I recently appeared on Stephen Bannon’s War Room to discuss the significance of the Battle of Lepanto, the anniversary of which was October 7 (1571) The 5-minute interview follows:
Thanks Raymond Ibrahim for continuing the fight. I feel so sick of hearing what Muslims are still doing to Christians all over the world with nobody to help them and all our leaders do is import Muslims with no care for the Christian martyrs in Muslim majority countries. Don’t these Christians too deserve to be saved? The more we import only Muslims the worse for our societies because in the end most Muslims in our countries vote for the Muslim candidate not for the one they think is best irrespective of race or religion. The proof is that Sajid Javid, the only Muslim candidate I would vote for even for Prime Minister, has always been extremely unpopular among his coreligionists, because he is British first and doesn’t fall for shenanigans. He had the courage to strip Shamima Begum of her British citizenship. She was lucky. During WWII she would have been shot for treason.
And thank you so much Raymond Ibrahim most especially for pointing out the contrast between the heroes of yesterday, who sacrificed everything even their life to a death by the most horrible tortures, like being skinned alive for the sake of their religion, their
culture, their families, which they could so easily have escaped by converting to Islam as was
being offered to them by
the ennemy – and the cowards and traitors of today who are allying themselves to those who would destroy us.
Just discovered that the review I wrote in 2018 has been ‘Hidden by Sensitivity Filter’ (Amazon’s wording ie. it was sensored. So here it is again.
Sword and Scimitar 5.0 out of 5 stars Apt Title For Islamic History
Reviewed in the United States on October 20, 2018
Verified Purchase
Interesting detailed descriptions of battles and commentaries from those living at the time provide for us a window into Islam that is not much different than what we see in the world today. Is there anything really new in Islam? There were ‘lone jihad wolfs’ operating hundreds of years ago. It generally took a lot of raiding, slaving taking and conquering to get the attention of Christendom. The book is pack full of interesting quotes from ages ago and less. One from John Adams, “We ought not fight them at all unless we determine to fight them forever.” Manual II, on the absurdity of Islam’s Jizya, paying money to “buy the opportunity to lead an impious life.” I like books because you can make notes in the margins and underline text. My copy is scratch full so I can easily reference the tidbits. There is much to be gained by reading this work. I found the history of Islam in the Iberian peninsula most interesting. Especially how the Spanish resorted to expulsion of the remaining Muslims over 100 years after the Reconquista. The reasons exactly why this was necessary are instructive and has implications for western nations today.
Join the club. Amazon ‘cancelled’ me some years ago by not only removing my apparently ‘offending’ last comment but the four or five comments I had written previously as well.
Thanks Raymond Ibrahim for continuing the fight. I feel so sick of hearing what Muslims are still doing to Christians all over the world with nobody to help them and all our leaders do is import Muslims with no care for the Christian martyrs in Muslim majority countries. Don’t these Christians too deserve to be saved? The more we import only Muslims the worse for our societies because in the end most Muslims in our countries vote for the Muslim candidate not for the one they think is best irrespective of race or religion. The proof is that Sajid Javid, the only Muslim candidate I would vote for even for Prime Minister, has always been extremely unpopular among his coreligionists, because he is British first and doesn’t fall for shenanigans. He had the courage to strip Shamima Begum of her British citizenship. She was lucky. During WWII she would have been shot for treason.
And thank you so much Raymond Ibrahim most especially for pointing out the contrast between the heroes of yesterday, who sacrificed everything even their life to a death by the most horrible tortures, like being skinned alive for the sake of their religion, their
culture, their families, which they could so easily have escaped by converting to Islam as was
being offered to them by
the ennemy – and the cowards and traitors of today who are allying themselves to those who would destroy us.
Thanks, Mary
I am reading “Sword and Scimitar” and enjoying it so much. Beautifully written and fascinating content.
Just discovered that the review I wrote in 2018 has been ‘Hidden by Sensitivity Filter’ (Amazon’s wording ie. it was sensored. So here it is again.
Sword and Scimitar 5.0 out of 5 stars Apt Title For Islamic History
Reviewed in the United States on October 20, 2018
Verified Purchase
Interesting detailed descriptions of battles and commentaries from those living at the time provide for us a window into Islam that is not much different than what we see in the world today. Is there anything really new in Islam? There were ‘lone jihad wolfs’ operating hundreds of years ago. It generally took a lot of raiding, slaving taking and conquering to get the attention of Christendom. The book is pack full of interesting quotes from ages ago and less. One from John Adams, “We ought not fight them at all unless we determine to fight them forever.” Manual II, on the absurdity of Islam’s Jizya, paying money to “buy the opportunity to lead an impious life.” I like books because you can make notes in the margins and underline text. My copy is scratch full so I can easily reference the tidbits. There is much to be gained by reading this work. I found the history of Islam in the Iberian peninsula most interesting. Especially how the Spanish resorted to expulsion of the remaining Muslims over 100 years after the Reconquista. The reasons exactly why this was necessary are instructive and has implications for western nations today.
Thanks for the review. Pity it was censored.
Join the club. Amazon ‘cancelled’ me some years ago by not only removing my apparently ‘offending’ last comment but the four or five comments I had written previously as well.