I was recently interviewed on the Hank Unplugged podcast, with Hank Hanegraaff, president of the Christian Research Institute. We discussed a wide ranging number of topics in the 90 minute interview, including:
- the West actively undermining itself and the reality of Islam (6:00);
- the aberration of labeling Islam as one of the Abrahamic faiths (10:00);
- the difference between Mohammed and Christ (13:30);
- is the Allah of Islam the God of the Bible? (19:30)
(interview description continues below the player)
Interview description continues…
- Muslim mob mentality and the convenience of conversion in many Islamic theocracies (27:00);
- setting the historical record straight on the difference between jihad and the crusades (30:30);
- exposing the myth of the Andalusian Paradise (37:00);
- the reality that radical Islam is run-of-the-mill Islam (42:00);
- hypocrisy in the United States in dealing with Saudi Arabia and ISIS (53:00);
- the danger of lumping all Muslims together with the ideology of Islam (59:00);
- the mass genocide and persecution of Christians in the world today done in the name of Islam (1:07:00);
- Islamic tyranny toward women (1:17:00);
- the oxymoronic nature of the term “secular Muslim” (1:20:00);
- the decline of a Western civilization devoid of Christ (1:26:00);
- and the danger of taking a controversial stand for truth (1:28:00).
Thank you Raymond Ibrahim for all your courageous work and book “crucified again” God bless you. Jules
Excellent interview Raymond Ibrahim. Keep up the good work.
Raymond Ibrahim, can you keep your readers posted on progress of the new book you mentioned in the interview? I’ll be buying a hardcover when it’s published.
great interview thank you. very depressing though.