If Muhammad cannot beat the infidels on the battlefield, he’ll outbreed them—literally: “Mohammed most popular name for newborn boys in the Netherlands for second year in a row,” is the title of a recent report. Muhammad is apparently also the most popular name in England. In fact, Muhammad is one of the most popular names throughout Northwest Europe.
While this may seem innocuous enough—what’s in a name?—the fact is many Muslims see their offspring as their contribution to the jihad—the “struggle” to make Islam supreme—since more numbers equate more influence and power. Nor is the naming of “Muhammad” a coincidence but rather a cryptic reminder from the parents (usually father) concerning whom they most revere and hope their sons emulate—namely, the founder of Islam/jihad.
Although the original, historic jihad was straightforward warfare on the infidel to make Islam supreme, the ulema articulated a variety of other jihads, all of which work to the same end: as with jihad al-lisan (literally tongue, meaning propaganda, apologias, polemics, etc.) and jihad al-mal (monetarily or materially supporting jihadis, including through zakat), so too jihad al-wilada (or childbearing) is seen as a way to contribute to the “struggle” to make Islam supreme.
This can be achieved with either infidel or Muslim women. As an example of the first, a Muslim imam was videotaped saying that, because European men lack virility, their women seek fertility among Muslim men. Accordingly, “We will give them fertility! We will breed children with them, because we will conquer their countries! Whether you like it or not, you Germans, Americans, French, and Italians and all those akin to you [Western people]—take in the refugees. For soon we will call them [and their European born sons] in the name of the coming caliphate! And we will say to you, ‘These are our sons.’”
That some Muslim men operate along this logic is evident. The diary of Patrick Kabele, an African Muslim man who was living and arrested in Britain for trying to join the Islamic State—his primary motive being to purchase a nine-year-old sex slave—had references that only likeminded Muslims would understand: in an effort, as the aforementioned imam said, to use European women as incubators and “breed children with them,” Kabele noted that he had been “seeding some women over here, UK white,” adding, “I dont [sic] kiss anymore.” (Unlike straightforward mating, kissing is deemed an intimate act, and Muslims, in keeping with the doctrine of al-wala’ wa al-bara must never be intimate with, certainly not love, non-Muslims—even when married to them—though they can have carnal relations with them.)
Even so, Muslim women remain the primary incubators for the jihad—and many of them see it as their obligation. A Christian Eritrean volunteer and translator who worked in migrant centers in Germany and was often assumed to be Muslim by the migrants, confessed last year that “Muslim migrants often confide in her and tell her about their dislike towards Christians,” and that “a number of the Muslim migrants she has spoken to have revealed a hatred for Christians and are determined to destroy the religion.” How they plan on doing this is telling: “Some women told me, ‘We will multiply our numbers. We must have more children than the Christians because it’s the only way we can destroy them here.’”
The notion that more Muslim births mean more Muslim power is so ingrained among Muslims that recommendations of “family planning” in West Africa—which, despite its scarcity of resources, has the highest birthrate in the world—is regularly seen by Muslims as a Western conspiracy. “The West’s policy is about reducing our numbers,” said Hassane Seck, an imam from Senegal. “Because of their perverse promotion of contraception, women in Europe are no longer fertile, but ours are. There are going to be many more of us, and they’re afraid.” The report adds that he and other “imams cite a passage in the Koran imploring Muslims to ‘go forth and multiply,’ and family planning is seen by many in the region as a Western plot to curb the spread of Islam.” Little wonder that one of every three people on earth are expected to be Muslim by 2070.
“We have 50 million Muslims in Europe,” Muammar Gaddafi claimed back in 2006, more realistically adding, “There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe—without swords, without guns, without conquest—will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades.” Ongoing polls and reports suggest this long cherished Muslim dream may not be so farfetched.
One recent Pew report says that the Muslim population of Europe could triple by 2050—just when all those baby Muhammads are coming of age, and when the imams will “call” on them. In Germany alone, nearly 20 percent of the population could be Muslim by 2050; considering that the average Muslim man is more zealous over his way of and purpose in (Islamic) life than the average German male, 20 percent is not too little for an Islamic takeover of—or at least mass havoc in—Germany. Yet the report also finds that even “if all migration into Europe were to immediately and permanently stop” and due to significantly higher Muslim birthrates, Europe’s Muslim population will still grow significantly, to about 36 million, almost double the current population.
Not that many Western Europeans seem to care; some are even glad to see their own kind die off and be replaced by Muslims—such as Dr. Stefanie von Berg, who exulted before the German parliament: “Mrs. President, ladies and gentlemen. Our society will change. Our city will change radically. I hold that in 20, 30 years there will no longer be a [German] majority in our city. …. And I want to make it very clear, especially towards those right wingers: This is a good thing!” Meanwhile, “the head of Germany’s domestic intelligence agency is lobbying for a repeal of laws restricting security surveillance of minors under the age of 14, arguing that the country is facing grave risks from what the German media dubs ‘kindergarten jihadists.’”
From here one understands the true root of the immediate problem—and, as usual, it is not so much Muslims as it is perverse Westerners. After all, Muslims being fertile and procreating—traditionally seen in the West as a “blessing”—is not intrinsically blameworthy. Conversely, Westerners who push for “multiculturalism,” encourage their female population to incubate future, homegrown jihadis, and take in and support vast numbers of Muslim men, their many wives and even more children in tow, are to blame. Islam is not invading and taking over by the edge of the sword as it once did; Westerners are doing everything to enable it, to their own detriment.
Such are the signs of the times: a moribund culture—typified by nihilism, hedonism, cynicism, and perhaps most tellingly, dropping birth rates—simply has little to live for and gives way to a more zealous one, just as Anglo-French historian Hilaire Belloc (b.1870) predicted nearly a century ago: “The recrudescence of Islam, the possibility of that terror under which we lived for centuries reappearing, and of our civilization again fighting for its life against what was its chief enemy for a thousand years, seems fantastic,” he wrote, before explaining:
Cultures spring from religions; ultimately the vital force which maintains any culture is its philosophy, its attitude toward the universe; the decay of a religion involves the decay of the culture corresponding to it—we see that most clearly in the breakdown of Christendom today. […] In Islam there has been no such dissolution of ancestral doctrine—or, at any rate, nothing corresponding to the universal break-up of religion in Europe. The whole spiritual strength of Islam is still present in the masses of Syria and Anatolia, of the East Asian mountains, of Arabia, Egypt and North Africa. The final fruit of this tenacity, the second period of Islamic power, may be delayed—but I doubt whether it can be permanently postponed.
The decay of any nation or system starts when rational thought goes out the window by those opting to use hysterical monologues to gain sway over the ignorant for personal aggrandizement and agenda.
Specifically, religion is the problem because it is organized around the idiotic beliefs of Gods in the sky. When anyone refuses to face the facts of their reality then we must give them a wide berth because humans can be easily sway by that prolonged hysteria. All in all, it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy when guilt us used as a manipulative tool to keep the masses ignorant about what truths are staring right in the face.
Please reconsider what you are saying. Why is it that our mostly secular leaders today, operating without any religion to keep them from seeing facts, cannot read and state simple truths about Islam as clearly as John Quincy Adams did circa 1827? I would posit that you are 180 degrees wrong. Our present secular leaders exhibit moral decay and muddled thinking precisely because they have no moral authority. They make it up as they go along. Our nation’s decay is due to the loss of religious based moral authority. The clear headed, religious men of 191 years ago, would say too many men today think just the way you do.
Hmmmm……. Interesting, but you seeming have forgotten about reality. You religionist have had over two thousand years to get it right and you have not gained one inch in helping humanity control their Animalistic Territorial Imperatives. So, maybe you should rethink what you are buying into because it obviously has not worked even though you trot it out with such moral authority that you actually believe you speak for a God.
The height of Insanity is continuing to do what you have always done but expect different results at every turn. You’ve had your chance, now give rational thought a chance.
I know we have gained because we did construct the United States and that Nation despite all the critique she may have in it has become the best place to live free and has been even by just merely existing an example for the world besides the Christian religion has brought us universities and hospitals and all the good things that make civilization worth having look at Muslim culture what’s that brought us even in the Muslim countries it’s all divided it’s all very backwards ohm very brutal even the civilizing effects in Muslim countries as the Muslims themselves say are only things introduced to them by the West without us would be just blood in the sword so yes Christianity has had an influence for good through the Millennia hey check it out read any book by Lee Strobel Easy-to-Read nice and short the case for God the case for Christ two good books
Ha ha ha hahahah, A Case For God and/or Christ? Oh really? There is no case my friend because neither can be proven, and believe me “Faith” is not proof nor are the words in the bible. In other words, if you believe in the bible or Koran you are a fool who has been hoodwinked by something or someone more clever than humanity. You can call him the devil, or God, or an Alien, but you have been and are manipulated such that you and your ilk are truly suffering from, “The Stockholm Syndrome” !
Check out the death toll that atheist communism brought in the 20th century alone – it still goes on in the 21st century but this is just the 20th century… take note the Nazis were more about paganism BUT their ‘god’ was Hitler just as the commies worshipped their ‘gods’ who were nothing but mere men – evil men.
Collectivist Regime Religion Millions Murdered Period
[USSR] Atheist 61.911 1917-1987
Chinese Commies [PRC] Atheist 35.236 1949-1987
[Nazis] Pagan 20.946 1933-1945
China (Mao Soviets) Atheist 3.466 1923-1949
Cambodian Commies Atheist 2.035 1975-1979
Vietnamese Commies Atheist 1.670 1945-1987
Polish Communists Atheist 1.585 1945-1948
Yugoslavian Socialists Atheist 1.072 1944-1987
N. Korean Commies Atheist 1.663 1948-1987
Grand Total 129.6 70 Years
Sorry, but no brass ring my friend. There are no substantive facts to back up those claims of Atheism. That is just more hyperbole to try and convince an ignorant people. Lying about such things does not due your agenda any good, because it makes you look like a fool. What you are promoting is that a fear of God will keep animalistic humans in their place. Obviously it has not worked. You also seemingly forgot to mention the millions of innocent American Indians your christian forefathers butchered in such righteousness as to make me puke !
Wow you sure are True Believer all of these communist ideologies sought to Stamp Out God in any form instead make the state the final God and they destroyed people by the thousands by the millions to make sure to get what they wanted and even then they failed why do you kick against the facts that are in front of your face it’s so easy just read a little open your mind a little it takes more faith to not believe in things like intelligent design or a designer than it does to actually understand that there was a nun caused caused in back of all of it even the philosophers say that before there was anything there had to be a God to make it happen and I’m talkin secular philosophers so yeah the person who has the most faith is an atheist cuz he believes in nothing it’s pretty hard to believe in nothing when there’s so much everything around us
Oh, there is intelligent design all right, I’ll give you that, but it is not coming from where you think. When you finally figure out who and what your Gods are, then come at me and I’ll be glad to discuss it with you.
Also, do your writing in “Word” before hand where you can do some editing so your comments are not as rambling and incoherent.
God is the giver of all truth and unless you know Him you will never know the truth. I hope you will seek God while He may still be found. You can reach Him through prayer.
If one does not have a biblical world view, what “truth” does one live by?
In these times the majority in the West have rejected God and His moral law and the consequences are very evident in the chaotic and compassionless society we find ourselves in.
Some time ago Gadaffi of Libya also said Islam will conquer the West through the womb. We are helping them bring that about by killing our own infants through abortion. God will not be mocked and there will be consequences.
Not believing in God does not change the truth of His existence and being.
Oh honey, I know the truth all right, and you aren’t even close to it. You have no idea as to who or what your Gods are, yet you would get down on your collective knees to service them while they pat you on the head saying good girl that feels so wonderful, (you get the picture). In this day and age only the low IQ and ignorant fools believe as you do, because it is so obviously wrong it makes rational people laugh and one of the reasons your churches are losing parishioners left and right, because your churches and beliefs no longer serve our people.
Your words … ‘only the low IQ and ignorant fools believe…’. It is self evident that many highly intelligent people are believers. Perhaps you should think a little more and not make such careless statements. It reflects poorly on your ability to make a sound argument.
Sound argument eh? Hmmmm…… You do know what that means don’t you? What I wrote just doesn’t agree with your opinion, but then you use that word to try and insult me. I am not so easily hurt my friend. But, you must know this, even highly educated men and women can ignorant fools if they believe in fairy tales.
I’ll keep saying it until I die, and it is this; You religionist have no idea who or what your Gods are, yet you continue to promote your Stockholm Syndrome as if it is a medal of honor.
Remember this; “The greatest trick the Devil every pulled was to
convince you he was the opposite of what he really is.”
Psalm 33:12Blessed is the nation whose God is Yahweh, the people whom he has chosen for his own inheritance.
Jeremiah 1:11Moreover the word of Yahweh came to me, saying, “Jeremiah, what do you see?” I said, “I see a branch of an almond tree.”
12Then Yahweh said to me, “You have seen well; for I watch over my word to perform it.”
There is a thriving Black Market all across Europe in which they’re smuggling heavy weapons AK-47s crates of grenades by the score so there’s no mistake what’s going to happen very soon in Europe