According to an August 22 report, a female Afghan refugee to India just “revealed that the Taliban has sex with dead bodies.” While discussing how the terrorist group thrives on raping women, she asserted that “They rape dead bodies too. They don’t care whether the person is dead or alive… Can you imagine this?”
The report continues: “The practice of having sex with corpses is called necrophilia. She revealed that Taliban either picked up [dead?] women or shot them. Muskan revealed that a woman was picked up by the Taliban only yesterday.”
What to make of this macabre revelation? No doubt, many will point to it as “proof” that the Taliban’s Islam was, as the apologists of Islam had long claimed, always skin deep—a veneer to legitimize their otherwise illegitimate and corrupt rule. After all, if they were “students [of Islam]”—the very definition of taliban—they more than the average Afghan would know that Islam forbids such a disgusting practice. Right?
Alas, the opposite is true. Just as pedophilia with boys (Afghanistan’s bacha bazi or “dancing boys”) has Islamic backing, so too does necrophilia, by way of Muslim scriptures, commentaries, and fatwas (Islamic decrees).
It begins, as usual, with the prophet of Islam: Muhammad. According to a bizarre hadith (a recorded tradition concerning his sayings and doings) that exists in six of Islam’s classical reference texts (including the important Kanz al-‘Umal and al-Hujja fi Biyan al-Mahujja), Muhammad once took off his shirt, placed it on a dead woman, and then descended into her grave to “lay with her.”
As they hurled dirt atop the corpse and Muhammad, the grave diggers exclaimed, “O Prophet, we see you doing a thing you never did with anyone else,” to which he responded: “I dressed her in my shirt so that she may be dressed in heavenly robes, and I lay [myself] with her in her grave so that the pressures of the grave [also known as Islam’s torments of the grave] may be alleviated from her.”
One can interpret this, and there certainly is no reason to insist that Muhammad was actually copulating with the corpse. There are, however, some hurdles:
First, the two Arabic words (ataja‘ ma‘ha اضطجع معها) translated above as “lay with her,” are also used in Arabic to mean “intercourse.” This is similar to the English idiom, “to lay with her,” which can literally mean nothing more than laying down with a woman, but often is an indirect reference to sex. More than a few Muslim clerics have made this linguistic observation.
Second, Sunni Islam’s four orthodox schools of jurisprudence (or madhahib al- fiqh)—namely, al-Hanafi, al-Hanbali, al-Maliki, and al-Shafi‘i—implicitly permit necrophilia. None of them actually addresses it on its own; rather, they give it a nod whenever it comes up in the context of other topics. Thus, in the section on adultery, the Maliki teaching is that “If a husband enters his dead wife—any which way, from front or behind—there is no penalty for him” (Sharh Mukhtasar al-Khalil fi al-fiqh al-Maliki).
Similarly, Shafi‘i rulings on ablution point out that it is unnecessary to rewash the body of the dead—male or female adds the Hanbali madhhab—after penetrating it, though the penis of the penetrator does require washing.
Regardless of all the above, it is not for the non-Muslim—certainly not for me—to tell Muslims what their texts are really saying and teaching. That is the job of their ulema: scholars and clerics devoted to learning the deep truths of Islam. Thus, the real question remains: do modern day ulema permit necrophilia?
The lamentable answer is yes. For instance, in 2011 a leading Moroccan cleric and founding member of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, Sheikh Abdul Bari Zamzami, issued a fatwa permitting the Muslim husband to copulate with his dead wife. He prefaced his decree by saying that, although he does not necessarily approve of this act, it is not for him to ban what Islam permits. As proof, he cited the aforementioned rulings of Islam’s schools of jurisprudence.
Soon thereafter, in April 2012, when the Muslim Brotherhood held the presidency of Egypt, news that Islamist Egyptian parliamentarians were trying to pass a law legalizing necrophilia appeared. Although Al Ahram, Egypt’s most reputable paper reported the story, it was quickly dismissed as a hoax in Western media (which often happens whenever Islam makes the news in ways that do not comport with Western sensibilities). As one journalist argued, “This ugly rumor and hoax, thought to originate in a fatwa by [the aforementioned] sheikh Zamzami, a noted Moroccan cleric, should be doubted for the simple reason that no Egyptian Islamist sheikh, or any other Imam, has ever been reported to approve of necrophilia.”
If that was true in 2012, it wasn’t in 2017, when necrophilia was yet again mentioned and legitimized, this time by Sheikh Sabri Abdul Raeuf, a professor at Egypt’s Al Azhar—the Islamic world’s most prestigious university (which Pope Francis considers an ally). During a televised show in Egypt, the Sheikh/professor was asked if it is permissible for a husband to penetrate his wife after death. He replied, “It is not favorable in Islam; however Islamic law considers it as halal”—that is, permissible, not a crime or sin deserving of punishment in the here or hereafter (unlike, for example, the heinous crime of apostasy, leaving Islam).
A subsequent Youm7 Arabic report titled (in translation) “The Books of al-Shafi‘i, al-Hanbali, and al-Hanafi Reveal that Sex with a Dead Wife is Not Adultery,” verified the Al Azhar professor’s claims.
Nor, it should be noted, is necrophilia limited to crazy terrorists lurking halfway around the world. In the UK, late one night in 2019, a Muslim man, Kasim Khuram, broke into a funeral home, opened several coffins, and, having made his “selections,” proceeded to yank out and “rape” two female corpses. When police arrested him, Khuram explained his actions by laughingly saying, “Every hole is a goal.”
At any rate, after the expenditure of two decades’ worth of American blood and treasure, here is yet another, especially disgusting, reminder of who the Biden administration has left in charge of Afghanistan.
The religion of of peace strikes again…
Islamic scholars interpret this surah as permitting a husband to have intercourse with a wife, within 6 hours of her death. So they draw some limit ! Riots ensued when a law to legalise this was mooted in Egypt, I believe. In Massachusetts and some other states it is still legal as is bestiality. Not so far from the jungle, after all.
Sounds like you’re condoning this.
I dare say the (non-muslim) people of Massachusetts would find this sick, perverted and barbaric.
NM, She’s not condoning it, don’t worry, she’s a bright lady.
I remember you mentioned this some time ago Raymond, feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.
I guess it helps us to know the sheer depravity here but not a point I will ever use in discussions.
Enough of what goes on is almost in the unmentionable category when in discussions about it without having people shrink away from the conversation itself.
The beheading, grooming gangs, attacks on all manor of people from clergy to cops/miitary, male and female of any age, buildings full of civilians set fire to shot into, innocents having done nothing against Islam but to be outside the faith.
I’ll skip this subject.
I’ve checked and it is against the law to “have sexual contact with an animal” in Massachusetts. Necrophilia is still technically legal although one state representative is trying to close this
“loophole”. However, something more important:
– is any of our clergy of any denomination or of any othet religion condoning it?
PS. There is a difference in my mind between the religious sanctioning of what I believe is a disgustingly perverted act – the violation of a dead body for sexual gratification – and laws which though may have their origin in religion are nevertheless man-made and which we
always strive to update and improve.
So is religion Mary. It is all man made. You don’t need religion to have morals. If one can’t determine right from wrong then he/she lacks empathy, not religion. Only a sick mind would find pleasure in having sex with a dead person.
Hi Danos, I agree with you that you don’t need religion to have morals but the point I was trying to make with regard to necrophilia, which it seems I failed miserably to make clear, is the distinction between Islam which tries to find validation for its creeds, for example necrophilia, by tracing it to a sacred source, such as the Koran, acts of the Prophet, or some such, and (b) our laws in the West which are secular and do not need validation by any sacred source. The case for (a) is exemplified, as Raymond Ibrahim has shown, when Sheikh Sabri Abdul Raeuf, a professor at Al-Azhar university was asked if necrophilia is permissible and he replied: ”It is not favourable in Islam: however Islamic law considers it as halal”. In the case of (b) according to my research on the internet (‘Necrophilia still legal in some states’, 18 September 2015), Massachusetts law forbids sex with about 14 persons, mother, father, etc.etc.etc., but is silent about necrophilia, which some have taken to mean that “sex with a dead body is technically OK”, and Aaron Vega, a representative from Massachusetts, is trying to close that “loophole”. For whatever it is worth, the silence on necrophilia does not necessarily mean that “sex with a dead body is technically OK” but it could mean that legislators at the time could not think of every and all perversions that human beings are capable of.
Whethere necrophilia is legal or illegal makes no diference. Is a disgudsting action of a very sick individual. It is similar to rape and paedophilia.. All are disgusting actions. Whether islam or any other law of any country or state permits it or not, makes not difference. Those who perform such actions are very sick individuals. and don’t belong in any society, in fact they polute the world with their presence. If murder was legal, would you murder someone becasue it is legal? I am sure not. Why? Because your morals don’t permit it. Same with necrophilia, paedofilia, rape etc. All are performed by those who are sick and twisted minded.
Danos, if the true worship of the Living God is man made then man is the ultimate measure of truth. Thus if, in your view, man is NOT created then he evolved. If man evolved, then anything goes! There is no such thing as morals as they are fictitious imaginary creations by some men seeking power, authority and control over other men! In this worldview, survival of the fittest reigns and thus men who oppose such drivel have 2 choices. They can kowtow to the tyranny and oppression or they can fight against it and thus the one most allied with others of similar power, fiscal backing, military prowess and oppressive ideology wins the day! In this worldview, there is NO SOCIAL CONSTRUCT except an imaginary one. Whom decides what is moral and what is not, MEN? Which men and whom decides they have any authority to decide such things? Other men? Do you see the conundrum yet?
Moreover, if this worldview is correct and evolution is the basis upon which life began, then the logical conclusion of this idiotic view begs many questions. For example, if lower forms of life morph into higher forms of life by “mutation”, which of itself is denied by DNA evidence (one species CANNOT become another), one expects that this improvement from lower forms to higher forms has a perpetual state of reproduction and thus life NEVER ends! It always morphs into a higher life form. This is what evolution teaches! Yet, it cannot explain, among many other things then, where death comes into the experience! Therefore, repent or perish, and turn your back on the pseudo science which you embrace and which has no basis to prove anything conclusively! Some “faith” or blind trust is required, like sitting in a chair requires believing it will hold you since you see it holds others.
The god of science and naturalism can only observe and extrapolate. It presupposes, hypothesizes, makes conjecture and guesses. Then it brow beats those whom disagree with its “religious tenets” or the greater “faith” it takes to believe and espouse such garbage!
One day, when you die, you will give an account. IF you are not clothed in the righteousness of Jesus Christ you are condemned already!
Thank you Bob for the long winded preaching! Quite honestly I don’t need this or any other kind of preachingby you or anyone. You want to believe what you want, that’s fine, I will not even attempt to change your mind. All I would suggest is THINK of what you read and you are being preached. As far as I am concerned two things are destroying the world. Politics and religion. The biggest crimes against humanity were carried out by the church in the name of religion. Further more there are hundreds of denominations in christianity and about half a dozen in islam. WHICH one is the right one??? Everybody says theirs is the right one! Well? Doesn’t that alone tell you something or create some questions in your mind??? If not, then I am sorry, drop the blinkers.
Again, Danos, you fail to use rational thinking and or logic in a reasonable manner! Is religion anything? Is politics anything? Or better stated whom espouses religion and politics? Men of course. So the issue IS NOT religion nor politics, it is MEN! MEN of every ethnicity, tribe or kindred.
The only explanation for the condition of mankind is found in Genesis chapter 3. If this is preaching and you don’t like it, then I cannot help you. Ultimately, there are only 2 worldviews, the one which recognizes the ONLY TRUE and Living God whom created, out of nothing, all that we see or the social darwinism that says man is the final arbiter of truth since man evolved. Any view that has a mixture of these worldviews is a lie and defaults to man’ as the final arbiter. Essentially, man’ usurps the place of God believing he knows more than the one whom created him!
So I conclude, yet again, you ought to rethink your indoctrinated drivel that is as much a presupposition as the view you oppose!
And to be more clear and accurate, Judaism, precedes both the Way (the name given to early believers in the book of Acts) many now refer to as Christianity, and Islam which is a mixture of both. Ironically, Christianity is the continuation and fulfillment of the promises of the Covenants God recorded via the nation Israel, though from Adam to Jacob, there was no such thing as an Israelite. The nation of Israel came out of the loins of Jacob and his 12 sons became the 12 tribes of Israel. This answers the question from whence did Israel come into existence? Or said another way, what is the origin of Israel the nation? Evolution cannot explain! From whence comes marriage? Did apes that evolved and became men decide one day that they would resist what nature does naturally and cease to reproduce as the rest of the animal kingdom does? Or did God institute marriage? Again, you have presupposition, conjecture, hypothesis and guess! No facts, only extrapolation and illogical conclusions!
There is ONLY one true God and He has revealed Himself in the Word of God and in His incarnate Son! The God man, Jesus whom existed in history and whom in fact is histories author, its Alpha and Omega!
Bob, thank you. But as I said, PLEASE DON’T PREACH TO ME. i AM NOT INTERESTED IN JUDAISM OR ANYTHING ELSE. I have better things to do in my life. Have a nice day.
PS. Don’t communicate anything else to me on the topic, as I will not respond.
That’s because you are a “natural man”. The Apostle Paul said the natural man does NOT receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned 1 Corinthians 2:14
Moreover, Adam is the father of disobedience, and thus you are dead in your offenses and sins and you walk, that is you live, according to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience! Ephesians 2:1-2. As a result, the wrath of God remains upon you if you do not repent John 3:36. You remain an enemy of the King of the Universe! YOU ARE A SON OF DISOBEDIENCE and it comes naturally in your fallen condition. All men are born enemies of the living God as a result! No toddler has to be taught to disobey, it comes naturally!
There is truth and there is falsehood. Any religion that has as a tenet that you are self righteous and “earn” your salvation by doing good works is from the pit of hell. That explains much concerning your objections above. Judaism, also has sects, which you failed to mention. In the 1st century, they were divided by views on such things as is there a resurrection from the dead? The opposing groups were Sadducees and Pharisees. Jesus rebuked these “religious” leaders whom replaced the truth of the word of God with lies and these were Israelites, no less! (e.g. Matthew 5:20-26 is one example) Here, in the sermon on the mount, Jesus demonstrates that the religious leaders misinterpret the law and the prophets. Sin begins in the heart and leads to murder. Murder is merely the manifestation of what goes on in ones heart! That whoever is angry with his brother, without a cause, shall be in danger of the judgment. He would later call them hypocrites and white washed tombs and said they killed the prophets that came before them as seen in the Old Covenant Scriptures! An Israelite, by birth, is meaningless and matters NOT one iota concerning a persons justification! That is concerning, his or her legal standing before God, condemned already or set free from the curse of sin and death by the substitutionary death of Jesus the Messiah.
So we see God’s word is true and every man is a liar, whom does not recognize the truth of His Word!
It matters not to me what you do with what I say. I am merely a messenger and not the JUDGE. You will NOT stand before me on the day of reckoning but you will be JUDGED by the King of the Universe and if you are not clothed in the righteousness of Jesus Christ you will perish in an eternal hellfire!
In Matthew 7:21-23 Jesus said, “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord’, shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’
Dudes must really smell bad.
Biden is the most dangerous man on the planet. That was his meat carpet at the airport and we all know it. Does he know it? Does he care?
A read of St Thomas Aquinas: Mohammad and Islam is clear enough.
Book 1, Ch 6, Art 4.
“…He seduced the people by promises of carnal pleasure to which the concupiscence of the flesh goads us.,, He gave free rein to carnal pleasure…he was obeyed by carnal men…”
The fact that Taliban offending in this way, do not distinguish between the living and the dead.
Yes! And “those who believed in him were brutal men and desert wanderers”.
And PS to Danos: I most certainly agree with your comments at 9/4/21 3/7 pm that necrophilia, paedophilia, rape, etc. are disgusting actions of very sick individuals and that morality does not permit such actions. With best wishes.
However, Danos – and I’ve been deliberating for several days now whether to post this or not – there is a however, so here goes. I can see you are irritated by the subject and so am I. I do understand and respect your views and I certainly don’t want or even think of changing your mind but just to convey my own thoughts and experiences on the subject. First, I agree with most of what you say, but I can’t quite agree that whether necrophilia is legal or illegal makes no difference. Of course there is a sense in which it makes no difference in that it is still a disgusting practice by sick individuals which is unacceptable, and I think that’s what you meant – but there is another sense in which it does make a difference if legal, I think, since it allows some of these sick individuals to commit such despicable crimes even in our lands, as has happened, which is why I strongly disapprove of sharia courts in Britain, which only reinforce the beliefs of these sick individuals that they can do in our Western countries what their religion seemingly approves in their own. Of course, you may reply that sick individuals break the law all the time. Yes, but at least it will be made clear to them that their perverted actions are not condoned by our laws, and when caught they will be punished or, if found to be mentally ill, confined to an institution. Perhaps in your present country of residence sharia has not made such inroads but it has in Britain.
Second, I am a Christian because I believe in Jesus Christ – even if I do not have to believe or follow all the prescriptions dreamed up by leaders of the numerous Christian denominations in existence, or indeed follow any one of those denominations verbatim. However, many young men and women in the ME, ‘programmed’ into Islam since birth even if some can ‘transcend’ some of this programming when older, are told in no uncertain terms that these are Allah’s commands which they can’t disobey on pain of being severely punished or worse, condemned to death – never mind that these commands all date back to the 7th century. I had two lovely Muslim Kurdish girls living with me as help in my home one at a time and each one for some years. When one was married off (at around nineteen) and could only come once a week to help she brought me one of her acquaintances. They trusted me as I trusted them with my two small children and though uneducated, apart from being able to read and write a bit, they could still think – but they were unfortunate victims, powerless to do anything but accept their lot. I know for a fact that the second one, who eventually left also to be married (at almost 21, her father who came to see me several times must have needed her wages badly) was beaten every night by her husband and if she complained that she did nothing, his reply was, “This is just in case you THINK of doing something”. This delightful young lady who couldn’t hurt a fly told me this herself when she came back to see me over a year later. No comment!
Regarding the Church, I do understand and agree with you about the harm that religious authorities have done throughout the ages – but Jesus preached love and forgiveness (even though I find it difficult sometimes to forgive some of my fellow humans!) and I try to separate Jesus Christ from the Church and its leaders. It can be done. And BTW, I’d like to make it clear that my Jesus Christ is not the same Jesus depicted in the Koran nor is my Virgin Mary the same. As far as I am concerned this is blasphemy. Also, Church leaders make mistakes even in modern times. Just as an example, and certainly not the only one, I shall never forget when some years ago I attended a speech by the newly-appointed Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, at the Swedish Church in London’s Regent’s Parc, and was shocked to hear him say that it is “inevitable that parts of sharia law are incorporated into English law” (his almost exact words as I remember). How an educated Church leader could say something like this in 21st century Britain was beyond my comprehension.
That being said, even if all religions are condemned, this will not defeat Islam, in my view, but it will only help those who wish to destroy Christianity, using a ready and eager Islam to do it – which would explain why we are not allowed to criticise Islam in any shape or form and why the Western press and media are silent regarding all the abuses Christians suffer in Muslim countries worldwide, knowledge of which we have Raymond Ibrahim to thank for. Personally, I suspect there is more to it than that because even with some right-wing governments, as presently in the UK, criticising Islam is taboo and can get you into serious trouble, even when they abuse and rape Christian girls in Muslim countries – never mind when they rape them at home – in contrast to Uyghur persecutions in China or Rohingya in Myanmar, which are pretty well advertised in Western press and media. Even the abuse and prostitution of a very large number of white (and also some Sikh) teenage girls as young as twelve in many cities in the UK by mostly Muslim Pakistani men was kept quiet for years not to upset Muslim sensibilities. This was a hideous crime in which the authorities colluded and are guilty. I could go on but I have to stop somewhere. I know you will take this in the spirit in which it is written, Danos, which needs no reply but is only meant to convey thoughts which stem from my own experience of growing up and living in the ME for many years, a lifetime ago.
My dear Mary, thank you for your comments. I fully appreciate what you wrote and I agree with you. I don’t think I expressed well what I said about necrophilia and I understand the point you are making, that if it specifically illegal then it would pass a message. Yes, it would be good if it is specified by law, but that wouldn’t deter those sick individuals to practice it, as it doesn;t deter murderes or rapist to murder and rape. As for the archibishop… I will just restrict my comment to simply say that I am not surprised. I have experienced a lot of similar comments and worse sometimes, by bishops and generally clerky. Many of them are guilty of more hedious actions and some others are guilty of covering them up. We have had recently many court cases here in Australia. All testimonies by their poor victims make one sick when hearing what these sick individuals have done to them. Love, care for others, respect and all other characteristics of a good person are embeded inside each one individual. If they are you don’t need anyone to teach them to you. If you don’t, then no matter what anyone teaches you will make no difference.
The word Islam means “submission”. The “crreator” of islam must have been an individual full of complexes, lack of self confidence and must have had a very sick mind. He transferred all in the quoran and made these rules. Women to cover their face, is an action of a jealous man, unsure of himself and insecure. The beating of the wife another sign of insecurity and complete lack of empathy towards another human being and excerise of power towards another defencless human being. The promise of virgins in the after life as a reward etc. etc. etc. These rules were imposed on others by force, as people didn’t accept them voluntarily. The lack of education and general standard of living is kept very low, often non existant, so that people will be unable to react and accept – ‘kismet’! Why the taliban don’t allow women to be educated or work? Because if they are, they will not totlerate to be treated in the apaliing manner they are now and work will give them independance. An insecure male doesn’t want this. Its their way of IMPOSING “obidience”, by fear and power. Alcholhol is forbiden in islam. However, I have never come acros and muslim who lived in the western world that followed this prohibition. That is hypocracy, another ‘virtue’ of the religion.
The weakness of the western leaders is responsible for what is happenning today in the UK and in Europe. All these mosques that are built around the world are financed by those who want to expand islam. I am sure you recall whaty Ghadafi said many years ago: “Islam Will Conquer Europe Without Firing a Shot”! He was right. Sadly the so called leaders in Europe are contributing to that by tolerating Sharia courts, and generally muslims behaviour. Personlly I don’t care what anyone believes and I am prepared to accept anyone and everyone. Provided their believes are not imposed on me. It is a free world and that is how it should remain. Islam doesn’t believe in this. Turkey is a threat to the world peace. Does anyone take any action against them, does any one impose any sunctions on them? No, they are just afraid to do so as it may affect negatively their financial gains from turkey. Turkey is embracing the taliban, is expanding their territory, Armenia, Syria, Cyprus etc. They are killing the Kurdish people.Does any one take any action or impose sunctions on them? NO! Turkey is the scourge of the world and I would not be surprised if they cause a WW III and once again they will be found against the western allies, as they did in both previous WW.
Keep well and safe. Always a pleasure to “talk” to you.
Whoever resembles his Prophet Muhammad, he has not made a mistake
Muhammad, the Messenger of Islam was doing this thing
Until he did it with his uncle’s wife named Fatima (Umm Ali Ibn Abi Talib) after she passed away
É normal entre todos os muçulmanos
Reply to Danos 9/8/21:4/38PM Hi Danos: I didn’t expect an answer, well maybe a couple of sentences but certainly not this torrent of words every single one of which I agree with totally and completely. Indeed, all you said is part of my very own experience down to the minor detail of the drinking Saudis do outside of Arabia which I saw when I lived in Beirut. Much more important – like you I am willing to leave them alone if they leave us alone but they won’t. Will all these people in the West who call us ‘Islamophobes’ (it would be laughable if it wasn’t so serious) ever understand the gravity of the situation only when Western civilisation is on its knees? Will the present incompetent Pope ever grasp the meaning of ‘taqiyya’ and realise that some signatures are not worth the paper they are written on, like the one he signed in 2019 with Al-Azhar’s Ahmed el-Tayeb in Abu-Dhabi on “Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together” (just as the piece of paper signed by that barbarian ally of Islam which Anthony Eden was waving coming down from the aeroplane and declaring “Peace in our Time”)? Here I go again. So I’ll close here wishing you and your family all the best in far away Australia till we “meet” again – with many many thanks to Raymond Ibrahim for giving us the opportunity.