By Timothy R. Furnish, PhD, History News Network, May 13, 2016:
For more historical analysis of this topic, may I suggest my latest book Sects, Lies, and the Caliphate, as well as anything written by Raymond Ibrahim—in particular “Are Judaism and Christianity as Violent as Islam?” and “ ‘Scientific’ Claim: Christian Bible More Bloodthirsty than Quran.”
Sensible,but how will one differentiate?
Has merit. But I am assuming that once Trump’s administration has fully evaluated who are acceptable and who are not they will implement the policy and not cave into self interested Nations or groups.
Dr. Furnish speaks about the propensity for jihad and he means violent jihad. He doesn’t mention demographic jihad, which is the biggest problem for the West. When Sharia law begins to take hold in the EU and then in Canada and the US, it is the Sunni version, spread worldwide to mosques and universities by Saudi Arabia, that will control. What we should ban in the U.S. is the Saudi spending billions to bring Wahhabism to the U.S.
The evidence that lone ranger muslim jihadists are murdering innocent people randomly. It should be that such a muslim and his whole extended family be deported to their country of origin. All muslim immigration should be stopped because even though the Ahmaddaya sect decided that it does not hold to the tenet of jihad, it is breeding muslim jihad monsters. All islam is disgusting. Muslims like the Ahmaddaya sect consider themselves as expanders of islamism, and their jihad lies in the deceit that islam is not violent or aggressive. It is through them that the first muslims were allowed to immigrate to Britain, and today, London has a muslim mayor.
Thanks for an informative piece distinguishing Islamic belief variations. This breakdown could help shape a rational U.S. immigration policy applying to Muslims.
Let me please suggest the avoidance of using the inflammatory, misplaced word “racist.” Here’s the definition of racist:
1. a person who believes in racism, the doctrine that one’s own racial group is superior or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.
2. of or like racists or racism:
racist policies; racist attitudes.
The word “racist” does not fit here.
The context instead calls for the word “bigot.”
Incidentally, Mr. Trump has called for suspending (not banning) Muslim immigration and visits to American soil until such time the central government can properly vet these incoming Muslims for terrorists within their ranks. After all, Muslim terrorists arise from the Muslim community.
Hence, carefully screening the incoming Muslims will promote public safety.