In an episode titled “A Military History of Islam and the West,” Todd Wilken of the radio show, Issues, ETC, interviewed me earlier this week on my forthcoming book, Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West. Click here to listen to the 45-minute-long discussion.
Spectacular painting! By whom? French artist Della Croix?
Really looking forward to your book, Raymond. Only a little more than three weeks now. What a story. One ideology, one prophet, fourteen centuries of war with pretty much the same strategy and same tactics every step of the way. Great accomplishment to be able to tie it all together from original Islamic sources.
Tell me Texas P does the world ever learn anything? Our governments are duped by Islam we should never have given the bastards OIL.
What Western war planners and security experts have somehow failed to appreciate is that Islam is a 1400-year-old war machine that has never been defeated. It’s been beaten at times, but it has never been decisively defeated and each new generation of radicals is still willing to try their luck on the path of jihad in order to gain fame and please Allah. Unfortunately, because of the massive oil wealth that has flowed to Muslim countries over the last forty years, it is probably fair to say that Islam has never been stronger than it is today.
Raymond, I am convinced that we will never defeat the forces of Islamic Jihad by becoming more like them, but only by becoming more like Jesus Christ, who abhorred hatred, violence, and bloodshed. So, for your next book, what I would like to see is a scholarly history of how the Warrior Cult of Islamic Jihad has infiltrated and infected the various military establishments of Western Civilization and made them less effective as a tool of defending Western values of peace, tolerance, and good will, even towards enemies. Unfortunately, when we become more like our enemies, they have already won.