Are U.S. presidents charged with protecting American lives or protecting American vanity—especially when the two clash? Put differently, what’s more important: our security or our ability to “feel good” about ourselves?
Consider the two leading presidential candidates’ positions on Muslim immigration after the Brussels terror attack.
Donald Trump continues “calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.”
Conversely, Hillary Clinton continues to offer fine platitudes without practical solutions: “I know that Americans have every reason to be frightened by what they see, we’ve got to work this through, consistent with our values,” she said after Brussels.
Clinton is correct that it’s an American value not to discriminate by religion. However, a troubling implication arises when this value is scrutinized in the context of Islam: Even if most Muslim migrants will not engage in jihadi terrorism and other subversive acts, some most certainly will. This is an established fact, one that Clinton knows: ISIS operatives are passing for refugees and “non-ISIS” refugees are committing acts of violence and rape across Western nations. And both ISIS and its millions of likeminded supporters are motivated by Islamic teachings.
Nor does it matter if only a teeny tiny percentage of Muslim migrants harbor such animus. If only 1% of a beverage is poisoned and you ingest it, will it matter that 99% of it was clean? No, you will still suffer. The only sure way to preserve your health is not to put it into your body in the first place.
Of course, the liberal elite will never take such logic into account. After all, they are the ones most shielded from the consequences of their own starry-eyed ideals. Instead, no name, no face Americans—statistics, like the 14 killed in San Bernardino in part by a Muslim refugee—will continue paying the price for politicians, celebrities, and other media talking heads to grandstand about “our values.”
What of Trump’s proposed ban on Muslims entering America “until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on?” While antithetical to the lofty and utopic platitudes offered by most politicians, it would actually work. A “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” would prevent Muslim wolves in refugee clothing from entering into America.
Put differently, the only sure way of not dying from Russian Roulette is—don’t play Russian Roulette.
Does this mean that America has no obligation towards true refugees? No. It means that there are far superior alternatives, for all concerned. Remember, this refugee crisis was supposedly precipitated by the Islamic State. Rather than passively accepting what ISIS sends to America—some of which is tainted and will be harmful to its body—the U.S. should annihilate the genocidal terror state. Instead of playing ISIS’ game, the U.S. should end the game, quickly and decisively.
Then, instead of having to start anew in some foreign land, true, displaced refugees would happily return to their homes and families, in peace and safety. Such would be a win-win for all—except for the savages who deserve no mercy.
The Americas have to wake up to the 1% that will comment terror and will do so from 2015-6-7 on
The World knows this Terror by Muslims who want 1 World Religion- & they know these loons know no bounds and must be turned into dust.Egypt ruler has stated Islam must change or the whole World will.
I’m a retired U.S.Marine. I love America and it’s values. I have read the Koran and the Islamic Hadiths. Those documents are based on eternal and absolute hate. Muslims will keep killing non-Muslims until there are no non-Muslims left. There is no cure for the Hate Ideology of Islam. Sooner, normal human beings will have to annihilate all Muslims, and eradicate the teachings of the Koran completely… or they will eradicate us. Mohammad was a Monster more evil than Satan.
Spot on!! AND Islam wages total war and ONLY Total war will work vs them as they are the original creators of the false truce, and other tactics that depend so much upon western compassion and mercy and NEITHER of these have any role in the fight with islam which IS a fight to the very death of one or the other. Like oil and water, islam and the west are NOT compatible and only one can survive.
It is, I think, a mistake to focus too strongly on the terrorists as it strengthens the peddled argument that they are the enemy and have nothing to do with Islam. Islam is the enemy and ISIS is no less a part of it than the teeth are of a tiger. And the 1.5 billion ‘peaceful’ muslims are no less a part of the Islamic creature than its ISIS teeth are. And the teeth cannot operate independently of the creature.
I have yet to read anywhere of Islamic terrorists being reported to the authorities by other muslims, who, in the crowded ghettoes in which they all live, could not possibly be unaware of the murderers and their preparations. The Mayor of Molenbeek was handed a piece of paper with names and addresses of some eighty known terrorists residing there and deliberately did nothing about it.
There is only one solution to ISIS terrorism and that is the complete removal of Islam from the West. It must be cut out like the cancer it is. The practice of it must be banned, the mosques destroyed, and no more muslims allowed in. Starved of its brainwashing oxygen the creature will die. And a bonus is that the next generation of muslim children will be able to grow up free of its hideous and insidious influence.
Take a good look at that picture. How many women and children do you see? That’s the reality. Does anyone know the percentage of fighting fit young men, compared with families, being welcomed in by the US government?