When it comes to the connection between Islam and “anti-infidel” violence, one fact must be embraced: the majority of those in positions of leadership and authority in America are either liars or fools, or both. No other alternative exists.
The reason for this uncharitable assertion is simple: If Islam was once a faraway, exotic religion, today we hear calls for, and see acts of, violence committed in the name of Islam every day. And if our leaders don’t, many of us still have “ears that hear and eyes that see” (Proverbs 20:12).
It’s no secret: Muslims from all around the world and from all walks of life—not just “terrorists” or “ISIS”—unequivocally and unapologetically proclaim that Islam commands them to hate, subjugate, and kill all who resist it, including all non-Muslims.
This is the official position of several Muslim governments, including America’s closest “friends and allies,” like Saudi Arabia and Qatar; it’s the official position of Islamic institutions of lower and higher learning, including Al Azhar, the world’s most prestigious Islamic university; and it’s the official position broadcast in numerous languages on Islamic satellite stations.
In short, there’s little excuse today for ignorance about Islam in America—especially for those in positions of leadership or authority. Yet it is precisely they who vehemently deny any connection between Islam and violence. Why?
The most recent example took place on January 7. Edward Archer, a convert to Islam, shot and wounded Philadelphia police officer Jesse Hartnett. He later explained his motive: “I follow Allah. I pledge my allegiance to the Islamic state. That is why I did what I did.”
Yet after showing a surveillance video of Archer in Islamic dress shooting at Hartnett, Philadelphia mayor Jim Kenney emphatically declared:
In no way shape or form does anyone in this room believe that Islam or the teaching of Islam has anything to do with what you’ve seen on the screen….It is abhorrent. It is terrible and it does not represent the religion or any of its teachings. This is a criminal with a stolen gun who tried to kill one of our officers. It has nothing to do with being a Muslim or following the Islamic faith.
Kenney’s assertions are either the product of an addled brain or calculated lies. Take your pick, but there are no other alternatives.
If those running the show still don’t “get it,” the overwhelming majority of Americans have by now learned, in Donald Trump’s words, that “there’s something going on” with Islam: “You see the hatred. I mean, we see it every day.”
“We see it every day” is absolutely correct—hence why those who deny it must either be liars or fools. (See “Muslim Persecution of Christians,” reports which I’ve been compiling every month since July 2011, and witness the nonstop violence and carnage committed against non-Muslim minorities living under Islam.)
Still, Kenney’s falsehoods and/or foolishness are mainstream. Most politicians—practically every democrat but also a majority of republicans—makes the same claims, beginning with U.S. President Obama who insists that the Islamic State “is not Islamic,” calls for the “rejection by non-Muslims of the ignorance that equates Islam with terror,” and classified the Fort Hood massacre as “workplace violence,” despite the overwhelming evidence that it was jihad.
More recently, democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton admonished us to get aboard the wishful thinking bandwagon: “Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.” Republican leaders like John McCain gush about how “unequivocally, without a doubt, the religion of Islam is an honorable and reasonable religion. ISIS has nothing to do with the reality of Islam.” “Conservative” talking heads like Bill O’Reilley flippantly dismiss jihad as “a perversion of Islam, we all know that.”
And so it goes. In the context of the most recent violence and slaughter of Americans at the hands of Muslims—one last December and one last November, both in California—the usual chorus of politicians, media, and others made the same tired claims.
Despite the evidence that the Muslim couple that massacred 14 people in San Bernardino was motivated by Islamic teachings of jihad against the hated “infidel,” Obama claimed “We do not know their motivations.” Chris Hayes and MSNBC were also “baffled” in their search for a motive.
Despite the many indicators that the Muslim student who went on a stabbing spree in UC Merced was motivated by Islam—he was described as a “devout Muslim,” had an ISIS flag, and praised Allah in his manifesto—“local and federal authorities continue to insist that Faisal Mohammad, 18, carried out the vicious attack because he’d been banished from a study group.”
In response, the father of Byron Price, who was stabbed while defending some Merced victims, observed that, “Everyone is afraid to be politically incorrect… [I]t seems like to me we aren’t getting the whole story. I just wonder how much of this is driven from way higher up and is politically driven — I just don’t know.”
It was one thing for America to be politically correct when it existed in a utopian bubble away from all the nastiness “over there.” But to be politically correct at this late hour when the tentacles of the global jihad are well entrenched in America is suicidal, literally.
Either way, “political correctness” is a convoluted euphemism that simply means “lying”—bringing us right back to our question and a final observation: It doesn’t matter if those running the show are liars or fools, for at day’s end, the result is the same: the world’s strongest nation lays paralyzed before an existential threat that grows fiercer by the day.
My dear friend Raymond, Your article is, as always, brilliant, but you are a tiny bit too polite. Let’s call the “Islam is the religion of peace” lie what it really is: TREASON AGAIN ST THE NON-MUSLIM CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES. It is treason because all of our Congressmen and Congresswomen, and our Senators, and the entire Obama Administration took an oath to protect and defend the citizens of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and to upload the Constitution and the laws of the United States. It is against the law to give any religion special privileges under our Constitution because that has the effect of creating a government endorsed religion. Prayer for Muslims rooms at work and public schools, allowing students to Muslim students to leave early on Fridays for prayers, the Federal government intervening in an employer’s refusal to give special religiously based work rules to Muslims to name a few violations of the same laws that are enforced against Christians and Jews without mercy by the Obama Administration.
Obama and the others who agree with his lies about Islam are both lying and TRAITORS. The sight of American sailors on their knees at the point of Iranian Revolutionary guard guns, with their hands locked in surrender behind their necks is an image that will reflect Obama’s betrayal of this nation for all time. As the Commander of the two US vessels was being forced to apologize to the Iranian people, Obama was crowing about how his agreement with Iran prevented a war and stopped Iran from getting nuclear weapons in his DISGUSTING State of the Union speech. Not only is Obama a liar and a Traitor, he is certainly medically and legally insane. We have a delusional lunatic in control of the world’s largest nuclear arsenal, and he thinks he is the perfect human. I hope the planet survives the next 11 months of Barry Sotoro aka Barack Hussein Neville Chamberlin Obama.
He [bammer] isn’t insane; he knows exactly what he is doing!
Indeed! Those who are calling islam to be religion of peace are traitors to all humanity. islam is evil and genocidal cult of death and hate and should be recognized as such. On the other hand, Let us not blame it all on
Obama, because Obama is by product of the American/Western society and America elected Obama TWICE as its own president. Also, American
pro islamic agenda is far deeper than Obama. America and the Western world have turned their backs on Christianity and replaced it with destructive atheistic doctrines of postmodern moral relativism while they are also backing, enabling and arming the genocidal islamic jihadists worldwide that are massacring Christians and other minorities across the M.E. and beyond. For example, in the Balkans, long before Obama came to the White House and in support of its islamic jihadist allies, America bombed Christian Serbia and established two islamic jihadist states (Bosnia & Kosovo) in the heart of Europe. Three decades ago, in Afghanistan, America supported and armed the Taliban, Bin-Laden and Alqa’ida and paid them fight against Russia. In Libya, America supported and fought on the side of the barbaric islamic jihadists who deposed
Qaddafi. In Egypt, America backed Muslim Brotherhood and turned their backs on Gen. Mubarak, their long time ally. In Syria, America is currently allied with the evil Saudi Arabia, with Turkey and with other barbaric Arab states that are backing ISIS and many other islamic jihadists who are masacring Christians and other minorities in Syria. All these situations tell us that America and the Western countries are nothing but anti-Christian
islamo-phylic hellholes run by crazed, pro-LGBT postmodernist fascists.
Let us then rise up as one with a loud voice shouting: “Want my vote? Then curse Islam and demand its extinction!”. Tell your favorite candidate: “Read Islam 101 For Politicians and get back to me.”.
I would like to start a movement: That people start using their real names when commenting on important issues. I see liberals and Muslims hiding behind phony monikers when they hurl insults at me. These are people without the courage of their convictions who cower behind the safety of anonymity when they spew their crap that they know they can’t back up with any facts.
It puzzles me why truth tellers such as yourself use a pseudonym. I used to use a phony name because that’s what everyone else was doing. When I first got on this Internet thing it seemed like the thing to do so….
But after a while it started to bother me. I’ve spent most of my almost sixty years going to local city and county meetings, raising hell and “fighting city hall”. I WANT people to know who I am.
I’m thinking if it’s a concern for one’s safety I almost welcome some idiot stupid enough to come to my front door. I’ve got a big, crude, hand made “STAND WITH ISRAEL” sign on my front door. I never had some idiot appear but I did have some anonymous person leave a gift on my front porch.
Here’s an “explanation” of The Mystery of the Shemitah I’ve got below my list of books I drew up in a document in my “Israel” section (I probably set the record for gloating): (just the last few books of a long list)
A Lie and A Libel: The History of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion by Binjamin W. Segel and Richard S. Levy
Crossroads to Israel 1917-1948 by Christopher Sykes
Palestine Betrayed by Efraim Karsh
Deception: Betraying the Peace Process by Hamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik (With CD!) Palestinian Authority non-recognition of Israel, hate incitement and promotion of violence during the 2010 peace talks and through 2011.
Palestine Betrayed by Efraim Karsh
The Mystery of the Shemitah by Jonathan Cahn. I have no idea what this is about as I haven’t read it yet. It was left on my doorstep with a card attached to it: “Dear Sir or Madam, you do not know me. I drive by your home and see your bold support for Israel. I applaud you! May this small gift bless you with its wisdom. May God bless you and keep you.” The “bold support” to which she is referring are two signs, “Stand With Israel” and a little picture of Linus from Peanuts hugging his blanket with a “I Love Israel” caption on it and a small flag of Israel above the two signs.
Islam is not a (mere) religion. It is a totalitarian political system with a religious veneer.
Islam is not a “political system” at all, unless naked extortion is a valid definition of “politics.”
Instead, islam is really only the world’s largest and oldest ongoing extortion racket CRIME syndicate, and the only “religious” part in it is where its holy mobster “muslim” gang members say:
“God told us to commit these crimes!”
Politics is the art and science of plucking the most chickens with the least squaking. Let us not be chickens; let us not be plucked, tell Islam to go get………
One feather at a time as you did here:
Modern snakes have scales, not feathers, but … YEAH.
It’s even worse than that!
John Kerry lead Iran directly to those sailors!
Traitors. Globalists are traitors to all sovereign nationalities, by definition.
And, Re: “They did throw concrete blocks and shout threats and obscenities at David Wood when he held up a sign about Jesus at the Muslim fair in Dearborn.” WORSE: it was billed as an ARAB festival, not a strictly “muslim” one, and David Wood was accompanied by his Christian ARAB cohorts!
I am not an American, nor do I live in the United States, but from his first speech in Cairo, and everything else that the present incumbent in the White House has said and done since then, my overwhelming impression has always been that he is a traitor to his country and is committing treason. Is not the definition of treason a person who works against his own Nation and for the benefit of it’s enemy? Is that not what he and all his administration have been doing for the last 7 years? I kept thinking that some group in the U.S. would surely form an impeachment committee to have him tried for treason. But no, they re-elected him!
How has the leadership of the United States sunk so low? How have the citizens of the United States become so ignorant of the historical facts of it’s present avowed enemies (who make no secret of their intentions toward the West) and so lily livered that they will not stand up and call a lie a lie, and evil, evil, and who have allowed this despicable man to destroy their country? Where is that marvelous independent spirit of the American people who would not have suffered this Marxist Muslim to ride roughshod over them for 7 minutes let alone 7 years?
Playing ostrich. And the enemy will be upon them and overwhelm them before they can even get their heads out of the sand.
Evil has the innate ability to gauge the weakness of its intended victim. Like a parasite, Obama and others intuitively know just how far they can go without arousing overt resistance from the host.
You’re “preaching to the choir!” How about some ideas on what can be done about it!
Don’t worry!! Young non-muslim men will form like in Sicilian-Italian Mafia style gangs and will start cleaning the mess left by the Obama-like politicians and after that Obama will be probably be flogged accordingly to his own traditional religion. This will be the outcome if the politicians are not doing the right thing for the people.
Some of us have been writing daily since at least the inception of Jihad Watch, providing concrete details and workable action plans almost anyone could follow through on effectively to awaken the population of Europe and America and to do harm to jihad on the ground and across the ether. It has done so little good that, for example, the mayor of Cologne was attacked by a single assailant who stabbed her and went to jail, and the people of Canada voted for a babbling idiot who has no more idea about Islam than the average pot-smoking voter who helped elect him. There are still things one can do even in the maw of this idiot beast of rotten Modernity.
Anyone at all can deposit a sheaf of hard-core pornography at a Muslim homeless center on the evening of, for example, a Cologne-style beer-fest, taking the place nearest to you otherwise.
The point of dropping off hard-core porn at a Muslim homeless center on the eve of a beer-fest? Raise the level of Muslim violence against the dhimmis who still pretend there is no problem. Make every situation far worse all at once rather than allow it to build so gradually that our nations become slowly swamped by jihad and eventual total shariá. Do it all now, making the bad so bad it is intolerable. Create more horrors on our streets to such a fever pitch that Modern nations explode in frenzied fury.
Pass out porno to Muslims? Could you sink so low? Of course you could. It´s simple, it’s effective, and it’s legal. But most people will refuse for any number of reasons, the only important one being cowardice. They are afraid of being caught and shamed by their neighbours. Wait till the crowd is assembled and cheer on others from the sidelines.
Meanwhile, most people indulge in the written version of home-made porno videos by writing nasty rants about killing every Muslim they read about. Not going to happen, but for those who are too fat, too ugly, or too old to be home-porn stars on the Internet there is the porn of writing rage commments.
Don’t worry? I am worried. We need young men to form affinity groups of extra-parliamentary opposition, such as the Red Army Faction or the Tupamaros of yesteryear; but such is unlikely to happen because the young are cowards as much as the old and there is too much at stake if one loses, the dream of power and wealth fading instantly if one is accuse of racism, let alone captured by a hostile dhimmi government. Forget the young. They have too much to gain by looking at their shoes as free men and women are marched to the gallows. Cowards. And it´s even worse than that.
One can easily order a copy of my book of Mohammed cartoons and drop that off at the local Muslim watering hole where it will provoke Muslims equally as severely as pornography, and the author is the only one to take the flack. But just ordering the book is beyond most people’s courage. You will be singled out as a non-conformist. Leaving the book at a Muslim gathering place or some place Muslims will find it is too difficult for nearly everyone. This is simply cowardice.
Do something yourself? It’s almost inconceivable to find a person in the West today who will do more than pound the keyboard demanding that someone else do something about jihad. If you don’t want to throw a nasty anti-Islamic book at them, you could use pornography just as well. But who will do even one small thing at all?
Probably not.
Your advice, seems the prudent course of action, and will save lives on all sides in the long run.
Reminds me of the different reactions of the Egyptians and Israelis to border demonstrations in Gaza. The Egyptians answered the demonstrators with live bullets from a car mounted machine gun. The Israelis acted humanely. Consequence: Egypt has never had a problem with its blockade of Gaza. Israel has ‘received’ tens of thousand of rockets, and several wars.
Hi, Ron.
Our gracious host allows me space here to write my opinions, which he has no influence over and generally allows me to write as I please. However, I must bring my own sense of good manners to Raymond’s site and behave myself because of his generousity in allowing me to write here. I hope I don’t over-step.
For the past four years and some I have lived in South America. I moved here to seek freedom from various Modernist states that no longer resemble the U.S. of my younger years. In Peru I have found a place I like and freedom to live as I choose. Obviously I choose to live a quiet life. I have never upset the government to the point they care about me being here. I am in some small way the kind of immigrant most nations would like to have. I’m not a trouble maker. I make my own living (of a sort.) I do not gang up with my buddies and grope and rape the local girls. As far as immigrants go, I’m an OK specimen. Some local intellectuals hate me, and perhaps rightly so, because I recently published a book on colonial architecture in Iquitos, Peru. I can understand that this topic is one sure to enrage some intellectuals. One man goes so far as to scowl at me when he sees me having Sunday brunch at the local high society hotel cafe. So far I have ignored this man. There is always the chance that I will convert to Islam and with thereafter strap on a homicide bomb vest and kill him, myself, and 100 innocent bystanders. But so far, no such reaction on my part.
Having written that I am a normal guy living a quiet life, I must now go on to write that life here in the Amazon jungle allows me a quiet life not open to my compatriots, to those who live now in my homeland and those who are yet to come, i.e. my fellow Americans and assorted Europeans. As hard as I try, I find I am not able to convince anyone at all that I am Peruvian. I can live in Peru for the rest of my life and not be Peruvian. I will always be a guest. As with Raymond, I try not to outrage my host.
I am still and will always be an American with a British background. I have some deep attachment to my culture, which is mostly European-based. I fight to protect and preserve my culture. I didn’t create it, but it is my heritage and I want to pass on this valuable thing to others. I do not want to see it ruined by maniacs at home and invaders from abroad. I’m willing to go so far as to physically fight with people who try to destroy my nation’s life, culture, and history.
One thing I have done as a guest in the Peruvian Amazon jungle is live with and learn from Jibaro natives the art, if you will, of shrinking heads. Here I hope to beg Raymond’s tolerance.
Muslims are commanded to behead us. They do so whenever they get a chance. We, on the other hand, often make excuses for their behavior, I say, no more excuses. But I must go further here. I must address a people, an enemy, who ”love death.” I will argue, briefly, below that we, as freedom loving people living in valuable and unique cultures, must fight back as effectively as we are able, even if what we do seems cold and inhuman to outsiders after the fray.
Those who love death are not afraid of death. They love it and therefore want it for themselves and others. We, who generally avoid death if we can, and who are reluctant to visit in on others, even if they very much deserve it, in our considered opinions, love life. We give to our enemies what they want when we kill them. We do this even though it seems to harm us. I suggest that we stop giving our enemies what they want. I suggest we take the fun out of dying in the way of Allah. I suggest that rather than kill a jihadi in battle, that we do something he and his mates do not want, something they will avoid. I suggest that rather than killing jihadis that we castrate them.
I mean in calling for the castration of jihadis that we do so practically. There is no hope and little point in raging that we should line up all probable men of Islam and cut them. I mean instead that we attack individuals in battle and, instead of aiming our weapons that their trunks in the hope of a likelier hit that we aim for their groins. Not one man will stand and fight if he fears the loss of his testicles. No one will sign up for death and 72 virgins if he realizes that instead he could well get his balls blown off. That has no bragging value. Death they might like, but being eunics for the rest of a possibly long life is something to send them fleeing from the battle zone.
Which brings me to ritual head-shrinking.
Muslims cut off other people’s heads because Allah tells them to do so. Fine. We can do the same thing right back at ’em. But…. We are not commanded by Allah to do anything at all. We are free individuals who decide or don’t decide how we will live our lives. Many of us are decent and humane people and we are sickened by the savagery of Muslims who are intoxicated by the terror they instill in others with their beheadings. I’m not such a nice guy when I encounter a man who would decapitate another man just because. But yes, I would decapitate another man under proper conditions if the effect were of my own considered thought. Here’s what
Amazon head-hunting is not about killing one’s enemy, exactly. Of course, the decapitated victim dies, but the point is far beyond killing someone. It is, this ritual decapitation, about capturing and destroying the enemy’s soul so he cannot follow one into the Plant-Spirit realm of the gods who make it all happen. One kills, yes, in battle, but one kills for the sake of power over an enemy who would kill. To keep the spirit of the enemy from haunting the warrior, the warrior cuts off the, let us say for the sake of example, the jihadi head. Then what? The jihadi spirit goes to the gods of the Spirit Plants, the spirits that rule all things, and the jihadis says, ‘Brujo, curse the Warrior who cast me into the Spirit Plant realm where I am banished from my people. The Warrior knows the Brujo has great brujaria, and he fears the spirit of the dead man might bring harm. So, he cuts off the enemy’s head on the battlefield and, when there is a short amount of time to spare from further killing, he peels off the scalp and face of the jihadi to latter in the day boil with a mixture of stuff we need not go into here. After a week of treatment, most of which can be done on the run, the jihadi’s head is the size of a small apple.
The shrunken jihadi head is not only one dead jihadi, he is also one whose spirit is forever impotent to cause ill to the warrior. This gives the warrior additional strength because others can see his valor and skill in battle by the number of shrunken heads he’s made over time. The warrior also gains power in the Plant realm because his spirit can soar into the mystik on the backs of strong spirits who appreciate his warrior deeds. As well, this not only scares the shit out of most people who see a man who shrinks human heads, it really scared Muslims who believe in this kind of magic a lot more than I do.
If you don’t lose your testicles, you might get your head turned into a shrived little ball that hangs in some crazy infidel’s livingroom. That is taking the fun out of being a jihadi.
Such are my deepest anti-jihad thoughts for today.
My best from the deep Amazon jungle.
Dag Walker
Iquitos, Peru.
Hey, I write whole books. You can check out more of my deep thoughts at these links. Here are three out of eight.
Your testicles/head deterrent to Jihadis reminded me of a suggestion to bury suicide bombers wrapped in pig’s skin.
We can forgive [them] for killing our children. We cannot forgive them from forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with [them] when they love their children more than they hate us. [Golda Meir]
”Never forget. Never forgive.”
It might seem strange to read about sexual mutilation, ritual beheading, and jungle magic while one prepares oneself for another day at the office downtown; but outside the realms of Modernity, life goes on as it has from the beginning. It’s a rough place out here, and the strong die just like the weak. One brush with a toad underfoot, one bug bite, one small scratch, and that’s the beginning of the end. You don’t want to see flesh-eating disease. Dengue is almost as bad, but the suffering is perhaps worse, if not fatal. Then there is the usual annoyance of losing fleshy bits to pirañas. Life outside the safe zone is rough sometimes. Jungle living makes all of the above seem pretty normal when one is away from Starbuck’s for too long.
And here I thought they coddled the shrunken heads while treating them like their own children to trick them into not becoming vengeful ghosts. On the other hand, aren’t you worried about living among the half-breed descendants of Spanish invaders, whose own country of Spain had been transformed into an ARAB, muslim one by dint of nearly a thousand years of being invaded, raped, genocided enslaved and conquered by islam?
The well-known result is that the descendants of Spaniards, like the Spaniards still left in Spain itself, ARE genetically ARABS – and “culturally:” muslims!
Which is why, of ALL the so-called ‘Christian’ countries left in the world, ONLY those descended from Spain “enjoy the culturally-enriching benefits” (to put it in the modern liberal parlance) of having lazy, macho, women-hating societies which also dabble in ritual “honour killings” of their own families?
Food for though, Gringo Kuffar!
(And you might also ask yourself: “Why is ‘Joaquim’ pronounced “WAKIM!”)?
Hola, Tio.
I live among mostly indigenous people, those who don’t have much contact with Spaniards. The others, those on the Pacific coast, are meztisos. The Amazonians are treated poorly by the others, as you can imagine.
In my latest book, which I’m sure you will want due to the subject matter, In one chapter I outline the origins of machismo in Latin America, a cultural and social import from Spain that is a legacy of dhimmitude: That the Spaniards, having lived as slaves in their homeland, brought the swaggering, bragging, and bullying with them to the New World and acted like Muslim conquerers.
Here in the Amazon there are still significant numbers of natives who have had no contact with outsiders, beyond the occasional sighting of helicopters.
About headshrinking; it is practical and effective. Scares the hell out of many people.
Oh, so you’re not calling it SNOOTOM any more?
Uncle Vladdi, I hope you know better!
My first version of Mohammed cartoons is the smart and funny one. That’s Snootom, for those who don’t know my writing as well as my uncle here. Once I got that past the censors, by writing it in the ancient Polish dialect of Samizdat, I went totally imprudent and published the backward version, Motoons. This shows how clever I am.
Uncle Vladdi, I hope that if you read SNOOTOM that you will leave a glowing review at amazon.com. Here’s a link to it.
“Innocence Of Muslims” pointed the way. Three screenplays based on the sira sit on shelves for lack of $$ and courage. Get them produced, dubbed into Arabic, Farsi & Urdu and distributed globally.
Show the ummah 52 year old Moe thighing six year old Aisha. Show them the genocide of the Banu Qurayza. Show them the murders of Kab Ashraf, Rafi, Asma bint marwan & Umm Qirfa. Show them Moe praying for prey; praying to the lord of the devils for loot.
Show them how the verse of hijab came about: Umar sexually harassing Sauda as she took a dump in the desert.
Show Khadija on her death bed with Moe telling her to great Mary, Mother of Jesus and three other wives in Jannah.
The real Mafia was originally created as a fight-fire-with-fire RESPONSE to the muslim invasion of Sicily! Their exiled Princes were betrayed by the church, too, and had to become Robin Hoods!
how abt both?
Fools or liars, they are all bought.
RIGHT. That’s what I was going to type, but you beat me to the punch. Had oil not been discovered, the Gulf wouldn’t have the buying power that it does. This isn’t the 7th century, so what’s the REAL reason behind the empowerment of this dogma?
Shoa–Holocost–Never Again!! The analencephalopathic LibTard ‘mind’ can not conceive of the fact that exterminating Islamic predators is not morally equivalent to exterminating innocent Jews.
Marxists seeking to subvert the world hope that Muslims will do the hard work for them by weakening western civilization.
Raymond, we are witnessing with our very own eyes the deliberate sacrificing of America (and American lives) at the altar of Islam. For Islam to flourish (since its dark inception), the blood of many innocents (infidels) had to flow. It is sadly no different today. Here, you have an American president who has dedicated himself to honour and elevate Islam even far and above what the elite in Europe managed to do for several decades. What we have seen thus far and most likely will continue to see is the deliberate absorption of Islam into Western culture to form a beast that is part Persian and part Western democracy. Mark these words.
Don’t forget the person (in Britian?) who was arrested for “hate speech” while reading aloud in public, violent verses of the Koran. The drumbeat in the media is that we “must counter the Jihadist ideology” but they never detail specifically where that “ideology” originates. Recognizing that the violent Islamist ideology begins and ends with the Koran, Hadith and Sira is apparently the last taboo in the West.
Are you referring to Paul Weston–who was arrested for reading an excerpt from Churchill’s 1899 book “The River Wars”?
“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.
A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.
Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.”
Great post.
The term and the concept of ‘political correctness’ was invented by Chairman Mao, and the word ‘Islamophobic’ was invented by Ayatollah Khomeini.
Though the Ayatollah Khomeini definitely popularised the use of the term “Islamophobia,” it seems to have been coined by Alphonse Étienne Dinet and Sliman ben Ibrahim in their 1918 biography of Muhammad [Dinet, Alphonse Étienne; ben Ibrahim, Sliman (1918). La Vie de Mohammed, Prophète d’Allah. Paris. Viz.: modern orientalists [are partially] influenced by an islamofobia, which is poorly reconciled with science and hardly worthy of our time. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/2954079282/ref=as_li_qf_sp_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=2954079282&linkCode=as2&tag=hotelcapriand-20&linkId=JBUSHICBYS2RHS7L%5D
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamophobia
Pity our country or eradicate them from All government,there is no other choice
Perfectly put! “Political Correctness” IS really only “lying!” Is it foolish to lie to protect an enemy who will murder you? Yes. So they are both liars AND fools!
This is taken from a wise man’s post; I’m only sorry I didn’t get his name:
All I need to know about Islam I learned on 911. It is time to deIslamize the U.S.A. Islam is a theocracy masquerading as a religion. No Sharia law! Obama is a muslim.
Let’s see, do I understand this thing correctly?
THINK about it.
In 1968, Bobby Kennedy was shot and killed by a Muslim.
In 1972 at the Munich Olympics, athletes were kidnapped and massacred by Muslims
In 1972 a Pan Am 747 was hijacked and eventually diverted to Cairo where a fuse was lit on final approach. It was blown up shortly after landing by Muslims
In 1973 a Pan Am 707 was destroyed in Rome , with 33 people killed, when it was attacked with grenades by Muslims
In 1979, the US embassy in Iran was taken over by Muslim
During the 1980’s a number of Americans were kidnapped in Lebanon by MuslimsIn 1983, the US Marine barracks in Beirut was blown up by Muslim males.
In 1985, the cruise ship Achille Lauro was hijacked and a 70 year old American passenger was murdered and thrown overboard in his wheelchair by Muslims
In 1985, TWA flight 847 was hijacked at Athens , and a US Navy diver trying to rescue passengers was murdered by Muslim males.
In 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 was bombed by Muslim males.
In 2001 The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim
The Beltway Snipers were Muslims
The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim
The underwear Bomber was a Muslim
The U-S.S. Cole Bombers were Muslims
The Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims
The Bafi Nightclub Bombers were Muslims
The London Subway Bombers were Muslims
The Moscow Theatre Attackers were Muslims
The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims
The Pan-Am flight #93 Bombers were Muslims
The Air France Entebbe Hijackers were Muslims
The Iranian Embassy Takeover, was by Muslims
The Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers were Muslims
The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Musiims
The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Muslims
The Israeli Olympic Team Attackers were Muslims
The Kenyan U.S, Embassy Bombers were Muslims
The Saudi, Khobar Towers Bombers were Muslims
The Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were Muslims
The Besian Russian School Attackers were Muslims
The first World Trade Center Bombers were Muslims
The Bombay & Mumbai India Attackers were Muslims
The Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Muslims
The September 11th 2001 Airline Hijackers were Muslims
In 2002, the United States fought a war in Afghanistan against Muslims
In 2002, reporter Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and beheaded by—you guessed it—
It was a Muslim male. (plus two other American journalists were just beheaded)
In 2009 The “underwear bomber” was Muslim
In 2013, Boston Marathon Bombing 4 Innocent people including a child killed, 264 injured by Muslims
The Russian Airliner bombed by ISIS are Muslims
The Paris Massacres ISIS Attackers are Muslims
The San Bernardino Shooters were Muslims
Think of it:
Buddhists living with Hindus = No Problem
Hindus living with Christians = No Problem
Hindus living with Jews = No Problem
Christians living with Shintos = No Problem
Shintos living with Confucians = No Problem
Confucians living with Baha’is = No Problem
Baha’is living with Jews = No Problem
Jews living with Atheists = No Problem
Atheists living with Buddhists = No Problem
Buddhists living with Sikhs = No Problem
Sikhs living with Hindus = No Problem
Hindus living with Baha’is = No Problem
Baha’is living with Christians = No Problem
Christians living with Jews = No Problem
Jews living with Buddhists = No Problem
Buddhists living with Shintos = No Problem
Shintos living with Atheists = No Problem
Atheists living with Confucians = No Problem
Confusians living with Hindus = No Problem
Muslims living with Hindus = Problem
Muslims living with Buddhists = Problem
Muslims living with Christians = Problem
Muslims living with Jews = Problem
Muslims living with Sikhs = Problem
Muslims living with Baha’is = Problem
Muslims living with Shintos = Problem
Muslims living with Atheists = Problem
They’re not happy in Gaza
They’re not happy in Egypt
They’re not happy in Libya
They’re not happy in Morocco
They’re not happy in Iran
They’re not happy in Iraq
They’re not happy in Yemen
They’re not happy in Afghanistan
They’re not happy in Pakistan
They’re not happy in Syria
They’re not happy in Lebanon
They’re not happy in Nigeria
They’re not happy in Kenya
They’re not happy in Sudan
*** So, where are they happy? ***
They’re happy in Australia
They’re happy in England
They’re happy in Belgium
They’re happy in France
They’re happy in Italy
They’re happy in Germany
They’re happy in Sweden
They’re happy in the USA & Canada
They’re happy in Norway & India
They’re happy in almost every country that is not Islamic!
And who do they blame? Not Islam… Not their leadership… Not themselves…
‘Cuz they are incapable of discerning the difference between the Shoa and exterminating vampires. If they acknowledged the imperatives enshrined in Al-Anfal & At-Taubah, confirmed in Bukhari 52: Jihad and codified in Reliance Of The Traveller O9.0–9, they could only conclude that the existence of Islam can not be tolerated.
Lacking the political will to Nuke Muslims or attempt to induce mass apostasy, they are compelled to dissemble. They are traitors.
Like when a celebrity perv gets caught with child porn he was only doing research, maybe the shooters in San Bernadino were just doing ballistic research.