It’s no secret that Google aggressively censors anything and everything that contradicts the Left’s narrative. Most, for example, know—or should know—that Google search results yield only what it wants you to see, not what best answers your query (as that may go against the “woke” narrative).
But there are more subtle ways that Google manipulates its users that few are aware of.
Enter “Google Translate,” which, according to Google, “instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.” It too is in the censoring business: if you translate something that has a phrase or few sentences that Google doesn’t want you to read, it simply omits them from its translation.
I only know this because I’ve been on the receiving end of Google Translation’s malfeasance (as with YouTube earlier).
On June 17, 2021, I wrote about an Arabic language article that appears on Al Jazeera. Written by a Palestinian professor, it’s about how Palestinians find inspiration in the jihads of history, “prominent among them,” he wrote, “the raid of Badr, the opening of Mecca, the opening of al-Andalus, and the battle of the pavement of martyrs [the Battle of Tours].”
Because all of these battles were unjustified and dealt with Muslims attacking and slaughtering non-Muslims simply to steal their land and impose Islam on them, the point of my article was to ask: “why are the Palestinians—who, when speaking to and seeking sympathy from the international community, present themselves as an oppressed people whose land is unjustly occupied—finding inspiration in and seeking to emulate those who oppress and steal the lands of others?” The answer I gave was that right and wrong for most Muslims, including Palestinians, consists of who is Muslim (and therefore in the right no matter what) and who is non-Muslim (and therefore in the wrong).
Before long, I was contacted by some readers who were concerned that I had mistranslated the Al Jazeera article. They referenced the following comment on my article as it appears on FrontPage Magazine, by one “Dan Foster”:
An honest reader would be forgiven if they thought Ibrahim were actually talking about the Al Jazeera at the beginning of this piece. He’s not of course. He seems to have forgotten that while google translate isn’t 100% reliable it: a. Exists and b. translates webpages.
So I was actually able to read the article he linked. It doesn’t reference the Battle of Tours or raids and conquests of the past.
The title gives you a clue what it actually is about:
“This is how the Palestinian resistance made Ramadan a season of operations and victories”
The bulk of the article is about different attacks carried about over the course of 20 odd years.
So to all FPMers how does it feel to be lied to yet again?
So I decided to use Google Translate for myself, and, as it turned out, Foster was right: that sentence I had translated from the Al Jazeera article—about “the raid of Badr, the opening of Mecca, the opening of al-Andalus, and the battle of the pavement of martyrs [the Battle of Tours]”—is nowhere to be found in Google Translate’s English translation. But when I went back to the original Arabic, it was still there. For those who can read Arabic, a screenshot of the excerpt in question follows:
Now, I don’t know if Google Translate omitted that section for obviously provoking the question “why are oppressed Palestinians inspired by the land-grabbing oppressors of history?” before or after I cast the spotlight on it in my article. Since then, however, others have confirmed that Google Translate does omit that section, whereas other online translating services have no difficulties rendering it into English.
And so you can now add Google Translate to all of the other nefarious ways that Google and other “big tech” censor and manipulate information. If my modest article was so tampered with, rest assured that there are countless bits of (sometimes very subtle) information on the non-English language Internet that Google “mistranslates”—that is, censors—in keeping with its political agenda.
As for commenter Dan Foster’s smug query—“So to all FPMers how does it feel to be lied to yet again?”—that question is clearly better directed at himself and anyone else who relies on, but is regularly being deceived by, Google.
You are a good man Raymond Ibrahim.
Thanks for the warning. There are so many devious, dubious and dishonest sites on the internet and getting worse by the day. They are all condoned and supported in our increasing WOKE society, a silly euphemism for all things Marxist.
Instead of Google, I have been using DuckDuckGo, but even the latter has been removed from my ‘frequently used’ list that some other entity controls, and I have to search the internet to relocate them every time.
This is of course one of the means of globalists’ control over us.
Canada’s newly minted Marxist government under Justin Trudeau has very recently stated, “Unrestricted online speech undermines democracy”!
I haven’t yet figured out how that makes sense 🤯. Thanks again
Hi T, #me to. Some of my comments disappear, and I got a warning and temp shutdown. Mostly talking about our friends actions around the globe I think it was.
Most of my blogger friends have had multiple problems, to include suspensions on the Tube.
Beautifully cool July for us in New England but very wet.
Hope you are well up there.
Hi Don, apart from infrequent visits to Instagram, I don’t subscribe to any social media. I subscribe to my email instead.
Yes, the man of lawlessness is loose 👿. I find too that certain websites won’t open on my computer. I don’t get too upset because God is in control.
I am slowly adjusting to life on my own. We had some extremely hot weather a while ago but the days are returning to ‘normal’, whatever that means in Chinada! No rain though.
Take care. Sending blessings.
Thank you.
“Secret Societies and Subversive movements” by Nesta Webster. Worth a read.
“For the final goal of world revolution is not Socialism or even Communism, it is not a change in the existing economic system, it is not the destruction of civilisation in a material sense; the revolution desired by the leaders is a moral and spiritual revolution, an anarchy of ideas by which all standards set up through nineteen centuries shall be reversed, all honoured traditions trampled underfoot, and above all, the Christian ideal finally obliterated”.
Clare Chambers (SIECUS circle), ” When the season arrives for that generation to assume the guardianship role in our society, and nothing is left to preserve, we will already have reached a point where we can be ordered and enslaved”. [C.C.]
….. by Islam….?
Brigitte Gabriel “They must be stopped” page 75: The 100-year plan by the Muslim brotherhood…
The list is well worth a read.
Very interesting Hamish – my list is long but may get the books in the lineup.
Yes Hamish. Exactly. Thank you so much for the warning Raymond. Why am I not surprised. I moved to DuckDuckGo sometime ago when Tershia mentioned it in one of her posts but it is a search engine. Am trying to find out if it is also a browser. It’s so difficult these days. You’d think we are in Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia. As for translate will not use Google anymore even for simple things. Please anyone computer literate give advice.
PS. BTW I was born and grew up in the land of the Pharoahs whose rightful heirs are the Coptic Christians, a land invaded and islamised and where the Muslim Brotherhood was founded in 1928 with the aim to destroy the West in 100 years and whose slogan is “Allah is our objective; the Koran is our constitution; the Prophet is our leader; jihad is our way; death for Allah’s sake is our highest goal”. We’re getting close to 100 years even if it takes a few more years. Their new slogan is “Islam is the solution”. Even Nasser banned it after an attempt on his life. Needless to say Coptic Christians are being decimated as you all know, and I know how much they are attached to their Christianity. My family was very friendly with a Coptic Christian family for many long years.
I’m having problems with too. It won’t respond to any ‘likes’ I click on, just so that you know I ‘like’ your comment 🙂
Since old unmarked graves were discovered near Native Indian Residential schools in BC, but not yet verified , 48 Christian churches have been burned down or vandalised in some way or the other, including splashed with orange paint.
An Orthodox Coptic church was the latest victim of arson in Surry, near Vancouver, last night.
Many statues have been toppled and even poor Capt.Cook landed in Victoria harbour.
Trudeau said he does not blame the vandals!
Thank you Tershia. It happens to me too sometimes when trying to put a “like”. I read everything that happens in Canada now since I’ve been reading your posts. Shocking!
Egregious. Thanks Raymond!
I do not trust the Palestinians.
What percentage of them are Muslims? So is it better to talk about the Muslims, or the Palestinians?
On the other hand, I don’t trust the politics of the Jews either.
What percentage of Biden’s cabinet are Jews?
I had noticed that certain sentences or portions where simply ignored by Google Translate, usually dealing with “spicy topics.”
Our worst enemies are those from within.
And, even worse than that…most of our young haven’t a clue.
While we were sleeping, a few generations have now been indoctrinated by the anti-America left’s: teachers, social media, news media, entertainment industry, politicians, courts and liberal parents…
…who have been indoctrinated by the anti-America left’s: teachers, social media, new media, entertainment industry, politicians, courts and liberal parents, yada, yada, yada…
These peeps are happy with what the ABCs are doing and see no problem coz it fits their agendas.
•• Congress peeps are counting on us to say nothing and do nothing coz we DO NOTHING ••
If you are happy with this, you’ll continue to be happy till the end.
If you are not happy…WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
whitehouse DOT gov/
contactsenators DOT com
house DOT gov/representatives/find/
usa DOT gov/state-governor
congress DOT gov/state-legislature-websites
Don’t forget family and friends…keep them informed even if they don’t want to hear it.
If you won’t stand up for your country, your freedoms, your loved ones and friends, who will?
Midnight’s not creeping, it’s at a gallop…
On this subject, I’ve been wondering if you would recommend a translation of the Quran. Mine is the Oxford translation and I suspect it is not trustworthy. The mosaic is nice but Islam is so entrenched in Britain I have become suspicious of the version here in my library.
Sahih International, very literal.
Thank you