A study from the Europe-based Center for Studies on New Religions recently confirmed that “Christians continue to be the most persecuted believers in the world, with over 90,000 followers of Christ being killed in the last year [2016],” which computes to one death every six minutes. The study also found that as many as 600 million Christians around the world were prevented from practicing their faith.
Which group is most prone to persecute Christians around the world? The answer to this was made clear by another recent study; it found that, of the ten nations around the world where Christians suffer the worst forms of persecution, nine are Islamic, though the absolute worst—North Korea—is not.
What is it about Christians that brings the worst out of some people, Muslims in the majority? Three main reasons come to mind, though there are more:
- Christianity is the largest religion in the world. There are Christians practically everywhere around the globe, including in much of the Muslim world. Moreover, because much of the territory that Islam conquered throughout the centuries was originally Christian—including all of the Middle East, Turkey, and North Africa—Muslims are still confronted with vestiges of Christianity. In Egypt alone, which was the intellectual center of early Christendom before the Islamic invasions, at least 10 million Christians remain. In short, because of their sheer numbers alone, Christians in the Muslim world are much more likely to suffer under Islam than other “infidels.”
- Christianity is devoted to “proclaiming the Gospel” (literally, “the good news). No other major religion—not Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism—has this missionary aspect. These faiths tend to be coextensive with certain ethnicities and homegrown to certain locales. The only other religion that has what can be described as a missionary element is Islam itself. Thus, because Christianity is the only religion that actively challenges Muslims with the truths of its own message, so too is it the primary religion to be accused of proselytizing, which is banned under Islamic law. And by publicly uttering teachings that contradict Muhammad’s—including Christianity’s core message—Christians fall afoul of Islam’s blasphemy law as well. Hence why most Muslims who apostatize to other religions—and get punished for it, sometimes with death—apostatize to Christianity.
- Christianity is the quintessential religion of martyrdom. From its inception—beginning with Jesus, and followed by his disciples and countless others in the early church—many Christians have been willing to accept death rather than to stop spreading the Gospel—or, worse, renounce the faith; this was evident in ancient times at the hands of the pagan Roman Empire and in medieval (and modern) times at the hands of Muslims and other persecutors. Practically no other religion encourages its adherents to embrace death rather than abjure the faith. Thus, whereas Christ says “But whoever denies me before men, I will deny him before my Father in heaven” (Matthew 10:33; see also Luke 14:33), Islam teaches Muslims to conceal and even publicly renounce Muhammad, rather than die. Moreover, other religions and sects approve of dissimulation to preserve their adherents’ lives. A nineteenth-century missionary observed that in Iran “Bahaism enjoys taqiyya (concealment of faith) as a duty, but Christianity demands public profession; and hence in Persia it is far easier to become a Bahai than to become a Christian.”[i]
Of course, Islam’s oppressive laws target people of all or no religions. Many outspoken Muslim apostates in the West who never converted to Christianity must fear execution should they ever fall into the hands of their former coreligionists. However, they are here now, alive and well in the West and warning us, precisely because they were not challenging the spiritual truths of Islam then, when they were living under its shadow—and why should they have been? If life is limited to the now, as it is in the secular worldview, why risk it, especially when merely not rocking the boat, as many “moderate Muslims” do, will save it?
It is in fact Christianity’s penchant to refuse to toe the line that, from its beginnings till now, has caused fascists[ii] and supremacists of all stripes—from the ancient Roman Empire (whence the word fascist is derived) to modern day North Korea—to persecute Christians. The latter have a long history of refusing to be silent and paying the sort of lip service that everyone else is willing to offer to get by.
Just as Jesus irked Pilate by refusing to utter some words to save his life—“Don’t you realize I have the power either to set you free or crucify you?” asked the bewildered procurator (John 19:10)—his disciples and countless other ancient Christians defied the Roman Empire, prompting several emperors to launch what, at least until now, were deemed history’s worst persecutions of Christians; and today, countless modern day Christians continue grieving and thus being punished by their totalitarian and supremacist overlords—from North Korea to every corner of the Muslim world—for the very same reasons.
[i] Samuel M. Zwemer, The Law of Apostasy in Islam: Answering the Question Why There are So Few Moslem Converts, and Giving Examples of Their Moral Courage and Martyrdom (London: Marshall Brothers, 1916), 25.
[ii] I use the term “fascist(s)” here in the popular sense – as in a non-Christian regime that “forcibly suppress[es] opposition and criticism” — and not in reference to any particular fascist party or government of history.
I’m FREE! Saved by the Blood shed by my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He was raised by GOD back to life on the 3rd day. WAKEUP and lookup for your redemption draweth neigh, Amen Praise GOD, Metatouto MARANATHA. In the END, I WIN. There is no other way to Our Father in HEAVEN and it is through Jesus Christ. The One Way!
Deny Jesus before men and He will deny you before the Father … thus, the reason why He is not denied.
I guess i am going to die a gruesome death, I don’t plan on renouncing christ anytime soon. I fear the wrath of the Most high too much.
Dear Raymond,
With the term “fascist”, you want to indicate a person who does not respect the identity of others. But historically fascism was not like that. In Spain for example, fascism defended Christians against the communists. In Italy fascists also did not cruelly persecute Christians.
Your term “fascist” rather refers to communists, progressives and Nazis.
Moderate Muslim….hog wash. No such animal.
It is false to claim that all Fascists hate Christians. If we understand by Fascism the 1930s politics of the German Nazis, the Italian Fascists, the Spanish Falange, the Austrian Heimwehr, the Croatian Ustase, the Hungarian Arrow-Cross, the Romanian Iron Guard, the Portuguese Estado Novo, the Greek Metaxas régime, the Belgian Rexistes, and so forth, most of these movements were either expressly Christian or at least not anti-Christian. The only one of them that was expressly anti-Christian were the Nazis.
This is because Abraham did not believe in Yahuah though he was called “faithful”. This is one of the greatest irony of the Bible. He did not believe Yahuah but his wife Sarah, instead.
Sound familiar to another egregious CURSE?
This has resulted in a temporal CURSE on the side of his descendants for every generation after. The creation of the WILD MAN to be a thorn on his side forever more.
The Moslem man who will most certainly help cause WW III and your final destruction!
Many do not know the WHY behind North Korea’s persecution of Christians. The reason is that Kim Jung IL or whatever his name was. The greatgrandfather of the current Kim was Methodist preacher. His son, Who founded North Korea and was a die hard Communist, used church meetings as a cover for the Communist Revolution in North Korea. Thus they have always feared such meetings as a threat to their despotic rule.
Thanks, Raymond. This explains why Post-Christian societies are utterly unable to resist Islam. A Christian country that no longer believes in it’s own doctrines and history cannot say to the Mohammedan, “Your doctrines and history are all wrong too,” when the Slaves of Allah have already been invited to join in the distruction of that host country’s culture. Islam’s advances have often been due to a decadent faction in the target country inviting them in to assist with a political struggle or to serve as mercenaries.
You are fighting against this with all the love you have in your heart for your beloved church, this is something we can only respect. May God give you great success in all that you do.