughable uneducated clown. Smell ya later, Pee Wee.
The inconvenient truth is that races and peoples evolve at different
rates… and blacks are WAY behind… and will not catch up anytime
soon… since just a few hundred years ago, they were either slaves or
tribal hunter/gatherers… primitives… prone to violence, aggression
and rampage… how the hell can anyone expect them to behave the same as
cultures/races that have been “civilized”/advanced for many hundreds of
years more, aside from a few notable exceptions? Being closer to the
original, violent and lower intellect animal that was primitive man,
they require forced discipline, not coddling, freebies and “PC” liberal
apologists… now we understand why segregation was far more successful
than today’s insanity in dealing with race issues.
I am against handing out cash and other freebies to parasites… who give NOTHING in return… not even community service. Obongo even pays illegals… insane!! Can’t they even pick up trash? Clean streets? Work at animal shelters? Food banks? Nope, 99% of them, especially blacks, just sit and feed on cheese doodles and cheap booze… until it is time to march, riot, loot and burn.
I’m still waiting on you to actually make a point rather than insult me when you know nothing about me.
The point is… only you blacks are stupid enough to ignore the TRUTH… Obongo is a liar a homo, a muslim, a criminal and a traitor. Hilla-roach is all the above, maybe not a muslim. Wake up or shut up.
Idiot! Burrheads voted 95% twice for a phaggot democrat, Obongo. Are they conservative?
Yeah, not racist at all. And where are you getting your figures? Besides, a lot of African Americans still feel camaraderie with others of the same skin tone, so would likely vote in the black guy regardless of party
Hey, who do you honestly feel are more racist… whites or blacks? Let’s see if you are a liar or not… Yes, I assume you are black, your name is unusual, in that it is probably your mom misspelling a name she intended for you… right? Are you black? Or is that a racist question?
You just made a very racist statement… are blacks really THAT stupid? If so, they should not be allowed to vote.
Putin opposes ISIS, al Nusra and al Qaeda and supports Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran.
Where does Mr Putin stand on Turkey?
Putin hates Turkey, but is afraid of its military power and prowess. Admires totalitarianism of Erdoğan.
Mr Erdogan seems to be dreaming of becoming the Caliph of the new Ottoman caliphate, with Jerusalem as its capital city. Do you think Mr Putin will help or hinder him?
Putin wants Jerusalem for himself. To put Russian Orthodox patriarch in there. And finally make ‘holy’ Russia a ‘Third Rome’.
I’d never even thought that far, Sir or Madam (My Russian is truly non-existent …) Thank you!
My Russian is not that great either…It’s Sir…You’re welcome.
You’ve offered a possibility I had simply never thought of. Thank you. And now I’m dropping off to sleep just here where I sit.
Well, good night. I’ve been to Russia many times and I know Russians…
Next day: thank you for your good wishes. I slept very well. BTW, I’ve never been to Russia, or even to Europe or the USA. But your explanation of Mr Putin also wanting Jerusalem remains in my head.
Russia is swept up in the Orthodox fervor. They believe they are the ‘Holy’ Empire, opposing ‘Satanic, Homosexual’ West. And if you really want to be ‘holy’, you HAVE to control Jerusalem…
Do you think Russia, he Russian Orthodox Church and Mr Putin is aware that God also has some say in who rules from Jerusalem? He calls it His holy city. And he calls the Jewish people the apple of His eye.
I’m not Mr.Putin’s priest, rabbi or imam. But as a nation Russians believe they’re the ‘Holy’ Orthodox Empire. The only way to be ‘holy’ is to control The Holy City. You can read more about Russia’s believes in the Wikipedia article ‘Third Rome’
Dear Sir, I’ll definitely read about the ‘Third Rome’! Thank you for teaching me & pointing me to a source. All teachers are blessed, I think, by the gratitude of their students, even informal ones like me.
You are more than welcome…
and grateful, too!
Again, you’re very welcome!
Thanks so much!
And it’s not just Mr.Putin. In the beginning of 1917 during World War I, Russian emperor Nicholas II was preparing military attack and invasion of Istanbul under the command of Admiral Kolchak. The goal was to defeat the Ottoman Empire and takeover possession of the Holy Land. Those plans were interrupted by the revolution of 1917 when the emperor was deposed and later executed.
Why do you think Russia has always supported PLO, Hamas, Hezbollah and various other terrorists? To get the Jews out of the Holy Land and takeover Jerusalem…
Suddenly Russia bothers me. But surely the Orthodox Patriarch knows the Bible? Throwing the Jews out of the Holy Land is the very last thing they should even try.
The Patriarch knows HIS version of the Bible. Which says that the ‘holy’ nation is Russia. Do you think the crusaders knew the BIble? What do you think they did to the Jews they encountered in the Holy Land during the Crusades?
I agree that the Crusaders (except perhaps for one or two) did not know the Bible, but in those days relatively few people had their own copies, (and none in their own languages). However, I know what they did to the Jews, and to many other people in the Holy Land. Gruesome.
There are different interpretations of the Bible. There is for example, a false interpretation called ‘Replacement Theology’. Which states that the Church has replaced Israel. You can read more about in the Wikipedia article ‘Supersessionism’.
That one I know about: and when somebody talks about that, I find, the reference that makes them think is Revelation 21: 12-14.
Revelation 21:12-14 King James Version (KJV)
12 And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel:
13 On the east three gates; on the north three gates; on the south three gates; and on the west three gates.
14 And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.
Just so: both the 12 tribes and the 12 apostles! No replacement of Israel by the church!
You’ve convinced me…Now go and tell this to Mr. Putin and his patriarch….
Hmmm … I agree, it should be done, but I don’t think I’m the person … for I wouldn’t know where to start … but thanks for your trust in me!
I was just speaking metaphorically. I don’t presume you have the access to Mr. Putin and Patriarch Kirill.
I know you were: I don’t have any sort of access at all, as you also know. But you are right: somebody should tell them. Even the qur’an says allah gave that part of the world to the Jews. (And not so that the Russians or anybody else, can take over the land from them).
They did not know the Bible. They had to obey what the vatican told them the Bible said.
I had a friend who was 80 earlier in this year. He was born a Roman Catholic & he told me the only training they had was that the priest at his school read from the Bible every Friday, and said a prayer, but he (the priest) mumbled, so they never actually knew what he read or prayed.
Sad, very sad. My late friend said he only realised one could take & read the Bible & think about it independently when he was an adult.
But he realized it. Rejoice in that!
I do. Shortly before he died he spoke about the narrow gate and said he’d have to turn sideways to navigate it. When he died, my daughter-in-law and I had a good laugh about that, because we are both sure he went in easily.
That’s an adorable story…we don’t really navigate, do we? We believe, and believing in Christ is very powerful. It’s a gift from the Holy Spirit to have the faith to believe, while we wait for our Salvation.
“For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time, are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” (Rom. 8: 18)
Revealed in and through Christ!
No, we simply believe & that is itself a gift. My late friend was a Scot, though, and a builder, so he visualised the gate as something concrete. To him it was not merely a figure of speech.
Well I’ve been to Russia, Europe, USA and the Middle East, including Israel, Egypt and Jordan.
You are well-travelled, Sir, and well-read.
Thank you. I like to read about history, geography and politics. And what country are you from?
Sir, I’d prefer not to say, simply because I’m at the moment living with children (I’m 73 years old and could no longer maintain the house) and using their computer, in a non-Israel aligned country and I don’t want them to be disadvantaged by what I write on websites like this. However, I do read. And I like to meet people like you who teach me so patiently & fill in the gaps in my knowledge.
At least what continent? Africa?
I have family members in South Africa.
I hope they’re well.
What’s the Russian for “You are talking fucking rubbish!” ?
He’s an obnoxious troll.
If the Orthodox Patriarch is part of this scheme it only proves He is as corrupt as the Pope and his cronies. The Lord will rule in Jerusalem, after the Anti-Christ has his brief tenure. The only item up to inquiring speculation, will he be Catholic, Muslim or secular?
hinder, for other reasons.
Right you are: because ‘holy’ Russia wants Jerusalem so that Russia can become the ‘third Rome’?
I’m sorry, I don’t believe Russia wants Jerusalem. He may want to do business with Israel, but that’s all.
Russia is hindering Turkey period. So far I believe it’s just.
Worrisome is that Scripture says the Gog, Magog war will happen because the nations want to loot Israel’s riches: one wonders how large the newly discovered oil deposits on the Golan are?
Who are the tribes and nations that have always been very jealous of Israel? Don’t they always try to steal their treasures, take their land, even the promises God made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? I don’t think Russia is Gog Magog. I believe it’s the conquered Ottoman Empire wanting a revival. I think Gog-Magog starts or arises from Turkey.
I’ve also been thinking along the Ottoman lines, for Daniel’s little horn comes out of the ME, from one of the 4 parts that Alexander’s generals divided his ’empire’ into.
At the head, right over it; soon in control, I pray.
Difficult, if both Mr Erdogan & Mr Putin should want Jerusalem … and Israel already has it.
Hope he bombs them to rubble… they are a smelly breed.
Hopefully Vlad will stand right on their corrupt NECK!
Was this family murdered?
Watch the interviews by “YURI BEZMENOV” from the 1980s, and you will have your answer as to what happened to the once great Republic, the USA.
Also, a great article to read:
GREAT article. ‘Read it the other day. Nails the truth.
Great insight. Bush, Clinton, Chaney, obama, Soros, Murdoch, Rubio, Cruz are all political globalist elites. THEY have destabilize the middle east to promote forced immigration to destroy Europe as we know it. Look up PNAC to learn more
There may have been serious competition in the Bush family to determine which son is the greater idiot. I don’t have the resources to prove it but my gut tells me that Obama grabbed the opportunity of the Arab Spring which started naturally – he fanned the flames and had a plan – to have his Muslim Brotherhood gain control and power of the bulk of the Muslim world from Libya to Egypt to Syria. He helped his man gain power in Egypt and fought tirelessly after General Sisi deposed him and he fanned the embers of the disgruntled in Syria and smuggled arms to them from Libya thereby aiding the creation of ISIS. If there is one man in the world who deserves decapitation by ISIS it is this one.
Where are you getting your intelligence?
really? where ever your not buried your head in the sand.
“Arab Spring” did NOT start naturally —
George Soros financed Ferguson/”blacklivesmatter”.
George Soros financed “arab spring”
George Soros financed the European Invaders
George Soros probably financed Missouri.
George Soros owes REPARATIONS.
Those who ENABLED these INVADERS to flood in must pay reparations to the Families and Survivors. Start with George Soros’ wealth, then Merkel, and go on down the line. The INVADER ENABLERS committed these acts BY PROXY and must pay FULL REPARATIONS. They must pay for the costs of policing and controlling THEIR AGENTS , feeding, housing, clothing, and REPATRIATING the invaders.
Remember Ferguson riots, Nuland and Maidan, Georgia, the refugees dumped into Europe , the Reichstag fire in NYC-9/11 ? Now Soros sends this email to Bloomberg : °His(Orban’s) plan treats the protection of national borders as the objective and the refugees as an obstacle” Mr Soros added. “Our plan treats the protection of refugees as the objective and national borders as the obstacle.”
Jewish Billionaire George Soros has confirmed he wants to bring down Europe’s borders, following the accusation made last week by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. “This invasion is driven, on the one hand, by people smugglers, and on the other by those (human rights) activists who support everything that weakens the nation-state,” Mr Orban said. Mr Soros has now issued an email statement to Bloomberg Business, claiming his foundations help “uphold European values”, while Mr Oban’s actions in strengthening the Hungarian border and stopping a huge migrant influx “undermine those values.” “His plan treats the protection of national borders as the objective and the refugees as an obstacle,” Mr Soros added. “Our plan treats the protection of refugees as the objective and national borders as the obstacle.” Already Israeli businessman are buying up land in northern Iraq, where ISIS(rael) has depopulated an entire region, overwhelming Europe with refugees in the process.
THANK YOU!!!! You are correct. The “Arab Spring” and the Syrian “Civil War” were about as organic as the Benghazi murders that resulted from a stupid movie that made SNL look like Shakespeare.
Thank you, Albert, for NOT stating that Mr Soros should die for his most egregious acts. It’s not up to any human to judge for The Most High. Having said that, yes…Mr Soros thrives on upheaval and suffering. The last hope the world has on any chance of ridding this type of cancer is the citizen of the USA to rise up and make an example of all (and that includes top members of the 3 branches of the gov) the traitors and move for swift change. Unfortunately this will not happen without more humans returning to Christ. Let us pray in Jesus name it’s not too late!!
I reasoned that if the jihadis were slaughtering so many Christians in Syria , destroying convents and monasteries it’s because the Christians were there in large numbers and had been protected under Assad, not the opposite as the Obama regime and his supporters claim. Large numbers of Alawatis were also attacked in areas were they lived for centuries. The jihadis attacked the Syrians with gas and blamed Assad.The Obama administration bought into it. Obama, McCain, LindseyGraham all keep saying they want Assad out.. And then what, I ask? Christians and other minorities flourished in large numbers under Assad, and now thanks to the traitors’ help in the US they have been slaughtered, decapitated, raped and enslaved. I saw photos of McCain and Linsey Graham with the jihadis, they gave them $250 million dollars and arms and training to fight Assad. In the photos is Al Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS. The Obama gov. wants to place a MB extremist in control of Syria. The US and European forces opened the Pandora box when they got rid of the secular dictators in the ME.We see the result. Millions of innocent lives lost, beheaded, raped, and sold as slaves. That’s true islam. My son , when in college, met a Syrian Christian student. She said the Christians were pro Assad because he protected them.
A friend was visiting the Congress in Washington DC and the traitor McCain was
speaking against ISIS. My friend was taking notes, but was interrupted by an
employee who said he could NOT take notes..I wonder why?
Brazil , which in the 50’and 60’s had a large number of Christians immigrants from
Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, was a refuge to these people who were escaping the muslim
persecution in their homeland. They became good citizens involved in commerce.
Now, unfortunately, Brazil is taking a lot of muslims, palestinians, and they are there
in large numbers in the area of Iguaçu Falls, and this is quite disturbing. They
were responsible for the bombing attack of the Jewish consulate in Argentina
where hundreds of innocent victims lost their lives. Their numbers in São Paulo are
growing also and they are getting converts due to the people’s stupidity and
ignorance about islam. It’s quite disturbing. I can’t stand Obama, McCain, Lindsey
Graham and the Bushes, they are all pro islam liers, most likely payed by SA. Bush
#2 said islam is a religion of peace, and supported the arab spring…and the result is
a mess we are all suffering the consequences…while he sit comfortably and with security payed by us tax payers who are exposed to possible attacks on the streets, airports, public buildings, due to the mess created by the traitor politicians. If you complain and try to warn about the dangers of islam, you are called islamophobe and the ACLU shows up to defend them…but never to defend Christians or jews.
I went to visit the Reagan Library in Simmy Valley, CA.I found security inexistent.
They didn’t check the purses and have no metal detectors, probably out of PC , so
they will not offend their muslim friends. In one of the rooms there were big posters
of the leaders of muslim world Reagan had to deal with, one was Gaddafi and the
other was the Ayatollah of Iran. The were 3 ME men in the room and they were
carrying pouches and talking…which I didn’t know what they were saying. They were
laughing and they took pictures with their index finger up, which I understad to be a
pro islam sign, or even a pro ISIS sign…
The US has at least 35 islamic military training camps all over the country, as shown by FOX NEWS and Michael Savage. What is been done about them? This has been going on durin Bush #2 presidency, and for how long? We have a Fifth Column growing in this country under the politicians eyes and nothing has been done about it.. Follow the money…And with ISIS threat and the flow of muslim immigrants, the future is bleak…Europe is already paying for it, for allowing it to become Europistam.
A Bush lie??? LOL!!! that is what they DO, same as their close friends… the maggot Clintons.
Thank you, Mr Ibrahim. Mr Bush seems singularly ill-informed, as if he doesn’t even look at the photographs in newspapers & read the captions.
Mr. Ibrahim is also ill-informed….Or purposely lies for the benefit of radical Shiites: Assad, Hezbollah, Iran and Russia.
I am an Israeli Jew. What’s my motive for telling the same truth as MR. Ibrahim?
He’s a BIGTIME troll. Raymond must be making his bosses nervous.
I don’t know if you’re an Israeli. I don’t know if you’re a Jew. Even if you’re a Jew, it’s not like the Jews have never been wrong before… (Who built the Golden Calf and supported Obama?) I cannot speculate on your motive. Maybe it’s $. Maybe you’re pro-Putin and pro-Iran. Who knows?
Maybe you’re a CAIR troll.
Hmmm. You’re an interesting little troll, aren’t ya? How about the fact that Mr. Ibrahim is well aware of the fact that Syrian Christians were protected by Assad. The Assads are secularists, not Wahhabi Islamists, and that’s just one of the reasons why the Saudis hate them. It’s more base than that because when you’re greedy, you always want more. So, who are you working for? CAIR?
The ‘secularist’ Assad is allied with the worst kind of Shiite jihadi terrorism, represented by Hezbollah, Iran and Putinist Russia. The first time I was accused of working for Israel. Now I’m accused of working for CAIR ! WOW!
Tell that to the families of the 9/11, Beirut, Paris, Mali, etc, etc, victims. You’re a Wahhabi troll alright. Nice try. You have a real agenda and you are certainly trying to distract from the honesty of the article. Shame on you, but it’s expected.
My agenda is:
To equally condemn Sunni jihadist terrorism, represented by Al Qaeda and ISIS
And Shiite jihadist terrorism represented by Assad, Hezbollah, Houthis, Iran and Russia.
Saudi Arabia has nothing to do with radical Sunni terrorism, it’s also threatened by ISIS, and is a voice of reason in the Middle East.
Saudi Arabia has nothing to do with radical Muslim terrorism? REALLY??? This is SOOOOOO boring because you are SOOOOO full of crap.
I can accuse you of being a Shiite terrorist troll and working for Assad, Hezbollah, Houthis, Iran or Russia.
We cannot divide terrorists on ‘good terrorists’ and ‘bad terrorists’. Radical Shiite terrorists like Assad, Hezbollah, Houthis, Iran and Russia are just as evil (if not more so) as the radical Sunni terrorists like Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Al Shabaab and ISIS.
Putin’s poodle Assad murders anybody who opposes his brutal regime. Russia, Iran, Iraqi and Lebanese Hezbollahs assist him in indiscriminant slaughtering of civilians.
Putin’s KGB pawn.
Putin opposes radical jihadist Sunni terrorism and supports radical jihadist Shia terrorism.
Russia opposes ISIS, al Nusra and al Qaeda and supports Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran.
Inconvenient truth: Assad is part of the Shiite axis of evil along with Iraqi and Lebanese Hezbollahs, Houthis, Iran and Russia.
Are you shocked? Stalin trained the Gestapo and made “sweet heart’ Treaties with Hitler before we allied with Papa Joe to defeat Hitler! You know this! The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend. Politics as usual. But we digress. The bottom line is my Christian brothers and sisters were safe in Iraq and Syria until American Foreign Policy got involved and now, very soon, we won’t be safe even within our own Country!!!!
De Oppresso Liber!
The Bush family along with John Kerry worship the demonic entities of the ”Skull and Bones”cult . Both Bush presidents and George W’s grandfather, Prescott were members of the satanic cult known as the ”Skull and Bones”. Prescott Bush had to be stopped by the US government from doing business with ADOLPH HITLER’S third reich. Nazis and Islamic civilization are two sides of the same coin and never forget that.
The ‘Illuminati’ ??? You’ve read too many Dan Brown novels or listened to too much Alex Jones.
Did you just “like” yourself? This is sad.
No one seems to connect the fact that W-rong Bush MURDERED hundreds of First Responders by having that woman from the EPA reassure them that the area was SAFE to work in …… when the government knew DAMN WELL it was NOT.
Now cancer is causing SLOW AGONIZING DEATH while the Politicians pretend to care but keep snatching away their medical care. It is like BUILDING SEVEN …….there, but invisible.
For Putin there are good and bad terrorists.
ISIS, Al Qaeda, Al Nusra — bad terrorists.
Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, Assad, Iran — good terrorists.
That commenter on your blog may actually be working for the Israeli government
Straight out of Avigdor Lieberman’s Foreign Ministry: a new Internet Fighting Team! Israeli students and demobilized soldiers get paid (with AMERICAN TAXES) to pretend they are just regular folks and leave pro-Israel comments on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other sites. The effort is meant to fight the “well-oiled machine” of “pro-Palestinian websites, with huge budgets… with content from the Hamas news agency.” The approach was test-marketed during Israel’s assault on Gaza, and by groups like Give Israel Your United Support, a controversial effort to use instant-access technology to crowd-source Israel advocates to fill in flash polls or vote up key articles on social networking sites.
Will the responders who are hired for this also present themselves as “ordinary net-surfers”?
“Of course,” says Shturman. “Our people will not say: ‘Hello, I am from the policy-explanation department of the Israeli Foreign Ministry and I want to tell you the following.’ Nor will they necessarily identify themselves as Israelis. They will speak as net-surfers and as citizens, and will write responses that will look personal but will be based on a prepared list of messages that the Foreign Ministry developed.”
Who are YOU working for? Assad? Hezbollah? Iran? KGB?
Look everyone —— the FISH BIT
There is no secret….I’d rather work for Israel than for the radical Shiite terrorists like Assad, Hezbollah, Houthis, Iran or Russia.
You sure don’t work for AMERICA
I surely don’t work for KGB.
Bush is just a clueless idiot, I am surprised he is still running.
Jeb’s a real dullard just like W
One question? Who is Jeb Boosh?
Many tnx Ray for this reminder & many others. God bless u sir.
Anyone who seriously thinks that Assad, Hezbollah, Houthis, Iran and Russia are part of the ‘solution’ in the Middle East is seriously delusional…or worse.
We cannot divide terrorists on ‘good terrorists’ and ‘bad terrorists’. Radical Shiite terrorists like Assad, Hezbollah, Houthis, Iran and Russia are just as dangerous and evil (if not much more so) as the radical Sunni terrorists like Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Al Shabaab and ISIS.
For the close observer of history there are a lot of eerily similarities between 1930’s Hitler’s Germany and modern Putin’s Russia…
I never thought I’d see the day where a Russian president made more sense and spoke more truth than an American.
When the corrupt and evil seek to destroy a government and nation and
mass murder its people, it’s necessary to tell a lot of LIES. Many terrible lies have been said about Syria’s Assad. GOD BLESS and PROTECT PUTIN, his MILITARY and the RUSSIAN PEOPLE.
Published on Jul 2, 2012 christian army russia
Orthodox Army Christian Army
The Russians are our brothers and sisters. Russia’s Putin is the outstanding leader of the Free World. Fighting for Justice, Freedom, Human Rights and the PROTECTION of innocents. The Marxist, Muslim Brotherhood Obama regime is determined to DESTROY legitimate governments and replace them with their ISIS/Al Qaeda partners — the most barbaric terrorists on earth. Obama sought to destroy Egypt. Hero Al Sisi and his military were forced to intervene to save the Egyptian people from the excessively barbaric Muslim Brotherhood. US/NATO fought a ruthless war for months for Al Qaeda and other barbaric Muslim terrrorists against Libya’s innocent people and Gaddafi.Gaddafi was fighting AGAINST Al Qaeda. U.S. backed terrorists savagely attacked Gaddafi sexually and physically and murdered him after Gaddafi was hunted down by U.S. aircraft.
US/NATO succeeded in their goal. The stable, peaceful, prosperous country under Gaddafi was utterly destroyed.
Putin is showing the whole world how an ethical leader acts: Fighting on the side of good against great evil. God bless and protect Putin, the Russian military and the Russian people.
I agree Linda! And I say AMEN to that prayer!
God bless you Linda!