Earlier this week I appeared on Ratio Christi’s “Truth Matters,” hosted by Tony Gurule. The topic of discussion revolved around the episode’s title, “Muslim Persecution of Christians: Past and Present,” and was connected to my latest book, Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West. The 30-minute video follows:
Another excellent and erudite discussion of the ideology and history of Islamic jihad. From my perspective, its a subject that is endlessly fascinating and worthy of study. As much as I’m looking forward to your new book, it can’t possibly cover more than the tip of the iceberg. But I’m aware of nothing else like it on the market today. Bottom line, the fanaticism with which Muslims have sought to destroy every aspect of Christianity from the beginning of Islam until today is nothing short of amazing.
What I find rather disconcerting are the conflicting beliefs and ideas about Islam that float around in America, by people who should know better.
Very recently I read an article titled, “Muslims and Christians Should Work Together to Support Family and Human Flourishing “, in The Witherspoon Institute. My mouth dropped open!
Today Gatestone Institute has an article titled, “Radicalism: The Real Shock Was The Reaction of the Americans…” which warns people about the truth of Islam in the same vein as Mr. Ibrahim does.
I find it hard to understand why people choose to disbelieve the historical dangers of Islam and the evidence of present day dangers it poses, in spite of the many warnings being shouted from the rooftops.
All I can think is that Satan is the father of lies and confusion. So far America and Canada are allowing him to win this spiritual battle.
People tend to resist anything that runs contrary to their settled understanding of things, and there is no question that the truth about the ideology and history of Islamic jihad is something that currently prevailing authorities in media and government find very troubling indeed. Yet there are tipping points when the obvious truth about anything can no longer be surpressed no matter how uncomfortable it is, and it’s just a matter of time before the truth about Islamic jihad becomes clear to one and all.
I admire your optimism. The cynic in me says that by the time “the truth about Islamic jihad becomes clear to one and all”, the enemy will already be through the gate. I recommend you read the Gatestone article I mentioned.
Thank you Raymond for the warnings – you’re a prophet for our time.