Last month, when the battle for Mosul began, Islamic State “caliph” Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi reportedly promised four extra Houris (supernatural, celestial women designed for sexual purposes)—atop the other 72 promised by prophet Muhammad—to all jihadis who die (are “martyred”) fighting the infidel forces, according to Arabic media accounts.
Al-Baghdadi did this during an extra “fiery sermon” wherein he recounted 15 hadiths and three stories dealing with the Houris in the context of the original Muslim conquest of Mosul, circa. 637, at the hands of Muhammad’s companions (the sahahba). After promising his followers that “blood will run like rivers in the [forthcoming] battle,” al-Baghdadi declared: “All, without exception, will enter paradise as martyrs. Moreover, you will enter paradise with four more Houris than other martyrs. For just as you stand by me now, so will they stand by you, or under you, or above you, so that you might forget what will happen to you by way of violence, death, and degradation in this war.”
While it is easy to dismiss this report as a hoax (among other things, it doesn’t explain why al-Baghdadi thinks they will get four more heavenly concubines), the problem is that Islam—from its history and doctrines, to the exhortation of its leaders, from Muhammad to al-Baghdadi—is full of stories and enticements concerning the Houris.
Here, for instance, is an authentic hadith—a statement attributed to Muhammad that mainstream Islam acknowledges as true—which all jihadi organizations (including ISIS) regularly invoke:
The martyr is special to Allah. He is forgiven from the first drop of blood [that he sheds]. He sees his throne in paradise…. He will wed the Houris [[a.k.a. “voluptuous women”] and will not know the torments of the grave and safeguards against the greater horror [hell]. Fixed atop his head will be a crown of honor, a ruby that is greater than the world and all it contains. And he will copulate with seventy-two Houris. (Source: The Al Qaeda Reader, p.143).
The histories of the conquest of Mesopotamia and Syria are in fact full of anecdotes of Muslims throwing themselves into the fray and rushing to death’s embrace because they believed doing so would rush them to the warm embraces of the heavenly sex slaves. Here are some anecdotes from al-Waqidi’s account of the battle of Yarmuk in Syria (636), which took place right around the same time as the conquest for Mosul, and which also pitted smaller Muslim forces against much greater infidel forces (in this case, Christian Byzantine):
- As one Muslim captain searched for his nephew, Suwayed, in a field of Muslim corpses, he found him dying on the ground. When the man came into the vision of the fallen youth, Suwayed began to cry. He explained that, after being speared by a Byzantine, “something amazing began to happen to me: the Houris are standing beside me, awaiting my soul’s departure.”
- A jihadi reported that he came upon a fallen comrade in a strange posture: “I saw him smitten on the ground, and I watched as he lifted his fingers to the sky. I understood he was rejoicing, for he saw the Houris.”
- While waving his standard, another Muslim battalion leader told his men that a furious rush against the “Christian dogs” is synonymous with a “rush to the embraces of the Houris.”
Obsession over the Houris is not limited to arcane Islamic texts or ISIS (“which has nothing to do with Islam”). Over the years I have watched numerous videos of Muslim men discussing their excitement at the prospect of dying in the jihad and being rushed to the embraces of the supernatural celestial women. For an idea of how pervasive the Houri is in Islam, consider its impact on Muslim women, as demonstrated in a video of a Muslim cleric taking and answering questions via phone calls. A woman called in expressing outrage at the Houris, saying that she would be driven “mad with jealousy” seeing her husband copulating with these supernaturally beautiful women all day in heaven.
The cleric responded telling her that “when you enter paradise, Allah will remove the jealousy from your heart. And have no fear, for you will lord over the Houris and be their queen.” Still apprehensive, the Muslim wife pleaded: “But must he have the Houris?” Laughing, the cleric reassured her: “Look, when you enter paradise, you will be more beautiful than the Houris—you will be their mistress. Okay? And, when you enter paradise Allah will remove any jealousy or concerns from your heart.”
All this is a reminder that the Muslim mindset and the motivations behind the jihad are many and multifaceted—and even include those that disbelieve in Allah and the afterlife altogether. As such, Western secular minds would do well to stop projecting their own materialistic paradigms onto jihadis—such as when the Obama administration said that people join ISIS for “a lack of opportunity for jobs”—and start understanding Islam’s paradigms and motivations on their own terms.
The comment of that woman once more shows how male-centric Muhammad’s diabolic invention really is.
Mr. Ibrahim speaks too much logic and truth for the average warped, relativist, progressive, ahistorical liberal.
Far beyond the intellectual capacity of Obamination 🙁
Mr. Ibrahim speaks too much logic and truth for the average warped, relativist, progressive, ahistorical liberal.
German Islamic scholar who, for obvious reasons, goes by the pseudomyn Luxenberg, argues that there is a misunderstanding of the word “houri” and what it really means is “white raisins”. Maybe they are rushing into battle to get a fistful of white raisins!!!
What raisins have breasts, legs and hymens? What grapes are 60 cubits tall? What grapes are “purified mates” for men? Read Surahs 2 & 78.
As Dajjal points out, the different translations are clear enough:
Sahih International: (78:31 Indeed, for the righteous is attainment – 78:32 Gardens and grapevines) 78:33 And full-breasted [companions] of equal age (78:34 And a full cup.)
78:33 is also translated as:
Muhsin Khan: “And young full-breasted (mature) maidens of equal age”;
Dr. Ghali: “And youthful virgins, like of age,”
Shakir, Yusuf Ali and Pickthall translate as “And voluptuous women of equal age;”
Many Muslims hold that the Koran is not capable of being translated. That may be correct as much of it is incomprehensible. If Allah is all wise, as he is purported to be, then why would he reveal something of which a good percentage is incomprehensible, even to those who know the language?
I don’t know enough about the matter to be able to say that Luxenberg is correct or not. It seems that in this whole are of Quranic studies there is little consensus.
That indeed might explain ferocity of obsession with which young Muslim men are attracted to the perspective of sexual orgy in heaven while frequently than not they are forbidden those things here on earth. But how that can have any value for elder Mohammedan who stop to have any interest in sexual escapades for the simplest reason that their age and hormones ensure that it be so? How they can be “attracted” to that ideology and all that promises of Houris if their physiology denies them that possibility?
Your answers are in Jamih Tirmidhi: The Book Of Paradise 😉
In Islam it is permissible to lie to anyone (including to other Muslims) “to keep the peace.” Muslim women are lied to [by their husbands, parents, and mullahs] more than anyone else. The mullah in this article lied to the female caller. Nowhere in the [authentic] Islamic texts does it say that the jihadi’s wife will be prettier than any of the houris. Nor does it say that she will lord over the houris.
(I’m not sure if the texts say anything about removing the jealously, but if she is prettier than all houris and is their mistress, then obviously there is little chance of jealousy even if Allah doesn’t remove it from her heart.)
The Islamic texts talk about houris exclusively to Muslim men. Women are mostly ignored. If anything, there are a few hadiths where Muhammad said that most women go to hell.
But consider what happened after the mullah lied to the female caller. Chances are that she calmed down and became a happy wife to her husband. There was peace in that Muslim household. And that was the whole intention behind the mullah’s lies: To keep peace among Muslims, and among Muslims and their wives.
How is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi authorized to give out 4 BONUS virgins? How many did Mohammad give himself then? Keepin just 72 satisfied would seem to me to be too much like work.
Read jamih Tirmidh: The Book Of Paradise for the disgusting details. The Shaheed only gets two Houris, the 70, if he is so lucky, are Jewish and Christian women taken from the fire. Tirmidhi’s source is Sunan Ibn Majih.
Thanks, I’ll have to look into that. I gave up reading up on Islam after about 5 years after 911. I thought I got most of it by then. It is so Evil I always got majorly depressed thinking that over a BILLION people believe this Satanic stuff and will kill you in a NYC minute if given the chance.
Not all of them will do you instantly, but enough will to make the risk too high. Many Muslims are descendents of victims reverted at sword point. They be hypocrites hanging on for dear life. They may be hanging on out of filial piety. But I don’t want them close to me when they hear the call to Jihad and make their final decision.
By Islamic law, the offspring of a Muslim must be raised as Muslims, taught certain fundamentals before reaching puberty, and beaten if they do not perform the five compulsory salat each day by the age of nine. Many memorize the Unholy Koran before they are twelve years old but have no clue what the Arabic words mean.
Abu Sa’eed Al-Khudri narrated that the Prophet (s.a.w) said:
“Indeed the first batch to enter Paradise will appear like the moon of a night that is full. The second will appear like the color of the most beautiful (brightest) star in the sky. Each man among them shall have two wives, each wife wearing seventy bracelets, with the marrow of their shins being visible from behind them.”
YA, what be da difference, two beautiful wives with 70 bracelets, or 72 self generating virgins? How many do the LAST batch to enter Paradise receive?
Also, I assume that the shade tree that never ends in Paradise is made of gold and has golden butterflies. Did I git dat right?
Too much time has passed since I read Tirmidhi, I do not remember those details. As I recall, the minimum and maximum number of Houris is two. I presume that the number of fire dwellers awarded is a function of which circle you land in.
Evidently those libidinous Bedouins crave sexual variety. Moe had up to 13 and limited everyone else to 4.
If memory serves, there is a good post about sex in Jannah at answering Islam.
Oh so this leader of ISIS al Baghdadi changed or added to what it says in the Quran and Haddiths about the 72 virgins? Wouldn’t that be considered blasphemy? I don’t know but was just wondering. He’s not a prophet! Neither was Mohammad. He was just a power hungry loon! I hope these jihadis aren’t too disappointed when they get 72 raisins instead of virgins. Hahahahahaha May they all burn in hell!
this is just brilliant: the whole purpose of a life of piety and sacrifice is for the sake of satisfying perverted sexual needs. It is the ultimate religious hypocrisy…I bet they’re all blond and blue-eyed as well, right?
That there is a belief system called Islam and that actual humans succumb to it surely is proof of bad genetics somewhere. It’s presence upon earth utterly astounds.
How about a woman jihadist?Would she have 70 men virgins waiting for her in paradise? She will have to be a superwoman…?
Actually no. I heard a documentary by the leader of Hamas in Gaza replying to that very question;
& he said that a women jihadist will get to have a “husband” in Islam Paradise. So sad.
So sad soooo much lies. How can people be so deceived? I know, “Allah is the best of all decievers..”
all of you, make any pictures in church, nude women and men, so…. u prepare first
In the Christian faith there is no sex in heaven. I guess to our Muslim friends this is a very strange concept. But the things of heaven are so much greater than this life and being in the presence of Yahweh is enough emotional and spiritual fulfilment for eternity.
Back to the heresy of the Muslim version of heaven whats in it for female Muslims? When they die are they destined to only have the eternal purpose of providing sexual gratification.
It is a great mystery that sex and procreation is only intended for this life only.
Raymond, I DEEPLY appreciate the work you’re doing in TRULY educating the masses of ignorant Westerners…and I share your classes with as many as I have on my “list”…
PLEASE do NOT allow discouragement, (which IS a favorite tool of the Dark Lord), to cause you to waver..continue Raymond! You’re doing an EXCEPTIONAL work of bringing to the ignorant, knowledge of the TRUTH about the Muslim belief system.
And, YES! The “Liberal minds” will reject your true vision of what Muslim teachings REALLY inspire in those who either SEEK an EXCUSE to be killers, OR, those who, (through condemnation), CHOOSE to be vicious and murderers, (to assuage their guilt — as the killer in Tampa FL.)…BUT! PLEASE, do NOT give in to discouragement…TRUST the Lord and march forward Brother!
Is it a heaven or a brothel?
You are just there in heaven for sexual and sensual pleasures.
and I thought that human beings goals are more than these pleasures i.e. towards greater level of understandings and knowledge or to find the God in context of religious fervour.
Only to find houris for pleasures means that human beings do not improve upon himself/ he only worsens his mental condition.
Further, as the pleasures recounted in Quran does not count benefits enjoyed by a man of 21st century.
The main problem is that Muslims think that Islam is the last word from God. and do not heed anything beyond that. That makes them hard and brittle unlike other faiths which have the capacity to absorb new things and visions.
it would seem the arab god allah is nothing but a pimp.
ini Bibel, teach a lie