A recent video report by Church Militant’s Trey Blanton (which contains a few sound bites from me) discusses Scotland’s “blasphemy law.” Click here for the video; transcript follows.
Islam, since the beginning, has used brute force and deception to conquer, slaughter and enslave Christians. There are peaceful Muslims who don’t authentically practice their faith and have adopted a more secularist attitude. However, as Church Militant’s Trey Blanton reminds us, many Muslims in the West are merely wolves in sheep’s clothing.
A prominent Muslim businesswoman in Scotland revealed the often hidden racism prevalent in Islamic communities. Naveed Raza was released last week after three days in jail, despite repeatedly threatening, over the course of years, to kill her son.
Raza’s son brought shame upon the family by dating, with the intent of marriage, a white Scottish girl.
Raymond Ibrahim, author of Sword and Scimitar, explains, “Islam, itself, actually, you can say, is very racist. It’s very divisive. In fact, it has whole doctrines that make people, make Muslims dislike and, in fact, are called to hate non-Muslims.”
The prosecutor in the case told the court, “The family holds Muslim faith and the accompanying cultural traditions.”
Critics of the case see the meager fine, roughly the equivalent of $700, as hypocritical application of the recently passed Hate Crime and Public Order Law.
Robert Spencer, Islamic scholar and critic, cites as an example the 2013 case of an 18-year-old woman who spent a year in jail for wrapping bacon around a mosque door.
The 2021 hate crime law is far stricter than prior laws, and lawyers say it will have a “chilling effect” on society. The Pakistani-Scottish politician who proposed the legislation attempted to add language that would allow family members and friends to report so-called hate speech spoken in the home.
Raymond Ibrahim: “It’s a mini-sort of blasphemy law that’s meant to curtail and silence any criticism against Muslims or Islam from the indigenous people in the U.K.”
In the West, Muslims, even well-educated members, know to conceal their cultural traditions. But, in their homelands, like Pakistan, they openly practice hate.
Pakistani police are still delaying the arrest of Muslim gang members who, earlier this month, drugged and abducted a 17-year-old Christian boy. The teenager was tortured and sodomized for days before getting dumped onto a random street.
A human rights activist told Asia News, “For us,” meaning Christians, “there is no justice and no equal rights.”
Raymond Ibrahim: “The Islamic threat is actually a perennial threat that’s been going on for well over a millennium. It’s, in fact, had profound impact on the development of Western Christian civilization, negatively, throughout history. And so, to actually be on guard now, is very much well-warranted.”
Leftists openly denounce so-called white supremacists in America, but cry “Islamophobia” when legitimate criticism is made of Islam’s embedded racism.
Unelected Joe Biden has tasked his Department of Justice with combating alleged white supremacy by urging family members to report so-called radical behavior to the FBI.
It was a group of captured Scottish soldiers who were offered food in lieu of foreawearing Christianity and accepting the tenets of Islam.
The alternative was starvation.
The Scots all chose to starve.
By adding the comment “Unelected Joe Biden has…” at the end of your newsletter you shift the focus from the danger emanating from Islam to politics in the United States. Whatever you believe about the recent election, fair or unfair, Joe Biden has been certified as the President of the United States by the Courts, by the States and by the Congress. You diminish your argument about Islam by identifying yourself with radicals who reject reason. You would do better to stick to the subject of your argument.
R. Ibrahim didn’t say that. That’s from the video/transcript. His words have quotation marks around them.
If you follow the evidence presented to the state legislatures of Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Pennsylvania, you will see that this evidence is monumental. The 5 state legislatures wrote letters to Congress asking for their electoral college votes to be decertified so they could conduct real audits. Unfortunately, there were people in the Congress who didn’t want those letters read and they hired BLM and Antifa radicals to hijack a peaceful assembly, breach the Capitol, and halt the reading of those letters. Hence the certification of the undeserving Biden. Audits are now being conducted in Arizona and will soon be conducted in as many as 20 other states. Full forensic audits will let us know for sure who won the election. The international interference in the election was recorded as it was happening. We have it all. The interference, along with many other forms of election fraud, will be shown. The reason for allowing this to have been carried out, even though it was expected, was to let the people of this country learn that fraud is rampant in our elections and state legislatures need to tighten up the election laws to eliminate the fraud as much as possible. They are doing it and perhaps, with free and fair elections, our country can be saved.
Why tell this lie?
Unelected Joe Biden has tasked his Department of Justice with combating alleged white supremacy by urging family members to report so-called radical behavior to the FBI.
That’s a good question for Church Militant, not Raymond Ibraham, as they said that not him