The plague of Islamic terrorism is based on “grievances” against Israel—so says Al Azhar, the world’s most prestigious madrasa (or Muslim “university”) that co-hosted Barrack Obama’s 2009 “A New Beginning” speech. During a recently televised Egyptian interview, Ahmed Al Tayeb—Al Azhar’s grand imam, once named the “most influential Muslim in the world”—said:
I have noticed that they are always telling us that terrorism is Islamic. All those mouthpieces that croak—out of ignorance or because they were told to—that the Al-Azhar curricula are the cause of terrorism never talk about Israel, about Israel’s prisons, about the genocides perpetrated by the Zionist entity state…. If not for the abuse of the region by means of the Zionist entity, there would never have been any problem. The Middle East and the region would have progressed, and the Arab individual would have been like any other person in the world, enjoying a good life, or at least enjoying the right to live in peace.
There’s certainly much to comment on here. First, Al Azhar has in fact been exposed time and time again teaching the same “anti-infidel” and supremacist doctrines that groups like the Islamic State rely on. After being asked why Al Azhar, which is in the habit of denouncing secular thinkers as un-Islamic, refuses to denounce the Islamic State as un-Islamic, Sheikh Nasr, a scholar of Islamic law and graduate of Al Azhar, said:
It can’t [condemn the Islamic State as un-Islamic]. The Islamic State is a byproduct of Al Azhar’s programs. So can Al Azhar denounce itself as un-Islamic? Al Azhar says there must be a caliphate and that it is an obligation for the Muslim world [to establish it]. Al Azhar teaches the law of apostasy and killing the apostate. Al Azhar is hostile towards religious minorities, and teaches things like not building churches, etc. Al Azhar upholds the institution of jizya [extracting tribute from religious minorities]. Al Azhar teaches stoning people. So can Al Azhar denounce itself as un-Islamic?
But what of Tayeb’s other point, that because Israel “abuses” Palestinians (meaning fellow Muslims), aggrieved Muslims around the world have had no choice but to turn to jihad/terrorism? This of course is another rehashing of the “Muslim grievance” myth popularized by al-Qaeda post 9/11. Back in 2009, Bin Laden said:
You [Americans] should ask yourselves whether your security, your blood, your sons, your money, your jobs, your homes, your economy, and your reputation are more dear to you than the security and economy of the Israelis…. Let me say that we have declared many times, over more than two and a half decades, that the reason for our conflict with you is your support for your Israeli allies, who are occupying our land of Palestine [emphasis added].
Needless to say, this message was (and continues to be) swallowed hook line and sinker by many Western analysts—even as bin Laden was stressing to fellow Muslims (in Arabic) the “real reason for our conflict”:
Our talks with the infidel West and our conflict with them ultimately revolve around one issue — one that demands our total support, with power and determination, with one voice — and it is: Does Islam, or does it not, force people by the power of the sword to submit to its authority corporeally if not spiritually? Yes. There are only three choices in Islam: [1] either willing submission [conversion]; [2] or payment of the jizya, through physical, though not spiritual, submission to the authority of Islam; [3] or the sword — for it is not right to let him [an infidel] live. The matter is summed up for every person alive: Either submit, or live under the suzerainty of Islam, or die [The Al Qaeda Reader, p. 42].
More emboldened jihadis have of late dropped the façade. In an article unambiguously titled, “Why We Hate You & Why We Fight You,” the Islamic State confessed that “We hate you, first and foremost, because you are disbelievers.” As for any and all political “grievances,” these are “secondary” reasons for the jihad:
What’s important to understand here is that although some might argue that your foreign policies are the extent of what drives our hatred, this particular reason for hating you is secondary, hence the reason we addressed it at the end of the above list. […] The fact is, even if you were to stop bombing us, imprisoning us, torturing us, vilifying us, and usurping our lands, we would continue to hate you because our primary reason for hating you will not cease to exist until you embrace Islam. Even if you were to pay jizyah and live under the authority of Islam in humiliation, we would continue to hate you [emphasis added].
This threefold choice, then—conversion, subjugation/jizya, or the sword—is the ultimate source of conflict between Islam and everyone else; it’s why prudent non-Muslims have always found the question of achieving permanent peace with the Islamic world an unsolvable problem. As professor of law James Lorimer (1818-90) wrote over a century ago:
So long as Islam endures, the reconciliation of its adherents, even with Jews and Christians [“People of the Book”], and still more with the rest of mankind, must continue to be an insoluble problem. … For an indefinite future, however reluctantly, we must confine our political recognition to the professors of those religions which … preach the doctrine of “live and let live” (The Institutes of the Law of Nations, p. 124).
In other words, political recognition—with all the attendant negotiations, diplomacy, and concessions that come with it—should be granted to all religions/civilizations except Islam, which does not reciprocate nor recognize the notion of “live and let live” (as evinced for example by the Koran’s commands for Muslims to “enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong” (e.g., 3:110)—that is, enforce Sharia upon earth).
Nor is Islamic supremacism confined to doctrines and scriptures that are “open to interpretation”; history makes an equally ironclad case. As I document in my forthcoming book, Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West, Muslims, through countless jihads, invaded and eventually conquered some ¾ of all Christian lands; the scale of destruction and atrocities accompanying these jihads make Islamic State atrocities seem like child’s play.
If Israel had nothing to do with all this—it did not even exist—are we really to believe that grievances against it are responsible for Al Azhar still teaching, and Muslims still upholding, the same doctrines that caused them to terrorize all non-Muslims for centuries?
No, this is yet another case of Muslim apologists trying to kill two birds with one stone: portraying—and thus exonerating—Islamic terrorism as inevitable, grievance-based reactions to Israel, which deserves all blame. In reality, the ultimate “grievance” Muslims have against all non-Muslims is just that—that they are non-Muslim, inferior infidels that must be subjugated one way or the other.
That so many in the West, particularly politicians, actually buy into the lie that without Israel (Jews ) the world would dwell in perfect harmony is evidenced by the ridiculous policies biased against that country. Whether from conviction or expediency, they vote against Israel in the UN, pay Palestinians to kill Jews ( sanctimoniously called humanitarian aid ) ignore violent anti-Semitism within their own borders, ironically, whilst simultaneously rushing through punitive measures against “offending Islamic sensibilities.” Constant, inhumane persecution of infidels and Muslims– by Muslims will rarely reach our media, but one incident in Israel will elicit howls of outrage and be discussed ad nauseam in Parliaments everywhere. National Socialism achieved its judenrein status through ideology. We attempt to achieve it through pragmatism.
Thank goodness the people like you exist. Obama merely encouraged Anti-semitism rife among Muslims.
Just grateful the word you used was “objective “and not “objectionable. Raymond Ibrahim’s article was excellent as usual. So long as it receives a wider audience, I am honoured if my modest comment is tacked on the end. Congratulations on the virtual jail !
Not pragmatism, just stupidity and willful blindness.
I used to believe that. You know the question we all ask “who elected those dummies ?” But listen to their bland words and it becomes rather improbable that they really are that stupid and survived childhood. Back in the 30s and 40s we heard Hitler state his intention to get rid of the Jews, Masons, etc. We ignored him. Afterwards the world wrung its collective hands and vowed never again. Yet here we are again . Islam vows to rid the world of Jews, Christians, all infidel and we don’t just ignore them. We pay them. We smile bovinely and say they don’t mean it. Theirs is THE religion of peace. We facilitate them. Stupid like a fox.
Judaism is a criminal religion and here is the proof:
Masons are criminals
and ISIS loves Israhell
Wahabism a.k.a. radical Islam was created by a Doenmhe Crypto Jew and the British agent Mr. Hempher according to classified report from Saddam Hussein Secret Service, translated by US Armed forces
Hitler wanted PEACE!
Mr. Livingstone, why the alias ? In all cultures there will exist anomalies. You are living proof.
I second your point of view, I would keep my mouth shut if I had such irrational thoughts!
That is exactly what Imeant. For some reason! it suits them to turn a blind eye and mouth platitudes. I can only speculate that money is involved, why else would they betray their countries in the way they are?
Puzzles me. Fear ? Ideology ? Ambition ? A combination ?
Bush & Shrub: $$, Obamination: filial piety. The rest: enormity. If vampirism was real, would we suffer vampires to live? What is the difference between vampirism and Islam? Shoah & Crusades?
Raymond, thank you for your article as it gives people an understanding of the indoctrinated minds of Muslims. History, as you reveal in your books, shows it was Islamic armies that destroyed many civilizations and killed millions of people who would not follow Islam. The basic document used to indoctrinate the Muslim mind is the Qur’an. What must be done to reveal the abominable verses in the Qur’an is people-to-people communication on a Worldwide scale. This is the best way to EXPOSE the Qur’an so that Islamic leaders and scholars are embarrassed of its shameful beliefs and are pressured to REVISE the Qur’an. Readers who care to help solve the Islamic problem are requested to join in the Worldwide Communication Campaign presented in the link below:
Sure it will; so what was their excuse for the over 1300 years between Muhammad and the return of Israel as a nation during which their hate and violent behavior was just as obvious as it is today??? Just asking….
Sahih Bukhari 1.8.387 and the || quote from Sidi to Thomas Jefferson. See Wikipedia: “The First Barbary War”. See also my recent series “Why Peace Is Impossible”.
I don’t consider Wikipedia a reliable source, but I’m familiar with the Barbary Coast Wars and Jefferson’s actions. I also believe peace to be impossible so long as Islam exists, especially sharia. I believe the people are capable of changing and letting got that murderous and self-, as well as other- destructive ideology; but until and unless they choose to do so, they can’t be at peace even among themselves, let alone with anyone else in the world. is another excellent source, well documented. I traced the quote back to a federal register in, an invaluable resource!
My position: our government must institute a department of ideological war and set about causing the Ummah to lose their Iman and apostatize.
We don’t really need another bureaucracy to get bloated. What we NEED is for places like Dept of State to recognize the truth and threat of Islam and act accordingly toward all Muslim dominant nations; and to enforce our existing laws regarding admission of persons from such nations to the US. The WH, and Pentagon need to acknowledge what Jefferson, Adams’, and others knew 2 centuries ago too. BTW wikiislam is locked down currently.
VOA concentrated on Communism. I do not know if that has changed. Foggy Bottom is so heavily infiltrated that it will not likely be drained in 4 or 8 years. Even the Pentagon is too far gone.
When Voice of America was operating, Communism was the bigger threat; the Iron and Bamboo curtains were solidly down and people imprisoned behind them in largely deplorable conditions. Islam was only a threat to Israel realistically and not too much at that; they got their tails whipped on more than 1 occasion there.
As for the swamp and Pentagon; let’s just say there may be some serious changes afoot that the public isn’t yet aware of, but soon will be.
The document and expert purge by Obaminoids must be reversed.
Judicial Watch, Tom Fitton’s site is working to gather documents and I think DoJ is doing more than has been broadcast, in order to present tight cases in court.
The expunged materials should be debated in congressional hearings to show that they are objective and factual; worthy of restoration.
I just loaded the main page of with no problem.
Maybe they’re unlocked now; it was locked when I tried to set up an account earlier today, right before I posted that.
Let us, for the love of life & liberty, rise up with one loud voice, contumaciously and disrespectfully demanding official government action on this criterium quote:
“So long as Islam endures, the reconciliation of its adherents, even with
Jews and Christians [“People of the Book”], and still more with the
rest of mankind, must continue to be an insoluble problem. … For an
indefinite future, however reluctantly, we must confine our political
recognition to the professors of those religions which … preach the
doctrine of “live and let live” (The Institutes of the Law of Nations, p. 124).
We must demand designation of Islam as a foreign terrorist organization. It must be delisted as a religion. Islam is a war machine; an Arab Mafia and must be recognized as such!!!
islamist have various pretext and excuses for jihad because making pretext will victimize and justify the violent acts committed in name of islam
and islamic violence existed before israel was created and the history is again repeating
and even if israel did not exist islamist will take another pretext like existence of iran which shia dominated country as reason for sunni grievance and islamic terrorism