A February Rasmussen report sheds light on just how divorced from reality millions of American liberal voters are. After pointing out that “Democrats are more likely to think Muslims are mistreated in America than to think Christians are persecuted in the Islamic world,” the report elaborates:
Fifty-six percent (56%) of Democrats, however, believe most Muslims in this country [America] are mistreated, a view shared by only 22% of Republicans and 39% of voters not affiliated with either major party. Fewer Democrats (47%) think most Christians are mistreated in the Islamic world, compared to 76% of GOP voters and 64% of unaffiliateds.… Women are more likely than men to think most American Muslims are mistreated here but less likely to believe Christians are mistreated in the Islamic world. Nearly as many voters under 40 think most Muslims are mistreated in America (51%) as think most Christians are mistreated in the Muslim world (57%).
To put these dismal statistics in perspective, consider some facts. Open Doors, an international human rights organization that publishes annual reports concerning the global persecution of Christians, noted in its most recent report: “215 million Christians experience high levels of persecution.” During 2017, a reported 3,066 Christians were killed, 1,252 abducted, and 1,020 raped or sexually harassed on account of their faith. And 793 churches were attacked or destroyed.
The overwhelming majority of this slaughter and destruction occurred in 50 nations — 38 of which are Muslim-majority.
“Islamic oppression” is further responsible for the “extreme persecution” of Christians — meaning the abuse, rape, imprisonment, or slaughter of Christians on sight — in eight of the worst ten nations. “Every day,” the organization adds, “six women are raped, sexually harassed or are forced into marriage to a Muslim under threat of death due to their Christian faith.”
The above statistics are actually conservative. Based on the findings of the Italian-based Center for Studies on New Religions, “90,000 Christians died for their faith in 2016” alone, a great many under Islam.
It’s worth noting that the overwhelming majority of Muslims persecuting Christians are not “terrorists” (at least not formally), but rather come from all rungs of Muslim society.
Take Egypt, for example (the 17th worst nation where Christians experience “very high persecution”). According to the report, along with “violent religious groups,” two other segments of society are “Very Strong[ly]” responsible for the persecution: (1) “Non-Christian religious leaders” — meaning Muslim clerics, sheikhs, imams, and the rest — “at any level from local to national”; and (2) “Normal citizens (people from the general public), including mobs.”
Similarly, “officials at any level from local to national” are “strongly responsible” for the “oppression” of Egypt’s Christians, particularly “through their failure to vindicate the rights of Christians and also through their discriminatory acts which violate the fundamental rights of Christians.”
That the same segments of Muslim society are involved in the same patterns of persecution of Christians throughout the Islamic world — despite the racial, linguistic, cultural, and economic-political differences of all these African, Asian, Arab, and Caucasian nations — further underscores the only commonality, or true source of the persecution: Islam.
Now, compare all this to the supposedly worse — in liberal minds — “mistreatment” Muslims suffer in America.
According to a November 2017 Pew report: “In 2016, there were 127 reported [Muslim] victims of aggravated or simple assault.” In the preceding decades, assaults on Muslims averaged around 50 a year.
Even if this number were accurate, it pales in comparison to what millions of Christians — not 127 — are experiencing under Islam. But the fact is many of these anti-Muslim hate crimes are later found to have been fabricated or grossly exaggerated. Note, for instance, how the Pew report conflates “assaults” with “simple assaults” — even though the latter “does not involve physical contact with the victim.”
Moreover, Muslims in America do not experience institutionalized persecution — that is, persecution at the hands of governments, authorities, and police — as Christians under Islam do.
And there is a final ironic difference: Muslim persecution of Christians is religiously motivated and built on Islamic doctrines that portray non-Muslims as subhuman chattel. And that’s what the “assaults” and “simple assaults” on Muslims are generally motivated by, or rather in response to: Americans knowing and disliking what Muslims are about. That such assaults are so exceptionally rare proves that Americans understand what makes such values incompatible with our laws.
Nonetheless, and as usual, all these actual facts have little to do with what a significantly large segment of the American voting population — mostly liberals/Democrats, a majority under 40 and female — believe.
Why they are so misinformed becomes apparent when one understands that liberal media is dedicated to maintaining liberal Narratives at all costs: in this case, that Christians are always the aggressors, Muslims always the misunderstood victims.
Thus, when journalist Shannon Bream recently announced a forthcoming segment on the growth of Christian persecution around the world, ABC’s Matthew Dowd tweeted: “Maybe you can talk about the bigger problem which is persecution of Muslims in America and around the globe. Bigger issue.”
The truly “bigger issue” is that tens of millions of Americans are so deluded as to believe — and inevitably base their votes on — the inverse of reality.
Matthew Dowd is a moron, which explains why he works for America’s Bullshit and Corruption.
Thank you Ray, more America should read your work.
Why do people have such a hard time understanding that Muslim persecution of Christians is part and parcel of Islam’s overall plan to conquer the world? Maybe it’s just because the Islamic plan of world conquest is such a “slow-rolling jihad”. In other words, how can Islamic jihad really be a threat to anyone if it’s been going on for fourteen hundred years and still hasn’t succeeded? Hopefully your new book will go a long way to correct the obviously false impressions and misconceptions about these issues that seem to be so rampant and pervasive in the world today. Keep up the great work.
The untold millions who have died at the hands of Muslims over the past 1400 would consider the Jihad a success.Death is death, the destruction of. Whole societies is a success even if reversed at times.
What a laugh this article is on Christians treating the
muslim invaders poorly when this is happening in one of the most
conservative states in the USA: “5 Things to know about Muslim Day at the Capitol”
15 Christians are on death row on Pakistan for blasphemy against Islam. You are a dissembling liar.
Liar ? Can you read you Mark Dice video star? Gutless Oklahoma is welcoming these satan worshiping bastards at the state capital.That link is above. After you read that look at Mark Dice interviewing your type at https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=mark+dice+videos
You are so full of it. To make equivalence between the plight of Muslims in the West to the plight of Christians in Muslim dominated nations is complete ignorance or outright lies. In your case it is obviously the latter. Christians wrote the Bill of Rights. Muslims wrote sharia. Christ founded Christianity. The pedophile, warlord, polygamous, rapist, conquerers, deceiver, murderer Mohammed founded Islam. Congratulations, you support the world’s most retrograde force other than Satanism
I’ve lived it in muslim nations you complete naive ass where right down the street from us on every muslim sabbath they did the stonings, amputations, and beheadings every muslim sabbath which is Friday. That was in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and Cairo, Egypt. Awaken to reality fool!
You are a liar. You have never lived in a Muslim nation. And, you are a liar and you know it while you make equivalence between the classic liberal West and Dar Islam. Millions of people who suffer under the yoke of Islam in Muslim dominated authoritarian states hate you and the b.s. you peddle.
You use “liar” rather liberally. Likely because you are a liberal. I’ve done enough time in those turd world islamic hell holes to know when flying Air Force missions out of those countries. I’d be willing to bet you’ve never even visited islamic countries.
Maybe I misread you. I am saying that Islam is hostile to liberty, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and to all non Muslims. I am saying that there is no equivalence between the Christian West, which authored the Bill of Rights and classic liberalism and the AUTHORITARIANISM and totalitarianism of Islam. Islam, not “radical Islam” is the greatest threat to our liberty through demographic and political jihad aided by many, the biggest allies of ISLAMIZATION being progressive Democrat Party secularists.
Yes you did misread me. We are in total agreement.
1000 apologies Brother.
Apology accepted 😉
The Liberal press in the USA is educating them according to the wishes of the king of this world 2Cor 4:4
In the U.s., on a daily basis, people are “assaulted”…some serious, some not so much. Anyone living in the country might be a victim of assault…by a criminal seeking money or other valuables, or because the criminal couldn’t locate a dog to kick.. moslims are no more likely to be victims of this kind of crime than the average Joe or Jane who is dressed in the usual western attire. However, any time that a moslim might be a victim, one can bet that it will be proclaimed as a “hate” crime against a moslim, instead of the usual thing that happens on a daily basis. If a Christian in this country is assaulted, that one will likely chalk it up to the usual activity of a criminal and not shout “hate crime.”
The lies that those people who say moslims in the U.S. have it worse than Christians anywhere, remind me of what happened in the Garden of Eden. Our Creator told Adam and Eve, “If you eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you will die in the day of your eating.”
Then s.tan the d.vil, the “father of lies,” told Eve that she “will not die, but will be like God, knowing good and bad.” In other words, she would not need God to tell her anything…she would be all-knowing.
Eve believed the lie. People have been believing lies from s.tan the d.vil ever since, even when what he claims has been proven, countless times, to be a pack of lies. Some people are just more comfortable and satisfied when hearing a lie than when hearing…or seeing with their own eyes…the truth.
It is not just one against the other. Both religions are culpable and no one knows who threw the first punch. Christians pretend to not be doing or saying the very things they are doing and saying, while Muslims say they’ll kill you straight to your face. Which is worse? Both are or have been brutal in their intended acquisitions of resources and or land. This is no longer a religious problem, but a human problem whose divisiveness is known to be world wide.
Until humans begin to understand that it is all of us who need to fully grasp exactly what we are dealing with here, we as a race will not step up from being just animals pretending to be human. The toughest part of being human is dealing with our “Animalistic Territorial Imperatives”. Humans justify every action from an intellectual perspective, that are mostly lies which have been filter through those A.T. Imperatives.
There is much more to say on this subject, but need less to say, we had been given instructions in how to deal with this aspect of ourselves. But First, we must admit what we are as well as who we are as a species, before we can take that first step up and out from under our self imposed Stockholm Syndrome !
You are a dear facto Islamist. Christians wrote the First Amendment idiot.
Hardly my friend. Christians did not write our First Amendment. Those gentlemen who wrote our Constitution along with the Bill of Right, almost to a person belonged to one of few secret societies at the time, some of which are still valid today. They may have lived like Christians, but they were far more advanced than most Christians today. They knew things then, that guys like you are only vaguely aware of today.
So before you go off half cocked calling me an idiot, you might want to do some reading of real history, not the crap fed you in high school.
Talk about wacked out conspiracy theories. You take the cake. So all members of the Colonial legislatures, the Continental Congress, the Constitutional Convention were members of secret social organizations. And, although 95% of the nation was Protestant and another 3% Catholic, the nation’s leaders all were in some secret society. You are delusional and you are a complete enemy of liberty by making equivalence between Islam and Christianity. The “first punch” was thrown by Islamic jihad as was the second, third, fourth ad infinitum until around 1000 BC the Roman Catholic decided to fight back rather than just defend themselves.
Yep, pretty much there, Mr. Bilbo Baggins, just because you don’t want to believe it really is of no consequence. Why do you think those men stepped into the positions of putting together our Declaration of Independence and Constitution?
Why? Because all those namby pamby Christians couldn’t be bothered, because turning the other cheek was better and safer than fomenting rebellion, which our founding fathers knew was the only way out from under tyranny.
They don’t teach that in your churches do they? They don’t even stand up against the deep-state tyranny we are now facing. so take your ignorance and shove it my friend, I am way ahead of you on this issue.
This you should understand; “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.”
Namby pamby Christians hey. Ever been at the US Military cemetery at Normandy? There are crosses on all the graves. Ask anyone in combat if they got a little closer to God. The Lexington Militia sang the Congregational hymn Old Hundred, ” Praise Ye Jehovah All the Earth” minutes before facing down the British. Washington, all the members of his cabinet and all the members of Congress went to St. Paul’s Chapel in Lower Manhattan for A FOUR HOUR PRAYER SERVICE ON THEIR KNEES after Washington was inagurated swearing to Jehavah on a Bible. Washington included Protestant Chaplins in the Continental Army. The “Father of the American Revolution” is, of course, Sam Adams, a devout Congregationalist. So, your assertions are as asinine as they are stupid.
An absolutely non-sequitur reply. Are you really so stupid to believe that a cross on a grave makes a person a Christian as you seemingly imply?
Obviously you have no understanding of culture and the significance of symbols. The West has been DOMINATED by Christian thought since Constantine. America was, in our colonial period over 95% Protestant during this same period and idiots like you, jealous secularists deny the overwhelming influence of Christianity. Ben Franklin is a perfect example of the FACT of the overwhelming Christian nature of THE FOUNDING FATHERS. At the Constitutional Convention, during a moment of impasse, Franklin, born and raised by Puritan parents in Boston, who was himself a member of the largest Episcopal Church in Philadelphia, rose and addressed the members stating “God intervenes in the lives of men”. He then quoted THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT and called for prayer. Ate you stupid enough to believe he was appealing to a group of fanatics like you.
But yet he was also fomenting the beginnings of a rebellion. Would you Christians today do that? Doesn’t appear so…… Also my fine feather friend, just who do you think took our military into at least a third of the nations on earth to change them? That very military who supposedly have all those white crosses on their graves.
It is time for the pretense of religion to take a back seat to a true moralistic view of humanity. The two largest religions are so full of themselves, they believe it is their due to take the world by storm whether our civilization wants it or not. Again, they are both culpable.
There is nothing Muslims which speaks truth, Muslims have filthy habits and filthy minds to go with them. They are disgusting to the majority of humanity, they are lowest form of human life, Copulating with poor animals, then inserting their members into women rape victims, spreading diseases, schizophrenic, worshipers of Satan. How come i am the only woman around who sees these misogynistic scumbags for what they are. How can the press and politicians not see what we are dealing with.? How is it our ignorant politicians don’t know their history? The attitude toward Muslims is totally irrational, emotional and naive. If the sane of society do not fight back we are lost. We have to scupper these morons.
No Madam the democrats do see and they are a part of it and the republicans also see but are afraid they won’t get re-elected. I would much rather spend one term in office doing what’s right than to hide my head in the sand and lose my principles because I wanted to get re-elected. Atleast I could go out with a clear conscience and my dignity in tact.
You are not the only woman.
Those who do not see are blinded by their unbelief.
Glad to meet you and a relief others think like me!
The false narrative is pushed by the progressives because the progressives share LUSTS with Muslims:
1. An extreme hatred of Christianity
3. Cleptocracy
4. Sexual license
If you look at number 4 that would be because there just isn’t enough camels or asses around for them to sexually enjoy themselves with.
No doubt.
The power of propaganda and misinformation, the all important and sacrosanct narrative, disseminated by the willfully ignorant “talking heads” on a delusional throng of easily manipulated, pseudo intellectuals.
Having been carefully indoctrinated in our venerable institutions of “higher learning” these narcissistic individuals remain steadfastly convinced that their view is the absolutely correct one. That they are the useful idiots being manipulated by an encroaching societal cancer that will ultimately destroy western civilization, is nowhere on their Utopian horizon.
Heaven help the rest of us if this crowd continues to grow while those ringing the alarm bells continue to be castigated, maligned, impugned and accused of being psychotic alarmists, “Islamophobes.”
The false narrative is pushed by the progressives because the progressives share LUSTS with Muslims:
1. An extreme hatred of Christianity
3. Cleptocracy
4. Sexual license
the democratic party has become another extension of many other extensions of islamic terrorism.
BOTH of them (Moslems and Demoncraps) are LIARS. Do not pay attention to them.
Most people don’t realize the lie is a sign of hatred and contempt when used on you. And I think you’ll agree.
Both Demoncraps and Moslems hate your guts and treat you with contempt. Maybe we should stop feeding them? As they both rely on the generosity and culture of Christians to be kind and feed them or they BOTH would STARVE to death.
all muslimes must be deported and fenced into their own country….ALL
There is no place in America for Islamic sharia law…NOT 1inch of our land. This is a politicAl military ideology with a death sentence to non believers unless they need you or your child for a sec slave, the late A.K. Muslim leader of Iran wrote a book on Allah blessed sex with babies and children in the air an there is 22 separate verses on why to how to kill non beleivers. Islam forbids tolerance of any other religions only conquer and dominate the Muslim Brotherhood is doing just that one community at a time like ISLAMISNVILL, SO. CAROLLINA OR DEERBORN, MICHIGAN TOO MANY HAVE FALLEN to this satanic small g men cult yet too many Americans can not see the truth while our culture and history is erased to establish evil control over our GOD our lives our country.
There goes another example of the BLINDNESS of the Dems. When they start believing their own lying concoctions, they are already in the camp of the Walking Dead.
Brain-dead, soul-less did-embodied beings who belong to the realms beneath.
Jesus said, “You will know them by their fruits”. (Matt 7:15 onward)
The bottom line of this madness of kowtowing to and believing the lies of Muslims and their supporters of all stripes, is due to their rejection of the true living God and His moral law and hatred for His followers, because we are who they see when they look in the mirror.
Romans 1:18 – 32 explains the consequences for them.
“It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God”. (Hebrews 10:31)
Our people say, colours have no value to blind person, and beautiful music can’t soothe the heart of the Deaf.this
No matter the amount of evidences, brother Raymond presents, since a large segment is willfully blind and deaf, dementia or whatever you choose to call, America, and the West, are responsible for the current Islamic onslaught in the world.
Those who breed poisonous serpents in their rooms and willfully feign blindness or deafness to their poison, will surely reap tears of regrets. Shine your eyes.