In many ways, Columbus Day, which recently passed, has become emblematic not just of the accusation that Columbus was a racist who inaugurated a genocidal campaign against the natives, but a reminder that virtually all Europeans preceding the great era of woke were horrible people.
This conflation was especially on display during the summer of 2020, following the death of George Floyd, when not just Columbus’s statues but the statues of many traditional heroes of Western and American civilization were attacked on the accusation that the men they represent were all racists and somehow involved in or approved of the slave trade of Africans.
The problem with this otherwise entrenched view is that it completely ignores one simple fact: If Europeans were aggressive or exploitative of nonwhites, that is not because they were intrinsically violent (a racist point, incidentally) but simply because they were able to. And that’s the virtual bottom line of all history: Capability.
Europeans did not defeat and uproot American Indians, enslave Africans, and colonize the rest because they lived according to some sort of unprecedented bellicose creed specific to whites and alien to nonwhites. Quite the contrary: they did so because they—as opposed to natives, blacks, etc.—were able to do so. That is the fundamental difference.
Consider: Had pre-Colombian American Indians developed galleys for transoceanic travel, or advanced fire arms, or compasses, or organized military structures and stratagems; and had they arrived on the shores of, say, “Dark Age” Europe—what would they have done? Would they have conquered and subjugated, or would they have looked at the inferior pale savages and “respected” them in the name of “diversity,” leaving them wholly unmolested?
What if sub-Saharan blacks were technologically or militarily more advanced than their northern neighbors in Europe during the premodern era, and therefore could easily have subjugated and enslaved them? Would they have done so, or would they have left them in peace in the name of “multiculturalism”?
These are the hypotheticals that no one seems interested in asking, since the answer to these “what ifs” is as clear as day.
After all, one cannot argue that nonwhites did not reach such a militarily or technologically advanced state because they were a peaceful and unambitious people. In their own limited way—ways that were limited to bows, arrows, and spears—both natives and blacks constantly warred on, killed, raped, plundered, and sold their fellow natives and blacks into slavery. As Michael Graham writes,
When thinking of pre-Columbian America, forget what you’ve seen in the Disney movies [meaning the 1995 animation, Pocahontas]. Think “slavery, cannibalism and mass human sacrifice.” From the Aztecs to the Iroquois, that was life among the indigenous peoples before Columbus arrived. For all the talk from the angry and indigenous about European slavery, it turns out that pre-Columbian America was virtually one huge slave camp.
Similarly, according to Tony Seybert, author of “Slavery and Native Americans in British North America and the United States: 1600 to 1865”: “Enslaved [American Indian] warriors sometimes endured mutilation or torture that could end in death as part of a grief ritual for relatives slain in battle. Some Indians cut off one foot of their captives to keep them from running away.”
If this is how they treated—and all throughout the so-called Third World, especially sub-Saharan Africa, still treat—their own kin, what would they have done to the “other,” such as the white man, were they able to reach him before he reached them?
None of this, of course, is meant to exonerate all premodern European actions but rather to place them in much needed context, a context that makes perfectly clear that, historically, all people—white, black, yellow, red, whatever—were the same; they warred, and, when capable —keyword—went on the offensive in search of conquest and hegemony. Depending on their capabilities—bows and arrows or guns and cannons—their efforts often resulted in tribal or international hegemony.
To say otherwise—to say only one group of people, whites, behaved this way—is to be racist. (Not, of course, that the woke crowd care about this bit of inconsistency.)
Perhaps even more overlooked or ignored is the role of religion: whereas all people when left to their primordial self are predisposed to war and predations on the other, religion tends either to exacerbate or mollify these tendencies.
Consider Islam: Anytime Muslims could, they most certainly would attack, plunder, conquer, and enslave the other (with a special “appetite” for whites)—not least because their religion commands them to do so. If the Americas were conquered by Europeans, virtually the entire “Muslim world” was conquered by Muslims; the heart of it—the Middle East, all of North Africa, and Turkey—was conquered from Christians. Muslims, moreover, enslaved many millions of Europeans in the centuries before and after they discovered the New World.
On the other hand, the historic religion of Europe, Christianity, is precisely what prompted its Western adherents throughout the world to abolish slavery (which a resistant Muslim world was eventually forced to accept). Put differently, whereas Muslim and other nonwhite conquests often culminated in slavery, depopulation, and devastation, European conquerors at least went on to abolish slavery and introduce their Muslim and other nonwhite subjects to the boons of modernity, including scientific and medicinal advances. Today America continues to offer all sorts of benefits and advantages to nonwhites—natives and blacks chief among them—whereas nonwhites continue killing each other, including with spears, bows and arrows.
In short, the many people in the West, above and beyond the woke crowd, who subscribe to any version of history that juxtaposes evil, oppressive, conquering whites, with noble, peaceful, and egalitarian nonwhites, are woefully ignorant of the fundamentals of reality, including the premiere role of capability in world history.
My White race is at the edge of destruction by Muslims, we are always found guilty of so-called “racism” and “Islamophobia”. The world is full of traitors who betray their own race. For example take Turkey: It’s a country of White people, not of the real Asian Turks! There are no real Turks in Turkey. Anatolian and Thracian Turks are actually White Europeans or White Asians. But sadly they lost their White identity awareness after they embraced Islam. They’re allied with Islam against the White Europeans who are at the edge of destruction. Promotion of leftist immigration of Pakistani and other Muslims to the White lands of Turkey is openly encouraged and planned by the fake “right-wing” Turkish government.
My point being, there are many White people in all of the continents, including Asia. But they’re left alone, and forced to show enmity towards their White Eruopean kinsman by the invading Muslim. They need help from their White kinsman.
Marxism is the cause of the destruction of the West.
There was no Marxism until the 19th century. I despise Marxism, leftism, and “anti-racism” policies along with Islam. Constantinople fell to Muslims in the 15th century. Then the genocide of the remaining White people in Turkey (Greeks, Armenians and Assyrians) in the 20th century was due to Islam. In my opinion these are all connected, and that Marxism is no better than Islam. They both want to destroy the White race.
Raymond. Thanks again for your lessons.
Well said, Raymond. Please keep it going, for our sake.
They hate Columbus because they hate us …
… and face it … they do not hate us because we’re evil or any of our ancestors were evil …
… they hate us because … we are NOT evil.
Once someone gets that through their head, the who scheme begins to make sense.
… and that is that ‘Whitey’ is just a proxy for ‘Christian’ …
*** God bless everyone here, and have a great weekend!
Only in America, a Christian country, could I have made so many friends from all over the world.
This is off topic but I want to say that there is hardly anything good in this world. I left Islam three years ago during my puberty era because I was and still am a very sensitive person, I think that I think different on events and especially terms than how many people think, and I have suffered pain, both mentally and physically ever since. This life hardly smiled on me. I am so helpless that I have no friends to openly talk about this issues. They would all shun or even persecute me. I have lost everything, my health is in a situation that it is very hard or maybe impossible to recover. Considering all of this, why should I not kill myself?What’s there to left to lose for me anymore? Living all of the day with horror, fear, anxiety made me to think like this. I think about my childhood, and see how the World has changed since than. I just miss the ten years ago World. It was such a good days for me and maybe for most of us here. I just wanted to share this. Thank you…🏜
Thank you for courageously sharing your most intimate thoughts and feelings. Please know that you are not alone. In the course of living life, observant, thoughtful, sensitive individuals experience similar reactions when the world appears to offer little hope. At 77 years old, I know that life is not easy, fair, comfortable, without pain or tragedy. Many times, in deep despair, I’ve asked, what’s the point? The answer always has been that I have a choice: either curl up in a fetal position in a dark corner or pull myself up by the inner bootstraps of light and make ready for the next inevitable challenge. Please do not succumb to the forces that want you in the dark corner. Instead, find your boots of light, pull up those straps, courageously stand and stride forth in the vanguard with those who know that the goodness of light always will vanquish the darkness of evil. I pray that this offering will help you to find your inner light and bring it forth to strengthen yourself and as a gift to others who suffer. May the Lord bless and keep you and give you peace. Barbara
Please read the comment I posted. I meant to post it as a reply to your post because I care deeply for the despair you are suffering. I truly hope that my comment will encourage you to defeat despair and live life in the light of goodness and truth.
Thank you for your most kindest reply, and caring and praying for me, Barbara. Sometimes when I highly despair, I want to kill myself but I am actually mostly not serious about it. I will try not to succumb to the forces that want me in the dark corner. And by saying observant, thoughtful and sensitive person, you’ve described me well. I am trying to be well with the God’s help and with your prayers.
I accepted Jesus as the savior and Christ, but I have some questions about the faith in my mind. I am looking for their answers. I’m trying to attend a church, but it could be difficult since I’m living in an Islamic country. I hope the God will open a new page for me, will give me a oppurtunity to build a new life. Thank you for your most kindest reply. God bless you.
Thank you for your encouraging reply. If you have a dark thought, command, “In the name of Jesus Christ, begone.” The human mind is the gift that allows us to exercise free will to choose between darkness and light but the eternal human soul is the greatest gift because it is within our souls that God resides. If you can”t attend a church, all you need is the Lord’s Prayer and a bible. Use your mind to read but immerse your soul in the Word of God. If you don’t have a bible, the Lord’s prayer will suffice. Each of us is here to fulfill God’s will. “Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done . . . .” Live every moment in the Word of God and the certainty that He will reveal to you His Will in this life. Remember that Jesus said, “I am with you always. . . . ” I pray for your illumination through the Divine Light, Love and Power of God. Barbara
Barbara, I have the New Testament Book, but now that I’m away from home, I can’t access it, I read the whole Bible online. And the beautiful word of Jesus you share comforts me and gives me peace. I hope I’ll give up my old bad habits and try to live a life in accordance with God’s word. Only the Lord can save someone in my situation. The Lord can save me from living in fear and anxiety. Thank you, Barbara, for your valuable advice and the kind words of Christ you share.
Vessel, I’m gratified that you found my message of value. May I offer a means by which to go beyond mere hope that you’ll give up your old “bad habits.” Whereas you sincerely accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, He is with you always. His presence is literal, that is, being with you, He knows your every action. Therefore, since you now have a personal relationship with the Lord, when you are tempted to engage in what you might deem is a “bad habit,” pray to Him for direction. Also, from a more pragmatic perspective: is what you term a “bad habit” a violation of the eternal truths of God’s Word as set forth in the Ten Commandments and Jesus’ New Testament teachings; or, merely a violation of “man’s word,” that is, the various transitory historical, social, cultural, political norms or prohibitions that account for the diversity among sects of Christianity and other religions? (I believe that God cares naught for “man’s word.”) Perhaps if you examine the differences, you will discover the eternal truths of God’s Word and, so doing, live joyously according to His Will. I pray that, with the Lord’s presence in your life, you will find the strength to live in accordance with God’s Word. Barbara
“To say otherwise – to say only one group of people, whites, behaved this way – is to be racist”. Of course it is. And they teach this to school children who are understanbly ignorant and take their teacher’s word for it. I saw it myself in a British TV documentary when they took children to the National Portrait Gallery to show them the portraits of the “white slave-traders” hanging there without giving them the real complete
history. Needless to mention the reaction of the children of all different races, especially those of white English children, to this partial pc history of their own country.