A Muslim suicide bomber enters a building and blows himself and dozens of other unsuspecting people up. We hear such news often and risk becoming desensitized to it. After all, the slayers and the slain are just nameless, faceless statistics.
Therefore, because one picture is worth a thousand words, below are several images and videos of the most recent Islamic suicide attack, that of St. Peter’s Cathedral in Cairo, which killed at least 25 Christian worshippers—the majority of whom were women and children—and seriously wounded more than twice that much. Most of these have not appeared on any English language media.
WARNING: Some of these pictures and videos are graphic. (Those who can handle them might also appreciate the even more telling (and graphic) pictures of the 2011 Islamic suicide bombing of another church, in Baghdad, which left nearly 60 dead and also shredded the body of the suicide bomber.)
First, below are the remains of the suicide bomber himself, Mahmoud Shafiq Muhammad Mustafa, who was reportedly around 22-years-old and is variously described as being affiliated with either the Islamic State or Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood or both:
Below is a picture of the suicide-bomber when he was alive (center) and his reconstructed face (right) after forensics put it together in an effort to match it with the center picture:
The following video shows the moment of the blast, beginning around the :50 second mark. Mahmoud Shafiq, the suicide bomber, appears entering the cathedral complex seconds before it, at the bottom/left of the video:
The following is one of the first videos to be taken inside the cathedral after the blast. Warning: Dead and scattered bodies appear:
Here is another early video:
Husbands lost wives, wives lost husbands, parents lost children and children lost parents on that day. Below are some of Mahmoud Shafiq’s child victims (images are fuzzy as they are based on still frames from a video):
This boy, who appears with the blood of others (his parents?) still on him, will likely never forget that day.
Below are several pictures of some of the women who died, taken in happier times. Many more can be viewed here. Stories of loss and mourning are many on Arabic Christian websites. One slain young lady was engaged and on her way to being married in a couple of weeks; another had just finished medical school and on her way to becoming a doctor; one mother lost her only two children, two daughters.
Here are some of those who are hospitalized in critical condition:
Below is a video clip of an average looking Muslim woman in the streets of Egypt jubilantly celebrating the St. Peter’s church bombing. She triumphantly yells “Allahu Akbar!” and says that “our beloved prophet Muhammad is paying you infidels [Christians] back” for rejecting “tawhid” (monotheism), which “must be proclaimed in every corner of Egypt!”
The following video depicts Coptic Christians standing around St. Peter’s moments after the bombing and defiantly proclaiming in Arabic the complete Nicene Creed — a thing reportedly unprecedented in Muslim Egypt, as the Creed repeatedly asserts what Islam (e.g., Koran 9:30) considers to be the height of shirk, or blasphemy: that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
Such is the aftermath of what is otherwise often perfunctorily reported in the media as a “suicide bombing that killed x people”—a phenomenon that continues to grow in recent times. Even in the West, Islamic hate for Christian churches is on the rise. Last October an African Muslim refugee invaded and vandalized four churches in Rome (surveillance video here); in September another Muslim refugee attacked and vandalized several churches in Spain. There have been several other similar attacks in recent weeks and months—to say nothing of Islam’s war on the cross which has also spread into the West.
Even in the United States, where Muslim numbers are miniscule compared to parts of Europe, the same hate for and targeting of churches is growing. Earlier this year, a Muslim man “made plans to shoot up a church full of Christians in Detroit, according to court records documenting his Internet conversations with an undercover FBI agent.”
All of this is in keeping with Islam’s Rule of Numbers, which holds that inasmuch as Muslim numbers grow in the West, so too do distinctly Islamic phenomena grow with them—in this case, attacks on Christian churches and worshippers. Currently nothing too “spectacular” has occurred—such as last week’s church bombing in Cairo—but this may just be a matter of time.
Good article Raymond. I think people need to see what the aftermath of these terrorist acts really looks like.
If the reality is not shown, the event simply becomes an abstract notion, reported (or not) on the news, that people do not, and likely cannot, visualize in all its gruesome consequences.
I think people also need to see the reality because these incidents are only one “radicalized” person removed from becoming reality in the lives of any of us.
Well said.
Good old one-sided news, eh? How bout seeing the Jews using White Phosphorus (willie pete) on the Pals in the Gaza Strip? Huh? No? That would show how devastating Willie Pete is on the human body. Couldn’t allow that on TV now could we? Uh-Uh, no-no. How bout the Jews dropping MK-84 2K pound bombs on the Gaza Strip from F-16’s? Those are real crowd pleasers, right? Nope, not gonna see that on the Controlled Media. The MK-84 will take out entire city blocks in one fell swoop and vaporize all humans contained in that block. How bout MK-20 Rockeye anti-personnel cluster bombs on Gaza? That’s great footage! Carnage and devastation of a civilian populace being blasted to bits with large ball bearings going at Mach speeds! Yea for our side! Yippee! As the Bible tells us, there’s always TWO SIDES TO A STORY. YOU ARE ONLY HEARING ONE SIDE on the CONTROLLED FAKE NEWS MDEIA.
if the sand niggers, palestinians, etc. put the bombs away/stopped making bombs and stopped killing innocent people…there would be peace!!
Hahaha. Aw shyt, another clueless troll. But, keep drinking the controlled mass media Fake news Kool Aide, pardner! Yippee yigh oy vey!
wally….people like you…well that is why many animals eat their young!
Look at the bombing, deaths in Nice, Germany, US….enough said!!!
and the common link…they are all sand niggers….ALL OF THEM!!
Sounds like Mr Poopy Drawers needs a diaper change on aisle 6, toys and dolls!
Be sure to give him some red azz salve for his butt hurt.
Thats funny…the good news is some red azz salve will fix my problem, you finding a brain is gonna be a tad bit tougher!!
Suggest you start with the wizard of oz….maybe you and the scarecrow can get a 2 for 1 deal!!
HARK!! I hear a village wanting their idiot back!! not sure why!
To the two Jackos, It appears you have both come to a gunfight armed with only a small knife. You lose. Hahaha
Great bluff!!….I know I am dealing with a bed wetting thumb sucking idiot, who on a good day the ole IQ is several std deviations below even an idiot!
In fact I’d go as far to guess you are on par with smeg+ma on your better days! cheerio
You type very well for an eight year old.
“Epileptic monkey”! LOL! I love it! I’ve been using “crazy monkey”.
Wally is full of insults, no depth just insults. Great troll material.
From the Left, it’s always Israel’s fault, isn’t it? Israel and “the Jews”?
I see plenty of others have already responded to your post so enough said.
Sir Lancelot, I’m about as right wing as you can get. Perhaps you never read the Bible where Christ Yahshua tells us how He feels about the Jews? John Chapter 8 sums it up – and it ain’t pretty towards the Jews.
37 I know that you are Abraham’s descendants. Yet you are looking for a way to kill me, because you have no room for my word. 38 I am telling you what I have seen in the Father’s presence, and you are doing what you have heard from your father.”
39 “Abraham is our father,” they answered.
“If you were Abraham’s children,” said Jesus, “then you would do what Abraham did. 40 As it is, you are looking for a way to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. Abraham did not do such things. 41 You are doing the works of your own father.”
“We are not illegitimate children,” they protested. “The only Father we have is God himself.”
42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I have come here from God. I have not come on my own; God sent me. 43 Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. 44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. 45 Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me! 46 Can any of you prove me guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don’t you believe me? 47 Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.”
So, good enough for Christ Yahshua, good enough for me. Christ WAS NOT A JEW as the old bullshyt story goes. Jews ARE NOT God’s chosen people as they are Khazars, Sephardics, and Ashkenazis. They would have been called Edomites or Esau Edom 2k years ago. “Jew” is a made up word.
When the Bible uses the term Jews in the the NT it is addressing the Pharisees not the populace. The Pharisees were into mans law, the Talmud. The Pharisees hated Jesus because He healed on the Sabbath and the people really liked Him so they decided to kill Him and had the Romans crucify Him. Jesus was God incarnate. He was also a Jew. You use Bible verses but don’t understand them. Yes the Jews were the chosen people, they held/hold the oracles of God. God made a promise to them and He will always keep it. Best bet is not to pick a fight with them no good will come of it. Give them their land and live in peace.
Sueb, same old defensive statements about the Joos. Heard them many times.
“Jew” is a very misleading word. If you mean that Christ Yahshua was one of the people we call “Jews” in today’s world, then you are very wrong. In the truest sense of that word, Christ Yahshua was a Judahite or from the Tribe of Judah.
Today’s so-called Jews were known as Esau Edom or Edomites 2k years ago. They are actually khazars, Sephardics, and Ashkenazis. These folks have Zero to do with the people that Moses led out of Egypt in the Exodus. they only moved into the “Holy Land” AFTER the 13 Tribes were taken captive and left that area. They assumed some of the customs of the True Isrealites and thus assumed their identity. Yet, they only pretend to follow the Five Books of Moses and really follow the Talmud, which is Satan’s Workbook.
Your mindset is the result of years and years of brainwashing thru 501C3 churches that the Jews are God’s Chosen People and are somehow not to be criticized. Haha. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The Pharisees REPRESENTED all the Jews in that area, thus, Christ was speaking to all the Jews (Esau Edom). Remember, it was all the Jews that yelled for Christ to be Crucified, “Crucify Him” they shouted. You are correct in that the Jews HATED Yahshua, but in return Christ HATED them. Haha
Perhaps if you do some serious research of the authentic 13 Tribes of Israel you will see how they exited that region of the world (yes a very small amount of them remained there) well before Christ was born there and became known as different peoples, as the Bible said they would. This is where the term “Lost Tribes of Israel” originates. Not that they became physically “lost” but they lost their identity to themselves and to the world. They became the people of Eastern Europe then moved ever Westward across Europe to the British Isles. Then, to North America. Today’s Jews fulfill NONE of the Biblical prophecies for the Authentic 13 Tribes of Israel. Plain and simple. You are being deceived if you think that “Jews” are God’s chosen people. It’s quite IRONIC that you accuse me using using Bible verses and not understanding them. Haha. That’s an excellent case of “projection.”
If the Jews wanted to wipe out the Palestinians they have the technology and firepower to do it…. but they don’t because they’re not mass murdering psychos. What would be left of Israel if it was the other way? All we EVER hear about is the poor Palestinians! Never about the millions of Christians and other minorities discriminated or murdered by Muslims! Nor about the Palestinian invasion of Christian Lebanon – or of Christian Syria, or of Christian Turkey! if you go back far enough in history almost every Muslim country was Christian! At the end of the day Islam is a misogynistic totalitarian ideology and sex cult that gives nothing to the world…except Islam. It has no place in a modern, civilised society and needs to be abolished.
Funny, I was thinking about all the things you say about Palestine being true for the Joos in Itsahell. All we hear about all year long is the Hoaxacost and all the poor poor souls being gassed and incinerated! haha. Never happened, of course, but don’t let me stand in the way of your TRILLION SHEKEL KASH KOW sob story! At the end of the day, Joos are Satan worshipping mongrels that need to be abolished. But, not to worry, Christ is going to do that for us one day.
You’re a loony
Takes one to know one, huh, poopie?
takes one to know one!! WTF!! looks like wally is still out on the playground…..sticks and stones wallly!! aticks and stones!!
Ahh, typical Edomite Joo that cannot find any sane responce to my legitimate comments and throws his own doo doo instead! If that’s all ya got, why bother to respond? Muwahahahahaha!
Your legitimate response!!! WTF!!! ha ha ha ha
your responses are nothing more than mindless rambling gibberish!!
Ahh, now the Joo boy is really showing himself for whom he is! You CANNOT respond to my comments either because you are hopelessly ignorant of the facts or you are well aware of the factuality of my comments and cannot refute them as they are very true. Now, monkey boy, which one is it? Speaking of mindless gibberish! hahaha. You are now PROJECTING about yourself. Look that one up. Keep up your comments, I am enjoying them.
factuality of your comments!! wow!! how long did it take for you to come up with that gem?? you are nothing more than a smolder pile of sme+gma…..look that one up dumbazz!!
Oh, got a REAL JOO NOW. Totally ignorant and arrogant, so all he can do is call names and act like a wild monkey-boy (certainly cannot counter-address the Joos and their involvement in PORN, KIDNAPPING, and SPYING the Joos are famous for). Come on now, you can throw a REAL JOO fit, can’t ya? Let all your evil JOO-NESS come out in the open for us all to see. Make your Rabbis proud! Act like the DEMON that you are! I expect horns to be popping up on your head soon and a tail popping out your azz. Let all that puss and filth out of your body, might do ya some good, Hymie. The curtain is rolling back. The stage is yours. You’re ON. TAKE IT AWAY!!!!
you do not deserve anyone’s full attention….you deserve more like 10% of anyone’s attention.
pus and filth…..now YOU are projecting!!
go annoy someone else troll….you are more a trollete….a troll wanna be!!
Waaa waaaa waaaaa WAAAHHHHH! POOR LITTLE JOO LOSER. I DON’T HEAR ANY DENIALS OF MY CHARGES, SO, MUST BE TRUE. By the way, you morons attacked me first, so you get back what you deal out. What goes around comes around, poopie. Tit for tat. Typical Joo cowards. When confronted, you run and hide and start name calling.
first no name calling…just stating the obvious.
I can neither deny or confirm your incoherent gibberish!
go away toad!
Stating the obvious? haha. Wow, that takes REAL brain power. Well, no one ever claimed Joos were smart, just evil and devious. Ba bye, Captain Obvious!
don’t run away mad…just run or crawl or slink away….whatever your kind does!
Oh, Captain obvious NOW wants me back! haha. You missed me didn’t ya. I feel you are not too bright – tell me, please, where I indicated I was mad? I left because you are not much of an opponent and I was bored. Seems all you are capable of is name calling. Your world view is terribly dim. You likely get your news from fellow Joo Howard Stern. Not a real bright show. Stern has that pin headed negro on there to laugh at and make fun of, like a typical sadistic Joo. If you truly knew anything about anything, you’d attempt to make an intelligent comment, eventually. But none yet. So, I am bored again. Ta-ta, Captain.
ya back into your cave…to mingle with your fellow trolls!!
The Wallys of the world is why we needed a state…
& Whatever we do; We R definitely the lesser of two evils…
It’s good to see pictures like this, traumatic though they may be. People have to be confronted with the evil Christians are facing and deal with it.
Yes. But not just Christians. I think it’s important to remember that they are willing to perpetrate such acts upon anyone (Group / faction) who does not align with their barbaric tyrannical pseudo-religious ideology. As difficult as it is to see these images it is also important that we not hide them from view. People everywhere need to educate themselves. Images such as these are an important aspect of that.
Islam is such a joy!
How many of you even bothered to take a look at the Tarrant Cty Texas Coroner’s photos of the Branch Davidians after the FBI gased and incinerated them in 1993? 17 children were amongst the total dead of about 90. FAR worse and more gruesome than these pics. The children’s bodies were bent over backward from the CS (cyanide) gas which causes involuntary retraction of the muscles which essentially bent and broke their backs over. What’s worse is you libtards CHEERED at their deaths. Some said, “The had it coming, They got what they deserved!” How many so called “Christians” gave a shyt? You are total hypocrites. The FBI and US MILITARY SPEC OPS murdered them all! HA. So, continue to cry your crocodile tears for those overseas, you chickenshyts.
I’ve experienced CS gas in the military. It does not cause such violent involuntary responses as to bend bodies over backwards. It affects the mucus membranes causing much the same effect as seriously heavy duty pepper spray. My understanding is that the reason it’s usage has become lessened is because of it’s flammability when in aerosol form and other effective options are less expensive to manufacture and use and it is still an option in military capacity but not for civil purpose.
Michael, S, you are one of the typically brainwashed lemmings who are sleep walking thru life, taking the morsels of pure bullshyt form the Feds as Mana from Heaven.
Actually my points where taken from survivors of the Branch Davidian Compound So it would be they and their testimony who are first hand witnesses whom you would be refuting. Also if you care to re read My earlier post I placed blame on both sides. David Koresh has been described by his surviving followers as a delusional, paranoid schizophrenic with a God complex. If it where not for his being such a delusional ass hole he probably only would have gone to jail for sex offences. (That’s what happens when you feel all the women in the compound are yours and you start knocking up minors.) In response to jackcandobutwont. The federal governments pretext for “being there” was the result of investigations regarding Drug and weapons charges. For the unlawful purchase of automatic weapons. That’s why the ATF and DEA where also present. Yes they did have them as well as rudimentary bunkers made from earth covered busses. And the sale / manufacture of hallucinogenic and other drugs where also confirmed by the same survivors.
As far as ruby ridge I fully agree that the federal government was way out of bounds. No federal power exists under the constitution that grants the authority to execute a US citizen without due process. This was nothing more that a Govt. sponsored assassination of US citizens on US soil.
WACO Began as an attempt to serve search and arrest warrants and escalated. It could have been contained and controlled.
Well said…although the Fed govt had no reason to be there, and to justifiable reason to attack the compound…so the fault lies with Reno and her decision making…And lets not forget the ruby ridge incident preceding waco, where govt snipers killed Weaver’s innocent wife….and the govt paid him and his chiuldren for that murder….the same sniper was not punished and was also at waco!
saywhat, that was Randy Weaver’s wife that the chickenshyt FBI snipe Lon Horiouchi shot in the head while holding her infant daughter in the doorway of her home. Randy was shot, but not fatally. Lon Horiouchi is still at large, walking the Earth as a free man.
saywhat, the blame of Waco lies on Hitlery Klinton. Even Janet Reno wasn’t enough of a cold blooded murderer to order the deaths of the Branch Davidians. Hitlery gave the order to “Burn ’em out!” because they were taking attention away from her dictatorial run in the White House.
Ramon, do you and Michael S work together under the Pentagon as damage control trolls? haha. Most likely. Either that or in Tel Aviv as the same sort of trolls.
Want to join us Wally 63
Randy Weaver was not murdered….his wife was shot and killed by a Fed govt sniper……Randy and his remaining children were compensated (ha ha) for the death of his wife and the BS charges were dropped….the sniper was never charged with murder. and was at waco….assuming to kill more innocent citizens!!
This proves it’s a “Piece” filled religion.
Secret power rules the world. The world is not run by those it seems. Let’s focus on the real culprits because this was done on an occult significant date with the celestial alignments and all that. They even got his age right. 22. A magical number. This is hardly to be considered a coincidence. Was it a real terrorist attack though? Yes. Was it a real radical Muslim? Most likely. However, the hidden rulers seem to have terrorist organisations on the pay roll. These terrorist organisations recruit Muslims etc. to commit such acts meanwhile they are quite possible cashing in. Must be nice. So much for paradise and all that nonsense. It’s probably little different than the old assassin cult and the old man in the mountain. He got paid and sent out his drugged up brainwashed assassins. Real convenient set up.
Anyway, that’s what I think when I see anything like this go down on a date that is of occult significance.
I have no idea what drugs you are taking but I can assure you there where no celestial alignments on that date and I find no significance for that date in regards to occultism. And although you may consider me an amateur at this I have approaching two decades of experience. The only occult relation here is it was done in the name of islam. This is nothing more than a (faux) religious hate crime. BTW. It’s the old man of the mountain. A former natural geological formation on Mount Washington in NH. (It fell a few years back after years of erosion finally won out.) It was a park attraction for generations and helped out the NH economy as many would travel to see it when it was visible. There was nothing occult or esoteric about it. So please spare us the idiotic cabalistic mystical conspiracy BS. In other words stop talking out your butt hole and seek mental help.
I don’t take any heavy drugs. I just found two significant celestial events on the 19th with a quick search; so maybe there was no alignment but was still significant astrological date. More importantly though was the day. They like to do these things on 19s for some reason. That’s one number they find significant. Numerology is magic according to them. They want everything to go well so they use numerology as much as possible. Yes like 9-11 which was so obviously not as portrayed it’s ridiculous. 9 and 11 happening to be two of their favorite numbers to use.
And I didn’t mean that old man. I was referring to the leader of the assassins back in the middle ages.
Jonathan these assassins are like the man from the mountain-the cult of death is upon us-elemate the Madrassas and put Saudi Arabia on notice
Who push this agenda of death-thats the source-(my opinion)
Kill Muslims & Blow up Mosques full of Satan worshipers & if they don’t get it begin exterminating this Scourge from Earth. Remember the only Good Muslim is a Dead Muslim. Barbarians only understand Death!
We can’t have this in the media as a people might react as a people would be expected to react.
This worthless scourge will be eradicated, not decimated one day.
Sometimes wish I was a whack, strap on a vest and go visit some of these innocents.
Please strap one on, dude. And I don’t mean a dildo.
the vests should be referred to as “strap-ons”
This is what Islamic thugs have done all over the Middle East as well as Europe-Asia and the USA-from their Mosques teaching i religion/these rogue States must pay & clenze this filth in Islam
To all who get puffed up at such atrocities, let’s take a look at the actions of the Allied Powers in WWII. They firebombed Dresden which was not a Nazi war-machine city. In fact, it was known as a city of refuge. Yet, the Allies decided to bomb it anyway, most likely to use up all the older bombs in the depots before the war ended. The deaths were in the 100,000 plus range. All civilians. Same with Toyko. Tokyo was firebombed as retaliation of Pearl Harbor, yet was a mostly civilian target. Going forward in time, we have invaded third world nations and murdered countless millions of civilians. Since Desert Storm in 1991, we have attempted Genocide on the Arab populations to the tune of between 2 and 10 million people. Not defending the Arabs nor taking their side here. But pointing out that you are only getting one side of the story from the control media. We have committed as many if not more atrocities as the Arabs.
So take it like a dildo.
Terror of the civilian population is the purpose of firebombing these cities to ashes. Surrender or be annihilated.
To quote Billy Joel, “we didn’t start the fire…yada yada yada….
Islam has been practicing one form of jihad or another for over 1400 years. By their own accounts they have claimed over 270,000.000 million lives. Other sources claim this figure to be conservative. Also a fact that is not noted is that it does not include those who died in slavery (historical records where not kept) or even those who survived as slaves. The crusades counted for approximately 12 million casualties. They where not so much a war against islam as a means to provide secure passage to Jerusalem for those devout Christians who sought to make pilgrimage. Either way in the grander scheme 22+ million is no comparison to the numbers of lives destroyed by these (For lack of a nicer euphemism.) cooks.
Here’s the deal on The Crusades and Vietnam. And a few more. You have to ask yourself, who was in whom’s backyard? Seems in both instances, WE were on THEIR turf and they were DEFENDING their turf from INVADING TERRORISTS! Put another way, we had no business in the “Holy Land” and Vietnam, period. No matter the number of our losses, we shouldn’t have been there to begin with. In Vietnam, JFK was going to pull us out of there and end our “advisor only” role. Once LBJ assassinated JFK, he went the opposite and then blamed his actions of the Gulf of Tonkin incident which never happened, even later, according to William Strange McNamara – total bullshyt story. During the Crusades, Europeans flocked there for many possible reasons, none of them righteous ones, except as cover stories. Adventure? Greed? Conquest? Treasure Hunt? Personal Glory? Spreading Christianity to the Arabs? Who knows? Same thing in Desert Storm, 1991, more bullshyt cover stories of the Republican Guard invading Kuwait hospitals throwing infants out of incubators and stomping on them. HAHAHA. The whole story of Sadam invading Kuwait was trumped to make Saddam the bad guy. Believe it or not, he secured permission from the US State Dept to move into Kuwait,. They gave the OK knowing they could turn it around and use it as the reason to turn on our “old friend” Saddam and ram it up his butt. Just like The Pineapple in Panama, and Momar Ghadifi in Libya. Such is the life of making deals with the Devil CIA. One day you are their hero-allies and the next day you are seeing F-16’s dropping MK-84 two thousand pound, crowd pleasing, iron bombs and MK-82 GBU laser guided bombs on your cities. Then, we went on to other Arab countries making up bullshyt stories as we went, after 9-11. 9-11 was no way in hell done by OBL and his gang. It was a MILITARY GRADE OPERATION all the way. We are still making mileage out of 9-11 to move around and destroy the Arab nations one by one. All these folks are doing is trying to defend their homeland against an overwhelming and overbearing invader. Of course, the whole shebang is a war crime on steroids. We have no legitimate business anywhere over there. Amerikans are fed shyt as to why we are there and they eat it up by the oil freighter load. All courtesy of the ZIONIST JOO CONTROLLED MAINSTREAM MEDIA.
Many of you here have no idea on how most of these human bombs are set off. The real radicals behind the scene find a likely patsy and tell him to do the bombing or they will murder his wife, kids, and maybe even his parents and lastly, him, if he refuses. No matter how tough you think you are, most would do as told and strap yourself into the lethal jacket. That is, if you love your family. Only a TRUE COWARD would run for the hills forsaking his loved ones.
The bomber was not singled out in those previous posts. Most of us are well aware that frequently this is the case. Just as in Vietnam when children would be occasionally sent in front of a convoy with explosives strapped to them. It was well known they where not there of their own free will. Thing is you still don’t stop because you know damn well that there are VC in the bush along the road waiting for you. You learn real quick to draw a hard line between trying to save or sacrifice the kid and probably the lead vehicle or the entire convoy. Such as with Islam. The hard line that should have been made a long time ago but wasn’t, has only created a larger humanitarian problem than existed before. There comes a time when we need to look at reality and set aside whether what we do now makes us feel good about ourselves. Because if these nut jobs out there get their way there wont be the opportunity to feel shit!
I’ll be sending this on to family & friends! Thank you for your work, in exposing TERRORISTS, & those who support them!
So why are people not giving the muzzies a taste of their own medicine ?
Yahuah changed the DNA of the Moslem into a WILD MAN.
Gen 16:12 And he will be a wild man; his hand [will be] against every man, and every man’s hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.
You cannot get along with WILD creatures. You can NEVER TAME them. Yet they are bringing MILLIONS of them on to your soil.
Someone wants DESTRUCTION and your DEATH WORLDWIDE. Someone even MORE WILD and MORE evil than the Moslem.
Can you name them?
The problem is that their “clergy” promote this hate & savagery.
The young man (22) was as much a “victim” of this hate as his targets…
Muslims R not enemy…they R largely victims of this death cult…
But Islam IS! our enemy…
Like Naziism this world cannot contain both ideologies…
One must go…
But like WWll many will have to die to make this happen…
I M just as vehement for us as this man was for Islam…
I wud be just as happy as him to do Kiddush HaShem…to rid our world of this evil.