At a time when Coptic Christians are suffering abuses “every two or three days” in Egypt, a Muslim woman in America has made a video calling for more Muslim hostility against the Christian minority, in this case, in the guise of an economic boycott.
In a video, Ayat Oraby—a Muslim Brotherhood sympathizer who has nearly 1.5 million followers on Facebook—recently called the Coptic church a “bunch of gangsters,” a “total mafia” that “rules [Egypt] behind the curtains.” The Copts are reportedly “stockpiling weapons in churches” and “striving to create a Coptic statelet” in order to continue waging “a war against Islam.”
Meanwhile, back in the real world, which consists of 196 nations, Egypt is the 22nd worst nation for Christians to live in; the persecution level that Christians experience is formally categorized as “severe.” For decades Christian churches have faced immense restrictions that mosques, which liter Egypt’s landscape, do not; Coptic women and children are regularly abducted and forced to convert; entire Christian villages and churches are set aflame on the rumor that a Christian somewhere “blasphemed” against Muhammad on social media.
But Oraby is not one to be bothered with facts; according to the angry Muslima, Muslims need to be more hostile towards the Coptic Christians—whom she numbers as only 4.5 million—for they are “stockpiling weapons in their churches” in preparation of that day when they proclaim a “jihad” on Egypt’s 80 million Muslims and declare a “Coptic statelet.”
That Oraby hates Copts simply because they are Christians—as opposed to all her nonsensical talk of a hostile Coptic takeover—came out very clearly towards the end of her tirade, when she said: “They [Copts] must learn very well that the Crescent [Islam] must be above the Cross [Christianity.]” In other words, her anger is not because the Copts pose a danger to Egypt’s Muslims, but because they dare to want equal rights—when they should know their place, that is, beneath Muslims, just as the Cross is well beneath the Crescent in Egypt.
Oraby is an old breed of Egyptian Muslim. Her ancestors—like the ancestors of practically every modern Egyptian Muslim—were Coptic Christians who, after Islam’s invasion in the 7th century, couldn’t handle the persecution and discrimination, and eventually sold out by converting to Islam. It irks Muslims like Oraby to see the remaining descendants of Egypt’s indigenous Christians still defiantly holding out and even daring to call for the equality that her family only got by surrendering to Islam.
“I just be all about praising allah, hitting the rug, as I pretend to be ‘American’…”
This miserable, hate-monging twit should be deported. I’m sick and tired of fascist Muslims coming to the U.S. to take advantage of our freedoms, our prosperity and our quality of life, only to set up shop and promote their supremacist ideology of hate and spew their bile and incitement.
Stop them at the border. It’s the only solution. A wholesale ban against admitting people into our country whose chosen ideology is diametrically opposed to secular democracy, individual rights, and religious pluralism, and, which seeks to subvert our democracy and our secular institutions.
Better yet, TERMINATE ALL links between the West (not just the USA – include ALL of the Americas, ALL of Europe including Russia, Australia and Oceania) and dar al-Islam. Simultaneously deport ALL Moslems from the above-mentioned territories (Bosnian, Serb, Albanian and Bulgarian Moslems are to be among those expelled to Turkey – which should lose all of its territory on the European side of the Dardanelles/Bosphorus seaway) and ensure that ALL Westerners living in the Islamic world are recalled.
Only when the most complete possible segregation between the Islamic and the non-Islamic worlds is achieved (such as to make apartheid to look like a total joke), can we THEN hope for a lower index of violence and oppression…
Islamites from Afghanistan were causing trouble in Moscow , Chinese have always had problems with the islamite tribes in its west , islamitic terror in Europe . They care nothing for distance . Islam is a cult little different from India’s thuggees , and needs be ripped out by the roots .
Yup . And being that every progressive denies not only individual rights , they will have nothing of the Constitution – Chuck all their butts out . Constitution was never meant to be a shelter for those that despise it .
Converts are the greatest of fanatics, especially when the conversion was done under duress.
“Off with her head I say.”
Seems as though she is inciting to riot . Does it count , when most of the victims are in another country ?
Validate your 2nd Amendment Rights…… Carry
Egypt was such an advanced civilization, such a glorious center of trade and learning, before the Arabs invaded and conquered it and virtually destroyed Coptic Christianity in the process.