Below are some dramatic video clips of last Sunday’s bombing of St. Peter’s Coptic Cathedral in Cairo.
This one shows the moment of the blast, beginning around the :50 second mark. According to the news host speaking in Arabic, it also shows the bomber as he entered the building, at the bottom/left of the video, seconds before the blast:
The following is one of the first videos to be taken inside the cathedral after the blast. WARNING: Dead and scattered bodies appear:
Another video (click here) is also making the rounds on social media. It depicts Coptic Christians standing around St. Peter’s moments after the bombing and defiantly proclaiming in Arabic the complete Nicene Creed — a thing reportedly unprecedented in Muslim Egypt, as the Creed repeatedly asserts what Islam (e.g., Koran 9:30) considers to be the height of shirk, or blasphemy: that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
Raymond I came across this story on the Aleteia website and I’d be interested in your comments on it. Perhaps you can make an article out of this:
My first reaction is that it is pure taqqiya but I would be very interested in your perspective.
Behavior of demons.
Deliver us from evil….
Raymond, has a full list of the names of the dead and a list of wounded been published?
Raymond, I thought that as Oriental Orthodox the Copts don’t follow the Nicene Creed. Was it the Apostles’ Creed? Or is there something really deep (socially and theologically) going on here?
I was interested and googled it: it looks to me as though the Coptic Church recites the Nicene Creed.
The Nicene Creed – The Christian Coptic Orthodox Church Of Egypt
Similar_|_ | C O P | N E T The Orthodox Creed —————— Truly we believe in One God, God the Father, the Almighty, creator of Heaven and earth, and of all things …
I think its time the UN gives Christians land to live in peace. There is NO way possible for any Christian in the Middle East or Northern Africa to live in peace with muslims. Muslims end goal is to get rid of all the Christians either by killing them or forcing them to leave the lands.
Islamic scum pour into our streets and kill at will. A land for Christians exclusively, would make an ideal open season for these murderous hyenas. A solution would be zero-tolerance. No trial, no rights, just led.
Nuke Mecca and Medina. Raze al-Azhar. It’s the only way you can be sure…..
That is a great idea but the fact is America and the West, including Western “Christian” Churches keep baking and treating muslim jihadist mass-murderers as victims while ignoring to even lift a finger to help the persecuted Christians and other minorities in the islamic world. The majority of the people in the West and their governments love and adore muslims, inlcuding muslim jihadists but they hate, demonize and denigrate victims of islamic jihadists, especially Christians. For example, America who is arming and training various barbaric islamic ihadist groups in Syria and elsewhere have consistently refused to arm the only Iraqi Christian self-defense militia known as (Dwekh Nawsha).
Please read more of this on the link below:
You are 100% correct, but we have a new government admin starting January 20th. Trump knows that we are arming the enemy in Syria and he will stop it. Plus, Trump cares more about the Christians in the Middle East and Northern Africa than the evil Omama. Omama is for the muslims. We in the west are praying for you, our brothers and sisters in Christ – you are NOT forgotten. Continue to have faith and soon help will arrive. Another note about Trump. He has armed his admin with Christians that care including Senator Jeff Sessions, Dr. Walid Phares, Steve Bannon, and more.
I would say it was Christian land, anyway.
Muslims are guilty of at least four crimes which are capital under biblical law: murder, sedition, blasphemy and idolatry.
That should give adequate moral justification for them to be forced to convert or be put to death.