Last week I appeared on ABN’s 2nd International Apologetics Marathon, hosted by Tony Gurule, and with Dr. Bill Warner, Beshar Shukri, and Edip Yuksel. In the video that follows, we discuss the history of dhimmitude:
The History of Dhimmitude from Tony Gurule on Vimeo.
Thank you very much, gentlemen.
Thank you very much for the important information, Gentlemen.
This was such an interesting, informative and encouraging discussion – thank you.
Especially encouraging for me after one has to listen to the daily drivel about Islam by ill informed and kowtowing politicians, especially our ‘dear leader’ in Canada, who has such a love affair with Islam that many of us think he has secretly converted.
Appeasing the crocodile will not prevent him, or any wishy washy Christians/churches mentioned by Dr. Warner, from being eaten (apologies to Churchill). They bring to mind what Jesus said to the church of Laodicea in Revelations.
I am grieved by the indifference shown too to the persecuted church in the ME and elsewhere. I have experienced that in our church too when we honour IDOP in November.
Having grown up in colonial Southern Africa, I understand what Dr. Warner means about the preferred term being ‘kafir’ instead of ‘infidel’, as that is what the heathen native tribes were referred to years ago and seems to fit the association with Islam better. Just sharing a thought.
When Edip Yuksel spoke, it was the same old manipulative lament one hears all the time from Muslims, but it was refreshing to hear the program host deal with him in a polite and to the point manner.
Great job!! The only thing I disagreed with was letting the narrative stand implying that tribute from the US stopped after the Barbary Wars. I believe that it was Great Britain that finally ended that some time later. Success against abuses of Islam was hard won. Islam understands this while those in the West forget.
Actual material starts at 7:12.
Really enjoy the discussion but here’s a helpful suggestion: You need to get your webmaster to fix the aspect ratio in your videos. Really distracting to see the distorted display.