CDN, by Bob Taylor
CHARLOTTE, N.C., Feb. 29, 2016 – Middle East specialist Raymond Ibrahim has uncovered a shocking report that shows the depth to which ISIS and other Islamic groups will go to convert Christian children into jihadi warriors.
In an article written to explain precisely why the tactics of Islamists shock Westerners, Ibrahim begins by saying, “As Western politicians and other talking heads insist that the Islamic State (‘ISIS’) has ‘nothing whatsoever to do with Islam,’ not only does ISIS correctly implement Islamic law but even the ‘caliphate’s’ arcane jihadi tactics belong (emphasis added) to Islam.”
The operative word that makes Ibrahim’s observations different is the word “belong,” which completely refutes the position of the Obama administration and many other Western leaders.
Using historical precedent to reinforce his argument, Ibrahim writes, “For centuries, Muslim caliphates seized Christian boys from their families, forcefully converted and indoctrinated them in Islam, trained them to be jihadis extraordinaire, and then unleashed them back onto their former Christian kin to wreak havoc in the name of jihad.”
Hardly the story we hear from the White House and elsewhere in the West.
For those willing to look beyond “Islamophobia,” Ibrahim correctly points out that such practices are obvious in our contemporary world and that today other Muslims, including but not limited to ISIS, also follow it.
Offering a solution, while criticizing the West at the same time, Ibrahim writes, “The West would not be oblivious to this ‘new’ Muslim tactic—erroneously concluding that it means ISIS has ‘stretched their resources’—if it had Islamic studies departments that disseminated facts instead of pro-Islamic myths and propaganda. As with all unsavory aspects of Islamic history, this institution has been whitewashed.”
Since the onset of his presidency, Barack Obama has proclaimed that education is key to solving many of the societal problems we face today. Why then is proper education about Islamic history and indoctrination not regarded in a similar manner?
As so often happens in so-called intelligent discussions about Islam, the truth is always twisted in ways that defy logic. A perfect example is pointed out by Ibrahim as he cites the Islamic practice of jizya, a tax paid by non-Muslims for the right to keep from converting to Islam. Of course, if the money is not paid, then unbelievers are often subject to either death or conversion.
In a sane world jizya would be nothing more than outright extortion, but in the Muslim world it is considered a demonstration of “tolerance.”
Over time, the process becomes so convoluted, primarily because apathetic Westerners do not take the time to comprehend the reality of the situation, that keeping track of what is true and what is false is more complicated than an episode of “Spy vs. Spy.”
Using more historical evidence, Ibrahim discusses Spain under Muslim control. At that time there was something known as Crypto-Muslims, or Moriscos, who pretended to be Christian but continually worked in secret to return Spain to Muslim rule. They were in a sense “double agents,” and it really wasn’t much different from the approach taken by organizations such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today.
Crypto-Muslims were Muslims who publicly converted to Christianity and even began going to church and observing Christian rites such as baptism and communion. In other words, Muslims went to the extreme of visibly renouncing their own faith in an effort to make Christians believe they were actually converting from Islam when, of course, they were not. It was an effective ruse.
In response, Ibrahim then brings us back to modern times and our muddy interpretations. “Yet because this historical event is now portrayed as an example of extreme Christian intolerance–the flipside of Western academia’s devotion to whitewashing Islam–another valuable lesson from Christian/Muslim history is lost.”
Ibrahim concludes his argument by once again telling the West that we continue to bury our heads in the sand either by refusing to believe such arguments are true or through out and out denial. Either way the results could be devastating.
As Irahim points out, “because the West refuses to acknowledge Islam’s true doctrines and history, it must ever confront the jihad blindfolded and blindsided.”
As a result, EVERY future major act of terrorism will surprise the West just as their predecessors did, and we will continue to ask the same perpetual inevitable question, “Why do they hate us?”
The western traitor, whether brainwashed child, greedy vengeful renegade or the simple female fool (“‘e’s got such luvly eyes”) sucked into becoming a muslime broodmare via feigned love and too many Hollywood soapies, all have been at the cutting edge of the jihad invasion of the west and right from the word “go”. These traitors: deliberate or inadvertent and especially the crypto muslimes who convert secretly so that their murderous actions are not seen as jihad(?that German pilot). should be seen as such and in my world would be deported or “removed” permanently. While I deplore death penalties in general, there IS a reason for them and the lack of one in much of the west will be a death penalty for the west. When I look at those brave communists, Nazis or Japanese in WW2 who attacked suicidally for a better world” and no other reason, and compare them to the supposed “martyrs” who do it for the supposed heavenly reward, my stomach heaves. The former three, did whatever they did for the right reasons however deluded they were but the muslime suicide attacker? he does it for himself,