During an open discussion at Cairo University held on December 2, Dr. Ahmed al-Tayeb, the Sheikh and Grand Imam of Al Azhar — and thus Egypt’s foremost authority on all things Islamic — was again asked why Al Azhar refuses to issue a formal statement denouncing the Islamic State of lapsing into a state of kufr, that is, of becoming un-Islamic, “infidel.”
In response, Tayeb said that the only way Al Azhar could do this is if a Muslim formally rejected the fundamental principles of Islam, such as the shahada—that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger—and Islamic scriptures.
He then rhetorically asked what would be the situation (according to Sharia) of a Muslim who accepts the fundamentals of Islam but who also commits great sins, such as drinking alcohol: would they be denounced as “infidels”?
Sheikh Al Azhar responded by saying that it depends on the various views of the Sunni schools of Islamic jurisprudence (primarily the four madhahib). Some say that such a Muslim (who drinks or commits other sins) becomes an infidel while others are unsure and leave his fate to Allah.
Tayeb then quoted Koran 5:33: “Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment.”
However, Tayib concluded by saying, “Al Azhar cannot accuse any [Muslim] of being a kafir [infidel], as long as he believes in Allah and the Last Day—even if he commits every atrocity,” adding: “I cannot denounce ISIS as un-Islamic, but I can say that they cause corruption on earth. ISIS believes that those [Muslims] who commit the great sins are kafirs and can be killed. Thus if I denounce them of being un-Islamic, I fall into the same [trap] I am now condemning.”
As critics point out, however, Al Azhar is often quick to denounce as “infidels”—or at least “blasphemers”—those secular Muslims who merely critique portions of the Islamic heritage. Yet here is the Islamic world’s most prestigious university refusing to denounce ISIS as un-Islamic–even as most Western politicians, at their head U.S. President Obama, insist that ISIS “is not Islamic.”
In short, Tayeb’s comments further bolster the argument in Egypt that Al Azhar sees “liberal” Muslims as more dangerous and un-Islamic than ISIS — which should not be surprising considering that many former students have denounced the Muslim world’s most renowned university for teaching and legitimizing all the atrocities that ISIS commits.
Indeed. The problem with “Moderate” Muslims is that they have been judged as NOT Muslim enough. Great article, Raymond.
Another great article exposing the truth about Islam-by muslims and in their own words.
Please provide a link to this article and Raymond’s previous article when commenting online on Islam-related stories.
If Dr. Ahmed al-Tayeb and his fellow-imams are not prepared to denounce ISIS as blasphemers and infidels, then they are with ISIS.
Christ said “Anyonw who is not for me is against me.”
Hypocrisy at best!
No Surprizes here. Daesh reads from the same Quran that they do…..
ISIS is advancing Islam. It doesn’t matter what sins they commit. Jihad covers everything. Jihad is the gospel of Islam; if a Mohammedan is afraid that he won’t be able to get through life without committing too many sins thereby necessitating a purgatorial visit to Hell, then he must engage in Jihad. Jihad leading to martyrdom gains him forgiveness of all sins and instant transport to paradise. So Al Azhar cannot condemn ISIS. Al Azhar is preaching the law of Islam whereas ISIS is practicing the gospel of Islam.
I’ve always said the different between a “moderate” Muslim and a extremist is the extremist is practicing his religion. Too bad Obama and the rest of the western world have their heads in the sand.
From the very top of Islam, from Islam’s ‘pope’…from the most unimpeachable source of Islam…we have this pronouncement: a Kafir is anyone who denies basic doctrines of Islam…it has nothing to do with moral character…nothing whatsoever!
In other words, the death sentence is passed on everyone of 80% to 90% of all humans! Islam is 100% bigotry and a ‘good’ Muslim, in consequence, must be a bigot. Muslims who practice the universal Golden Rule towards dirty kafirs are ‘bad’ Muslims.
Interesting religion! Go kill and rape innocent people, Islam do not throw you out. Drinking a bottle of Beer? Astaghforellah, naozobellah, You filthy infidel, you are kaffir and shall be stoned.