A group of Muslim men recently went into a Christian district in Pakistan, abducted a 7-year-old boy, and took turns gang raping him before finally strangling him to death with a rope. Locals found the child’s body dumped in a field the next day:
[T]he body was sent for post-mortem examination which revealed that the 7-year-old was killed after being brutally raped…. Speaking to The Express Tribune, a local said, “The suspects belonged to rich families and were drunk when they kidnapped the child and took him to their dera where they raped him.
Interestingly, while the NY Daily News, the Independent, and other media state that the boy was seized from a “Christian district,” the original report, published by one Kashif Zafar in the International New York Times’ Express Tribune, avoids mentioning the religious identity of either rapists or raped. It even fails to mention that this atrocity took place in Pakistan and merely names the region, Bahawalnagar, in both the title and body of the report, though few have any clue what country Bahawalnagar is located in.
Perhaps the NYT’s Express Tribune does not want readers to connect the dots and realize that “rich and drunk” Muslims regularly rape and kill Christian “infidels” in Pakistan. One week after this 7-year-old boy was gang raped and murdered, another group of reportedly “rich and drunk” Muslims in a car accosted three Christian girls walking home from work. They sexually harassed them, saying “Christian girls are only meant for one thing, the pleasure of Muslim men.” When the girls tried to run away, the Muslims chased them down in their car and ran them over, killing one girl, 17-year-old Kiran.
While Muslim men regularly and openly prey on Christian girls in Pakistan, even the gang rape and murder of Christian boys is not as aberrant as the Express Tribune would have people think. Back in 2012, Samuel Yaqoob , aged 11, went to the markets of Faisalabad to buy food for his family and never returned. Like the 7-year-old boy mentioned above, Samuel’s body was “found near a drain in the Christian colony, bearing marks of horrific torture, with the murder weapon nearby. His nose, lips and belly had been sliced off, and his family could hardly recognize him because the body was so badly burnt.” Autopsy found “23 wounds by a sharp weapon” and indications “of sodomy.”
According to Wilson Chowdhry, Chairman of the British Pakistani Christian Association, “Parts of Pakistani culture have a strong homosexual pederast culture, and Christian and other minority boys are especially susceptible to rape and abuse because of the powerlessness of their community and their despised status.”
Chowdhry goes on to mention another case where “a Christian boy was kidnapped, raped, tortured and killed by a police officer, his body similarly being dumped in a drain.”
Some might argue that such behavior—at the very least the homosexual rape—is un-Islamic, and thus Islam is innocent of the behavior of these Muslim child rapists. Yet this sort of thinking fails to realize that the dehumanization of non-Muslims is Islamic so that even non-practicing Muslims—such as drunk and/or homosexual Muslims—are conditioned to look down upon Christian “infidels,” deeming it their right to use and abuse them at will. Muslim police and local authorities look the other way for the same religio-cultural bias against “infidels.”
Because Islamic culture engenders contempt for all non-Muslims, no “infidel” is sacrosanct. In 2014 in neighboring Bangladesh, 60 Muslim men invaded a convent in the cover of night and attempted to rape its European-born Christian nuns who had dedicated their lives to serving the Muslim poor of Bangladesh.
Speaking of Europe, as Muslim numbers continue to grow there, the sexual dehumanization of European children—including boys—is on the rise. A few days ago in Austria, a mother in a public swimming pool with her children “noticed six foreigners aged between 30 and 40 years old in the indoor pool. Two were sitting on the edge of the children’s pool. One of them sidled up next to my youngest, and had his hands in his underwear.”
And so again we see Islam’s Rule of Numbers at work: where Muslim numbers grow so too do acts of Muslim violence against and sexual abuse of non-Muslims grow with them.
“An Iraqi migrant has admitted to raping a ten year old boy in a Viennese swimming pool so ferociously that the boy had to be hospitalised for his injuries. The man said he knew it was wrong but couldn’t help himself as he hadn’t had sex in months…. On the December 2nd he brutally attacked the young boy, pulling him into a changing cubicle, pulling down his swimming trunks and assaulting him. Although the boy cried out he was not heard by anyone.”
“The mother of the boy who was raped by an Iraqi migrant in a swimming pool in Austria, has said she regrets teaching her children to be welcoming to migrants and described the man’s defence [that he had “too much sexual energy”] as ‘just monstrous’… The boy, known only as Goran, had to be hospitalised with serious injuries and his mother said her son has been crying himself to sleep every night since the attack.”
“Doctors and medical staff have confirmed that at least seven boys, aged between 14 and 16, have been raped inside the so-called ‘Jungle’ migrant camp in Calais.
In four of the cases the boys had been abused so brutally they required surgery. Three of them declined treatment, however, because of fear repercussions and losing their honour.”
And they are the moderate ones, aren’t they?
The moderate ones pop the corn and ice the soda for the jihadists
Raymond, I know it must be frustrating to keep writing these articles while western politicians and their supporters ignore what you’re saying and deliberately make, and support, the mistakes you warn against.
But keep these articles coming. Some of us out here read your work regularly and draw the logical conclusions.
Concur – thanks Raymond for your yeoman service in outing Muslim savagery.
I have no words. If I didn’t put these things out of my thoughts, I would be crying all the time.
Don’t cry…get ANGRY!! Our U.S. government, many of our churches and our public schools are forcing Americans to bow and scrape before Islam. We need to each SPEAK UP. We will be ridiculed in many circles and may suffer in other ways for not going quietly to our doom, but the alternative is to live like a sheep led silently to slaughter and aid in the loss of our country, our culture and our freedom.
“Parts of Pakistani culture have a strong homosexual pederast culture”
Those would be the muslim parts of Pakistani culture.
Muslims should all be exterminated.
have not been able to post Islam rape and murder of Christian boys article?
trouble is u might be labelled a non pc person and cops will say its hate crime from us.
@Karen -It’s ok for Muslims to demonstrate and say all kinds of garbage like, “Jesus is a slave of Allah” or ” Islam will rule the world”! But, just let a person, Christian or not, write the ugly truth about Islam and watch the evil, vile, Muslims against k, calling the truth a “hate crime”!
Islam and Muslims are the most intolerant religion and people on earth.
yep we are all hate crimers even when trying to broker peace.
Fatima – Muslims don’t broker peace, they “Lie” and wait until they have a better chance next time destroy.
“Parts of Pakistani culture have a strong homosexual pederast culture”
Those would be the muslim parts of Pakistani culture.
Muslims should all be exterminated.
appalling just let them come to uk doing this we will lock them up.
They would be allowed to walk free in the UK. The British government would be replete in prepared statements defending them. The great British public would not want to hear about it unless they were non Muslims who commited the crimes in which case they wouldn’t feel shy in condemning them. The British people are balless scum bags.
no john cos folk here wouldn’t allow it wed start petition no one will defend them
@fatima – I’ve seen the demonstrations, where the Brits protest and the Muslims harass and threaten!
Muslim slime need to be deported or never see the light of day.
@fatima fazal- Then lock up the Muslims that have already gang raped over 1,400 British girls, some as young as 11-yrs. The problem is still on going in England, a country where the native Brits have multi-cultured themselves to death.
yes we have the Oldham scandals and now a Blackburn scandal its even some authority figures who are protecting them ie doctors other proffessionals etc we need all of us to be vigilant……….watch the Sikh advisory service youtube video very frightening.
Fatima – it isn’t the “Sikh’s” that are raping girls, it’s Muslims.
Answer me this, why is it that Muslims are so peverted?
you want their home addresses……………..ask me………………..
Fatima fazal – NO … I want the murders, rapes and destruction by MUSLIMS to stop!
I want LIars like you to tell the truth, that Islam is not a religion of peace .. That Islam gas a 1,400+ year history of doing EXACTLY what MUSLIMS are doing now!
I want the pseudo-peaceful MUSLIMS, to admit they are on jihad warfare against everyone who isn’t Muslim.
I want those silent Muslims, who say they are peaceful, to take a stand AGAINST Muslim Terrorism!
I want “you” to stop being tge arrogant, Supremist, muslim … An Intollerant, Hater!
Don’t like me … I don’t care! I don’t like your lies, your hatred, your intolerance!!!!
Fatima – If you have their addresses WHY are t you doing something about these Muslim oerverts? IR, is that it, YOU approve!
If Christians came to Muslim lands. Blowing up their buildings. Raping their women, children and infants, if they murdered their citizens, the most horrible of means … Sawing their heads off, burning them alive, hanging them on neat hooks, alive, and then disecting them … Would You Be Outraged? Would You Be Demanding the other so-called Muslims to STOP these atrocities?
SURE YOU WOULD! You whine when someone pulls your head scarf off, try having your mother, father, brothers and sisters heads pulled off before you cry “You’re Persecuting Me”!
Muhammed was a pedopheli, a cross-dresser, bi-sexual, a rapist, a sex slave owner, a slave owner, a torturer, a murderer, a thief, a war monger! You do everything in his example! Alan is the blood thirsty false god, Baal! Allah is aka Satan!
I don’t hate you, I hate your lies. I don’t hate Islam I hate the perversion. Murder, rape, and evil the QURAN promote’s!
Disgusting, evil men – but not at all surprising. Muslims have always been predators, but the left-wing has legitimized them. The left is complicit – always has been.
The only worthwhile contribution a/all muslims could make to the world is their own death. Prophecy says that Christ will kill them all at His return, and rightly so. itstimecog.com/tribulation-timeline
Raymond Ibrahim, Pam Geller, Robert Spencer and a few others are like voices “crying in the wilderness” against the rampant apathy, political correctness and misguided idealism of the West. But I thank them for their continuing struggles to make the world wake up and face the approaching death cult before it is too late.
It’s all part of fascism’s deliberate attempt to scare western peoples into submission, so we need a police state, and once we have one corporations will have complete control over us and the rest of the world. It’s much cheaper and easier than simply having corporations take over directly.
Islam a sick, peverted, Satanic religion!
In neighborhood Afghanistan Muslim men practice bacha baazi, where young boys are forced to dress as girls and dance for older men, Subsequently many of these young boys are anus raped. The saying is “Girls and women are to make babies but young boys are for sex. ” This incident in Pakistan strikes a relationship with older Muslim men practicing bacha bazzi, where this young boy became a sex object and not a person, Bacha bazzi is a sex game with young boys as victims of Muslim men as is taharrush (where a mob of Muslim men attacks a women with the intention of groping, raping stealing beating and even killing her.) Taharrush is what happened in Cologne Germany on New years Eve.
The truth is Islam is a savage race.
Yes Muslims call themselves a race of superior beings because of their hideous Islamic religion which makes all other non believers targets of Muslim barbarism and terrorism and slavery. And the US president never calls Islam a terrorist religion. US media never calls Islam the religion of hate of all non Muslims. Shame,
Nuke them.
This is so sad that I am crying. I pray that our MESSIAH comes soon to end these horrible, satanic crimes against children, JEWS and Christians. I am a “True” Christian conservative and also pro-Israel and I do support Israel and pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. Sha’alu Shalom Yerushalayim!
I am already ‘converted’ to the realization that the cult of Islam is an evil perversion of humans, but these reports make me want to cry for the horror of what is happening. We are being challenged, thru our own caring of other souls, by this evil. Allowing any more Muslim immigrants into the West must be stopped or we have no hope of containing this.
Will Western nations have to remove and reeducate Islamic children to prevent this from escalating ? How else can we diffuse the horror of this ? I do not know what the answer is to prevent all-out warfare one day !
This murder alone is reason enough to nuke 200 million muslims. Let their hate not spread.