What would happen if the world took Pope Francis’ advice (via a tweet)? “Do we really want peace? Then let’s ban all weapons so we don’t have to live in fear of war,” said the pontiff.
While on the surface, the disappearance of all weapons might suggest the inability to do violence, in reality, it would mean the certain annihilation of the West as a civilization.
For starters, the Pope seems to forget that violence and the things that motivate it—hate, envy, rapacity, and plain old evil—do not need weapons. Had he turned to the book he claims to represent, the Bible, he would have seen that the first act of violence—of murder—that of Cain against his brother, Abel, did not require weapons: just a violent and envious will; the brothers “were in the field [when] Cain rose against Abel his brother and killed him.” Genesis 4 does not shed light on how this first fratricide occurred but it was most assuredly done without a formal weapon—maybe a large rock, branch, or simply Cain’s bare hands.
And it is from here that one understands why the West would be swept away without weapons and walls—another defense mechanism that Pope Francis wishes to see eliminated. The same hate, envy, and rapacity that some non-Western peoples have for the West—understood in the context of a “Clash of Civilizations”—would still remain, but there would be little to stop, deter it, or keep it at bay.
Contrary to first appearances, were all weapons around the world instantly to disappear, that would not lead to an even playing field, where, if it comes to it, men limited to fighting with their fists would more or less maintain the status quo. For starters, in a world still largely defined by civilizations, the people of the West are much fewer in numbers than those of the rest of the—mostly third and desperate—world.
Already fewer Western numbers shrink even more on the realization that a great many men are not up to the task. Decades of enforced cultural emasculation has does its job, leaving many men in the West helpless and paralyzed against any would-be aggressor.
This is especially on display in the West’s interaction with Islam. One need only look to Western European nations, where the interplay of emasculated Western males and aggressive Muslim migrants are on constant display. Thanks to the latter, Sweden has become the rape capital of the world. That is not because Muslims use weapons, are stronger, or more numerous—they are still a tiny minority—but because many Swedish men have been so indoctrinated in passivity that they are not even able to protect their womenfolk.
Of course, this was not always the case. As I document in my new book, Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West, the perennial jihad against the West proceeded with advanced weapons (firearms), basic weapons (spears and knives), and no weapons at all. As tools, these were never the origins of the jihad; rather hate, envy, and rapacity fueled it. In boats or atop horses, Muslim hordes would appear anywhere unguarded—Constantinople held out as long as it did thanks to its insurmountable walls—and fight tooth and nail in the name of Allah. If not for weapons—and more importantly, men willing to wield them—the West and Christianity would have long ago ceased to exist.
What if that scenario were to play over again—but, per the pope’s wish, with no weapons on either side? What if, instead of being terrorized by a minority of migrants, a now totally disarmed Sweden was invaded by massive hordes from every direction?
Francis’ logic, “let’s ban all weapons so we don’t have to live in fear of war” is unsound: we have never needed weapons “to live in fear of war.” As long as the will to do violence exists, violence will be done. A “pope” of all people should know that.
And until such time that masculinity is reclaimed in the West—instead of always and everywhere being denounced as “toxic”—the West is going to need every manmade weapon, deterrent and safeguard available to prevent its own collapse.
There is definitely something unique about Islam. It’s almost as if its promise of “submission and peace” has the power to charm and move its adversaries into a state of hypnotic paralysis and completely irrational ideas. How else can we understand, much less explain, the fact that the Pope of the Catholic Church is recommending throwing down our weapons in the face of the most dangerous threat to Christianity since the death of Jesus Christ. The slow implosion and subjugation of Western Civilization might almost seem miraculous if it didn’t carry with it the simultaneous threats of death, forced conversion, or absolute slavery.
Consider the possibility that he’s working for the same person who is their deity under a different name. I have believed since his appearance on the scene that Francis is the “false prophet” of prophecies concerning the end times and in which case it would be Satan for whom he works; the same Satan who appeared to Muhammad pretending to be “Gabriel” and supposedly beat him terribly then dictated the Quran to him. Paul tells us that Satan can masquerade as an angel of light. The Jesuit order have been the inner core of the NWO, since their ordination in 1540. There are so many factors involved in this, but the probability is that this is his way of bringing about the 1 world religion that will be during that last 7 years before Jesus’ return.
S’funny….but what finally stopped the Moslem conquest of the West (Austria) was WEAPONS….otherwise we’d have long since been bowing to Mecca and praying 5 times a day.
IF the pope, AND all the Hollywood elites who presume to decide for the rest of us how we should learn to live in subjugation…wish to be taken seriously, or at least not considered blatant hypocrites, let them FIRST disarm themselves….tear down the Vatican walls, send home the Swiss Guards. Let’s use THEM as the litmus test of their half-baked ideas….and then, and ONLY then…try selling US on them.
the pope lives in la-la land, with many servants and employees; many of them are armed.
Most of us live in reality and face the threats of evil and rapacity almost every day. Our most effective weapon is in our brain; if we have the patience and enough time to use it.
Unfortunately reality is always throwing us a curve.
Ray Ibrahim: you are a very smart man. So give us your take on solving this islam problem.
Another excellent article – thank you.
Furthermore, Matthew 15v18,19 also affirms that it is the heart of man that is the problem, “For out of the heart of man come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, slanders…….”
For the pope not to understand this scripture, one has to wonder if he is not a wolf in sheep’s clothing, but rather another cultural marxist who is out to destroy our Judeo/Christian culture.
Until people are willing to enter the Kingdom of God, they will be part of darkness where every abomination takes place, as is already seen in our time.
Plato (428 – 348 BC) also said, “If you wish peace, prepare for war” (Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum).
This man Franco is a simpleton, ignoramus and/ or mentally retarded. He has ONCE AGAIN exposed his stupidity.
Pray, WHO on the planet is to start the “getting rid” game. We will get to the rest of the program after that.
As Winston Churchill once said: “… and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.” But not to this disgusting, idiot Pope. Not to the CNNs, MSNBCs, ABCs, CBCs, CTVs and other pathetic morals who dream because they don’t possess the guts to face the reality or resurgent, aggressive, lying, deceiving, lower than shark dung resting on the bottom of the ocean, Islam. As the Bible says, ‘Without vision we perish’ and these disgusting pagans, Pope Francis, Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron, and other visionless fools, endanger Western civilization.
I don’t believe the pope is mentally retarded or ignorant. I believe he is wily and evil, and wants the power of controlling all the people.
“Then let’s ban all weapons so we don’t have to live in fear of war,” If one trusts in the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, then we can rely upon his guidance and protection of our faith. As Christians we do not need to worry about dying for Christ. To ban all weapons is a worldly way of thinking.
how do you ban a fist?
My belief is the pope is becoming senile! And the emasculation of our men is largely due to strident women
refusing to understand the psychology of men. The two sexes have evolved differently for obvious reasons – the survival of the human race!. Women need to start honoring who they are and what they can bring to society through the natural role intended by nature.There are always exceptions to the rule and there is room for such women they are not however the majority but a small minority.As for banning weapons the most ridiculous sentiment being bandied today by liberal retards and feminists. Go to the jungle such stupid people and observe how the Apes react under threat! Worse of all our society and in particular the third world has become too large to maintain in any way. Immigrants are largely illiterate, the few cannot provide enough taxes to maintain these idle illiterates. Worse the majority today are having difficulty supporting their own families. Compulsory birth control needs to be enforced in the third world as well as among Muhammadens who simply have no idea how to be civilized or realize the impact their over interbreeding is having on the human race.
God said,”Be fruitful and multiply”. If everyone lived in obedience to God and loved our neighbour as we are called to, there would be enough to feed everyone.
By condoning abortion and euthanasia, the so-called civilized people are no better than the illiterate. The problem in this world that is impacting the human race is called SIN and self, not over-population.
There has been no need for abortion since 1967, the pill was widely available, After around mid ’70’s morning after pill if a women had slipped up, courtesy of Prof Ian Craft Obs & Gynea Research. Too many late abortions have been condoned. Apart from the above CONDOMS have been available for over 100 years!. So men what’s your excuse? You should use them on your one night stands! Responsibility cuts both ways, and further more – too many sexual encounters with strangers leaves such men, by the the time they reach maturity anything from 40 to 60 utterly ridiculous. Old boys chasing women under 30 their most fertile years – either get married or do without. We owe it to ourselves to ensure the illiterate and interbred third world does not over breed. Too many men are refusing to marry – children need fathers as much as mothers. I am disappointed in both sexes over the last 30 years. Ever since those stupid women Germain Greer & Shia Hite came up with their crazy ideas men have become Cassanova’s and women have become……….! using abortion like birth control. is wrong. And of course we need weapons as long as ISLAM is on the loose. we need to start having kids if we are to beat Islam as well as with weapons.
There was no need for abortion after 1967, the pill was widely available, after around mid ’70’s morning after pill if a women had slipped up. Too many late abortions have been condoned. Apart from the above CONDOMS have been available for over 100 years. So men you should use them on your one night stands. Responsibility cuts both ways, and further more – too many sexual encounters with strangers leaves such men, by the reach maturity anything from 40 to 60 uttertly ridiculous. Old boys chasing women under 30 the most fertile years – either get married or do without. We owe it to ourselves to ensure the illiterate and interbred third world does not overb
I sure miss Pope John Paul.
As a non-Catholic and therefore an outsider looking in with an imperfect understanding of Catholic doctrine, it seems to me that this pope has done more violence to the traditional Catholic faith and worldview than any individual in history. I am glad he doesn’t represent me in any way. I liked the old Catholic church, even though I was never a part of it. At least then I knew what it meant.
There are times, as a practicing Catholic, when I am uncertain as to whether bears poop in the woods any more.
There are a lot of Catholics who wish we had Pope Benedict or Pope JP2 back. But the Catholic church has survived centuries with the occasional bad Pope, so we will probably survive this.
It’s fun to see this pope continue to demonstrate that he is a fool. BTW, he rules a relatively rich “country”, so how much of the wealth he commands is distributed directly to poor countries?
RE: Who Needs ‘Guns’?
Or war?
Rapists will use whatever they have on hand. Even their own hands to accomplish their nefarious goals.
The Pope wants women to be raped and murdered with no chance whatsoever to defend themselves.
Great idea, there Pope….
Pre-1600 Mideval Europe was an idyllic utopia with perfect gun control. They hadn’t been invented yet. ( So was pre- Columbian Aztec central America)
Such wonderful, safe places to live.
RE: So ‘Safe’ Way Back Then
St. Bartholomew’s Day massacre, 1572.
Sort of like Kristallnacht 1938.
And what we could expect from the Democrats today, if we should ever be so stupid as to disarm ourselves.
It would take an awful lot of weapons, war and killing to get everyone world-wide to give up their weapons. And then the survivors would promptly go about forging new ones — because they’ve seen the evil of whoever was wielding the weapons that disarmed them.
One cannot un ring a bell. One cannot call back a bullet. One cannot revive a corpse. One cannot freshen rotted meat. Utopia is just that, no-place. Come out in the world dear Pope, walk alone among the unwashed, then speak.
This Pretend Pope has not read the Bible–just a few examples:
1. Luke 11:21 “When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own mansion, his property is safe.”
2. Isaiah 49:25 “Who can snatch the plunder of war from the hands of a warrior? Who can demand that a tyrant let his captives go?”
3. Luke 22:35-37 “Then Jesus asked them, “When I sent you out to preach the Good News and you did not have money a traveler’s bag, or an extra pair of sandals, did you need anything?” “No,” they replied. “But now,” he said, “take your money and a
traveler’s bag. And if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one! For the time has come for this prophecy about me to be fulfilled: ‘He was counted among the rebels. Yes, everything written about me by the prophets will come true.”
The 565th anniversary of May 29, 1453 is nigh. Never forget.
Besides, Jesus is not a pacifist. See Luke 22:36 “…let him sell his garment and buy one” (a sword)
The Church has survived the Medici popes, She will survive Francis.
You know, it used to be humorous to ask: “is the Pope Catholic?”
and of course:
Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum
We wish peace.
then prepare for war!
Francis has demolished the doctrine of Papal infallibility entirely.
Nothing on earth has been, is or ever will be infallible! God alone.
As a non Catholic, you have the typical poor understanding of what Papal infallibiity means. It was not an ex cathedra statement on Catholic doctrine and biblical interpretation. The Pope is only considered infallible on specific Catholic doctrines, then only within the church, and normally only makes a doctrinal pronouncement after a lot of consultation and concensus. Its really just a way of providing a final authority to settle disputes on doctrine within the church, instead of protestant practice, where every preacher out there can have a totally different interpretation of the bible, and their own faith and their own denominations doctrine, and all of them are considered to be equally right. When talking off the cuff about politics he can be just as dumb and fallible as everybody else.
Worst Pope ever.
You seriously need to study Papal history.
Douay-Rhems bible, Luke 22:36: “Then said he unto them: But now he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise a scrip; and he that hath not, let him sell his coat, and buy a sword.” Jesus knew what was necessary.
The pope is a Marxist; thus, were everyone stripped of weapons, it would be easy to control them. That’s what was done in every country where weapons were confiscated, such as Cambodia, Germany, the Soviet Union, China, North Korea, Venezuela, and Cuba. Probably more that I can’t think of right now. The pope already controls the Catholics, but wants to control everyone. Islam works alongside of the Marxists, Nazis, and others.
The Pope isn’t a Marxist, he, like all the Argentinean ruling class – both left and right, is a peronist.
He does not control all Catholics. the Catholic church is very old, large, and diverse, and has survived bad popes before. You are thinking of smaller protestant denominations, where a fairly small number of leftists can totally change them. The Catholic church has a lot of size, longevity, diversity, and tradition behind it, it is not that easy to turn Marxist.
You don’t get wolves because people have guns. Rather, people have guns because there are wolves…..
For someone who doesn’t like walls, the Pontiff sure has a nice one at the Vatican. It was built in the 1600s. Probably because of all the assault rifles.
The Pope wants to ban all weapons.
Okay… and this ban will be enforced exactly how?
Is this Pope completely stupid and unaware or just on the other side?
The Vatican armory:
Getting rid of weapons puts the weak, the female, the old, the infirm and the few at the mercy of the strong, the male, the young, the able-bodied and the numerous. A gun is the only way a single woman can face down a group of men. I knew a woman, confined to a wheelchair, who kept a .22 pistol (it was all she could manage) in a pocket on the chair, and she had to use it once when a young thug thought a disabled woman in a wheelchair would be easy prey.
A Catholic whose writings I respect wrote: “It needs but one foe to breed a war, and those who have not swords can still die upon them.”
Pope needs to review the catechism. (If the Holy Spirit was guiding the last Papal election, really got to wonder why He wanted a Marxist/socialist to lead the church. Punishment for the west’s many sins – abortion, sexual deviancy etc.?) Anyway…
2265 Legitimate defense can be not only a right but a grave duty for one who is responsible for the lives of others. The defense of the common good requires that an unjust aggressor be rendered unable to harm others. For this reason, those who legitimately hold authority also have the right to use arms to repel aggressors against the civil community entrusted to their responsibility.
So, Pope, get back into the books and do your job of teaching the whole of the faith and doctrine. You can’t ban evil, you can only be ready to oppose it.
Make no mistake about it, Francis KNOWS that disarmament is bad for the good guys. Disarmament has always been advocated by devious criminals who know how to bamboozle the naïve and the stupid.