The following article/review of Sword and Scimitar was originally written in the Czech language by Benjamin Kuras, a journalist and author (original here). Titled “Shock Therapy from Islamic History,” it was published on Nov. 25, 2019:
Here and there a book appears that has the effect of a therapeutic shock. In today’s confused world, crowded with ever-gathering information, pseudo-information and disinformation, we need it as a salt. This therapy is Raymond Ibrahim’s Sword and Scimitar this year .
Guaranteed cure for a mental disorder called Islamophilia. This is an irrational and unsubstantiated self-deception that Islam is a religion of peace, a civilization system and cultural wealth from which we have much to learn, so we need to set it up in Europe as an alternative to the current civilization decline in order to cease to perceive the world aka racist). Not to be confused with Islamophobia, which is, on the contrary, a rational and historically confirmed concern that Islamophilia could result in the disappearance of Western civilization, if not civilization itself.

Ibrahim’s previous bestseller Crucified Again , reporting in detail about the current persecution of Christians in Islam, established him as a leading authority on Christian-Islamic relations and a leading figure in the current “counter-jihad”. The new book “Sword and Saber” explains today’s persecution historically, from the first Islamic attacks on the Eastern (Byzantine) Roman Empire in the 7th century, through the Islamic occupation of the Iberian Peninsula and the conquest of Byzantium, to the rescue of Europe at the Battle of Vienna in 1686. battles, of which four offensive won Islam, four defensive Europe.
To understand the whole history of Euro-Islamic relations, we need to know these basic historical facts presented in the book in generous doses.
1. Muhammad’s religion began to spread from the Arabian Peninsula only when it became a strategy of conquering other territories and appropriating their wealth.
2. The Allah-sanctified war strategy contained in the Qur’an and its associated writings allowed all forms of violence, robbery, murder, and enslavement of non-believers.
3. The so-called “people of the book” (Christians and Jews) have a special position in Islam as de facto serfs, with a duty to pay taxes and prohibitions to defend, take into account, question, criticize or in any way report any negative aspect of Muslims , and with limited civil rights. Many of the scientific or cultural achievements attributed to Islam are the work of their or new converts from non-Arab ethnicities.
4. Western civilization (then more precisely called “Christianity”) dates back to the Roman Empire (western with center in Rome and eastern byzantine with center in Constantinople aka Constantinople) before the Islamic invasions of the 7th and 8th centuries from present-day Morocco and Spain to Iraq.
5. Islam gradually conquered, conquered and converted three quarters of Christian territory.
6. What was later called the West is the remaining quarter of Europe, which managed to defend itself in two major battles: Tours (or Poitier) in France in 732, which drove the Muslims back to the Pyrenees, and Vienna 1683, which returned them to the Balkans . However, even this truncated quarter of the West has been repeatedly robbed and plundered, with at least a million slaves (mainly sought-after, blue-eyed slave slaves) dragged to Islamic countries. In 846 the invasion reached the edge of the city of Rome, in 1668 to Vienna. The crusader wars were not imperialist conquest of foreign territory, but rather belated and poor attempts to liberate the lost territory of their own. Which, of course, does not excuse their “hipsters” as massacres of Jews on their way through Europe and stealing Byzantium instead of defending them.
7. What is called the “Spanish Golden Age of Coexistence of the Three Religions” (the famous conviviencia ), was in fact seven centuries of almost continuous warfare, subjugation, murder and enslavement. The fairy tale of friendly selance was created by the French Enlightenment out of hatred of Christianity.
8. Islamic invasions were everywhere accompanied by a mass murder of brutality and magnitude that history had not known before and the Christians could not imagine, were not prepared for it, and therefore did not resist it.
9. This brutality was not (and is not today) some “exception of a fanatical minority”, but a literal observance of the orders and rules of the Qur’an, the Hadith and Sulfur (Muhammad’s quotations and records of his actions).
10. The combat capability of Islamic warriors was strengthened both by the right to retain loot, including slaves and sex slaves, and by Allah’s promise that killing infidels and his own death in the struggle for Allah go straight to paradise.
11. All the “Christianophilic” and “Jewishophilic” early verses of the Qur’an invoked by Islamophiles were overcome by later hate verses.
“I was commanded to wage war against humanity until it acknowledged that there was no other god than Allah and Muhammad was the Messenger of Allah.”
With this Hadith quotation, Ibrahim launches his book and explains from the beginning the war theory and strategy called jihad, which is the root and driving force of all Islamic wars and occupations. The law of “killing or falling for Allah is the way to paradise” guarantees salvation and forgiveness of all sins and crimes. It is therefore a victor’s victory in defeat. Whoever wages in the jihad (written in the Qur’an) “grants Allah a benevolent loan” which Allah “will repay him many times.” A logical explanation of the common question of how Muslim non-gods and sinners can suddenly become suicide bombers, and how so many of them are recruited from imprisoned criminals. A Muslim who does not participate in jihad by at least ideological or financial support, propaganda and cultural invasion is classified as a hypocrite and, as a last resort, a renegade risking the death penalty.
After this introduction to jihad, Ibrahim embarks on a description of the main battles derived from both Arab and Greek sources. One of the Arabs is the words of the still celebrated Muslims, Khalid bin al-Walid, nicknamed the “Sword of Allah,” who commanded the first major invasion victorious in 636 by the battle of the Yarmuk River in present-day Syria.
“We are not driven out of our country by hunger or poverty. We Arabs are blood drinkers, and we know that the blood of the Romans is more disgusting. That is why we came to shed and drink your blood. ” Thus, Khalid replied to the offer of Christians to take away all the stolen wealth and return peacefully home.
The drinking may have meant symbolically, shedding literally. After six days of warfare in the night battle, his warriors massacred and chased a thirty thousand Christian outnumbered into the abyss, of which no one survived. With new recruits looking for another loot, Khalid’s army ventures into the siege of Jerusalem, which after a few months is starved, thirsty and slaughtered – to the desperate misunderstanding of survivors, leaving testimonies like this, from the patriarch of Jerusalem Sopronia:
“Why so much destruction and plundering? Why the endless shedding of human blood? Why do birds eat human corpses? Why are churches destroyed? Why desecration of the crosses? … The vengeful God hating the Saracens, the terrible devastation predicted by the prophets, plundering cities, destroying fields, burning villages, burning holy churches, demolishing holy monasteries, defeating Byzantine armies and going from victory to victory. ”
The devastation foretold by the prophets is the only explanation that Byzantine Christians are capable of in the initial onslaught. “Demons” is the most common nickname that the Saracens (the Greek name of the Arabs) deserve.
This is followed by the mass martyrdom of the Christian defenders of Gaza and the Muslim conquest of Egypt, to which are added by thousands of Bedouins receiving Islam and hungry for the prey of Byzantine wealth, Egypt being a luxury example and accumulated cultural wealth over the centuries. Its center is Alexandria, which falls after a six-month siege by the betrayal of one of the Byzantine clerics. “Bloodbath” is the most common name in the Greek documents for the occupation of Alexandria. Arab and Coptic sources confirm the burning of the local century library with tens of thousands of books in a fire lasting six months.
With the conquest of Egypt and its long coastline, the appropriation of its wealth and the acquisition of maritime skills, desert Islam has turned into a maritime superpower one seascape after another, preventing Mediterranean Europe from free trade. Just thirteen years since the first invasion of Syria. Where he wins, he introduces a system of “dhimi” of subjects of Christians and Jews, which keeps them alive to work on him and pay high taxes. He is forcing many to convert to Islam, which is spreading through rich Christian North Africa as a fire through a dry forest. By the end of the 7th century, he would reach the Atlantic, bring down the “Mediterranean jewel” of Carthage and cruelly conquer and enslave even stubborn Berbers. As soon as they also convert to Islam to free themselves from slavery, in 708, under a black banner of Islam, they invade Spain, which they take over ten years, and go to France.
Meanwhile, in the east, jihad has conquered almost all of today’s Turkey, and in 717 it first sieges Constantinople. For now, we will draw our teeth and have to settle for the plundering of Armenia, Anatolia and Capadocia that has been going on for decades. This is what the eyewitness records look like:
“Commander Muawiya ordered all the inhabitants to be killed with the sword and set up guards so that no one would escape. When they took all the wealth of the city, they began to torture leaders to divulge their other hidden wealth. Then the Arabs took them all into slavery – men, women, boys and wives – and committed many perversions and immorality in churches. ”
“They killed all the inhabitants of the city, one hundred and fifty thousand people. They plundered a city with eight hundred churches and set them on fire. The city was filled with corpses, and no one could count how many had disappeared in flames. Over a thousand virgins have been taken into slavery. ”
And so on, city by city. Six hundred churches destroyed, many virgins taken to slavery. Countless people burned. The whole country smelled of corpses. There was no street where you could walk without crossing the corpses.
Seventy thousand Christians drafted into slavery. Priests and monks burned to death, others skinned from head to toe. Men of all kinds and ages, boys, minors, elders, nobles, villagers, but mainly priests and monks and even bishops, raped by the sin of sodomy.
Quotes from Greek and Arabic sources. And Latin letters to the Roman Pope asking for help. The latter, with a long delay at the end of the 11th century, will come in the form of crusader wars that last for less than two centuries. After them, all dreams of saving Eastern Christianity will end. From now on, there is only jihad, full steam. And other descriptions of battles and conquest of cities.
“Corpses scattered across hills and valleys, chopped limbs scattered across the battlefield, torn heads, slit necks, broken bones, chopped noses, chopped limbs, pierced eyes, cut belly …”
Meanwhile, in Spain ….
Churches all over the peninsula destroyed or converted into mosques. Christian books burned. Deportation of thousands of Christians to African slavery. Thousands of Christian slaves are building Granada’s Alhambra. Four thousand Jews massacred by Muslims in Granada in 1066. But yes, somewhere in the meantime, Jihad-Jihad developed a remarkable culture, read and translated philosophical writings, studied Kabbalah, medicine, mathematics and astronomy, wrote erotic poetry and drank wine , as the Islamic occupiers of Almohade slowly “degenerate” to the level of their subjects. Another invasion and criminal expedition of the new Islamic fanatics of the Almohads against the comforting and overly tolerant Almoravids put an end to this. This was followed by the slaughter of the rest of Christians in Granada, 1164.
At the same time in the east …
Mongol invasions pushed to Anatolia as far as the Dardanelles, in sight of Constantinople, the Turks. Freshly converted to Islam. And assembling an Ottoman military machine determined to “promote Islam with weapons” and “continually and constantly besiege the infidels.” The brilliant machine is the “Janissaries”, kidnapped boys from Christian families into slavery, converted to Islam, and trained in a heartless murder army against Christians. They siege Constantinople several times. After two centuries of almost continuous Jihad throughout Southeast Europe, with 30,000 Hungarians, Serbs and Romanians being routed in one day to Islamic slave markets, in which “a very beautiful slave is sold for a pair of shoes and four Serbian slaves for one horse “.
Despite the heroic but disorganized defenses of knights from all over Europe, Jihad conquers Constantinople in 1435 and introduces a new genre of show business: cutting the defeated Christians to pieces in front of the winning enthusiastically applauding audience for his hilarious applause. The remaining tens of thousands of happily chopped march in chains to slave markets. Islam is gaining a strong base on the European continent, chopping up Romania, Hungary and Ukraine, and settling in Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia and Albania.
In 1492, the Spanish Christians defeated the last Islamic possession of Granada and expelled Muslims (and with them Jews whom they could not forgive for being better off under Islam because they could read, write and count). After many attempts to conquer Vienna, after a long siege from the very walls of the city, the Turks were driven back to the Balkans in 1683, thanks to the last-arriving army of the Poles of 25,000 under the command of King John III. Sobieski.
Muslim pirate raids on Mediterranean European cities have continued for two centuries. But this gave Western Europe time for a scientific and technical revolution that could gain the arms and strategic superiority, confidence to regain and dominate Islamic countries. Defeated Islam has no choice but to become the religion of peace for two centuries, as Western liberals now have the naive notion of staying, even if we allow it to turn historical defeat into victory and allow it to be part of our culture and society , as we are forced by the suicidal European liberal elites.
After those two centuries, his innate aggression was forgotten. It is time to remind her again, study her history, watch her revive and defend herself while we are still allowed to publish and read such books.
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