Few relationships feature one party that freely gives and another party that only takes as blatantly as the relationship between the West and Islam. According to a Feb. 1, 2021, report, “The British taxpayer has shelled out over £15,000 to the widow of the mastermind behind the 2017 London Bridge terror attack, while the families of victims were denied similar financial support.”
During that attack, Zahrah Rehman’s husband, Khuram Butt, and two other Muslims, killed eight people and injured another 48, by running over them with a van and stabbing them with knives. If the police had not managed to shoot and kill the three terrorists, many more passersby would likely have been killed.
The distaste felt by some Brits at learning that their taxes are going to the wife of a savage terrorist is further soured by the fact that — and despite her claims otherwise — evidence suggests she knew and may even have shared in his “ISIS” worldview: “I knew it was a possibility that he wanted to go to Syria,” she confessed, “but he never told me that he hates this country and wanted to attack this country.” Such a defense is beyond silly: wanting to go and fight for the Islamic State in Syria is synonymous with hating Britain and any “infidel” nation. Moreover,
In video evidence provided to the hearing, Ms Rehman is seen talking with her extremist husband about naming British airports after radical Islamists…. Another video presented before the inquiry showed the couple on their honeymoon in Pakistan and her husband hailing “Dawlat al-Islamiyah” – a monicker for Islamic State. Rehman denied that she understood what Butt was saying, claiming she could not understand Arabic.
At one point in the video, she even suggested renaming a London airport after Britain’s most notorious hate-preacher, Anjem Choudary, a man who helped “radicalize” her murderous husband and who spent five years in prison for his ties to ISIS. When confronted about her suggestion, Rehman shrugged it off as “just a stupid joke.”
It is further ironic — or rather telling — that she mentioned Anjem Choudary (whom I once debated here). He is the same man who — while holding all of the usual beliefs currently styled as “extremist” — also encourages Muslims to receive welfare at the hands of their hated enemies, the infidels, just as Rehman is benefiting.
In 2013, Choudary was secretly videotaped telling a Muslim audience to follow his example and get “Jihad Seeker’s Allowance” from the government (a pun on “Job Seeker’s Allowance).” The father of four, who was then annually receiving more than 25,000 pounds in welfare benefits, referred to British taxpayers as “slaves,” adding,
We take the jizya, which is our haq [Arabic for “right”], anyway. The normal situation by the way is to take money from the kafir [infidel], isn’t it? So this is the normal situation. They give us the money — you work, give us the money, Allahu Akhbar! We take the money. (Note: The video clip of Choudary saying this is featured in, “Lights Out: When Islam Rules America” which is available on BitChute HERE and on YouTube HERE)
According to Koran 9:29, jizya is monetary tribute subjugated non-Muslims (dhimmis) are required to pay to Muslims as the price for not killing them. This practice was only (and formally) abolished in the nineteenth century, thanks entirely to European intervention.
Choudary’s position on accepting infidel money — and Rehman’s acceptance of it — is not out of the Islamic mainstream. Sometime back, for instance, I watched a roundtable discussion on U.S. foreign aid to Egypt on Al Hafiz TV, an Arabic-language Islamic station. At one point, one of the guests, a cleric, insisted that the U.S. must be treated contemptuously, like a lowly and downtrodden dhimmi; that Egypt must make the U.S. conform to its own demands; and that, then, all the money the U.S. offers to Egypt in foreign aid can be taken as rightfully earned jizya.
The Muslim cleric further recommended that Egypt be less cooperative with the U.S. — while simultaneously demanding more monetary aid. Then, “America will accept; it will kiss our hands; and it will also increase its aid. And we will consider its aid as jizya, not as aid. But first we must make impositions on it.”
When the host asked the learned cleric, “Do the Americans owe us jizya?” he responded, “Yes” — that is the price Americans have to pay “so we can leave them alone!”
At any rate, here, then, is yet another way that the liberal Left and the illiberal Islam complement one another: the one stupidly gives, while the other selfishly takes — all while despising and plotting the destruction of its benefactor.
Britain, especially, thrives on conforming to this model. According to a recent report, a ban preventing Anjem Choudary from preaching — he had “radicalized” several other Muslim murderers aside from Butt — is set to be lifted in May 2021, “and now security sources fear that Choudary will immediately resume his campaign to radicalise young Muslims.”
The West is committing the slowest form of suicide, led, aided and abetted by the political classes of all the major parties.
If the people of the West don’t rise up and force change…then they will be subjegated by the islamic minority…. totalitarian and fascist in form, which makes them true adherents of the islamic faith……
I see no differences between the west and islamists. They both hate Christians, they support each other, western governments support jihadists to do their dirty job of massmurdering Christians and other minorities!
Oh yes, Christianblood, but there is a big difference between Islamists and the people of the West like me and many many others who have been trying to find answers to some of their questions as, for example, not only why is Christianity the most persecuted religion in the world today especially in Muslim countries but, more important, why is the silence of our Western media and press about it deafening, while Muslim migrants arrive every day in our European shores. Some of us who read Raymond Ibrahim know that Christianity and other minorities are being persecuted in practically every Muslim majority country but the media and press seem to inform us only about the Muslims of Myanmar or those of India or China, and very rarely mention Christians (I remember only Boko-Haram and the 200 kidnapped Christian girls – a drop in the ocean). From reading Raymond Ibrahim, we are also know of the 1400 years of Muslim conquest of Christian lands, and of their wish to conquer the West, by immigration since they can’t do it by other means, but why does it seem that we keep getting boatloads of them without being allowed to talk about it or even question it. Where has our freedom of speech gone? I finally found an answer in a book by Leo Hohmann, ‘Stealth Invasion’, published as recently as 2021. I read only up to Chapter 4 (which is the chapter I suggest everybody interested should read first).
It is the old idea really of ‘World Government’ but now kind of renamed as globalist, global governance, or world governance, defined by Hohmann, a Christian himself, as “the idea that the world’s problems could be solved if the world came together, erasing borders between nations, making every nation and people group an interdependent part of the whole. National sovereignty is considered an impediment to the creation of a global super state run mostly by unelected bureaucrats. Think of it as collectivism, which is socialism, only on a global basis” – explained as made up of communities of immigrants who will assimilate but not integrate, thus eroding, in time, sovereignty and patriotism. I don’t know about you but this reminds me of what our friend Lenin was trying to do years ago? However, the bulwark that these elites find along the way is “Christianity and its adherence to Judeo-Christian values”. And this seems to explain the antagonism to Christianity and the silence about its thousands of persecuted and murdered Christians worldwide.
The old political idea of ‘World Government’ (anybody interested can download the article free from the Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy) seems to have been revived, renamed and reformatted, to suit the present situation using mostly (the very willing) Muslim immigrants with their commitment to sharia, national borders erased, and several blocks of nations united in the manner of the EU, and governed like the EU by unelected bureaucrats, and we’ll all live happily ever after. And this grand idea includes not only elite Democrat Presidents like the Obamas and the Clintons but also Republicans like George Bush (don’t know if his father was included), and some Republican Senators, which clarifies for me their alliance with Democrats, which I used to find somewhat perplexing and found difficult to explain as just ‘anti-Trump’. So many things make sense now, for me at least. If anyone is interested, get hold of a copy of this book before it becomes ‘unavailable’ at a regular price from the original publisher, as did the book by the French historian Sylvain Gouguenheim, ‘Aristote au Mont Saint-Michel’, 2008 (yet untranslated into English) for which I had to pay a fortune to get on the internet.
Before I’m back to read the remaining 10 chapters of my book, I would like to extend my warmest thanks to Raymond Ibrahim, whose articles and books led me to question and answer, and best wishes to all of you.
Islam and the suicide of the west, by Luiz Sergio Solimeo.
Muslims have long been working the “system”, which the west accepts, but in fact like Islam itself both are a Trojan horse, designed to uproot conservative ethic and methodology.
Tony Blair actively fought the ordinary decent UK citizen with his ideological approach, later becoming a Catholic, and “all was well”.
But William Hague saw right through his mischief, and condemned it.
Unfortunately the British have almost sold their soul by handing over to the UN their immigration programme.
The facts are plain enough.
Either you are in Christian control of conscience, or you allow someone else to dictate terms. If it is Islam (Anjem Choudry) you lose the idea of equality of sexes, of golden rule, and much else.
Politicians, media, church have much to learn and no time to learn it.
When will all western governments, but especially America, pull their collective heads out of their rear ends and recognize Islam for what it really is? The only good jihadist is a dead jihadist. The tree-hugging Leftist liberal government officials in the U.S. should not being paying “foreign aid” to ANY country, much less a predominately Muslim one! And for those that we’ve (stupidly) allowed to immigrate to our once-great country, the only thing they should be given is a one-way ticket back to the hellhole they came from, preferably in the baggage compartment with no oxygen for the duration of the trip.
Thanks Raymond!!!
Choudary should have been thrown out of this country he and his whole family a long time ago. Where are the Sajid Javids who have the courage to do this?
During WWII Choudary would have been shot for treason!
Leftism … the gift that keeps on giving …
*** God bless Raymond and his family … and watch over them and everyone here …