As Western politicians and other talking heads insist that the Islamic State (“ISIS”) has “nothing whatsoever to do with Islam,” not only does ISIS correctly implement Islamic law—whether by demanding jizya from subjugated Christians or by sexually enslaving “infidel” women—but even the “caliphate’s” arcane jihadi tactics belong to Islam.

Consider a recently exposed “recruitment” tactic of ISIS: abducting, indoctrinating, and beating young children in order to mold them into explosive-vest wearing “martyrs” who hurl themselves onto “infidels”:
The children who managed to escape describe how they were indoctrinated into the jihadi group’s radical brand of Islam and taught that they should execute their “unbeliever” [infidel] parents…. “We weren’t allowed to cry but I would think about my mother, think about her worrying about me and I’d try and cry quietly,” he [an escapee] said… Some children who managed to escape ISIS and are now living in the refugee camps in northern Iraq, have also been left badly psychologically scarred. The repeated beatings and endless propaganda have meant that some of the escapees wake up in the night with nightmares while others suffer seizures.
The report goes on to say that “The growing trend for ISIS to use child soldiers as suicide bombers, particularly in Iraq, has been suggested as a sign of how stretched their resources are in the region.”
Or it could suggest that ISIS is simply following another page of the jihadi playbook. For centuries, Muslim caliphates seized Christian boys from their families, forcefully converted and indoctrinated them in Islam, trained them to be jihadis extraordinaire, and then unleashed them back onto their former Christian kin to wreak havoc in the name of jihad. (Skanderberg was the exception.)
That this practice is Islamic is evident in that other modern day Muslims—not just ISIS—follow it. In 2012, 300 Christian children were abducted and forcibly converted to Islam. After convincing impoverished Christian families in Bangladesh to spend what little money they had to send their children to study at supposed mission hostels, conmen would “pocket the money” and “sell the children to Islamic schools elsewhere in the country ‘where imams force them to abjure Christianity.’” The children are then instructed in Islam and beaten. After being fully indoctrinated, the once Christian children are asked if they are “ready to give their lives for Islam,” presumably by becoming jihadi suicide-bombers.
The West would not be oblivious to this “new” Muslim tactic—erroneously concluding that it means ISIS has “stretched their resources”—if it had Islamic studies departments that disseminated facts instead of pro-Islamic myths and propaganda. As with all unsavory aspects of Islamic history, this institution has been whitewashed. Although young, terrified boys were seized from the clutches of their devastated parents, the mainstream (but otherwise debunked) narrative is that poor Christian families were eager to see their boys taken to the caliphate where they would have a “bright future.”
Portraying uniquely negative aspects of Islamic doctrine and history as uniquely positive aspects is par for the course. For example, the Islamic institution of jizya—extorting money from subjugated Christians and Jews often on pain of death—is presented by academics such as Georgetown University’s John Esposito as a show of “tolerance” (debunked here).
Because Western knowledge of Islam has been subverted by the “scholars”—especially those funded by petrodollars—ISIS and other Muslims are free to practice any number of distinctly Islamic tactics that appear “novel” to the West.
According to a manual distributed by ISIS, would-be jihadi mass murderers in the West are urged “to blend in with the western way of life and to avoid ‘looking like a Muslim’ so as to stay below the radar of the security services…. Readers are urged to wear a Christian cross, splash on the aftershave, cut off beards and even shun prayer meetings and mosques to avoid detection.” The manual says:
It is permissible for you to wear a necklace showing a Christian cross. As you know, Christians—or even atheist Westerners with Christian background—wear crosses on their necklaces. But don’t wear a cross necklace if you have a Muslim name on your passport, as that may look strange.
Considering Islam’s well known enmity for the Christian cross, the depth of deception here should be clear.
While the UK’s Express repeatedly refers to the strategic deception outlined above as “chilling,” it’ actually standard. Not only did the 9/11 terrorists and many others follow these tactics, but Muslims have been pretending to blend in with those infidels they plan to murder from the start. Indeed, in order to kill an elderly Jewish poet who had mocked him, the prophet of Islam allowed one of his jihadis to deceive the Jew as a way to get close enough and kill him. The jihadi did so—to the point of cursing Muhammad in front of the poet, who ceased suspecting the young man was still following the prophet and eventually invited him into his home—at which point the jihadi dropped the mask and decapitated the elderly Jew. (Click here for other examples of Muhammad permitting Muslims to behave like non-Muslims as a stratagem of war.)
Crypto-Muslims (or Moriscos) pretending to be Christian, but secretly working to subvert Spain back to Muslim rule, were a continual source of danger for centuries. While the Spaniards knew that Islam prevented Muslims from being loyal to Christian rule, after the Reconquista they also learned that many Muslims who had publicly converted to Christianity—going to church and participating in baptism and communion—were crypto-Muslims working for the victory of Islam, including by revolting with the aid of foreign Muslims, such as the Turks. As a result, Islam was expelled from Spain (even as ISIS and other Muslims vow to return as conquerors).
Yet because this historical event is now portrayed as an example of extreme Christian intolerance—the flipside of Western academia’s devotion to whitewashing Islam is its devotion to demonizing Christianity—another valuable lesson from Christian/Muslim history is lost.
The tactics employed by the Islamic State and other jihadi outfits—from abducting and indoctrinating Christian children to be “martyrs for Islam” to acting Christian, going to church, and wearing crucifixes—permeate Islamic history. But because the West refuses to acknowledge Islam’s true doctrines and history, it must ever confront the jihad blindfolded and blindsided.
Great post, as usual, Raymond.
Thank you Raymond, a great source of information, filling out the blancs about islam and the almost forgotten lessons from history, like the one about Skanderbeg, a true European hero from the old days.
Crypto-Judaism and Crypto-Islamism is what provoked the Inquisition. Growing evidence of insincere conversions is what got it started. In the Spaniards defense, they went through a lot of trouble to drive out the Mohammedans once they established themselves in Spain. It took 700 years of fighting to get them out. The Spaniards had to become a bit meaner than the Mohammedans to win the war. Once the war (Reconquista) was won, some Moors converted to keep their lands. If the Spaniards, historically, seemed to be really mean Christians, there’s a reason for it. Now that Spain has a new generation that knows better than their ancestors, the Mohammedans are being invited back in. Some Moorish families are said to have ancient keys to Spanish houses as heirlooms. They won’t come back as guests; they will come back to rule.
Yes, the aspiration seems obvious, just have a look at this proud propaganda from a few years ago: El Andaluz is a great place, it´s time to buy a piece of property there, and enjoy the land.
Another exception as Skanderberg was Vlad Dracul. Yeap, the famous historic figure that inspired Dracula. He was indoctrinated in the Islam but later in life he fought back the Ottomans. His brother, however, stayed a faithful Muslim all his life.
Also his Islamic brother was the one that betrayed Vlad and Wallahia to the Turk. They did this to children of Boyeri, Landowner Chieftains. Peasant children were used as cannon fodder.
William Federer, a Christian historian whom I follow on facebook, posted about Vlad on 2/26. According to Federer, Vlad learned the practice of impaling from Muslims when he was a prisoner of war.
None this is new information, just new to unschooled Westerners & especially Americans. The Christian world has been at war with Islam for around 1500 years. Although some of his concepts led to the debacle in Iraq, I highly recommend Ralph Peters’ “Endless War” for more in depth background. My cousin was did a major in Eastern European History and concurs with the basic elements of our historical conflict. Americans can’t remember the last news cycle, let alone history from 600 years ago. I has not really been taught for 50 years or so. Begs the question….
Islam brainwashes Muslims. Children suicide bombers is the best, easiest to understand example.
Here is how it happens:
“they should execute their “unbeliever” [infidel] parents….” Like the Nazis encouraged German youth to turn in their dissenting parents?
Muslims pretending to be Christians.
Would that be Barack Hussein pretending to be Barry?
Most Westerners are so ignorant of our history that they don’t realized that Islam is THE historical existential threat to Europe. It has been so since its earliest days. The “Christian” West has been fighting these folks since 642 AD. This is the same war. It has waxed and waned depending on the relative strengths of the two sides. And, the Libs teach everyone that all of this is the West’s fault. The Arab Muslims were expansionists and supremacists from day one. They raided the European Mediterranean coast constantly. They took over the then Christian lands of Egypt and Syria, took over the whole of North Africa and invaded Spain by 711 AD. What provoked all that? They were only stopped at the Battle of Tours in France in 732 by Charles Martel and the Franks. By the time the Crusades start in 1095, the Muslims had added the Persian Empire to their list of conquests and were putting tremendous pressure on the Byzantine Empire, causing them to ask their Christian brothers to the West for help. The Crusades were not the “proto-colonialist” invasion that the Left says it was, it was a counter-offensive to retake what had been lost.
There was a world before Christianity, one of the youngest religions in the world. And neither Christianity nor Islam spread peacefully.
If you recognize that Christianity is a branch of Judaism, being based on followers of a Jewish Rabbi, who were all Jewish to start, then you see that Judeo-Christianity is the oldest religion on earth, even predating sun/moon worshipers in Sumer, where Abraham was called out of. As not spreading peacefully, I guess if you call Christians being killed by the thousands in the Roman arena as not peaceful, then OK. But Christianity preaches “love”, even for your enemies, and the overwhelmingly dominant method of spreading it was word of mouth and peaceful missionaries, bringing good news and better life style to huge populations. Sure, the power structure at the time, and even still today in places meant that if the King converted, he took his whole realm with him to conversion ceremonies. But using military force, to spread Christianity has been the rare exception through out all of history. whereas with Islam military conquest and the threat of death to the conquered is THE method of propagation, with even much rarer exceptions than with Christianity the other way.
Christianity which is named after Christ predates Christ? Nice !
To an outsider both of your religions look pretty much the same and even the Pope repeatedly calls Muslims your kin/brothers. You may want to distance yourself but hey, there’s a world outside who sees both these religions for what they are. There’s a reason you have to ‘recruit’ fresh believers in the Third World – Christianity is loosing it’s faithful in the West in droves.
Any religion that proselytizes is by default intolerant. Do you even realize that?
I have no idea what they force fed you in your education but please google ancient religions. Damn you are stupid!
Actually, Akavista is speaking the truth. Christ fulfilled Torah and the prophets, (Matthew 5:17). Christianity wasn’t formed at the Council of Nicea, but 300 years earlier in the 1st century. Read the New testament! And the Pope doesn’t represent all Christianity especially this one. Do you really think after reading the New testament and comparing it to the Quaran, Hadiths and Surah they are the same? It’s too bad those who represent these religions can’t get their act together. The world is watching, indeed!
Stop the wars and the proselytizing. The world is watching indeed!
Read Andrew Bostom’s book Sharia vs. Freedom. Like Caroline Glick’s The Israeli Solution the first three chapters alone are worth the price of the book. (Get Alan Dershowitz’s The Case for Israel and The Haj by Leon Uris-Hand these and Glick’s book out as gifts to those you want to learn about the Israeli/Palestinian issue.)
Mohammad was a warlord who enjoyed leading his fanatical warriors in battles against the infidels. ISIS is using the same tactics that Muhammad used 1,400 years ago. Islam is a religion of war that will never become a religion of peace.
The Vicious Muslim Snake:
Good article Raymond.
@michael_woodman:disqus LOL
When you quote christians in Bangadesh as an example, atleast pause to think how did Christianity reach there.
You are getting paid back in the same coin, karma is a bitch. Christianity and Islam are almost alike and the world would be a better place without both.
Actually after googling Christianity and Bangladesh, I found that the first churches were spread by Portuguese traders and Jesuit missionaries in the 17th century. Yes, it was Catholics but where is the blood and the sword? All of the middle east before Mohammad was either Christian, pagan or Jewish, and they lived in relative peace. Is it Christians who are beheading, enslaving, abusing, forcing others to pay a tax,burning down houses, temples etc. etc. or is it Jihadist Muslims? How can you say the two religions are the same? And true, not all Muslims are like that.
Spot-On. Attacks upon national and international nerve centers of the West is the key tactic of Islamicists. What New York is to US economic dynamics; Brussels with the EU and NATO is to the West in terms of being political center of Europe.