Yesterday I was interviewed on the radio program, Issues, Etc., with Todd Wilken. We discussed the recent murder of an 85-year-old Christian priest in France within the bigger picture of Islamic terror and persecution of Christians. Click here to hear the interview, which starts around the 1-minute mark.
This one incident, after all that has happened before, should be enough for all of Europe to Declare War on ISIS.
I feel the Pope is THIS close to calling another Crusades! The West has done the “right thing”, opened the doors to the refugees.Welcomes the Muslims, treated them with respect,equality. The Pope himself has literally kissed the feet of Muslims. At 1 point he will say “well we tried!”. The leaders will stop “leading from behind” & Lead! BUT be careful of what U-all are wishing for! But its not time yet!
Despicable and low. However, this isn’t the first time Christians have been slaughtered by these filthy demons, and the West just turns the other cheek! I fear that we all have been raging a war against Islam since its inception we just need to acknowledge it, and for once do something about it. If we are unable we must all keep to our own side of the planet, and never darken each other’s doors.