Originally published by the Gatestone Institute
Reports of Christian life under the Islamic State (ISIS) continued throughout November. Many of these came from the ancient Christian towns surrounding Mosul, such as Batnaya and Qaraqosh, conquered by ISIS in August, 2014, and liberated in late October, 2016.
One Christian man, Esam, from Qaraqosh, related what ISIS did after his sister’s husband refused to convert to Islam: “He was crucified and tortured in front of his wife and children, who were forced to watch. They [ISIS] told him that if he loved Jesus that much, he would die like Jesus.” The Islamic militants tortured his brother-in-law from 6 in the evening until 11: “[T]hey cut his stomach open and shot him before leaving him hanging, crucified.” Two other members of Esam’s family, a Christian couple, were abducted and separated by ISIS. To this day, the husband does not know where his wife is; he only knows that she was turned into a concubine, a sex-slave.
Karlus, a 29-year-old Christian, told how ISIS members broke into his elderly father’s home in Batnaya and began to destroy crosses and tear up a picture of Christ. When Karlus tried to stop them, he was taken and tortured: they “hung him from the ceiling of the jail he was held in, by a rope attached to his left foot. As blood poured from his foot, they beat and kicked him, rubbing salt into his wounds. He was sexually abused in prison by three women wearing niqabs [black veils]. He was told he would be shot dead,” said the report. Seven weeks later he was released.
Another handful of Christians told how they “were threatened, forced to spit on a crucifix or convert to Islam,” but they “miraculously survived more than two years under Islamic State group rule.”
Ismail, another young Christian from Qaraqosh told how he was forced at gunpoint to convert to Islam two years ago when he was 14: “They told me to say ‘there’s no God but Allah’ and you’ll become a Muslim. I said, ‘There’s no God but Jesus’ so he slapped me. I was still young. He slapped me and pointed the gun at my head. He told my mum, ‘If you don’t convert to Islam we will kill your son.’”
Before being driven out of these now-liberated Christian towns around Mosul, ISIS planted explosive devices in teddy bears and toys that would be detonated when children picked them up, “killing unsuspecting families.”
Those who survived ISIS, accused former U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama of doing nothing when Iraq’s largest Christian city, Qaraqosh, fell to the Islamic terrorists more than two years ago, when its Christian population was over 50,000. One man said, “Obama has never helped the Christians. In fact, he despises them. In the last 26 months, he has shown he despises all of them. But we have hope in the new president, Trump.” A Catholic priest said: “The US government led by President Obama could have protected us – or at least helped us to protect ourselves. But unfortunately Obama abandoned us.” A young girl wearing a cross added: “We hope this new guy called Trump will help us more than Obama did.”
The rest of the month of November’s worldwide Muslim persecution of Christians includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Muslim Attacks on (and because of) Christian Churches
Indonesia: While dressed in a T-shirt with the word “jihad” emblazoned on it, a man named Jo Bin Muhammad firebombed a church in Samarida. As he walked by the church while in session, he hurled a Molotov cocktail at it, setting the building on fire. A two-year-old girl died of her burns; three other children were injured. A church member described the incident: “Suddenly, at about 10:00 in the morning, we heard [an] explosion from outside. People were running out using the front and back door of the church. Women were crying and terrified. We saw four children were burned—injured badly—while one was only lightly injured.”
Philippines: An improvised bomb was remotely detonated outside a Catholic church in Mindanao as churchgoers were leaving after early morning mass on Sunday, November 27. Although the bomb was designed for maximum damage, a car parked between the entrance of the church and the bomb deflected much of the explosion. Two people were injured. According to the local archbishop, the incident is “an attack on freedom of religion and freedom to worship.” He added that the bombing of the Our Lady of Hope Church “at the end of our 5:30 a.m. 1st Sunday of Advent mass is pure terrorism, made worse because of the sacredness of the place, the sacredness of the day, and the sacredness of the event that had just taken place.”
Egypt: Soon after rumors began to circulate that the Christians of Sohag were attempting to build a church, leaflets were distributed calling on local Muslims to attack the “infidels.” Two days later, on November 25, after Muslim prayers, “a great deal of fanatic Muslim young men, some of them were carrying gas canisters and rocks while others came armed with automatic rifles, clubs, machetes and knives, they attacked Copts and Coptic-owned houses,” reported Samir Nashed, a Christian resident. The Muslims burned and plundered 11 Christian homes, cut off water and power supplies to the village, and blockaded the roads so that fire trucks could not enter and the damage to Christian properties would be complete. Four Christians were also beaten and injured.
Bangladesh: At least 20 men looted the Catholic church near Dhaka, in the Muslim-majority nation. On Saturday night, November 26, the knife-wielding invaders broke into the enclosure and tied up the guards and pastor, Fr. Vincent Bimal Rozario. “The thieves warned me to remain silent,” he said. “They wanted to kill me with sharp weapons. They asked me where the money and valuables were. I was forced to tell them.” They then raided the church, seizing a camera, laptop, money dedicated to repairing tombs, and other goods valued at about $1,300. The church enclosure has been attacked at least two times before, including in 2014 when two Christian nuns were raped and beaten.
A separate report published in November found that Christians and other religious minority groups in Bangladesh have been experiencing persecution “almost daily” at the hands of both professional Islamic terrorist groups and their own Muslim neighbors for the past three years.
Muslim Slaughter of Christians
Nigeria: Muslim herdsmen slaughtered 45 Christians in coordinated attacks targeting five Christian-majority villages. “Most of the victims in the latest atrocities were women, children and elderly people, who could not escape the gunfire of the attackers. More than 120 buildings, including eight churches, were also razed to the ground,” the report said. Separately, a Christian pastor and eight others were killed in a suicide attack that targeted a refugee center. The female suicide attackers were sent by the Islamic group, Boko Haram; they may have been among the many Nigerian girls kidnapped, raped, and indoctrinated into believing that death in jihad is their only salvation. Aid workers who visited these refugee camps described them: “Life has become hell for the more than 3,000 people living here… Already people are resorting to eating leaves. Children are dying of hunger. If nothing is done for these people, this will lead to a huge tragedy. People cannot go home because Boko Haram is constantly regrouping and continuing attacks.”
France: A masked man carrying a knife and sawed off gun invaded a missionary retirement home in Montpellier that houses 60 retired missionaries, as well as several nuns, and repeatedly stabbed an elderly French woman to death. “The attack has echoes of the murder of Catholic priest Jacques Hamel, stabbed at the altar of his church in July. However, officials are keeping an open mind about the crime,” noted the report. An older report from January 2015 describes the region around Montpellier, near where the attack occurred, as “a centre of jihadist recruitment.”
Egypt: After 54-year-old Magdy Makeen, a poor Christian villager who provided for his family by selling fish, accidentally hit a police car with his horse-drawn cart, angry officers arrested and took him to prison, where they tortured and eventually killed him. As happens whenever authorities kill arrested Christians, they offered the slain man’s family an implausible story concerning how he died, in which police were exonerated of any wrongdoing. But before authorities could bury the body, family members saw many bruises and other signs of violence on it.
Muslim Attacks on Christian Freedom: No to Apostasy, Blasphemy, and Evangelism
Liberia: After converting from Islam to Christianity, 17 young people were persecuted by their Muslim families. “They have been threatened, beaten and ordered to stop attending church and listening to Christian music, and many have fled to nearby villages for safety,” said the report. “The young believers placed their faith in Christ after hearing the Gospel from visiting Christian pastors, who also gave each of them a pocket-sized Bible. Although they were initially afraid to listen to the pastors for fear of persecution, they continued visiting with them and other believers at night. Eventually, the new Christians’ relatives noticed they had stopped attending the mosque and learned of their conversion to Christianity.”
Uganda: After two boys, aged 16 and 17, converted from Islam to Christianity, their parents declared them apostates deserving of death. When they ran for their lives, the home of a Christian man who gave them refuge was torched and gutted by Muslims. The man remains in fear for his life; the arsonists left leaflets promising more attacks: “Be informed that we are not yet finished with you. Expect more, worse things are on the way.” Now he, too, and his family are on the run.
Europe: Christians, especially Muslim converts to Christianity, in refugee camps with Muslims throughout Europe continue to be persecuted. In the words of Iranians living in a refugee center in Germany:
We, the Iranian refugees based in the city of Rotenburg, have fled from the Islamic Republic of Iran because we have been accused of being Christians and, therefore, have repeatedly been threatened by torture, imprisonment and the death penalty. Here, where we have been accommodated presently, we are exposed to the same kinds of threats as before, this time at the hand of Afghan Muslims, and we fear for our lives… The Afghan refugees…call us Iranian Christians ‘apostates’ and ‘infidels’ because of our decision to leave Islam and consider the shedding of our blood as legitimate (or even necessary).
Separately, a Kurdish church leader said he received death threats for having left Islam for Christianity while living in camps outside the French cities of Calais and Dunkirk. In both camps Muslims antagonized him: “In Calais, the smugglers [saw] my cross [round my neck], and said: ‘You are Kurdish and you are a Christian? Shame on you.’ I said, ‘Why? I’m in Europe, I’m free, I’m in a free country.’ They said, ‘No, you are not free, you are in the Jungle. The Jungle has Kurdish rule here – leave this camp.’ The smugglers were from inside the camp, and were Kurdish. They said to me, ‘We will tell the Algerians and Moroccans to kill you.’”
Pakistan: While he was at school, a nine-year-old Christian boy was falsely accused of burning a Koran. His mother and he were imprisoned on the charge of blasphemy. They were eventually released from prison after police found no evidence to substantiate the accusation. However, “despite their innocence, the two imprisoned Christians revealed upon their release that they were interrogated and tortured during their four days in prison, saying their interrogators tried to force them to confess to a crime they did not commit. The interrogators, however, failed to get any confession from them,” said the report. Separately in Pakistan—a nation where dozens of Islamic stations are free to air their programs on television, including ones that glorify jihad against “infidels”—all Christian television stations have been ordered to shut down, despite the fact, as Christian minorities point out, that article 25 of the Pakistani constitution states “all citizens are equal before law and are entitled to equal protection of the law.” “What is the future of church media in Pakistan? It is a very difficult time for us. We were just trying to reach our own community who are generally ignored by other TV channels,” Fr. Morris Jalal, founder and executive director of Catholic TV, told reporters as his team packed up their equipment.
Ethiopia: Last October, four young Christian girls—aged 18, 15, 14, and 14—handed out a booklet entitled, “Let’s speak the truth in love.” Because it challenged Islamic accusations against Christianity, local Muslims rioted. They attacked a church and assaulted Christians. The girls were arrested and, after a brief court hearing on November 15, sentenced to a month in prison. All four girls will serve their sentence among common criminals, even though three are under 18.
Afghanistan: A report published in November highlighted the great dangers Afghans who convert to Christianity face daily: “The representation of Christians in Afghanistan is so small that to be one means certain persecution. With the majority of the population Muslim, these new Christians aren’t just deciding to follow Christ. They’re abandoning an old faith and the safety that comes with it. According to the Joshua Project, 99.8 percent of the population follows Islam. Only .03 percent of the population could be described as Evangelical Christians.” Bob Blincoe of Frontiers USA adds, “The Islamic doctrine is clear and incontrovertible that a person who comes to [the Christian] faith and leaves Islam should be killed. This is not up for discussion in Islam.”
Dhimmitude: Muslim Contempt for and Abuse of Christians
Egypt: Despite the nation’s constitutional guarantee at freedom of worship, all throughout various public school districts, Christian girls who refuse to wear the Islamic veil, or hijab, and Christians of both genders who refuse to recite the Koran—including verses that directly contradict the Christian faith—are being kicked out of school. Some report being beaten before their expulsion.
Algeria: Silmane Bouhafs, a Christian man currently carrying out a three year prison sentence for “attacking Islam,” regularly experiences persecution at the hands of the other inmates. In November, after the prisoners were shown an Islamic religious program, where the cleric incited against all non-Muslims in Algeria, the Christian argued with the other viewers on behalf of religious freedom. The inmates responded by physically assaulting him. Another prisoner intervened in time to alert the guards who broke up the attack. In a message to his daughter, the Christian says he is considered “an enemy of the Islam” and lives in daily risk.
Morocco: A Muslim man in Casablanca tried to kill another man with a sword. The police showed initial concern—until they discovered that the victim, Saeed Zoa, was a prominent Christian who works to promote equal rights for Christians in Morocco. The police then dropped the investigation on the grounds that the Christian is a “troublemaker” who had it coming. Zoa fears that since police have publicized their indifference to his rights, he will be even more aggressively targeted.
Algeria: When mostly Christian family members wanted to bury their 70-year-old father, also a Christian, with Christian rites—rather than Islamic death rites in which Muslims gather in the home of the deceased, imploring Allah and Muhammad to welcome their loved one—the village imam and other Muslims “threatened ostracism from the rest of the village if they did not reverse their decision, and urged the villagers to put pressure on the family,” according to a report. The Muslim sheikh added, “We are Muslims, and we will remain so. The funeral of our dead will be as it always was, and we will not compromise our customs and religion. If someone wants to bury his dead in our cemetery, he should do it according to our traditions.”
Pakistan: In a nation where the most implausible accusation that a Christian offended Muhammad on social media sparks off riots as well as attacks on and arrests of Christians, Christians learned what happens when Muslims mock Jesus. In November, a number of social media posts attacking Jesus and his disciples appeared; although Christians appealed to authorities to take action against those responsible, nothing was done—even though the nation’s “blasphemy” law is written in a way that technically also protects Christianity.
Turkey: While highlighting the persecution Christians suffer in Turkey, a report said that this persecution “is so intense that even dead Assyrians [ancient Christians] and their cemeteries cannot escape it.” The example of Miho Irak is then given: the 77-year-old Christian exile recently died in Belgium; as a paying member of the funeral fund of Turkey’s Presidency of Religious Affairs, the government had guaranteed to transfer his body to and bury it in his ancestral homeland in Turkey. However, once officials learned that he was Christian, they immediately reneged on their pledge.
About this Series
The persecution of Christians in the Islamic world has become endemic. Accordingly, “Muslim Persecution of Christians” was developed to collate some—by no means all—of the instances of persecution that surface each month. It serves two purposes:
1) To document that which the mainstream media does not: the habitual, if not chronic, persecution of Christians.
2) To show that such persecution is not “random,” but systematic and interrelated—that it is rooted in a worldview inspired by Islamic Sharia.
Accordingly, whatever the anecdote of persecution, it typically fits under a specific theme, including hatred for churches and other Christian symbols; apostasy, blasphemy, and proselytism laws that criminalize and sometimes punish with death those who “offend” Islam; sexual abuse of Christian women; forced conversions to Islam; theft and plunder in lieu of jizya (financial tribute expected from non-Muslims); overall expectations for Christians to behave like cowed dhimmis, or third-class, “tolerated” citizens; and simple violence and murder. Sometimes it is a combination thereof.
Because these accounts of persecution span different ethnicities, languages, and locales—from Morocco in the West, to Indonesia in the East—it should be clear that one thing alone binds them: Islam—whether the strict application of Islamic Sharia law, or the supremacist culture born of it.
Previous Reports:
- October, 2016
- September, 2016
- August, 2016
- July, 2016
- June, 2016
- May, 2016
- April, 2016
- March, 2016
- February, 2016
- January, 2016
- December, 2015
- November, 2015
- October, 2015
- September, 2015
- August, 2015
- July, 2015
- June, 2015
- May, 2015
- April, 2015
- March, 2015
- February, 2015
- January, 2015
- December, 2014
- November, 2014
- October, 2014
- September, 2014
- August, 2014
- July, 2014
- June, 2014
- May, 2014
- April, 2014
- March, 2014
- February, 2014
- January, 2014
- December, 2013
- November, 2013
- October, 2013
- September, 2013
- August, 2013
- July, 2013
- June, 2013
- May, 2013
- April, 2013
- March, 2013
- February, 2013
- January, 2013
- December, 2012
- November, 2012
- October, 2012
- September, 2012
- August, 2012
- July, 2012
- June, 2012
- May, 2012
- April, 2012
- March, 2012
- February, 2012
- January, 2012
- December, 2011
- November, 2011
- October, 2011
- September, 2011
- August, 2011
- July, 2011
IS and ISIS is dead wrong about that statement of theirs,”They [ISIS] told him that if he loved Jesus that much, he would die like Jesus.”
If you love Jesus then you have to ‘live’ for Him like the Apostle Paul filled with the Holy Spirit says in Romans 12:1-2. You must be “living sacrifices”.
Please note:”Living sacrifices” are not dead ones. Living sacrifices are also not dead works from mankind and churches doing stuff without and apart from living faith individually and then together as a family and same body.
Christ told Peter that the Gates of hell will not overcome this kind of faith. And that also means that IS and ISIS and every other enemy and opposition to The One and Only Lord Jesus Christ and God’s Anointed man is already spiritually defeated from the Highest Holy Creator God in Christ who’s above all also. So now it’s all our turn who love life and who love liberty and freedom and the right to exist to walk now in that victory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who died on that cross and rendered powerless every work of the Devil. So now we don’t have to die as Christians and followers of Jesus Christ and anyone else who simply desires to just live and let live. We now have to be those Living Sacrifices for our loving Holy Creator God in Christ to show Him we love Him and do that in all places and at all times as the holy spirit leads us and guides us by His Spirit integrating with us,regenerating us with Him and then also directing and focusing us on our life that’s His for His Living purposes where He calls us to go. If He has called us to any of His purpose,his Kingdom and even His government on earth as it is in heaven even? Then He will also always provide for each man or woman of His who He has called and gifted and purposed for His plan of Life instead of just HUMET (human intelligence) or natural mans own plan for his own life which can so often leave out that God element of Jesus Christ empowerment and blessing of protection and fruit that endures to eternity that one and their works who is and remains faithful to the One and Only Creator God in Jesus Christ and not created man like IS and ISIS who has no more life or future anywhere but in hell in any of those violent oppressors soon as they take their last breath. Hell awaits them all who remain unrepentant of their sins!
Ezekiel 18:20 KJV “The soul that sinneth, it shall die.”
Observation:There sure is going to be a whole lot of souls that die. And that isn’t going to be happening by IS or ISIS who can only once in awhile kill,maim or destroy the human’s body. The mans body is not the same thing as the mans soul. So do not fear those who kill the body but rather fear Him who can kill the mans soul !!!
Matthew 10:28 HCSB
“Don’t fear those who kill the body but are not able to kill the soul;
rather, fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”
That word fear from that text there means several things. It means worship and or also reverence. So, “don’t worship nor revere those who kill the body.” Don’t pay them any mind,no tax,tithe nor tribute also! Because Holy Creator God lovingly in Jesus Christ who still lives desires all your body,all your heart,all your mind,all your soul and all your strength”. Not so He can dominate and control you. Because you will still have freewill. But so He then who Holy from above can fill your body and make it a temple of the Holy Spirit and empower it with God’s own gift and element and character nature of Himself in and through you to help you accomplish the impossible and improbable even.
That is very sad and also very tragic all those deaths mentioned in that news above. Alot of that is because the churches don’t preach or teach the right of self defense to it’s sheeple and congregants.
But here is a promise you can take to the Bank or anywhere your heart desires.
John 11:25-26 (updated and paraphrased in parenthesis) Aramaic Bible in Plain English
“Yeshua said to her, “I AM THE LIVING GOD, The Resurrection and The Life; whoever trusts (believes via faith) in me, even if he dies, he shall live.”And everyone who lives and believes (belief here is living active sharper then any two edged sword faith from that same faithful servant saint who is obedient to God,His Word and His Spirit inside human man) in me (Jesus Christ still says) shall never die.
So the better portion there if you really love Jesus is to, “live and believe”.
So I just proved by the living Word Holy Scriptures that the Islamic State (IS) and ISIS is NOT a servant of the One True Living God. And that they are an anti-Christ because,”you will know them by their fruits” and their works. And their fruits and works all reek of anger and hatred and violence.
1 John 4:20 “If anyone says, “I love God,” yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For
the person who does not love his brother he has seen cannot love the God
he has not seen.”
And if you go back far enough in history? Then you will learn that we as human beings are all each others “brothers” and sisters. But some are demon and devil spirit filled men of the Devil who is a liar and the Father of lies. And they of created men who do those works of their created Father god the Devil who doesn’t ever create anyone nor anything good. They sure have got the fruit of their own ways coming back to them!!! And they will never raise again like Jesus Christ and His own always did and always will.
He is a Zoroastrian myth that the Jews brought back from their “holidays” in Babylon.
The source of evil is the heart/mind of man!
Jeremiah 17:9; James 1:13-15.
The Jewish TORAH/TANACH was the inspiration for Islam and its Prophet.
(Be sure to Google this article:
614-1096 C.E.
From the Accession of the Mahomedans to that of the Europeans.
By Rabbi Joseph Schwarz, 1850
ISIS was CONCEIVED in America, BORN in Iraq, FINANCED by Saudis, TRAINED and EQUIPPED in Jordan, by MOSSAD.
But you don’t want to hear about this! You would rather listen and read Fake News.
There is sovereignty. Of man and of God and of some spirits regardless of their name/s also. Common natural man can and does have his sovereignty stripped or usurped from them practically all the time now. But God stays true to His self and His Spirit and His Son and sons. And so it is impossible to separate God from His Sovereignty. Likewise none can really actually permanently strip any man from his new birth of that God Holy Spirit and that Sovereignty and covenants made past,present and future also.
What you speak of are all the distractions and fleecing screw job.
So you may go away from me now on here unless you want to be saved,disciplined rightly and part of the winners side of God and man. Now and for eternity even being found on the right side of history now and when your mortal mans body passes away and afterwards.
If you love Jesus, die like Jesus? Pardon me, but I thought Muslims loved Jesus, Issa, even if they hated Christians.
This article needs to continually be shared and circulated as much as possible. Our brothers and sisters in Christ need our prayers.
It sickens me that Obama completely ignored this harassment and put all these innocent people in harms way. I know why he’s done it,it is on his agenda. I pray he/they has a change of heart, if not, may God (Yahweh & Yeshua) have mercy on his/their soul(s).
Thank you again Mr. Ibrahim for highlighting the plight of persecuted Christians. There are not many of you who do so, unless one is on the mailing list of the organisations who minister to the Suffering Church.
It is all so heartbreaking, especially that the powers that helped to create the ‘Arab Nightmare’ have done nothing to stop Islam’s brutality there, or anywhere else for that matter. On the contrary, Western countries have invited them in and now we are supping with the devil.
God sees and He will be the avenger.
‘If You Love Jesus, Then Die Like Jesus!’
Isn’t that contradicting the Sunna and Qur’an which claim that Jesus (Issa) never died? With such statement ISIS spokesman would commit blasphemy by indirectly affirming that Jesus DIED contrary to the Qur’an and the rest. Or confirming that their plagiarized “Issa” has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus of the New Testament.
Bring on the Crusades ! Death to ALL Muslimes !
In a way, I wish Islam was never contrived. But of course the horse bolted long ago, so to speak. Now the world has to clean up this mess and unfortunately it will be very ugly!
No! If you live like a Demonic, Inbred, Caveman who is Criminally Insane & bows on all fours to Satan then You can Die – After we Torture You to Death Painfully & then Piss on your Maggot infested Corpse & Defile your remains with Pig Blood while We Burn Down Your Mosques & Eliminate All those Bitches Wombs that would bear the Next generation of Scumbag Terrorists Like You! We can Start The Crusades again & YOU WILL LOSE MUSLIM SCUM! Many of Us are ready to Put on the Cross & WIPE YOU OUT!
Pisslam the Religion of Urine.
Hope POTUS Trump sees this article and decides to defend the
Judeo-christian ethic that built the US up to be the leading world
superpower it still it today. Their constitution is inspired from
Protestant culture >
But being the nationalist he claims to be so far, may not be as simple as it sounds in theory. Complexity of the current world order will cast that into doubt, weather he personally likes it or not. This is something he and his top level advisers (Steve Bannon etc..) know only too well now.
In a world today awash with modern digital communications, I just don’t see any peaceful end to this clash of Islamic and Christian based world views.
Something has to give. A big primary difference between the two religious doctrines is in how they are interpreted.
Christianity has more flexibility in it’s interpretations however Islam does not > https://www.jihadwatch.org/islam-101
and therein lies the biggest threat to all of humanity as we go forward more into 21st century.
And the God of the Christians was toooooooooooo impotent to help his followers!
99% muslim are local convert from Christians and Hindu . Both has refused to bring back their lost children who converted to islam. Our secular Govt have no laws to help them. These lost converts to islam are now big Liability for nation and society and Our leaders refuse to name them.